333 research outputs found

    Upper-Level Courses: Three Exemplars

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    This Article presents three exemplars of upper-level law school classes, and is divided into three parts. Part I discusses Securitization and Asset-Backed Securities ; Part II discusses Using Transactions to Teach Secured Transactions ; and Part III discusses Teaching Deals Through a Focus on the Entertainment Industry

    Parental leave in European Companies

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    Upper-Level Courses: Three Examplars

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    I\u27m Mark Fagan, and I co-teach a course on securitization with Tamar Frankel at Boston University School of Law. We have come together to teach several interdisciplinary courses that combine law, business and public policy. Our course on securitization is a wonderful exemplar because it touches so many aspects of law as well as business and public policy. We spent quite a bit of time wrestling with how to teach it. Do you teach it in a process fashion? Do you teach it by legal topic? Do you take examples and examine them? After much debate and discussion, we actually went with the linear, process path. We begin with the borrower and show the students how the originator of the loan fits in, how they take and create a Special Purpose Vehicle ( SPV ), and the SPV in turn takes the assets and turns them into securities. We walk through this process and explain how the assets can move in one direction, and the cash in the other, and then the repayment. On the surface, this seems quite straightforward. Basically, we\u27re taking the illiquid assets and turning them into tradable securities. But, when you unbundle it, you find a level of complexity, because in addition to our primarily players, many of whom they\u27ve already had some exposure to, we get our additional players: the rating agencies, the appraisers, the security brokers, and the servicers, which layer on a very interesting dynamic into this process, because they\u27re actually not part of the core process yet have a significant impact on the outcome of the securitization process

    A National Survey of Undergraduate Clinical Education in Internal Medicine

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    BACKGROUND: In the present milieu of rapid innovation in undergraduate medical education at US medical schools, the current structure and composition of clinical education in Internal Medicine (IM) is not clear. OBJECTIVE: To describe the current composition of undergraduate clinical education structure in IM. DESIGN: National annual Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine (CDIM) cross-sectional survey. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred twenty-nine clerkship directors at all Liaison Committee on Medical Education accredited US medical schools with CDIM membership as of September 1, 2017. MAIN MEASURES: IM core clerkship and post-core clerkship structure descriptions, including duration, educational models, inpatient experiences, ambulatory experiences, and requirements. KEY RESULTS: The survey response rate was 83% (107/ 129). The majority of schools utilized one core IM clerkshipmodel (67%) and continued to use a traditional block model for a majority of their students (84%). Overall 26% employed a Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship model and 14% employed a shared block model for some students. The mean inpatient duration was 7.0 ± 1.7 weeks (range 3–11 weeks) and 94% of clerkships stipulated that students spend some inpatient time on general medicine. IM-specific ambulatory experiences were not required for students in 65% of IM core clerkship models. Overall 75% of schools did not require an advanced IM clinical experience after the core clerkship; however, 66% of schools reported a high percentage of students (> 40%) electing to take an IM sub-internship. About half of schools (48%) did not require overnight call or night float during the clinical IM sub-internship. CONCLUSIONS: Although there are diverse core IM clerkship models, the majority of IM core clerkships are still traditional block models. The mean inpatient duration is 7 weeks and 65% of IM core clerkship models did not require IM-specific ambulatory education

    Cost effectiveness of recombinant factor VIIa for treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Phase I/II placebo-controlled clinical trials of recombinant Factor VIIa (rFVIIa) suggested that administration of rFVIIa within 4 hours after onset of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is safe, limits ICH growth, and improves outcomes. We sought to determine the cost-effectiveness of rFVIIa for acute ICH treatment, using published Phase II data. We hypothesized that rFVIIa would have a low marginal cost-effectiveness ratio (mCER) given the poor neurologic outcomes after ICH with conventional management.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed an incremental cost-effectiveness analysis from the societal perspective, considering conventional management vs. 80 ug/kg rFVIIa treatment for acute ICH cases meeting Phase II inclusion criteria. The time frame for the analysis was 1. 25 years: data from the Phase II trial was used for 90 day outcomes and rFVIIa complications – arterial thromboembolic events (ATE). We assumed no substantial cost differences in care between the two strategies except: 1) cost of rFVIIa (for an 80 mcg/kg dose in an 80 kg patient, assumed cost of 6,408);2)costofATEsideeffectsfromrFVIIa(whichalsodecreasequalityoflifeandincreasethechanceofdeath);and3)differentialmonetarycostsofoutcomesandtheirimpactonqualityoflife,includingdisposition(homevs.nursinghome),andoutpatientvs.inpatientrehabilitation.Sensitivityanalyseswereperformedtoexploreuncertaintyinparameterestimates,impactofrFVIIacost,directcostofneurologicoutcomes,probabilityofATE,andoutcomesafterATE.</p><p>Results</p><p>Inthe"basecase",treatingICHwithrFVIIadominatestheusualcarestrategybybeingmoreeffectiveandlesscostly.rFVIIamaintainedamCER<6,408); 2) cost of ATE side effects from rFVIIa (which also decrease quality of life and increase the chance of death); and 3) differential monetary costs of outcomes and their impact on quality of life, including disposition (home vs. nursing home), and outpatient vs. inpatient rehabilitation. Sensitivity analyses were performed to explore uncertainty in parameter estimates, impact of rFVIIa cost, direct cost of neurologic outcomes, probability of ATE, and outcomes after ATE.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the "base case", treating ICH with rFVIIa dominates the usual care strategy by being more effective and less costly. rFVIIa maintained a mCER < 50,000/QALY over a wide range of sensitivity analyses. Sensitivity analyses showed that the cost of rFVIIa must exceed 14,500,orthefrequencyofATEexceed2914,500, or the frequency of ATE exceed 29%, for the mCER to exceed 50,000/QALY. Varying the cost and/or reducing the utility of health states following ATE did not impact results.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Based on data from preliminary trials, treating selected ICH patients with rFVIIa results in lower cost and improved clinical outcomes. This potential cost-effectiveness must be considered in light of the Phase III trial results.</p

