152 research outputs found

    Competitive Advantages of the Beira Interior (Portugal): A TOWS Approach

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    The formulation of a competitive strategy implies an extended understanding, in terms of the industrial structures, of the mains fields where the nations compete and those structures evolve. The environmental conditions of a region, and of its industries, determine both the generic strategies, and the alternative strategies, which are already implemented. One of the instruments for strategic analysis, which combines external variables and internal variables, is the TOWS Matrix. This instrument allows the analysis of the present strategies, and the relationship between the variables, and also the presentation of proposals for alternative strategies, in order to identify or to reinforce the competitive advantages of the unit of analysis. Considering as unit of analysis the region of Beira Interior (Portugal), this article aims to provide a TOWS Matrix application. Several strategic alternatives for the region are, also, presented, taking into consideration the opportunities and the forces, previously, detected, in order to assure the transition for the ideal strategic quadrant. Finally, the conclusions and the guidelines for future research are presented.Strategy, TOWS Matrix, Entrepreneurship, Innovation.

    Opening the Black Box of Tax Reforms in Latin America

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    This article verifies how the types of tax reform are related to income and how they are distributed over time and by jurisdiction The analysis focused on the tax reforms that took place in Latin America between 1990 and 2004 The data came from a survey carried out by the Inter-American Development Bank IDB in 2006 A greater reform impetus was observed in the early 1990s accompanying the re-democratization of the countries of the region The most reformed taxes were value added tax and income tax The countries that reformed the most were Argentina Colombia Costa Rica and Guatemala while Bolivia Chile Dominican Republic Panama and Paraguay had a more conservative profile The study contributes to the formulation of tax policy and to academic research based on legislative changes and typology of tax reform

    Physical self-perceptions in wheelchair sport participants

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Corruption and Co-Movements in European Listed Sport Companies: Did Calciocaos really matter?

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    This paper analyses whether the Calciocaos, which involved some Italian listed sport companies, impacted on the performance of the Dow Jones Stoxx Football index and if this was spread through shock propagation. The Calciocaos impact is assessed by using a cointegrated vector autoregression model. The results provide evidence of the occurrence of spreading mechanisms of the effects originated by the corruption episode. After this episode Juventus’ stock and Sporting’s stock have particular importance in determining the performance of the Dow Jones Stoxx Football index. The investors/supporters of la Vecchia Signora revealed sentimental behaviour, and did not sell their participations

    Corruption and Co-Movements in European Listed Sport Companies: Did Calciocaos really matter?

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    This paper analyses whether the Calciocaos, which involved some Italian listed sport companies, impacted on the performance of the Dow Jones Stoxx Football index and if this was spread through shock propagation. The Calciocaos impact is assessed by using a cointegrated vector autoregression model. The results provide evidence of the occurrence of spreading mechanisms of the effects originated by the corruption episode. After this episode Juventus’ stock and Sporting’s stock have particular importance in determining the performance of the Dow Jones Stoxx Football index. The investors/supporters of la Vecchia Signora revealed sentimental behaviour, and did not sell their participations

    Human stem cells for cardiac disease modeling and preclinical and clinical applications—are we on the road to success?

