654 research outputs found

    Expression of MHC Class II Antigens During Xenopus Development

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    Larval and adult forms of the amphibian Xenopus differ in their MHC class II .expression. In tadpoles, class II epitopes can be detected by monoclonal antibodies only on B cells, macrophages (whatever their location), spleen reticulum, thymus epithelium, and the pharyngobuccal cavity. In contrast, all adult T cells express class II on their surface. The transitions in class II expression occur at metamorphosis and are accompanied by other changes. The skin is invaded by class II positive dendritic cells, and the skin glands differentiate and also express class II. The gut, which expressed class II in discrete areas of the embryonic tissue, becomes invaded with B cells, and its epithelium also becomes class II positive


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    Djeca s teškoćama u razvoju svakodnevno dio dana provode u dječjim vrtićima te rehabilitacijski tretmani koji su im omogućeni unutar ustanove uvelike pomažu djetetu i roditeljima u organizaciji svakodnevnog života. S druge strane, takva dugotrajnost i redovitost tretmana pružaju djeci najoptimalnije (re)habilitacijske rezultate. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati stavove roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju o radu fizioterapeuta u dječjem vrtiću, njegovoj ulozi i važnosti. Ispitanici u istraživanju bili su roditelji djece s teškoćama u razvoju, koja pohađaju dječji vrtić u kojem im je omogućen fizioterapijski tretrman. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 62 roditelja. Istraživanje se provodilo u tri dječja vrtića u gradu Rijeci. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali kako postoje statistički značajne razlike o stavovima prema fizioterapeutu obzirom na važnost provođenja terapije gdje su rangovi najviši za djecu koja imaju specifičan poremećaj razvoja govora i jezika i djecu s usporenim motoričkim razvojem. Također, kod stavova prema fizioterapeutu obzirom na važnost provođenja terapije postoji statistički značajna razlika s obzirom na stupanj obrazovanja roditelja gdje je vrijednost faktora najniža za ispitanike koji imaju završenu osnovnu školu i magisterij ili doktorat. Obzirom na fizioterapijsku djelatnost rezultati su pokazali da postoji statistički značajna razlika s obzirom na dob djeteta., a rangovi su najviši za djecu koja imaju od 3 do 4 godine. Istraživanjem se u većoj mjeri potvrdila postavljena hipoteza da roditelji smatraju da je fizioterapeut potreban u dječjem vrtiću. Suradnja s roditeljima od ključne je važnosti za pozitivnije stavove o radu fizioterapeuta i njegovoj ulozi u predškolskoj ustanovi.Children with disabilities spend part of their day in kindergartens, and the rehabilitation treatments provided within the institution greatly assist the child and parents in organizing their daily lives. On the other hand, such longevity and regularity of treatment provide the children with the most optimal (re) habilitation results. The aim of this research is to examine the attitudes of parents of children with disabilities about the work of physiotherapists in kindergarten, its role and importance. Respondents in the study were parents of children with disabilities, who attend a kindergarten in which they are offered physical therapy. The study included 62 parents. The study was conducted in three kindergartens in the city of Rijeka. The results of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences in attitudes towards physiotherapists with regard to the importance of conducting therapy where the ranks are highest for children with specific speech and language disorders and children with slow motor development. Also, there is a statistically significant difference in attitudes towards physiotherapists regarding the importance of conducting therapy, given the degree of parental education where the value of the factor is lowest for respondents who have completed elementary school and master's or doctorate degrees. Considering the physiotherapy activity, the results showed that there is a statistically significant difference with respect to the age of the child, and the ranks are highest for children between 3 and 4 years of age. The research confirmed to a greater extent the hypothesis that parents believe that physical therapist is needed in kindergarten. Collaboration with parents is crucial for more positive attitudes about the work of physiotherapists and their role in preschool


