46 research outputs found

    How does aromaticity rule the thermodynamic stability of hydroporphyrins?

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    Several measures of aromaticity including energetic, magnetic, and electron density criteria are employed to show how aromatic stabilization can explain the stability sequence of hydroporphyrins, ranging from porphin to octahydroporphin, and their preferred hydrogenation paths. The methods employed involve topological resonance energies and their circuit energy effects, bond resonance energies, multicenter delocalization indices, ring current maps, magnetic susceptibilities, and nuclear-independent chemical shifts. To compare the information obtained by the different methods, the results have been put in the same scale by using recently proposed approaches. It is found that all of them provide essentially the same information and lead to similar conclusions. Also, hydrogenation energies along different hydrogenation paths connecting porphin with octahydroporphin have been calculated with density functional theory. It is shown by using the methods mentioned above that the relative stability of different hydroporphyrin isomers and the observed inaccessibility of octahydroporphin both synthetically and in nature can be perfectly rationalized in terms of aromaticity

    Alchemical normal modes unify chemical space

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    In silico design of new molecules and materials with desirable quantum properties by high-throughput screening is a major challenge due to the high dimensionality of chemical space. To facilitate its navigation, we present a unification of coordinate and composition space in terms of alchemical normal modes (ANMs) which result from second order perturbation theory. ANMs assume a predominantly smooth nature of chemical space and form a basis in which new compounds can be expanded and identified. We showcase the use of ANMs for the energetics of the iso-electronic series of diatomics with 14 electrons, BN doped benzene derivatives (C6−2x_{6-2x}(BN)x_{x}H6_6 with x=0,1,2,3x = 0, 1, 2, 3), predictions for over 1.8 million BN doped coronene derivatives, and genetic energy optimizations in the entire BN doped coronene space. Using Ge lattice scans as reference, the applicability ANMs across the periodic table is demonstrated for III-V and IV-IV-semiconductors Si, Sn, SiGe, SnGe, SiSn, as well as AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, and InSb. Analysis of our results indicates simple qualitative structure property rules for estimating energetic rankings among isomers. Useful quantitative estimates can also be obtained when few atoms are changed to neighboring or lower lying elements in the periodic table. The quality of the predictions often increases with the symmetry of system chosen as reference due to cancellation of odd order terms. Rooted in perturbation theory the ANM approach promises to generally enable unbiased compound exploration campaigns at reduced computational cost

    Fast and accurate predictions of covalent bonds in chemical space

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    We assess the predictive accuracy of perturbation theory based estimates of changes in covalent bonding due to linear alchemical interpolations among molecules. We have investigated σ bonding to hydrogen, as well as σ and π bonding between main-group elements, occurring in small sets of iso-valence-electronic molecules with elements drawn from second to fourth rows in the p-block of the periodic table. Numerical evidence suggests that first order Taylor expansions of covalent bonding potentials can achieve high accuracy if (i) the alchemical interpolation is vertical (fixed geometry), (ii) it involves elements from the third and fourth rows of the periodic table, and (iii) an optimal reference geometry is used. This leads to near linear changes in the bonding potential, resulting in analytical predictions with chemical accuracy (∌1 kcal/mol). Second order estimates deteriorate the prediction. If initial and final molecules differ not only in composition but also in geometry, all estimates become substantially worse, with second order being slightly more accurate than first order. The independent particle approximation based second order perturbation theory performs poorly when compared to the coupled perturbed or finite difference approach. Taylor series expansions up to fourth order of the potential energy curve of highly symmetric systems indicate a finite radius of convergence, as illustrated for the alchemical stretching of H2 (+). Results are presented for (i) covalent bonds to hydrogen in 12 molecules with 8 valence electrons (CH4, NH3, H2O, HF, SiH4, PH3, H2S, HCl, GeH4, AsH3, H2Se, HBr); (ii) main-group single bonds in 9 molecules with 14 valence electrons (CH3F, CH3Cl, CH3Br, SiH3F, SiH3Cl, SiH3Br, GeH3F, GeH3Cl, GeH3Br); (iii) main-group double bonds in 9 molecules with 12 valence electrons (CH2O, CH2S, CH2Se, SiH2O, SiH2S, SiH2Se, GeH2O, GeH2S, GeH2Se); (iv) main-group triple bonds in 9 molecules with 10 valence electrons (HCN, HCP, HCAs, HSiN, HSiP, HSiAs, HGeN, HGeP, HGeAs); and (v) H2 (+) single bond with 1 electron

