1,866 research outputs found

    No Supermassive Black Hole in M33?

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    We analyze optical long-slit spectroscopy of the nucleus of M33 obtained from the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Rather than the steep rise expected within the radius of influence of a supermassive black hole, the velocity dispersion drops significantly within the inner parsec. Dynamical modelling yields an estimated upper limit of 3000 solar masses for the mass of a central compact object. This upper limit is however consistent within the uncertainties with the mass predicted by the M-sigma relation, which is between 2000 and 20,000 solar masses. We therefore can not conclude that the presence of a massive black hole in the nucleus of M33 would require a different formation mechanism from that of the black holes detected in galaxies with more luminous bulges.Comment: 10 pages, 4 postscript figure

    Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies and the M_BH - sigma Relation

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    We have studied the location of narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies and broad-line Seyfert 1 (BLS1) galaxies on the M_BH - sigma relation of non-active galaxies. We find that NLS1 galaxies as a class - as well as the BLS1 galaxies of our comparison sample - do follow the M_BH-sigma relation of non-active galaxies if we use the width of the [SII]6716,6731 emission lines as surrogate for stellar velocity dispersion, sigma_*. We also find that the width of [OIII]5007 is a good surrogate for sigma_*, but only after (a) removal of asymmetric blue wings, and, more important, after (b) excluding core [OIII] lines with strong blueshifts (i.e., excluding galaxies which have their [OIII] velocity fields dominated by radial motions, presumably outflows). The same galaxies which are extreme outliers in [OIII] still follow the M_BH - sigma relation in [SII]. We confirm previous findings that NLS1 galaxies are systematically off-set from the M_BH - sigma relation if the full [OIII] profile is used to measure sigma. We systematically investigate the influence of several parameters on the NSL1 galaxies' location on the M_BH - sigma plane: [OIII]_core blueshift, L/L_Edd, intensity ratio FeII/H_beta, NLR density, and absolute magnitude. Implications for NLS1 models and for their evolution along the M_BH - sigma relation are discussed.Comment: ApJ Letters, in press (3 figures, one in colour

    The Low End of the Supermassive Black Hole Mass Function: Constraining the Mass of a Nuclear Black Hole in NGC 205 via Stellar Kinematics

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    Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images and spectra of the nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 205 are combined with 3-integral axisymmetric dynamical models to constrain the mass (M_BH) of a putative nuclear black hole. This is only the second attempt, after M33, to use resolved stellar kinematics to search for a nuclear black hole with mass below 10^6 solar masses. We are unable to identify a best-fit value of M_BH in NGC 205; however, the data impose a upper limit of 2.2x10^4 M_sun (1sigma confidence) and and upper limit of 3.8x10^4 M_sun (3sigma confidence). This upper limit is consistent with the extrapolation of the M_BH-sigma relation to the M_BH < 10^6 M_sunregime. If we assume that NGC 205 and M33 both contain nuclear black holes, the upper limits on M_BH in the two galaxies imply a slope of ~5.5 or greater for the M_BH-sigma relation. We use our 3-integral models to evaluate the relaxation time (T_r) and stellar collision time (T_coll) in NGC 205; T_r~10^8 yr or less in the nucleus and T_coll~10^11 yr. The low value of T_r is consistent with core collapse having already occurred, but we are unable to draw conclusions from nuclear morphology about the presence or absence of a massive black hole.Comment: Latex emulateapj, 15 pages, 16 figures, Version accepted for Publication in ApJ, 20 July 2005, v628. Minor changes to discussion

    The Accuracy of Morphological Decomposition of Active Galactic Nucleus Host Galaxies

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    In order to assess the accuracy with which we can determine the morphologies of AGN host galaxies, we have simulated more than 50,000 ACS images of galaxies with z < 1.25, using image and noise properties appropriate for the GOODS survey. We test the effect of central point-source brightness on host galaxy parameter recovery with a set of simulated AGN host galaxies made by adding point sources to the centers of normal galaxies. We extend this analysis and also quantify the recovery of intrinsic morphological parameters of AGN host galaxies with a set of fully simulated inactive and AGN host galaxies. We can reliably separate good from poor fit results using a combination of reasonable error cuts, in the regime where L_{host}:L_{PS} > 1:4. We give quantitative estimates of parameter errors as a function of host-to-point-source ratio. In general, we separate host and point-source magnitudes reliably at all redshifts; point sources are well recovered more than 90% of the time, although spurious detection of central point sources can be as high as 25% for bulge-dominated sources. We find a general correlation between Sersic index and intrinsic bulge-to-total ratio, such that a host galaxy with Sersic n < 1.5 generally has at least 80% of its light from a disk component. Likewise, "bulge-dominated" galaxies with n > 4 typically derive at least 70% of their total host galaxy light from a bulge, but this number can be as low as 55%. Single-component Sersic fits to an AGN host galaxy are statistically very reliable to z < 1.25 (for ACS survey data like ours). In contrast, two-component fits involving separate bulge and disk components tend to over-estimate the bulge fraction by ~10%, with uncertainty of order 50%.Comment: 45 pages, 20 figures, submitted to ApJ ; Accepted Version -- additions to introduction and conclusions; title changed, was "Simulations of AGN Host Galaxy Morphologies

    A SuperMassive Black Hole Fundamental Plane for Ellipticals

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    We obtain the coefficients of a new fundamental plane for supermassive black holes at the centers of elliptical galaxies, involving measured central black hole mass and photometric parameters which define the light distribution. The galaxies are tightly distributed around this mass fundamental plane, with improvement in the rms residual over those obtained from the \mbh-\sigma and \mbh-L relations. This implies a strong multidimensional link between the central massive black hole formation and global photometric properties of elliptical galaxies and provides an improved estimate of black hole mass from galaxy data.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The Radio Jets and Accretion Disk in NGC 4261

