77 research outputs found

    Aplicabilidad del uso de un panel de PTFE (politetrafluroetileno) como blanco de referencia

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    El teflón (politetrafluoroetileno. PTFE) es un material inerte, impermeable y flexible que no se altera por la acción de la luz. Su utilidad como panel de referencia ya se ha demostrado. Sus características y precio hacen que sea una alternativa cuando se necesitan paneles de referencia de ciertas dimensiones. En este trabajo se presentan ventajas e inconvenientes de usar un panel de teflón de 3 mm de grosor como panel de referencia. A partir de medidas de reflectividad realizadas con un espectro-radiómetro Ocean Optics 2000, en un rango de 400-900 nm, se determina el comportamiento espectral y la sensibilidad del panel de teflón en tres escenarios diferentes, sobre superficie blanca, lisa y homogénea (Escenario 1), superficie negra, lisa y homogénea (Escenario 2); y superficie blanca, rugosa y heterogénea (Escenario 3). Se constata que el espesor del mismo es insuficiente confiriéndole propiedades translúcidas y una flexibilidad que supone una pérdida de homogeneidad cuando la superficie base no es lisa. Pese a ello, el panel es una buena alternativa siempre y cuando se utilice en condiciones óptimas en términos de geometría de iluminación y observación. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la reflectividad del panel de teflón sobre fondo blanco es aproximadamente entre un 10% y 18% menor que la del Spectralon, dándose las mayores diferencias en el infrarrojo cercano.PTFE is an inert, impermeable and flexible material, not altered by the sunlight. Its usefullness as reference panel has already been tested. Due to its properties and low cost it is a good alternative when a large size panel is needed. This research shows the advantages and disadvantages of using PTFE as reference panel. Reflectance measures have been taken using an Ocean Optics 2000 spectroradiometer in the 400-900 nm range. Three different scenes (1: white, smooth and homogenous surface; 2: black, smooth and homogenous surface; and 3: white, rough and heterogeneous surface) have been used for proving the spectral behaviour and the sensitivity of the PTFE panel. It has been shown that the thickness (3 mm) is not enough and the flexibility causes a loss of homogeneity when the surface is not plain. However, the PTFE is a good option when used under optimal illumination and observation geometric conditions. The results show that reflectance of the PTFE on a white surface is around 10-18% lower than the Spectralon, especially in the near infrared region

    Metodología para la optimización conjunta de la programación del riego y estaciones de bombeos directos

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    Se describe una nueva metodología para reducción de los costes energéticos de operación del riego en redes de riego con bombeo directo, contemplando la optimización conjunta de la organización de los riegos y la modulación de las presiones de la estación de bombeo a lo largo de diferentes periodos tarifarios. Se describe el funcionamiento del método de optimización investigado, que es una extensión y mejora del algoritmo inicial existente desarrollado en (Faci E., 2014) destacando las diferencias y mejoras. Por último, se muestran los resultados en el caso de la red de la CR Callén (Huesca), y se comparan con los obtenidos en un estudio para la optimización energética utilizando el algoritmo inicial.A new methodology to reduce energy cost in irrigation networks is developed in this paper. Its goal is to optimize simultaneously both pumping station and hydrant operation by setting different discharge pressure on the pumping station and distributing adequately hydrant irrigation during different tariff periods. methodology is an extension an existing one described in Faci E., (2014) which is only capable of optimize hydrant operation. Advantages and differences between them are described and they are compared in the case study of CR Callén network (Huesca) which shows the new methodology is capable to save an additional 10% of the annual electricity costs

    Role of color doppler imaging in early diagnosis and prediction of progression in glaucoma

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    This longitudinal and prospective study analyzes the ability of orbital blood flow measured by color Doppler imaging (CDI) to predict glaucoma progression in patients with glaucoma risk factors. Patients with normal perimetry but having glaucoma risk factors and patients in the initial phase of glaucoma were prospectively included in the study and divided, after a five-year follow-up, into two groups: “Progression” and “No Progression” based on the changes in the Moorfields regression analysis (MRA) classification of Heidelberg retina tomograph (HRT). An orbital CDI was performed in all patients and the parameters obtained were correlated with changes in HRT. A logistic discrimination function (LDF) was calculated for ophthalmic artery (OA) and central retinal artery (CRA) parameters. Receiver operating characteristics curves (ROC) were used to assess the usefulness of LDFs to predict glaucomatous progression. A total of 71 eyes were included. End-diastolic velocity, time-averaged velocity, and resistive index in the OA and CRA were significantly different ( ) between the Progression and No Progression groups. The area under the ROC curves calculated for both LDFs was of 0.695 (OA) and 0.624 (CRA). More studies are needed to evaluate the ability of CDI to perform early diagnosis and to predict progression in glaucoma in eyes