    New Insights and Horizons from the Linear Response Function in Conceptual DFT

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    An overview is given of our recent work on the linear response function (LRF) χrrâ€Č and its congener, the softness kernel srrâ€Č, the second functional derivatives of the energy E and the grand potential Ω with respect to the external potential at constant N and ÎŒ, respectively. In a first section on new insights into the LRF in the context of conceptual DFT, the mathematical and physical properties of these kernels are scrutinized through the concavity of the E=ENv and Ω=ΩΌv functionals in vr resulting, for example, in the negative semidefiniteness of χ. As an example of the analogy between the CDFT functionals and thermodynamic state functions, the analogy between the stability conditions of the macroscopic Gibbs free energy function and the concavity conditions for Ω is established, yielding a relationship between the global and local softness and the softness kernel. The role of LRF and especially the softness kernel in Kohn’s nearsightedness of electronic matter (NEM) principle is highlighted. The first numerical results on the softness kernel for molecules are reported and scrutinized for their nearsightedness, reconciling the physicists’ NEM view and the chemists’ transferability paradigm. The extension of LRF in the context of spin polarized conceptual DFT is presented. Finally, two sections are devoted to ‘new horizons’ for the LRF. The role of LRF in (evaluating) alchemical derivatives is stressed, the latter playing a promising role in exploring the chemical compound space. Examples for the transmutation of N2 and the CC→BN substitution pattern in 2D and 3D carbocyclic systems illustrate the computational efficiency of the use of alchemical derivatives in exploring nearest neighbours in the chemical compound space. As a second perspective, the role of LRF in evaluating and interpreting molecular conductivity is described. Returning to its forerunner, Coulson’s atom-atom polarizability, it is shown how in conjugated π systems (and within certain approximations) a remarkable integral-integrand relationship between the atom-atom polarizability and the transmission probability between the atoms/contacts exists, leading to similar trends in both properties. A simple selection rule for transmission probability in alternating hydrocarbons is derived based on the sign of the atom-atom polarizability

    Aromaticity in heterocyclic analogues of benzene : comprehensive analysis of structural aspects, electron delocalization and magnetic characteristics

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    The degree of aromaticity of six-membered monoheterocycles with IV-VI group heteroatoms (C(6)H(5)X, where X = SiH, GeH, N, P, As, O(+), S(+), Se(+)) was analyzed using the results of ab initio calculations at the MP2/cc-pvtz level. Values of common aromaticity indices including those based on electronic delocalization properties, structural-dynamic features and magnetic properties all indicate high aromaticity of all considered heterocycles. A decrease in aromaticity is observed with increasing atomic number of the heteroatom, except in the case of the pyrylium cation. However, not all types of indices or even different indices within the same type correlate well among each other. Ring currents have been obtained at the HF/cc-pvdz level using the ipsocentric formulation. Ring current maps indicate that in the case of cationic heterocycles the ring current persists in all molecules under consideration. The different conclusions reached depending on the type of index used are a manifestation of the fact that when not dealing with hydrocarbons, aromaticity is ill-defined. One should always express explicitly which property of the molecules is considered to establish a degree of "aromaticity"

    Generalized Polansky Index as an Aromaticity Measure in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

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    In this work, the ideas of molecular quantum similarity are used to generalize the Polansky similarity index. The newly developed index gauges the aromaticity of individual benzenoid rings in polyaromatic hydrocarbons by its similarity to benzene beyond the scope of simple HĂŒckel theory on which it was originally based. The reported generalization allows the new index to be calculated at a realistic contemporary ab initio level of theory, opening the possibility of its use as a new measure of aromaticity. As will be shown, the new index correlates very well not only with the original Polansky index but also with the Generalized Population Analysis based multicenter index

    Molecular Interactions From the Density Functional Theory for Chemical Reactivity: The Interaction Energy Between Two-Reagents

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    Reactivity descriptors indicate where a reagent is most reactive and how it is most likely to react. However, a reaction will only occur when the reagent encounters a suitable reaction partner. Determining whether a pair of reagents is well-matched requires developing reactivity rules that depend on both reagents. This can be achieved using the expression for the minimum-interaction-energy obtained from the density functional reactivity theory. Different terms in this expression will be dominant in different circumstances; depending on which terms control the reactivity, different reactivity indicators will be preferred