352 research outputs found

    Synthetic dye decolorization by three sources of fungal laccase

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    Decolorization of six synthetic dyes using three sources of fungal laccase with the origin of Aspergillus oryzae, Trametes versicolor, and Paraconiothyrium variabile was investigated. Among them, the enzyme from P. variabile was the most efficient which decolorized bromophenol blue (100%), commassie brilliant blue (91%), panseu-S (56%), Rimazol brilliant blue R (RBBR; 47%), Congo red (18.5%), and methylene blue (21.3%) after 3 h incubation in presence of hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT; 5 mM) as the laccase mediator. It was also observed that decolorization efficiency of all dyes was enhanced by increasing of HBT concentration from 0.1 mM to 5 mM. Laccase from A. oryzae was able to remove 53% of methylene blue and 26% of RBBR after 30 min incubation in absence of HBT, but the enzyme could not efficiently decolorize other dyes even in presence of 5 mM of HBT. In the case of laccase from T. versicolor, only RBBR was decolorized (93%) in absence of HBT after 3 h incubation. © 2012 Forootanfar et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Halotolerant Ability and α-Amylase Activity of Some Saltwater Fungal Isolates

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    Four halotolerant fungal isolates originating from the saltwater Lake Urmia in Iran were selected during a screening program for salt resistance and α-amylase activity. The isolates were identified based on sequencing the ITS region and a part of the β-tubulin gene, as Penicillium chrysogenum (isolate U1; CBS 132820), Fusarium incarnatum (isolate U2; CBS 132821), and Penicillium polonicum (isolate U3; CBS 132822, and isolate U4; CBS 132823). The growth of these isolates was determined by measuring the colony diameter and mycelia dry weight in Sabouraud dextrose agar and yeast nitrogen base medium supplemented with NaCl, KCl, and LiCl. Isolate U4 showed a growth up in 15% NaCl and U1 was the only isolate that could grow in 20% KCl. None of the strains grew in a media containing LiCl. The salt supplemented medium did not increase the size of colony diameter in all isolates (p > 0.05). The ability of the selected isolates for amylase production was quantitatively tested and showed that P. polonicum isolate U4 was the most potent producer of amylase with a yield of 260.9 U/L after 60 h, whereas P. polonicum isolate U3 was the lowest one with a production level of 97.9 U/L after 48 h. P. polonicum isolate U4 could be a suitable candidate for production of amylase on an industrial scale after optimization. © 2013 by School of Pharmacy

    Superconducting On-chip Fourier Transform Spectrometer

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    The kinetic inductance effect is strongly nonlinear with applied current in NbTiN, TiN and NbN thin films. This can be utilized to realize novel devices. We present results from transmission lines made with these materials, where DC (current) control is used to modulate the phase velocity thereby enabling on-chip spectrometers. Utility of such compact spectrometers is discussed, along with their natural connection with parametric amplifiers

    Nanotrench for nano and microparticle electrical interconnects

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    We present a simple and versatile patterning procedure for the reliable and reproducible fabrication of high aspect ratio (10 4 ) electrical interconnects that have separation distances down to 20 nm and lengths of several hundreds of microns. The process uses standard optical lithography techniques and allows parallel processing of many junctions, making it easily scalable and industrially relevant. We demonstrate the suitability of these nanotrenches as electrical interconnects for addressing micro and nanoparticles by realizing several circuits with integrated species. Furthermore, low impedance metal-metal low contacts are shown to be obtained when trapping a single metal-coated microsphere in the gap, emphasizing the intrinsic good electrical conductivity of the interconnects, even though a wet process is used. Highly resistive magnetite-based nanoparticles networks also demonstrate the advantage of the high aspect ratio of the nanotrenches for providing access to electrical properties of highly resistive materials, with leakage current levels below 1 pA. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Epidemiological aspects of suicide lead to death in Iranian population during 2004-2008; A retrospective study

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    Suicide is raised in many countries around the world as one of the major problems in medical and social advocacy. The increasing incidence of suicide in the community is sensible and irreparable damage to the body of a society's human resources. Therefore the present study aimed to explore the epidemiological aspects of suicide leads to death in Iranian population during 2004-2008. In a retrospective study a census sampling method was used. All records formed of suicide death in Ilam province during 2004 to 2008 in the Office of the State Coroner were evaluated. Data was collected by a checklist including age, gender, marital status, educational level, occupation, number of families, suicide instrument location of attempted to suicide, place of death and season. SPSS software Package 14 was used to analyze the data of this project. Mean± SD, median and percentages were used to describe the data. The average percentage of suicide lead to death in Ilam province was 18.7 per 100.000 person's .Women and men have a suicide rate roughly equal (50.8 and 49.2). There was a significant relationship between month (P= 0.02), season (P= 0.03), the number of families (P= 0.001) and percentage of suicide lead to death. Self-burning was the most common method used by suicide lead to death. This study showed that suicide remains a serious problem and an increase occurred in suicide in Ilam province in comparison with previous years

    Superconducting On-chip Fourier Transform Spectrometer

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    The kinetic inductance effect is strongly nonlinear with applied current in NbTiN, TiN and NbN thin films. This can be utilized to realize novel devices. We present results from transmission lines made with these materials, where DC (current) control is used to modulate the phase velocity thereby enabling on-chip spectrometers. Utility of such compact spectrometers is discussed, along with their natural connection with parametric amplifiers

    Effect of the Ammonium Nitrate Levels on Intercropped Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) and Vetch (Vicia Villosa) under Weed Competition Manag

