9 research outputs found

    Guia d'intervenció grupal psicoeducativa en atenció primària

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    Atenció primària de salut; Formació psicoeducativa; Activitat grupal psicoeducativaPrimary health care; Psychoeducational training; Psychoeducational group activityAtención primaria de salud; Formación psicoeducativa; Actividad grupal psicoeducativaL'objectiu principal d´aquest document és actualitzar les guies de referència per dur a terme intervencions psicoeducatives grupals, i proporcionar una guia pels professionals sanitaris d'atenció primària.The main objective of this document is to update the reference guides to carry out group psychoeducational interventions, and to provide a guide for primary care health professionals.El objetivo principal de este documento es actualizar las guías de referencia para llevar a cabo intervenciones psicoeducativas grupales, y proporcionar una guía para los profesionales sanitarios de atención primaria.:e

    Guia per a la vacunació a l'escola

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    Vacunació; Escola; RecomanacionsVaccination; School; RecommendationsVacunación; Escuela; RecomendacionesActualment el nombre de vacunes disponibles és molt ampli i això queda reflectit en els canvis, cada vegada més freqüents, del calendari de vacunacions sistemàtiques. Cada dia més, el professional que administra vacunes ha de tenir un coneixement, una informació i una formació més acurats. Aquesta guia ha estat actualitzada amb la voluntat de facilitar la tasca d’aquests professionals i esperem que hi trobin una eina pràctica per al desenvolupament de la seva feina diària

    Marketing Communications Assessment in the company „Narvesen"

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    Darba mērķis ir pamatojoties uz mārketinga komunikāciju teorētiskām atziņām un klientu aptaujas rezultātiem, izpētīt mārketinga komunikāciju pielietojumu uzņēmumā „Narvesen” ,atklāt nepilnības un sniegt priekšlikumus mārketinga komunikāciju pilnveidošanai . Darba 1 nodaļā raksturotas mārketinga komunikācijas, otrajā nodaļā apskatīta uzņēmuma Narvesen darbības attīstība , kā arī esošās mārketinga komunikācijas. Trešajā nodaļā –Narvesen klientu aptaujas rezultāti .Darba beigās doti secinājumi un priekšlikumi. Darbs sastāv no 69 lappusēm, tajā atrodas 39 attēli, 5 tabulas. Darbam pievienoti 3 pielikumi.The aim of the work is based on theoretical knowledge of marketing communications and customer survey results,, to explore the use of marketing communications company "Narvesen", identifying the weaknesses and make suggestions for improvement of marketing communications. The 1 Chapter has described the marketing communication, the second chapter author has described the company Narvesen it development, as well as the marketing communications. The third chapter -Narvesen customer survey results. End of work are given conclusions and proposals. The work consists of 69 pages, 39 images, 3 tables, 3 appendixes

    Landsat and MODIS Images for Burned Areas Mapping in Galicia, Spain

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    The extent, frequency and intensity of forest fires in Mediterranean regions have become an important problem in recent decades. Nowadays, remote sensing is an essential tool for the planning and management of the land at different scales. In the field of forest fires remote sensing images have been used in many different types of studies and currently applied to detect burned areas by means of images, providing quickly, easily and affordable the limits of burned areas immediately during or after the fire season. The importance of these products lies in the possibility to obtain perimeter, area and damage level caused by wildfires. The objective of this study was the evaluation of multi-scale remotely sensed images and various mapping methods for the identification and estimation of burned areas. The area of the study was situated in Galicia, a region of Spain punished year after year by important wildfires. By employing 7 images before, during and after the occurrence of forest fires, and working with different methods it was possible the collection of several products and results. The satellite imagery used was Landsat TM5 and MODIS, and the methods carried out were mainly spectral indices such as Normalized Burnt Ratio (NBR), Short Wave InfraRed Index (SWIR), Burnt Area Index (BAI), Burnt Area Index for MODIS (BAIM) and supervised classifications. Based on a wide literature review there were selected as suitable techniques for assess, localize and quantify burned areas. The work was separated in two sections, being differenced monotemporal and multitemporal analyses, depending on the images involved in each part. The results showed that which indices can distinguish burned areas with the high precision. There were found common problems of all indices as the classification of burned areas in shaded regions as unburned areas. Landsat images proved to be the most accurate images to perform studies with burned areas due to its high spatial resolution comparing with MODIS images. As a final products were obtained with precision the total burned area, the perimeter, the localization and the burn severity of the regions affected by wildfires. The data obtained could be used to create a database of burned areas, or based in the repetitive patterns, as useful information in order to prevent future forest fires

    Procedimiento para la recuperación del germanio presente en cenizas de carbón

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    Fecha de presentación internacional 29.06.2007.-- Titulares: Universidad de Sevilla, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).[EN] The invention relates to a hydrometallurgical method for the recovery of germanium present in coal ash, which comprises three steps, namely: 1) leaching of the ash in order to obtain an aqueous Ge solution; 2) liquid/liquid extraction with a system formed with catechol as a Ge complexing agent and joined to an organic extractant formed by a fatty amine or a quaternary ammonium compound in a suitable solvent, said system acting selectively on the Ge, separating said Ge from other metals and concentrating same 100 times in relation to the initial aqueous solution (leachate); and 3) precipitation of the Ge such as to produce a solid marketable Ge product of high purity following separation and calcination.[ES] El objeto de la presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento hidrometalúrgico para la recuperación del germanio presente en cenizas de carbón que implica tres etapas: 1) lixiviación de la ceniza para obtener una disolución acuosa de Ge; 2) extracción líquido-líquido con un sistema formado por catecol como agente complejante del Ge, unido a un extractante orgánico constituido por una amina grasa o un compuesto de amonio cuaternario en un disolvente adecuado; dicho sistema actúa de forma selectiva sobre el Ge, separándolo de otros metales y concentrándolo unas 100 veces con respecto a la solución acuosa de partida (lixiviado), y 3) precipitación del Ge para dar finalmente, tras su separación y calcinación, un producto sólido comercializable de Ge de gran pureza.Peer reviewe