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    Djeca s teškoćama u razvoju svakodnevno dio dana provode u dječjim vrtićima te rehabilitacijski tretmani koji su im omogućeni unutar ustanove uvelike pomažu djetetu i roditeljima u organizaciji svakodnevnog života. S druge strane, takva dugotrajnost i redovitost tretmana pružaju djeci najoptimalnije (re)habilitacijske rezultate. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati stavove roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju o radu fizioterapeuta u dječjem vrtiću, njegovoj ulozi i važnosti. Ispitanici u istraživanju bili su roditelji djece s teškoćama u razvoju, koja pohađaju dječji vrtić u kojem im je omogućen fizioterapijski tretrman. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 62 roditelja. Istraživanje se provodilo u tri dječja vrtića u gradu Rijeci. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali kako postoje statistički značajne razlike o stavovima prema fizioterapeutu obzirom na važnost provođenja terapije gdje su rangovi najviši za djecu koja imaju specifičan poremećaj razvoja govora i jezika i djecu s usporenim motoričkim razvojem. Također, kod stavova prema fizioterapeutu obzirom na važnost provođenja terapije postoji statistički značajna razlika s obzirom na stupanj obrazovanja roditelja gdje je vrijednost faktora najniža za ispitanike koji imaju završenu osnovnu školu i magisterij ili doktorat. Obzirom na fizioterapijsku djelatnost rezultati su pokazali da postoji statistički značajna razlika s obzirom na dob djeteta., a rangovi su najviši za djecu koja imaju od 3 do 4 godine. Istraživanjem se u većoj mjeri potvrdila postavljena hipoteza da roditelji smatraju da je fizioterapeut potreban u dječjem vrtiću. Suradnja s roditeljima od ključne je važnosti za pozitivnije stavove o radu fizioterapeuta i njegovoj ulozi u predškolskoj ustanovi.Children with disabilities spend part of their day in kindergartens, and the rehabilitation treatments provided within the institution greatly assist the child and parents in organizing their daily lives. On the other hand, such longevity and regularity of treatment provide the children with the most optimal (re) habilitation results. The aim of this research is to examine the attitudes of parents of children with disabilities about the work of physiotherapists in kindergarten, its role and importance. Respondents in the study were parents of children with disabilities, who attend a kindergarten in which they are offered physical therapy. The study included 62 parents. The study was conducted in three kindergartens in the city of Rijeka. The results of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences in attitudes towards physiotherapists with regard to the importance of conducting therapy where the ranks are highest for children with specific speech and language disorders and children with slow motor development. Also, there is a statistically significant difference in attitudes towards physiotherapists regarding the importance of conducting therapy, given the degree of parental education where the value of the factor is lowest for respondents who have completed elementary school and master's or doctorate degrees. Considering the physiotherapy activity, the results showed that there is a statistically significant difference with respect to the age of the child, and the ranks are highest for children between 3 and 4 years of age. The research confirmed to a greater extent the hypothesis that parents believe that physical therapist is needed in kindergarten. Collaboration with parents is crucial for more positive attitudes about the work of physiotherapists and their role in preschool

    Diversity and repertoire of IgW and IgM VH families in the newborn nurse shark

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    BACKGROUND: Adult cartilaginous fish express three immunoglobulin (Ig) isotypes, IgM, IgNAR and IgW. Newborn nurse sharks, Ginglymostoma cirratum, produce 19S (multimeric) IgM and monomeric/dimeric IgM(1gj), a germline-joined, IgM-related VH, and very low amounts of 7S (monomeric) IgM and IgNAR proteins. Newborn IgNAR VH mRNAs are diverse in the complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) with non-templated nucleotide (N-region) addition, which suggests that, unlike in many other vertebrates, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) expressed at birth is functional. IgW is present in the lungfish, a bony fish sharing a common ancestor with sharks 460 million years ago, implying that the IgW VH family is as old as the IgM VH family. This nurse shark study examined the IgM and IgW VH repertoire from birth through adult life, and analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of these gene families. RESULTS: IgM and IgW VH cDNA clones isolated from newborn nurse shark primary and secondary lymphoid tissues had highly diverse and unique CDR3 with N-region addition and VDJ gene rearrangement, implicating functional TdT and RAG gene activity. Despite the clear presence of N-region additions, newborn CDR3 were significantly shorter than those of adults. The IgM clones are all included in a conventional VH family that can be classified into five discrete groups, none of which is orthologous to IgM VH genes in other elasmobranchs. In addition, a novel divergent VH family was orthologous to a published monotypic VH horn shark family. IgW VH genes have diverged sufficiently to form three families. IgM and IgW VH serine codons using the potential somatic hypermutation hotspot sequence occur mainly in VH framework 1 (FR1) and CDR1. Phylogenetic analysis of cartilaginous fish and lungfish IgM and IgW demonstrated they form two major ancient gene groups; furthermore, these VH genes generally diversify (duplicate and diverge) within a species. CONCLUSION: As in ratfish, sandbar and horn sharks, most nurse shark IgM VH genes are from one family with multiple, heterogeneous loci. Their IgW VH genes have diversified, forming at least three families. The neonatal shark Ig VH CDR3 repertoire, diversified via N-region addition, is shorter than the adult VDJ junction, suggesting one means of postnatal repertoire diversification is expression of longer CDR3 junctions

    Evidence for directional selection at a novel major histocompatibility class I marker in wild common frogs (Rana temporaria) exposed to a viral pathogen (Ranavirus).