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    The structure of AGN accretion disks on sub-parsec scales can be probed through free-free absorption of synchrotron emission from the base of symmetric radio jets. We present new VLBA observations of the nearby FR-I radio galaxy NGC 4261 at 22 and 43 GHz, and combine these with previous VLBA observations at 1.6 and 8.4 GHz to map absorption caused by an inner accretion disk. Assuming the disk is geometrically and optically thin and composed of a uniform 10^4 K plasma, the average electron density in the inner 0.1 pc is 10^3 - 10^8 cm^-3. Equating thermal gas pressure and magnetic field strength gives a disk magnetic field of 10^-4 - 10^-2 Gauss at 0.1 pc. The jet opening angle is between 0.3 and 20 degrees during the first 0.2 pc of the jet, and must be less than 5 degrees during the first 0.8 pc. We include an appendix containing expressions for a simple, optically thin, gas pressure dominated accretion disk model which may be applicable to other galaxies in addition to NGC 4261.Comment: 15 pages plus 6 postscript figures, accepted by Ap

    Dynamical Cusp Regeneration

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    After being destroyed by a binary supermassive black hole, a stellar density cusp can regrow at the center of a galaxy via energy exchange between stars moving in the gravitational field of the single, coalesced hole. We illustrate this process via high-accuracy N-body simulations. Regeneration requires roughly one relaxation time and the new cusp extends to a distance of roughly one-fifth the black hole's influence radius, with density rho ~ r^{-7/4}; the mass in the cusp is of order 10% the mass of the black hole. Growth of the cusp is preceded by a stage in which the stellar velocity dispersion evolves toward isotropy and away from the tangentially-anisotropic state induced by the binary. We show that density profiles similar to those observed at the center of the Milky Way and M32 can regenerate themselves in several Gyr following infall of a second black hole; the presence of density cusps at the centers of these galaxies can therefore not be used to infer that no merger has occurred. We argue that Bahcall-Wolf cusps are ubiquitous in stellar spheroids fainter than M_V ~ -18.5 that contain supermassive black holes, but the cusps have not been detected outside of the Local Group since their angular sizes are less than 0.1". We show that the presence of a cusp implies a lower limit of \~10^{-4} per year on the rate of stellar tidal disruptions, and discuss the consequences of the cusps for gravitational lensing and the distribution of dark matter on sub-parsec scales.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Black Hole Mass of Abell 1836-BCG and Abell 3565-BCG

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    Two brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs), namely Abell 1836-BCG and Abell 3565-BCG, were observed with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope. By modeling the available photometric and kinematic data, it resulted that the mass of Abell 1836-BCG and Abell 3565-BCG are M_bh=4.8(+0.8,-0.7)x10^9 M_sun and M_bh=1.3(+0.3,-0.4)x10^9 M_sun at 1 sigma confidence level, respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Mem SAIt in press, Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Italian Astronomical Society, Florence, April 17-20, 200

    Comparing and calibrating black hole mass estimators for distant active galactic nuclei

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    Black hole mass is a fundamental property of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). In the distant universe, black hole mass is commonly estimated using the MgII, Hbeta, or Halpha emission line widths and the optical/UV continuum or line luminosities, as proxies for the characteristic velocity and size of the broad-line region. Although they all have a common calibration in the local universe, a number of different recipes are currently used in the literature. It is important to verify the relative accuracy and consistency of the recipes, as systematic changes could mimic evolutionary trends when comparing various samples. At z=0.36, all three lines can be observed at optical wavelengths, providing a unique opportunity to compare different empirical recipes. We use spectra from the Keck Telescope and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to compare black hole mass estimators for a sample of nineteen AGNs at this redshift. We compare popular recipes available from the literature, finding that mass estimates can differ up to 0.38+-0.05 dex in the mean (or 0.13+-0.05 dex, if the same virial coefficient is adopted). Finally, we provide a set of 30 internally self consistent recipes for determining black hole mass from a variety of observables. The intrinsic scatter between cross-calibrated recipes is in the range 0.1-0.3 dex. This should be considered as a lower limit to the uncertainty of the black hole mass estimators.Comment: ApJ in press, 11 pages, 10 figure

    A revised Cepheid distance to NGC 4258 and a test of the distance scale

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    In a previous paper (Maoz et al. 1999), we reported a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Cepheid distance to the galaxy NGC 4258 obtained using the calibrations and methods then standard for the Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale. Here, we reevaluate the Cepheid distance using the revised Key Project procedures described in Freedman et al. (2001). These revisions alter the zero points and slopes of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity (P-L) relations derived at the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), the calibration of the HST WFPC2 camera, and the treatment of metallicity differences. We also provide herein full information on the Cepheids described in Maoz et al. 1999. Using the refined Key Project techniques and calibrations, we determine the distance modulus of NGC 4258 to be 29.47 +/- 0.09 mag (unique to this determination) +/- 0.15 mag (systematic uncertainties in Key Project distances), corresponding to a metric distance of 7.8 +/- 0.3 +/- 0.5 Mpc and 1.2 sigma from the maser distance of 7.2 +/- 0.5 Mpc. We also test the alternative Cepheid P-L relations of Feast (1999), which yield more discrepant results. Additionally, we place weak limits upon the distance to the LMC and upon the effect of metallicity in Cepheid distance determinations.Comment: 26 pages in emulateapj5 format, including 6 figures and 5 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
