42 research outputs found

    Market success factors of sustainable products

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    This article investigates dimensions and factors that according to the perception of business managers drive the market success of environmentally sustainable products. Initially, publications related to new products introduced to the market (with or without environmental focus) were evaluated. Four complementary dimensions were identified as responsible for proper performance: (i) Market Knowledge, (ii) Interfunctional Collaboration, (iii) Knowledge Integration Mechanisms, and (iv) Generative Learning. Considering the above, an exploratory study following a qualitative approach was conducted with managers that work in the Brazilian market. For the choice of the respondents, some characteristics were considered, such as growth in the sector of activity where the organization works, and the area that they manage. Results lead to the validation and ranking of the factors and dimensions mentioned in the literature. They also allowed the identification of new factors as: technological domain, competitive price, quality, company's brand, and payback. Moreover, considering the variables described and the relationships established among them, it was inferred that technological domain can be considered as a dimension. This suggestion is based on the respondents' perception concerning "technological domain", such as: specialized people, research budget, and also budget for facilities and equipment. The study also shows deeper difference among practice areas than among sectors. Based on the list of factors that was generated, new studies are recommended to measure the impact of the factors and dimensions on the success of green products


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    Nas últimas duas décadas, principalmente, fatores como a evolução tecnológica, abertura de mercado e crescimento econômico, entre outros, acirraram a competitividade na indústria, aumentando, consequentemente, a necessidade de diferenciação da oferta por parte das empresas. Esse contexto, marcado por incertezas no processo decisório, faz com que os relacionamentos comerciais sustentáveis, estabelecidos entre os participantes de um canal, assumam maior importância, tornando o desenvolvimento de parcerias estratégicas e a cooperação mútua, fundamentais às empresas que almejam melhorar sua competitividade no mercado. Este trabalho teve por objetivo examinar as relações existentes entre os serviços ao cliente e o Marketing de Relacionamento nas transações existentes entre os minimercados de Passo Fundo - RS e seus principais fornecedores. A mensuração do Marketing de Relacionamento foi feita através da escala proposta por Wilson e Vlosky (1997). O nível de serviços ao cliente foi verificado através de indicadores de serviços gerados com base em metodologia adequada, tendo como foco os gestores de minimercados. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o relacionamento entre os minimercados e seus fornecedores é frágil, exceto no caso da dimensão comprometimento. Através da utilização de Regressão Múltipla avaliou-se a influência dos Serviços ao Cliente no Marketing de Relacionamento, o que permitiu identificar que os Serviços ao Cliente apresentam influência neste canal de estudo.

    Inovação no varejo de moda: práticas para a implementação do omnichannel

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    The study aimed to analyze how fashion retailers can use omnichannel marketing. Initially, bibliographic research was carried out, where the main strategies established in the literature on the application of omnichannel were mapped, having this content as a basis for research with a qualitative approach. Afterward, the omnichannel strategies used by large fashion retailers and the omnichannel experiences of small companies in this sector were mapped. The results show that although omnichannel is not established as a basis in many companies, retailers use channels and their means to provide a better customer experience. However, there are opportunities to improve the use of omnichannel in small businesses, as this is not yet structured, and there are challenges to be overcome. Based on this and concluding that omnichannel is an opportunity for opportunity for the retailer, the study proposed strategies to qualify the implementation of omnichannel in companies.O estudo teve como objetivo propor estratégias de ommichanel para empresas de varejo de moda. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica, onde foram mapeadas as principais estratégias estabelecidas na literatura sobre a aplicação do omnichannel, tendo esse conteúdo como base para a pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa. Após, foram mapeadas as estratégias omnichannel utilizadas por grandes varejistas de moda e as experiências omnichannel de pequenas empresas desse setor. Os resultados demonstram que embora o omnichannel não esteja instituído como base em muitas empresas, os varejistas utilizam os canais e seus meios para oferecer melhor experiência ao consumidor. Todavia, existem oportunidades para aperfeiçoamento da utilização do omnichannel nas pequenas empresas, visto que isso ainda não está estruturado e existem desafios a serem superados. A partir disso, e concluindo que o omnichannel é uma oportunidade para o varejista, o estudo propôs estratégias para qualificar a implementação do omnichannel nas empresas


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    O objetivo deste artigo centrou em definir uma proposta de valor para direcionar o posicionamento estratégico adequado de uma nova marca de produtos de limpeza. Para alcançar o objetivo, foi utilizada uma pesquisa exploratória de abordagem qualitativa com 12 intermediários de mercado e quatro gestores da organização foco, por meio da qual se operacionalizou a aplicação de um método para a definição de proposta de valor. Quanto às implicações acadêmicas, o presente trabalho ampliou teoricamente algumas das contribuições descritas nos estudos relacionados ao processo de posicionamento estratégico, como as pertinentes à necessidade de orientação ao mercado e à inclusão das dimensões de diferenciação – produto, serviços ao cliente, recursos humanos e imagem – para análise. Palavras-chave: Posicionamento. Proposta de valor. Marca

    Environmental Product Innovation and Perceived Brand Value: The Mediating Role of Ethical-Related Aspects