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    (c) 2009 Teacher et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Whilst the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) is well characterized in the anuran Xenopus, this region has not previously been studied in another popular model species, the common frog (Rana temporaria). Nor, to date, have there been any studies of MHC in wild amphibian host-pathogen systems. We characterise an MHC class I locus in the common frog, and present primers to amplify both the whole region, and specifically the antigen binding region. As no more than two expressed haplotypes were found in over 400 clones from 66 individuals, it is likely that there is a single class I locus in this species. This finding is consistent with the single class I locus in Xenopus, but contrasts with the multiple loci identified in axolotls, providing evidence that the diversification of MHC class I into multiple loci likely occurred after the Caudata/Anura divergence (approximately 350 million years ago) but before the Ranidae/Pipidae divergence (approximately 230 mya). We use this locus to compare wild populations of common frogs that have been infected with a viral pathogen (Ranavirus) with those that have no history of infection. We demonstrate that certain MHC supertypes are associated with infection status (even after accounting for shared ancestry), and that the diseased populations have more similar supertype frequencies (lower F(ST)) than the uninfected. These patterns were not seen in a suite of putatively neutral microsatellite loci. We interpret this pattern at the MHC locus to indicate that the disease has imposed selection for particular haplotypes, and hence that common frogs may be adapting to the presence of Ranavirus, which currently kills tens of thousands of amphibians in the UK each year

    Involvement of Thyroid Hormones in the Expression of MHC class I Antigens During Ontogeny in Xenopus

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    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a cluster of genes encoding products central to all major functions of the vertebrate immune system. Evidence for an MHC can be found in all vertebrate groups that have been examined except the jawless fishes. Expression of MHC class I and class II antigens early in ontogeny is critically important for development of T lymphocytes capable of discriminating self from nonself. Because of this essential role in T-cell development, the ontogeny of MHC expression in the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, was studied. Previous studies of MHC class I expression in Xenopus laevis suggested that class I antigens are virtually absent from tadpole tissues until climax of metamorphosis. We therefore examined the possible role of thyroid hormones (TH) in the induction of class I. By flow cytometry, a small amount of class I expression was detectable on splenocytes and erythrocytes in untreated frogs at prometamorphic stages 55-58, and the amount increased significantly at the conclusion of metamorphic climax. Thus, metamorphosis is associated with increased intensity of class I expression. Neither inhibition nor acceleration of metamorphosis altered the timing of onset of class I expression. However, inhibition of metamorphosis prevented the increase in class I expression characteristic of adult cell populations. Because expression was not accelerated in TH-treated frogs or delayed in metamorphosis-inhibited frogs, it is unlikely that TH are the direct developmental cues that induce expression, although they seem to be required for the upregulation of class I expression occurring at metamorphosis. Differences in the pattern of expression in different subpopulations of cells suggest a complex pattern of regulation of expression of class I antigens during ontogeny

    Involvement of Thyroid Hormones in the Expression of MHC class I Antigens During Ontogeny in Xenopus

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    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a cluster of genes encoding products central to all major functions of the vertebrate immune system. Evidence for an MHC can be found in all vertebrate groups that have been examined except the jawless fishes. Expression of MHC class I and class II antigens early in ontogeny is critically important for development of T lymphocytes capable of discriminating self from nonself. Because of this essential role in T-cell development, the ontogeny of MHC expression in the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, was studied. Previous studies of MHC class I expression in Xenopus laevis suggested that class I antigens are virtually absent from tadpole tissues until climax of metamorphosis. We therefore examined the possible role of thyroid hormones (TH) in the induction of class I. By flow cytometry, a small amount of class I expression was detectable on splenocytes and erythrocytes in untreated frogs at prometamorphic stages 55-58, and the amount increased significantly at the conclusion of metamorphic climax. Thus, metamorphosis is associated with increased intensity of class I expression. Neither inhibition nor acceleration of metamorphosis altered the timing of onset of class I expression. However, inhibition of metamorphosis prevented the increase in class I expression characteristic of adult cell populations. Because expression was not accelerated in TH-treated frogs or delayed in metamorphosis-inhibited frogs, it is unlikely that TH are the direct developmental cues that induce expression, although they seem to be required for the upregulation of class I expression occurring at metamorphosis. Differences in the pattern of expression in different subpopulations of cells suggest a complex pattern of regulation of expression of class I antigens during ontogeny