    Involvement of the metabolically active bacteria in the organic matter degradation during olive mill waste composting

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    RNA-based high-throughput sequencing is a valuable tool in the discernment of the implication of metabolically active bacteria during composting. In this study, “alperujo” composting was used as microbial model for the elucidation of structure-function relationships with physicochemical transformation of the organic matter. DNA and RNA, subsequently retrotranscribed into cDNA, were isolated at the mesophilic, thermophilic and maturation phases. 16S rRNA gene was amplified by quantitative PCR (qPCR) and Illumina MiSeq platform to assess bacterial abundance and diversity, respectively. The results showed that the abundance of active bacteria assessed by qPCR was maximum at thermophilic phase, which confirm it as the most active stage of the process. Concerning diversity, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria were the main phyla presented in composts. Concomitantly, three different behaviours were observed for bacterial dynamics: some genera decreased during the whole process meanwhile others proliferated only at thermophilic or maturation phase. Statistical correlation between physicochemical transformations of the organic matter and bacterial diversity revealed bacterial specialisation. This result indicated that specific groups of bacteria were only involved in the organic matter degradation during bio-oxidative phase or humification at maturation. Metabolic functions predictions confirmed that active bacteria were mainly involved in carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles transformations, and pathogen reduction.This work was supported by the ERDF-co-financed projects from Junta de Andalucía (Spain) [P12-AGR-1968], Spanish MINECO [AGL2015-64582-CO3-02, AGL2017-84745-R] and MINECO-CSIC RECUPERA 2020 [20134R070]. G. Tortosa thanks the farmer J. González Almendros for his financial and technical assistance during AL composting. Support by Basque Country Government [IT-583 932-16] and the Spanish Red Sirena [AGL2015-68881-REDT] are also acknowledged. E. Aranda thanks MINECO-ERDF for supporting her Ramón y Cajal project [RYC-2013-12481] and [CTM2017-84332-R]

    Construyendo una identidad corporativa digital: la biblioteca/CRAI de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide en los medios sociales

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    The Library/CRAI of the University Pablo de Olavide left its digital imprint for the first time in the social media in 2010. Since then, its presence in these networks has become stronger. Its main aim is to bring their products and services closer to the university community, and try to adapt them to their needs. At the same time, the Library is building up its digital identity step by step. In this paper we describe the history and experience in the different social networks, which foster content and cooperative spaces. We offer some examples and data that show the evolution of their results.La Biblioteca/CRAI de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide dejó su huella digital por primera vez en los medios sociales en al año 2010. Desde entonces ha ido consolidando su presencia en ellos con el objetivo fundamental de acercar sus productos y servicios a la comunidad universitaria e intentar adaptarlos a sus necesidades. Al mismo tiempo va construyendo paso a paso su identidad digital. Se describe el camino recorrido y la experiencia en las distintas redes sociales, agregadores de contenido y espacios de colaboración. Se aportan ejemplos y datos que muestran la evolución de sus resultados

    Guia per a la vacunació a l'escola

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    Vacunació; Escola; RecomanacionsVaccination; School; RecommendationsVacunación; Escuela; RecomendacionesActualment el nombre de vacunes disponibles és molt ampli i això queda reflectit en els canvis, cada vegada més freqüents, del calendari de vacunacions sistemàtiques. Cada dia més, el professional que administra vacunes ha de tenir un coneixement, una informació i una formació més acurats. Aquesta guia ha estat actualitzada amb la voluntat de facilitar la tasca d’aquests professionals i esperem que hi trobin una eina pràctica per al desenvolupament de la seva feina diària

    The on-ground data reduction and calibration pipeline for SO/PHI-HRT

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    The ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter space mission has been successfully launched in February 2020. Onboard is the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI), which has two telescopes, a High Resolution Telescope (HRT) and the Full Disc Telescope (FDT). The instrument is designed to infer the photospheric magnetic field and line-of-sight velocity through differential imaging of the polarised light emitted by the Sun. It calculates the full Stokes vector at 6 wavelength positions at the Fe I 617.3 nm absorption line. Due to telemetry constraints, the instrument nominally processes these Stokes profiles onboard, however when telemetry is available, the raw images are downlinked and reduced on ground. Here the architecture of the on-ground pipeline for HRT is presented, which also offers additional corrections not currently available on board the instrument. The pipeline can reduce raw images to the full Stokes vector with a polarimetric sensitivity of 10−3⋅Ic or better.Sección Deptal. de Óptica (Óptica)Fac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEBMWi - Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (Alemania)MPG - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Alemania)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España - MCIUInstituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC (España)CNES - Centre National d'études spatiales (Francia)Fondos FEDERAgencia Estatal de Investigación - AEI (ESpaña)pu