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    Studies developed in the last two decades indicate that environmental product innovations can potentially generate competitive advantages. However, the ethical dimension, now increasingly involved in evaluations for consumer decision-making, has received less attention in academic research. Considering the above, our study investigates the mediating role of ethical aspects in the relationship between environmental product innovation and perceived brand value. To this end, we carried out a quantitative study with 336 university students who are end users of Apple and Microsoft products and services. In addition to investigating the main effect of environmental product innovations on perceived brand equity, we explore the possible mediating effects of ethical behaviors: (i) open-mindedness and (ii) concerns with privacy practices. Our results indicate that environmental product innovations need to be supported by the ethical aspects of companies to have a positive effect on perceived brand equity. Crucially, customers perceive value in environmental product innovation when they can confirm that organizations exhibit ethical correctness, particularly in the sector under study. We understand that our research provides advancement in the field of sustainable innovation. The study confirms that broader approaches, mainly centered on corporate commitments beyond environmental issues, are critical for environmental product innovations to generate perceived brand value

    Design Thinking e Abordagem das Capacitações: Uma Proposta de Integração

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    On a planet facing ever more challenges, the search for quality of life is a constant in cultures, ethnicities, social classes. The people want to have the opportunity to live the life that for them is meaningful, based on the freedom to choose from the most valuable options, central principles of the capability approach. At the same time, for this to be possible, many wicked problems need to be remedied, and design thinking presents itself as an alternative. Conceptually, design thinking can be understood as an iterative, human-centered approach to problem solving. Thus, this article aims to reflect on the possibility of integrating the capability approach with the design thinking approach in order to configure, from the said integration, a strategy for the development and consequent increase of the social welfare in the resolution of the wicked problems. The conclusions show that such integration can be a way of contributing to the extension of individual substantive freedoms, and in solving the complex challenges and problems faced by nations, through the use of design thinking processes and values

    Analysing emotions through a communication action on plastic cups’ disposal and use

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    The prevention of waste generation, especially single-use plastics, is currently a critical issue. The main objective of this paper is to analyze students' perceptions regarding different advertisements aimed at promoting pro-environmental behavior based on different emotional appeals. To reach it, the students were exposed to the proposed pieces, and later data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results show that environmental concern is the most appealing and sensitizing factor for most students. Besides, respondents’ age and area of knowledge of the respondents' course showed to influence their choice. This research concluded that acting directly on the aspects of emotion and intention is an essential step for the induction of more environmental behaviors. Its contributions recur in the area of environmental psychology, with applications in the area of marketing and consumer behavior, being contextualized in theoretical frameworks that suggest several paths for future research.A prevenção da geração de resíduos, principalmente os plásticos de uso único, configura-se atualmente como uma questão crítica. Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal analisar a percepção de estudantes frente a diferentes peças publicitárias que visam à promoção de comportamento pró-ambiental a partir de diferentes apelos emocionais. Para alcançá-lo, os alunos foram expostos às peças propostas e, posteriormente, os dados foram analisados através de estatística descritiva e análise de variância. Os resultados mostram que a preocupação ambiental é o fator mais apelativo e sensibilizador para a maioria dos estudantes. Além disso, a idade e a área de conhecimento do curso dos respondentes mostraram ter influência na escolha das peças. Esta pesquisa permitiu concluir que atuar diretamente sobre as vertentes de emoção e intenção é um passo essencial para a indução de comportamentos mais pró-ambientais. Suas contribuições reincidem sobre a área da psicologia ambiental, com aplicações na área de marketing e comportamento do consumidor, sendo contextualizadas em estruturas teóricas que sugerem vários caminhos para futuras pesquisas

    Multivariate Profile Monitoring Method: An Application in Product Portfolio Management

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    Several authors refer to product portfolio management as an essential process because it may be used as a corporate management tool. However, the product portfolio management methods which are often adopted have limitations that prevent its use in practice, mainly due to the high dimensionality of selecting an optimal portfolio. Moreover, the large amount of available data is a relevant issue for practical applications. Thus, the contribution of this article is to propose a method for the product life cycle to monitor time-series behaviour patterns. The goal is to identify changes that may indicate that the product portfolio needs to be revised. The proposed method uses a multivariate regression model to relate financial variables associated with the products portfolio, the performance of products against competition, and even macroeconomic data. The objective is, through profile monitoring, to identify the specific time for the product portfolio review decision-making. We adopted three tools to develop a method – principal component analysis, multivariate regression model, and profile monitoring with Hotelling T 2 Control chart. A Monte Carlo simulation validated the approach. The results showed false alarm rate and average time to signal to be similar to previous studies. Finally, the application of the model is illustrated in a real case, using data provided by a company’s portfolio of agricultural equipment

    Using dynamic capabilities to cope with digital transformation and boost innovation in traditional banks

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    Financial institutions operate in a competitive, complex, and uncertain environment. A series of changes—many accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic—demand innovative movements from the organizations that operate in the sector. The emergence of new business models (e.g., fintecs) requires a realignment of the capabilities of traditional organizations, such as banks. Indeed, internal adaptations and the formulation of market strategies focused on a digital user are part of the current narrative. But how can it be executed? This article explores the relationship between dynamic capabilities and digital transformation. In summary, we present insights about how dynamic capabilities can drive innovation in traditional financial institutions based on the challenges brought by digital transformation. Starting from a Brazilian case study, we identified that external and internal contextual factors—especially the political-legal environment and cultural and governance issues—are necessary for stimulating the dynamic capabilities that should be addressed for digital transformation. Finally, we propose a framework that summarizes how dynamic capabilities enable the guidance of traditional banks amid challenges caused by digital transformation