4 research outputs found


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    Background : The procedures of making collagen membrane for Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) requires technology and high cost. It makes the price of bioabsorbable and biodegradable membrane products in the market is relatively expensive. Because of that reason, it is needed innovation manufacture of collagen membrane which match with the criteria of GBR membrane but the price is affordable by the people of Indonesia. Purpose: This research is expected to provide information on how the tissue response after implantation Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bovine Cortical Bone (DFDBCB) Membrane in the tissue and about the potential application of Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bovine Cortical Bone (DFDBCB) Membrane as a tissue barrier in Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) procedures. Methods: This study using strain Wistar rats which is available at the Biochemistry department, Faculty of Medicine UNAIR, DFDBCB membrane that prepared by dr. Soetomo hospital and membrane Jason Botiss as controls. Consider the probability of homogeneity data that want to be collected, we used 5 samples for each treatment. The total number of samples are 40 samples. This is experimental research with post test only group design. This study evaluated the thickness of the capsule, the quality of the capsule fibrous, and the quality of the interface on the dorsum of the rat strain Wistar after implanting of Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bovine Cortical Bone (DFDBCB) Membrane on a medium in-vivo at days 7, 14, 21, and 28. Result: The results from this experiment is there is no difference in the quantity of fibroblasts capsule between the DFDBCBM with pericardium membrane group. There is no difference in quality of the capsule fibrous between pericardium membrane group and DFDBCBM. And there is no difference in the quality of the interface tissue between the DFDBCBM with pericardium membrane group. Conclusion: Demineralized Freeze Dried Bovine Cortical Bone Membrane is equal with the pericardium membrane, which is available in the market these days. Key words: Collagen Membrane, Pericardium Membrane, DFDBCBM membrane, Guided Bone Regeneration

    Kista Dentigerous beradang pada maksila

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    kista dentigerus merupakan kista dari lapisan epitel pada rahang yang berasal dari dental folikel gigi yang tidak mengalami erupsi. kista yang berukuran kecil biasanya secara klinis tidak terdeksi dan akan ditemukan pada saat pemeriksaan radiografis rutin

    Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bovine Cortical Bone: Its Potential for Guided Bone Regeneration Membrane

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    Background. Bovine pericardium collagen membrane (BPCM) had been widely used in guided bone regeneration (GBR) whose manufacturing process usually required chemical cross-linking to prolong its biodegradation. However, cross-linking of collagen fibrils was associated with poorer tissue integration and delayed vascular invasion. Objective.This study evaluated the potential of bovine cortical bone collagen membrane for GBR by evaluating its antigenicity potential, cytotoxicity, immune and tissue response, and biodegradation behaviors. Material and Methods. Antigenicity potential of demineralized freeze-dried bovine cortical bone membrane (DFDBCBM) was done with histology-based anticellularity evaluation, while cytotoxicity was analyzed using MTT Assay. Evaluation of immune response, tissue response, and biodegradation was done by randomly implanting DFDBCBM and BPCM in rat’s subcutaneous dorsum. Samples were collected at 2, 5, and 7 days and 7, 14, 21, and 28 days for biocompatibility and tissue response-biodegradation study, respectively. Result. DFDBCBM, histologically, showed no retained cells; however, it showed some level of in vitro cytotoxicity. In vivo study exhibited increased immune response toDFDBCBMin early healing phase; however, normal tissue response and degradation rate were observed up to 4 weeks after DFDBCBM implantation. Conclusion. Demineralized freeze-dried bovine cortical bone membrane showed potential for clinical application; however, it needs to be optimized in its biocompatibility to fulfill all requirements for GBR membrane

    Analysis Of Tissue Response After Subcutaneous Implantation Of Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bovine Cortical Bone Membrane

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    Abstract– Guided bone regeneration (GBR) for alveolar bone augmentation commonly uses collagen membrane made from bovine pericardium membrane (BPCM). However, it has been associated with prolonged biodegradation. Due to that reason, an innovation is needed to manufacture an alternative of GBR membrane which is demineralized freeze-dried bovine cortical bone membrane (DFDBCBM). However, its biocompatibility needs to be revealed by evaluating tissue response after DFDBCBM implantation. This study aims to analyze tissue response to DFDBCBM after subcutaneous implanted in rat’s dorsum compared with that of BPCM. This study used 32 samples of rat divided into 2 groups (DFDBCBM and BPCM). Samples from each group were sacrificed after 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of subcutaneous implantation. The specimens were processed and stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin for histology examination to evaluate the thickness of the fibroblast capsule and the quality of the fibrous capsule as well as interface tissue. Data collected was statistically analyzed with p value of < 0.05. This study showed no statistically difference in the quantity of fibroblast capsule and quality of fibrous capsule as well as interface tissue between DFDBCBM group and BPCM group (p > 0.05). Demineralized freeze-dried bovine cortical bone membrane elicits similar tissue response compared to bovine pericardium membrane. The result indicates that DFDBCBM is a potential alternative for guided bone regeneration membrane