271 research outputs found

    Construction et reconnaissance des savoirs expérientiels des patients: Note de synthÚse

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    International audiencePatterns of knowledge production and recognition in the field of health are witnessing deep changes: particularly for chronic pathologies, patients' specific expertise is now recognized as a source of knowledge: conventional strategies of therapeutic education as proposed by caregivers to improve treatment observance are completed by new trends from patients communities, which consider disease through its links to experiential training, even to autodidactic episodes. In this issue, this recognition of the patients' experiential knowledge which takes place in a multiplicity of locations - is first put back in the historical context of the constitution of the concept of health democracy, and then subjected to a literature review concerning the epistemological issues of therapy and power.Les schémas de production et de reconnaissance des savoirs dans le domaine de la santé se modifient profondément : pour les pathologies chroniques notamment, les expertises propres aux malades émergent comme sources de savoirs : les stratégies classiques d'éducation thérapeutique, proposées par les soignants pour améliorer l'observance des traitements, se doublent de nouveaux courants issus des communautés de malades qui rattachent les maladies à des formations expérientielles, voire à des épisodes autodidactes. AprÚs avoir été resituée historiquement comme constitutive de l'idée de démocratie sanitaire, cette reconnaissance des savoirs expérientiels des patients - en marche dans de multiples lieux - fait ici l'objet d'une revue de littérature qui en regarde les enjeux épistémologiques, thérapeutiques et de pouvoir

    Enhancing Random Forest Classification with NLP in DAMEH: A system for DAta Management in EHealth Domain

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    The use of pervasive IoT devices in Smart Cities, have increased the Volume of data produced in many and many field. Interesting and very useful applications grow up in number in E-health domain, where smart devices are used in order to manage huge amount of data, in highly distributed environments, in order to provide smart services able to collect data to fill medical records of patients. The problem here is to gather data, to produce records and to analyze medical records depending on their contents. Since data gathering involve very different devices (not only wearable medical sensors, but also environmental smart devices, like weather, pollution and other sensors) it is very difficult to classify data depending their contents, in order to enable better management of patients. Data from smart devices couple with medical records written in natural language: we describe here an architecture that is able to determine best features for classification, depending on existent medical records. The architecture is based on pre-filtering phase based on Natural Language Processing, that is able to enhance Machine learning classification based on Random Forests. We carried on experiments on about 5000 medical records from real (anonymized) case studies from various health-care organizations in Italy. We show accuracy of the presented approach in terms of Accuracy-Rejection curves

    Effects of growth hormone on exercise capacity and cardiopulmonary performance in patients with chronic heart failure.

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    BACKGROUND: Because GH exerted beneficial effects in various experimental models of heart failure, we investigated the effects of GH on physical exercise capacity and cardiopulmonary performance in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and chronic heart failure (CHF). METHODS: Twenty-two patients with CHF (New York Heart Association functional class II-III) underwent spirometry and a symptom-limited, cardiopulmonary exercise testing before and after 3 months of GH (n = 11; seven males; seven idiopathic; 57 +/- 11 yr; 4 IU sc every other day) or placebo (n = 11; eight males; six idiopathic; 54 +/- 10 yr) administration, in a randomized, double-blind trial. Background CHF therapy remained unchanged. RESULTS: GH, but not placebo, increased IGF-I serum concentration (from 144 +/- 35 to 293 +/- 58 ng/ml; P < 0.005) and improved New York Heart Association functional class (from 2.4 +/- 0.5 to 1.8 +/- 0.4; P < 0.005), exercise duration (from 831 +/- 273 to 925 +/- 266 sec; P < 0.005), peak power output (from 245 +/- 127 to 280 +/- 132 W; P < 0.05), peak minute ventilation (from 52.5 +/- 16.1 to 61.3 +/- 17.3 liters/min; P < 0.05), peak oxygen consumption (from 19.8 +/- 5.6 to 25.1 +/- 5.6 ml/kg.min; P < 0.005), and anaerobic threshold (from 14.9 +/- 4.8 to 20.0 +/- 4.5 ml/kg.min; P < 0.005) without affecting lung function parameters. Furthermore, the slope of the relationship between minute ventilation and pulmonary carbon dioxide production (ventilatory efficiency) decreased from 34.7 +/- 5.1 to 31.7 +/- 5.3 (P < 0.005), whereas the slope of the relation between percent predicted heart rate reserve used and percent observed metabolic reserve used (chronotropic index) rose from 0.57 +/- 0.20 to 0.69 +/- 0.18 (P < 0.005). CONCLUSION: Given the predictive value of physical exercise capacity and cardiopulmonary performance in CHF progression, these data provide additional insights into the mechanisms by which GH may potentially benefit CHF patients

    Collective rotational motion of freely expanding T84 epithelial cell colonies

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    Coordinated rotational motion is an intriguing, yet still elusive mode of collective cell migration, which is relevant in pathological and morphogenetic processes. Most of the studies on this topic have been carried out on epithelial cells plated on micropatterned substrates, where cell motion is confined in regions of well-defined shapes coated with extracellular matrix adhesive proteins. The driver of collective rotation in such conditions has not been clearly elucidated, although it has been speculated that spatial confinement can play an essential role in triggering cell rotation. Here, we study the growth of epithelial cell colonies freely expanding (i.e. with no physical constraints) on the surface of cell culture plates and focus on collective cell rotation in such conditions, a case which has received scarce attention in the literature. One of the main findings of our work is that coordinated cell rotation spontaneously occurs in cell clusters in the free growth regime, thus implying that cell confinement is not necessary to elicit collective rotation as previously suggested. The extent of collective rotation was size and shape dependent: a highly coordinated disc-like rotation was found in small cell clusters with a round shape, while collective rotation was suppressed in large irregular cell clusters generated by merging of different clusters in the course of their growth. The angular motion was persistent in the same direction, although clockwise and anticlockwise rotations were equally likely to occur among different cell clusters. Radial cell velocity was quite low as compared to the angular velocity, in agreement with the free expansion regime where cluster growth is essentially governed by cell proliferation. A clear difference in morphology was observed between cells at the periphery and the ones in the core of the clusters, the former being more elongated and spread out as compared to the latter. Overall, our results, to our knowledge, provide the first quantitative and systematic evidence that coordinated cell rotation does not require a spatial confinement and occurs spontaneously in freely expanding epithelial cell colonies, possibly as a mechanism for the system

    Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in Toll-like receptor candidate genes associated with tuberculosis infection in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

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    Toll-like receptors play a key role in innate immunity by recognizing pathogens and activating appropriate responses. Pathogens express several signal molecules (pathogen-associated molecular patterns, PAMPs) essential for survival and pathogenicity. Recognition of PAMPs triggers an array of anti-microbial immune responses through the induction of various inflammatory cytokines. The objective of this work was to perform a case-control study to characterize the distribution of polymorphisms in three candidate genes (toll-like receptor 2, toll-like receptor 4, toll-like receptor 9) and to test their role as potential risk factors for tuberculosis infection in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

    The MURAVES muon telescope: technology and expected performances

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    The MURAVES project aims to study the inner structure of the upper part of the Mt. Vesuvius volcano by muon radiography (muography) technique. Very high energy muons, produced by cosmic rays in the at- mosphere, can penetrate large thickness of rocks. By measuring the at- tenuation of the muons flux trough the volcano cone is possible to obtain a 2D image of the density structure. Internal discontinuities, with a spa- tial resolution of about 10 m, can be, in principle, resolved. An absolute average density measurement can be provided too. The project, funded by the Italian Ministry of University, Research and Education (MIUR), is led by INGV and INFN. In this article the mechanical structure of the de- tectors and background suppression techniques are reported

    Elderly with COPD: comoborbitidies and systemic consequences

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) represents a comple respiratory disorder characterized by persistent respiratory symptoms due to chronic airflow limitation caused by exposure to noxious particles/gases with an increased inflammatory response of the airways. COPD is common in older people, with an estimated prevalence of 10% in the US population aged > 75 years and is often accompanied by other concomitant chronic conditions that negatively impact prognosis and health status. The aim of this paper is to highlight the relationship between COPD and other comorbidities in elderly population. We focus our attention on the relationship existing between COPD and cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, malnutrition/sarcopenia and osteoporosis with particular attention to adipokines, considering that adipose tissue plays a relevant role in the cross-talk between organs

    A cross-sectional study evaluating hospitalization rates for chronic limb-threatening ischemia during the COVID-19 outbreak in Campania, Italy

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    The expansion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) prompted measures of disease containment by the Italian government with a national lockdown on March 9, 2020. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the rate of hospitalization and mode of in-hospital treatment of patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) before and during lockdown in the Campania region of Italy. The study population includes all patients with CLTI hospitalized in Campania over a 10-week period: 5 weeks before and 5 weeks during lockdown (n = 453). Patients were treated medically and/or underwent urgent revascularization and/or major amputation of the lower extremities. Mean age was 69.2 +/- 10.6 years and 27.6% of the patients were women. During hospitalization, 21.9% of patients were treated medically, 78.1% underwent revascularization, and 17.4% required amputations. In the weeks during the lockdown, a reduced rate of hospitalization for CLTI was observed compared with the weeks before lockdown (25 vs 74/100,000 inhabitants/year; incidence rate ratio: 0.34, 95% CI 0.32-0.37). This effect persisted to the end of the study period. An increased amputation rate in the weeks during lockdown was observed (29.3% vs 13.4%; p &lt; 0.001). This study reports a reduced rate of CLTI-related hospitalization and an increased in-hospital amputation rate during lockdown in Campania. Ensuring appropriate treatment for patients with CLTI should be prioritized, even during disease containment measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic or other similar conditions

    Morphology of the toe flexor muscles in older people with toe deformities

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    Objective: Despite suggestions that atrophied, or weak toe flexor muscles are associated with the formation of toe deformities, there has been little evidence to support this theory. This study aimed to determine whether the size of the toe flexor muscles differed in older people with and without toe deformities. Methods: Forty-four older adults (&gt;60 years) were recruited for the study. Each participant had their feet assessed for the presence of hallux valgus or lesser toe deformities. Intrinsic and extrinsic toe flexor muscles were imaged with an ultrasound system using a standardised protocol. Assessor blinded muscle thickness and cross-sectional area was measured using Image J software. Results: Participants with lesser toe deformities (n=20) were found to have significantly smaller quadratus plantae (p=0.003), flexor digitorum brevis (p=0.013), abductor halluces (p=0.004) and flexor halluces brevis (p=0.005) muscles than the participants without any toe deformities (n=19). Female participants with hallux valgus (n=10) were found to have significantly smaller abductor hallucis (p=0.048) and flexor halluces brevis (p=0.013) muscles than the female participants without any toe deformities (n=10; p&lt;0.05). Conclusion: This is the first study to use ultrasound to investigate the size of the toe flexor muscles in older people with hallux valgus and lesser toe deformities compared to otherwise healthy older adults. The size of the abductor hallucis and flexor hallucis brevis muscles were decreased in participants with hallux valgus whereas the quadratus plantae, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis and flexor halluces brevis muscles were smaller in those participants with lesser toe deformities