    Menthol Cigarette Smoking and Obesity in Young Adult Daily Smokers in Hawaii

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    This study investigates 1) the relationship between menthol cigarette smoking and obesity and 2) the association of body mass index with the nicotine metabolite ratio among menthol and non-menthol daily smokers aged 18–35 (n = 175). A brief survey on smoking and measures of height and weight, carbon monoxide, and saliva samples were collected from participants from May to December 2013 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Multiple regression was used to estimate differences in body mass index among menthol and non-menthol smokers and the association of menthol smoking with obesity. We calculated the log of the nicotine metabolite ratio to examine differences in the nicotine metabolite ratio among normal, overweight, and obese smokers. Sixty-eight percent of smokers used menthol cigarettes. Results showed that 62% of normal, 54% of overweight, and 91% of obese smokers used menthol cigarettes (p = .000). The mean body mass index was significantly higher among menthol compared with non-menthol smokers (29.4 versus 24.5, p = .000). After controlling for gender, marital status, educational attainment, employment status, and race/ethnicity, menthol smokers were more than 3 times as likely as non-menthol smokers to be obese (p = .04). The nicotine metabolite ratio was significantly lower for overweight menthol smokers compared with non-menthol smokers (.16 versus .26, p = .02) in the unadjusted model, but was not significant after adjusting for the covariates. Consistent with prior studies, our data show that menthol smokers are more likely to be obese compared with non-menthol smokers. Future studies are needed to determine how flavored tobacco products influence obesity among smokers

    Plasma amyloid‐beta levels in a pre‐symptomatic dutch‐type hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy pedigree: A cross‐sectional and longitudinal investigation

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    Plasma amyloid‐beta (Aβ) has long been investigated as a blood biomarker candidate for Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA), however previous findings have been inconsistent which could be attributed to the use of less sensitive assays. This study investigates plasma Aβ alterations between pre‐symptomatic Dutch‐type hereditary CAA (D‐CAA) mutation‐carriers (MC) and non-carriers (NC) using two Aβ measurement platforms. Seventeen pre‐symptomatic members of a D‐ CAA pedigree were assembled and followed up 3–4 years later (NC = 8;MC = 9). Plasma Aβ1‐40 and Aβ1‐42 were cross‐sectionally and longitudinally analysed at baseline (T1) and follow‐up (T2) and were found to be lower in MCs compared to NCs, cross‐sectionally after adjusting for covari-ates, at both T1(Aβ1‐40: p = 0.001; Aβ1‐42: p = 0.0004) and T2 (Aβ1‐40: p = 0.001; Aβ1‐42: p = 0.016) employing the Single Molecule Array (Simoa) platform, however no significant differences were observed using the xMAP platform. Further, pairwise longitudinal analyses of plasma Aβ1‐40 revealed decreased levels in MCs using data from the Simoa platform (p = 0.041) and pairwise longitudinal analyses of plasma Aβ1‐42 revealed decreased levels in MCs using data from the xMAP platform (p = 0.041). Findings from the Simoa platform suggest that plasma Aβ may add value to a panel of biomarkers for the diagnosis of pre‐symptomatic CAA, however, further validation studies in larger sample sets are required

    The Lantern Vol. 50, No. 2, Spring 1984

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    • The Storm • Je ne sais pas • The Ghetious Blastious • An Empty Cradle • The Playing Hands • Battle Hymn • A Limerick • Parting Thoughts • The River • Miss You • De la Tristeza • Two So Special • Time of the Unicorn • The Absence • Thru The Breeze • Is the World Really a Round Ball? • Brother • To Michael • Gravity • Refuge • Der Witwer • Plastic Flowers Never Die • Book on the Shelfhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1124/thumbnail.jp
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