135 research outputs found

    Big dairy data to unravel effects of environmental, physiological and morphological factors on milk production of mountain-pastured Braunvieh cows

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    The transhumance system, which consists in moving animals to high mountain pastures during summer, plays a considerable role in preserving both local biodiversity and traditions, as well as protecting against natural hazard. In cows, particularly, milk production is observed to decline as a response to food shortage and climatic stress, leading to atypical lactation curves that are barely described by current lactation models. Here, we relied on 5 million monthly milk records from over 200 000 Braunvieh and Original Braunvieh cows to devise a new model accounting for transhumance, and test the influence of environmental, physiological and morphological factors on cattle productivity. Counter to expectations, environmental conditions in the mountain showed a globally limited impact on milk production during transhumance, with cows in favourable conditions producing only 10% more compared with cows living in detrimental conditions, and with precipitation in spring and altitude revealing to be the most production-affecting variables. Conversely, physiological factors such as lactation number and pregnancy stage presented an important impact over the whole lactation cycle with 20% difference in milk production, and alter the way animals respond to transhumance. Finally, the considered morphological factors (cow height and foot angle) presented a smaller impact during the whole lactation cycle (10% difference in milk production). The present findings help to anticipate the effect of climate change and to identify problematic environmental conditions by comparing their impact with the effect of factors that are known to influence lactation

    Pesan-pesan budaya lagu-lagu pop dangdut dan pengaruhnya terhadap perilaku sosial remaja kota

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    Kesempatan untuk membicarakan maupun mempopulerkan lagu pop dangdut cukup luas. Bisa melalui penayangan di televisi baik swasta maupun pemerintah, melalui mass media surat kabru;majalah,tabloid, pagelaran langsung, hasil penelitian, seminru; bahkan akhir-akhir ini melaui popularitas pejabat-pejabat pemerintahan. Hal ini dapat dibenarkan, timbulnya niat seperti itu bukan ingin menyelaraskan diri dengan zaman, melainkan adanya keinginan untuk menyelamatkan maupun mengembangkan sebagian besar unsur budaya tradisional. Walaupun kenyataannya, sekarang musik dangdut sudah dipengaruhi oleh berbagai musik etnik lokal dan negara luar: Adanya penambahan unsur yang berasal dari luar dimaksudkan, agar persepsi orang tentang musik dangdut yang berbau kampungan mulai bekurang. Ahir-akhir ini orang masih melestarikan pendapat itu, bahwa musik dangdut adalah musik pinggiran kota atau musik orang yang status sosial ekonominya dari menengah ke bawah

    Braunvieh: Wie viel Kreuzung erträgt die Zucht?

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    Viele Schweizer Milchviehbetriebe bringen mehr Original-Braunvieh-Blut in ihre Braunviehherden. Ziel ist es vor allem, die Robustheit der Tiere zu verbessern. Etwas tiefere Milchleistungen nehmen die ZĂĽchterinnen und ZĂĽchter dafĂĽr in Kauf. Eine vom FiBL angeregte Studie legt nun den Schluss nahe, dass man, statt einzukreuzen, genauso gut auf reine Original-Braunvieh-Tiere setzen kann

    Data integration, GIS and multi-criteria decision making for the monitoring of livestock genomic resources

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    In 2007, FAO initiated the Global plan of action for Farm Animal Genetic Resources (FAnGR) to reduce further loss of genetic diversity in farm animals. One of the key issues mentioned is to identify endangered breeds to support conservation prioritization programs. In this context, the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture attributed a mandate to explore the feasibility of the implementation of a monitoring concept. The report mentioned the relevance of including the geographic location of the populations monitored. Accordingly, we used open source software (PostgreSQL, PostGIS, OpenLayers, Geoserver), to develop a WebGIS platform prototype (GenMon) designed to assess pedigree information, geographical concentration, socio-economic and environmental information. GenMon includes PopRep developed by the Institute of Farm Animal Genetics (FLI, Germany) to run the pedigree analysis and to provide parameters such as inbreeding coefficient, effective population size and introgression. Current developments will soon make it possible to process these indices based on genetic information also. In parallel, the combined socio-economic/environmental index assesses the attractiveness and the risk of potential future agricultural practice abandonment in the regions where populations are bred. Finally, a multi-criteria decision support tool aggregates criteria using the MACBETH method, which is based on a weighted average using satisfaction thresholds. The system permits to upload basic information for each animal (parents, birth date, sex, location, introgression) to set weighting parameters, and tho chose relevant thresholds. Based on these inputs, the system completes a pedigree analysis, and computes a final ranking of breeds based on an integrated prioritization score to be visualized on a geographical map

    Genome-wide association study for 13 udder traits from linear type classification in cattle

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    Udder conformation traits are known to correlate with the incidence of clinical mastitis and the length of productive life. The results of a genome-wide association study based on imputed high-density genotypes of 1,637 -Brown Swiss sires and de-regressed breeding values for 13 udder traits are presented here. For seven traits significant signals could be observed in five regions on BTA3, BTA5, BTA6, BTA17, and BTA25. For fore udder length and teats diameter significant SNPs were found in a known region around 90 Mb on BTA6. For the trait rear udder height significant SNPs are positioned in the coding region of the SNX29gene. Several significant SNPs around 62 Mb on BTA17 are associated with the traits rear udder width, frontteat placement and rear teat placement. The function of potential candidate genes and the influence of substructure will be addressed as next steps

    WNT10B: A locus increasing risk of brachygnathia inferior in Brown Swiss cattle.

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    Shortening of the mandible (brachygnathia inferior) is a congenital, often inherited and variably expressed craniofacial anomaly in domestic animals including cattle. Brachygnathia inferior can lead to poorer animal health and welfare and reduced growth, which ultimately affects productivity. Within the course of the systematic conformation scoring, cases with a frequency of about 0.1% were observed in the Brown Swiss cattle population of Switzerland. In contrast, this anomaly is almost unknown in the Original Braunvieh population, representing the breed of origin. Because none of the individually examined 46 living offspring of our study cohort of 145 affected cows showed the trait, we can most likely exclude a monogenic-dominant mode of inheritance. We hypothesized that either a monogenic recessive or a complex mode of inheritance was underlying. Through a genome-wide association study of 145 cases and 509 controls with imputed 624k SNP data, we identified a 4.5 Mb genomic region on bovine chromosome 5 significantly associated with this anomaly. This locus was fine-mapped using whole-genome sequencing data. A run of homozygosity analysis revealed a critical interval of 430 kb. A breed specific frameshift duplication in WNT10B (rs525007739; c.910dupC; p.Arg304ProfsTer14) located in this genomic region was found to be associated with a 21.5-fold increased risk of brachygnathia inferior in homozygous carriers. Consequently, we present for the first time a genetic locus associated with this well-known anomaly in cattle, which allows DNA-based selection of Brown Swiss animals at decreased risk for mandibular shortening. In addition, this study represents the first large animal model of a WNT10B-related inherited developmental disorder in a mammalian species

    Émissions de gaz à effet de serre de la production combinée de lait et de viande

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    En Suisse, la production combinée de lait et de viande dans le secteur du bétail bovin est d’une importance considérable. La présente étude a modélisé les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) par vache et par année à l’aide de données de référence suisses, en tenant compte des différents niveaux de performance laitière et des rendements en viande. L’impact sur les émissions de GES d’une utilisation combinée de semence sexée et de matériel génétique de races à viande a en outre été évaluée. Les analyses ont montré que le rapport entre production de lait et de viande d’une vache à deux fins avoisine les 24 (24 kg de lait pour 1 kg de viande), ce qui est proche du ratio de la production suisse, tant en 2017 que les années précédentes. Sous l’angle de la performance laitière uniquement, les émissions de GES par vache de référence et par année sont plus élevées pour une vache à deux fins (9226 kg d’équivalent CO2) que pour une vache à haut rendement (5842 kg). Cependant, sous l’angle de la performance à la fois laitière et bouchère, les émissions de CO2 des vaches à deux fins sont plus faibles que celles des vaches de type laitier. En revanche, si les vaches laitières sont inséminées avec de la semence sexée pour la remonte et avec du matériel génétique de races à viande pour toutes les autres saillies, alors les émissions de CO2 des vaches ayant une performance laitière annuelle de 10 000 kg (soit 8787 kg d’équivalent CO2) sont inférieures à celles des vaches à deux fins. Pour ménager le climat, les programmes d’insémination devraient combiner rigoureusement l’emploi de semence sexée et de matériel génétique de races à viande. Dans les régions de montagne ou les exploitations biologiques, il est judicieux de travailler avec des races à deux fins

    Populationsstruktur und genetische Diversität von Schweizer Schafrassen

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    Das Jahr 2010 wurde von den Vereinten Nationen zum Jahr der Biodiversität erklärt. Der Schweizerische Schafzuchtverband stellte in diesem Kontext Herdebuchdaten der vier grössten Schweizer Schafrassen zur Analyse der genetischen Diversität zur Verfügung. Untersucht wur-den das Braunköpfige Fleischschaf (BFS; n=10 858), das Schwarzbraune Bergschaf (SBS; n=10 964), das Walliser Schwarznasenschaf (SN; n=14 371) und das Weisse Alpenschaf (WAS; n=32 169). Die Analysen beruhen auf allen Herdebuchtieren der Geburtsjahre 1996–2008 und ihren Ahnen bis und mit Geburtsjahr 1970. Ausgewertet wurden die Daten mit gängiger Software für populationsgenetische Fragestellungen. Die grösste Zunahme beim mittleren Inzuchtkoeffizienten konnte im untersuchten Zeitraum bei der Rasse SN (5,9 → 9,3 %) gefolgt von denRassen BFS (2,4 → 4,3 %), SBS (2,4 → 3,8 %) und WAS (1,4 → 2,5 %) beobachtet werden. Obwohl die Inzuchtraten im Zeitraum 1996 bis 2008 teilweise starke Schwankungen aufwiesen, zeigte sich bei allen vier Rassen grundsätzlich ein steigender Trend. Damit einher ging ein sinkender Trend bei der effektiven Populationsgrösse. Die grösste Anzahl an effektiven Gründertieren, Ahnen und Gründergenomen fanden sich beim weissen Alpenschaf. Bei allen vier Rassen war bei diesen drei Parametern im Laufe der Jahre eine sinkende Tendenz erkennbar, wobei die Abnahme bei der Rasse WAS im Vergleich mit den anderen Rassen viel ausgeprägter war. Ein weiterer Indikator für eine abnehmende genetische Vielfalt von 1996 bis 2008 ist der marginale Genanteil des wichtigsten Ahnen. Dieser ist bei allen vier Rassen angestiegen (SN 11,05 → 19,79 %; BFS 7,67 →11,27 %; SBS 4,45 → 5,19 %; WAS 2,84 →4,69 %).Aufgrund der Ergebnisse stellt sich die Frage nach gezielten Managementmassnahmen nur bei der SN-Population. Bei den anderen drei Rassen sollten die Trends der genetischen Diversitäts-parameter jedoch regelmässig überprüft werden
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