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    IntroductionIntensive agriculture, despite high production, has adverse environmental effects, mainly due to the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Therefore, we need alternative agricultural systems that are more economically and environmentally sustainable to produce crops. One of the sustainable methods in the production of agricultural products is intercropping. Intercropping of two or more species in a plot of land can increase biodiversity and resource utilization as agricultural perspective, which in turn can lead to increased yield stability. Intercropping uses resources more efficiently than monoculture, preventing the growth and spread of weeds by shading and suffocating weeds, and in some cases with allelopathic. Intercropping of cereals and legumes is recommended for the development of sustainable food production systems, especially in planting systems based on reduced consumption of foreign inputs. The importance of these systems depends on the nitrogen stabilized by the legumes. The aim of this experiment was to study the effects of row intercropping of barley and vetch and different levels of ammonium nitrate fertilizer on weed biomass, yield components and yield of two species in Karaj climatic condition.Materials and MethodsThis experiment was performed as a factorial split plot based on randomized complete block design in 2019-2020 cropping year in the research farm of the Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran. Main plots included three levels of ammonium nitrate fertilizer (0, 35 and 70 kg.ha-1) and sub-plots include different ratios of barley and vetch (100% barley, 80% barley: 20% vetch, 80% barley: 45% vetch, 80% barley: 70% vetch, 100% vetch, 80% vetch: 20% barley, 80% vetch: 45% barley, 80% vetch: 70% barley) weeding and non-weeding were in three replications. Plant density in sole barley and vetch were 250 plants per square meter. The method of cultivation in this study was additive intercropping. Seeds were sown on November 6th. The first stage of fertilization was done simultaneously with planting and one third was added to each plot and the second and third stages of fertilization were performed in two stages of stem emergence and spike emergence, respectively from ammonium nitrate fertilizer source. The final harvest was done on July 28th. Data were analyzed using SAS 9.1 software. The least significant difference test (P≤0.05) was used to compare the means.Results and DiscussionThe highest barley grain yield (432.44 g) was related to sole barley, 70 kg ammonium nitrate and weed control, which was not significantly different with 80% B: 45%V, 70 kg ammonium nitrate and weed control. Also, the highest yield of vetch grain (161.47 g) was obtained in sole vetch, application of 70 kg ammonium nitrate and weed control treatment, which was not significantly different with 80%V: 20%B intercropping, application of 70 kg ammonium nitrate and weed control treatment. Weeds in this experiment include: Wild oats (Avena fatua), ryegrass (Lolium temulentum), Bromus (Bromus tectorum), Fox tail (Alopecurus myosuroides), Wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis), Creeping Thistle (Cirsium arvense), London rocket (Sisymbrium irio), Cockspur grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) and Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus). The highest dry weight of weed (231.62 g) was observed in sole vetch, application of 70 kg.ha-1 ammonium nitrate fertilizer treatment. The highest land equivalent ratio LER (1.68) is related to 80% V: 70%B, non-application of ammonium nitrate fertilizer in weed control condition. Intercropping was successful in controlling weeds and using resources, thereby increasing the yield of plants in the experiment.ConclusionThe results obtained from the experiment showed that all different systems of barley and vetch intercropping had land equivalent ratio higher than one, which indicates the superiority of intercropping over pure crops in the land use and crop production. Intercropping treatments were also able to control weeds. Intercropping with high ability to suppress weeds were able to use more resources. On the other hand, vetch biologically stabilized nitrogen was able to reduce the need for fertilizer in plants

    A Comparison of Fear of Childbirth and Labor Pain Intensity among Primiparous and Multiparous Women: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background & aim: Fear of Childbirth (FOC) can be seen as an anxiety disorder or as a phobia that women experience in relation to pregnancy and childbirth. We conducted this study to compare the intensity of labor pain with the FOC in multiparous and primiparous women. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted using convenience sampling on 432 pregnant women in Babol, Iran, between 2018 and 2019. All pregnant women completed the demographic and FOC questionnaires, as well as labor pain intensity, four times measured using a visual analog scale (VAS). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 software and descriptive and analytical indices. Results: FOC in primiparous women was significantly higher than in multiparous mothers (MD: 12.08<0.001, P). The multivariate linear regression test showed that after adjusting the intervening and obstetric variables, in terms of the intensity of pain in the active phase of labor (MD: 0.07; CI 95% -0.32, 0.47; P=0.71) and the expulsion of the fetus (MD: 0.02; CI 95% -0.38, 0.44; P=0.89), there was no statistically significant difference between primiparous and multiparous women. However, a statistically significant difference was found in placental discharge (MD: 0.52; CI 95% 0.01, 1.02; P = 0.043). Conclusion: FOC in primiparous women was significantly higher than that of multiparous women after adjusting the intervening variables. The results of this study provide basic information for policy makers to pay more attention to reducing the fear of childbirth, especially in primiparous women

    Pharmacological treatments of COVID-19

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    The viral infection due to the new coronavirus or coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which was reported for the first time in December 2019, was named by the World Health Organization (WHO) as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV2), because of the very similar genome and also its related symptoms to SARS-CoV1. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with significant mortality, morbidity, and socioeconomic impact is considered by the WHO as a global public health emergency. Since there is no specific treatment available for SARS-CoV2 infection, and or COVID-19, several clinical and sub-clinical studies are currently undertaken to find a gold-standard therapeutic regimen with high efficacy and low side effect. Based on the published scientific evidence published to date, we summarized herein the effects of different potential therapies and up-to-date clinical trials. The review is intended to help readers aware of potentially effective COVID-19 treatment and provide useful references for future studies. © 2020, Maj Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences