2,172 research outputs found

    Maximal Neutrino Mixing from Discrete Symmetry in Extra Dimensions

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    I review the construction of a model for lepton masses based on the flavour symmetry group A4 x U(1) reproducing the so-called tri-bimaximal lepton mixing scheme, in eccelent agreement with current data. The model predicts a neutrino spectrum of normal hierarchy type, not far from degenerate. A testable relation between neutrino masses is obtained. I shortly discuss also general requirements for models based on spontaneously broken flavour symmetries, in order to get a maximal atmospheric mixing angle.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, contribution to proc. of the Int. Europhysics Conf. on High Energy Physics (HEP2005) July 21th-27th 2005, Lisboa, Portuga

    Pieces of the Flavour Puzzle

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    An overview of the flavour problem is presented, with emphasis on the theoretical efforts to find a satisfactory description of fermion masses and mixing angles.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Are neutrino masses modular forms?

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    We explore a new class of supersymmetric models for lepton masses and mixing angles where the role of flavour symmetry is played by modular invariance. The building blocks are modular forms of level N and matter supermultiplets, both transforming in representations of a finite discrete group Gamma_N. In the simplest version of these models, Yukawa couplings are just modular forms and the only source of flavour symmetry breaking is the vacuum expectation value of a single complex field, the modulus. In the special case where modular forms are constant functions the whole construction collapses to a supersymmetric flavour model invariant under Gamma_N, the case treated so far in the literature. The framework has a number of appealing features. Flavon fields other than the modulus might not be needed. Neutrino masses and mixing angles are simultaneously constrained by the modular symmetry. As long as supersymmetry is exact, modular invariance determines all higher-dimensional operators in the superpotential. We discuss the general framework and we provide complete examples of the new construction. The most economical model predicts neutrino mass ratios, lepton mixing angles, Dirac and Majorana phases uniquely in terms of the modulus vacuum expectation value, with all the parameters except one within the experimentally allowed range. As a byproduct of the general formalism we extend the notion of non-linearly realised symmetries to the discrete case.Comment: 40 pages, 3 figures; added comments and a new section with an example of normal ordering of neutrino masses; to appear in the book "From my vast repertoire: the legacy of Guido Altarelli", S. Forte, A. Levy and G. Ridolfi, ed

    Sum rules for asymptotic form factors in e+e−−>W+W−e^+ e^- -> W^+ W^- scattering

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    At very large energies and in SU(2)L⊗U(1)YSU(2)_L\otimes U(1)_Y gauge theories, the trilinear gauge boson vertices relevant for e+e−→W+W−e^+e^- \to W^+W^- scattering are related in a simple way to the gauge boson self-energies. We derive these relations, both from the requirement of perturbative unitarity and from the Ward Identities of the theory. Our discussion shows that, in general, it is never possible to neglect vector boson self-energies when computing the form factors which parametrize the e+e−→W+W−e^+ e^- \to W^+ W^- helicity amplitudes. The exclusion of the self-energy contributions would lead to estimates of the effects wrong by orders of magnitudes. We propose a simple way of including the self-energy contributions in an appropriate definition of the form factors.Comment: 16 pages, latex file, 2 eps figures, need epsfig.st
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