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are pointed out by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the leading cause of death, contributing to a significant and growing global health and economic burden. Despite advancements in clinical approaches, there is a critical need for innovative cardiovascular treatments to improve patient outcomes. Therapies based on adult stem cells (ASCs) and embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have emerged as promising strategies to regenerate damaged cardiac tissue and restore cardiac function. Moreover, the generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from somatic cells has opened new avenues for disease modeling, drug discovery, and regenerative medicine applications, with fewer ethical concerns than those associated with ESCs. Herein, we provide a state-of-the-art review on the application of human pluripotent stem cells in CVD research and clinics. We describe the types and sources of stem cells that have been tested in preclinical and clinical trials for the treatment of CVDs as well as the applications of pluripotent stem-cell-derived in vitro systems to mimic disease phenotypes. How human stem-cell-based in vitro systems can overcome the limitations of current toxicological studies is also discussed. Finally, the current state of clinical trials involving stem-cell-based approaches to treat CVDs are presented, and the strengths and weaknesses are critically discussed to assess whether researchers and clinicians are getting closer to success.B.M.S. was awarded with a Ph.D. fellowship (reference: 2022.13253.BDANA) by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). S.M.C is supported by a Stimulus of Scientific Employment, Individual Support (2020.01532.CEECIND) by FCT. J.B. is grateful to the FCT and the Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Algarve (CCDR Algarve) for the project ALG-45-2020-41 and to Algarve Biomedical Center (ABC) for the award “Bolsa de Investigação Translacional—José Mariano Gago by ABC, 2022”. M.T.F. thanks the FCT for funding the project with the reference 2022.09209.PTDC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O presente artigo procura mostrar quais são os fatores que levam os produtores rurais de Mato Grosso a plantar a soja transgênica em detrimento da convencional, uma vez que a adoção da soja RR traz mudanças na governança dos produtores dentro dessa cadeia. Apesar de haver indícios de que a soja transgênica vai dominar o mercado nacional, é importante saber se isso já está sendo consolidado em Mato Grosso, pois esse é um dos mais representativos no plantio de soja do Brasil, sendo a região de Sorriso a maior produtora mundial em área dessa commoditie. Como aporte teórico para dar sustentação ao trabalho, utilizou-se a Economia dos Custos de Transação (ECT). Diante dos resultados encontrados junto a alguns produtores de Mato Grosso, pode-se inferir que a área plantada com soja transgênica não aumentará muito na safra 2007/8 e que um dos fatores que levaram ao não aumento dessa área foi a baixa produtividade da soja transgênica frente à convencional.------------------------------------------------This paper shearch to show which is the factors that take the agricultural producers of the Mato Grosso to plant the transgenic soybean in detriment of the conventional, a time that the adoption of soybean RR change the form of governance of the producers inside of this chain. Although to have indications of that the transgenic soybean goes to dominate the market national, it is importante to know if this already is being consolidated in Mato Grosso, since this state is one of most representative in the plantation of soybean of Brazil, being the region of Sorriso world-wide the producing greater of this commoditie in area. As it arrives in port theoretical to give sustentation to the work, we use the Economy of the Costs of Transactions (ECT). Ahead of the joined results together to some producers of Mato Grosso, it can be inferred that the area planted with transgenic soybean will not increase very in harvest 2007/8 and that one of the factors that had led to not increase of this area was low the productivity of the transgenic soybean front to the conventional.soja – transgênicos – ECT - soybean – transgenics, Crop Production/Industries,


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    Pirarucu fishing (Arapaima gigas) requires complexity of knowledge and techniques,  and body skill for success in catching the animal. In addition,  in the Ipiranga community (Prainha-PA), there is a repertoire of symbolic protection measures to prevent or cure panemice - a category referring to episodes of failure in fishing. In this text, we will address the traditions of transmitting techniques in fisheries and processes of protection and cure against panemice, in addition to their main causes. In these processes are undertaken technical guidelines in the observation and practical experience so that young people train the “ways” to sensitively perceive the animal, locate and capture it, divergent from the western technical universe. Inspired by native cosmologies, we argue that the pirarucu also invest in feeding techniques so that their young learn to fish their prey. Finally, our research discusses the role of techniques in local morality among fishermen of Ipiranga, having as theoretical foundation the proposition of Marcel Mauss who considers the technique as an effective traditional act that does not differ from the magical act, religious and symbolic.A pesca de pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) requer complexidade de saberes e de técnicas,  e habilidade corporal para o sucesso na captura do animal. Além disso,  na comunidade Ipiranga (Prainha-PA), há um repertório de medidas de proteção simbólicas para evitar ou curar a panemice - categoria referente aos episódios de insucesso na pesca. Nesse texto, iremos abordar as tradições de transmissão das técnicas nas pescarias e nos  processos de  proteção e cura contra a panemice, além de suas principais causas. Nesses processos são empreendidas orientações técnicas na observação e na vivência prática para que os jovens treinem os “modos” de perceberem sensitivamente o animal, o localizarem e o capturarem, divergente do universo tecnicista ocidental. Inspirados nas cosmologias nativas, argumentamos que os pirarucus  também  investem no repasse de técnicas de forrageamento para que seus filhotes  aprendam a pescar suas presas. Por fim, nossa pesquisa discute o papel das técnicas na moralidade local entre pescadores de Ipiranga, tendo como alicerce teórico a proposição de Marcel Mauss que considera a técnica como um ato tradicional eficaz que não difere do ato mágico, religioso e simbólico