    Nanoespumas de carbono: Producción por láser, propiedades químico-físicas y potenciales aplicaciones electroquímicas y en catálisis

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    Trabajo presentado a la "XII Reunion del Grupo Español del Carbón" celebrada en Madrid del 20 al 23 de octubre de 2013.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Comisión Europea (proyecto LIFE11/ENV/ES 560 “CERAMGLASS”) y el Gobierno de Aragón (Proyecto PI119/09).Peer Reviewe

    Association between PTPN1 polymorphisms and obesity-related phenotypes in European adolescents: influence of physical activity

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    Background: To study the associations of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase-N1 (PTPN1) polymorphisms with obesity-related phenotypes in European adolescents, and the influence of physical activity on these relationships. Methods: Five polymorphisms of PTPN1 were genotyped in 1057 European adolescents (12–18 years old). We measured several phenotypes related to obesity, such as adiposity markers, and biochemical and clinical parameters. Physical activity was objectively measured by accelerometry. Results: The T, A, T, T and G alleles of the rs6067472, rs10485614, rs2143511, rs6020608 and rs968701 polymorphisms, respectively, were associated with lower levels of obesity-related phenotypes (i.e., body mass index, body fat percentage, hip circumference, fat mass index, systolic blood pressure and leptin) in European adolescents. In addition, the TATTG haplotype was associated with lower body fat percentage and fat mass index compared to the AACCA haplotype. Finally, when physical activity levels were considered, alleles of the rs6067472, rs2143511, rs6020608 and rs968701 polymorphisms were only associated with lower adiposity in active adolescents. Conclusions: PTPN1 polymorphisms were associated with adiposity in European adolescents. Specifically, alleles of these polymorphisms were associated with lower adiposity only in physically active adolescents. Therefore, meeting the recommendations of daily physical activity may reduce obesity risk by modulating the genetic predisposition to obesity. Impact: - Using gene-phenotype and gene*environment analyses, we detected associations between polymorphisms of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase-N1 (PTPN1) gene and obesity-related phenotypes, suggesting a mechanism that can be modulated by physical activity. - This study shows that genetic variability of PTPN1 is associated with adiposity, while physical activity seems to modulate the genetic predisposition. - This brings insights about the mechanisms by which physical activity positively influences obesity

    Monitoring the antimicrobial susceptibility of Gramnegative organisms involved in intraabdominal and urinary tract infections recovered during the SMART study (Spain, 2016 and 2017)

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    OBJECTIVE: Continuous antimicrobial resistance surveillance is recommended by Public Health authorities. We up-dated data from the SMART (Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends) surveillance study in Spain. METHODS: The antimicrobial susceptibility data and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) production in isolates recovered from intra-abdominal (IAI) (n=1,429) and urinary tract (UTI) (n=937) infections during the 2016- 2017 SMART study in 10 Spanish hospitals were analysed. RESULTS: Escherichia coli was the most frequently microorganism isolated (48.3% and 53.7%) followed by Klebsiella spp. (11.5% and 21.9%) in IAIs and UTIs, respectively. Figures for Pseudomonas aeruginosa were 9.0% and 6.1%, being more frequently recovered from patients with nosocomial infections. Overall, 9.9% (IAI) and 14.0% (UTI) of E. coli, Klebsiella spp. and Proteus mirabilis isolates were ESBL-producers, being Klebsiella pneumoniae (34.5%) from UTI of nosocomial origin the most frequent. ESBL-producers were higher in patients >60 years in both IAIs and UTIs. As in previous years, amikacin (96.3%-100% susceptibility), ertapenem (84.2%-100%) and imipenem (70.3%- 100%) were the most active antimicrobials tested among Enterobacterales species. The activity of amoxicillin-clavulanic, piperacillin-tazobactam, and ciprofloxacin susceptibility was lower, particularly among ESBL-producers. Ertapenem susceptibility (88.9%-100%) was retained in ESBL-E. coli isolates that were resistant to these antimicrobials but decreased (28.6%-100%) in similar isolates of K. pneumoniae. CONCLUSIONS: Continuous antimicrobial resistance surveillance from the SMART study reveals overall maintenance of ESBL-producers in Spain, although with higher presence in isolates from UTIs than from IAIs. Moreover, ertapenem activity was high in E. coli irrespective of ESBL production but decreased in K. pneumoniae, particularly among ESBL-producers

    Characterization of the Interactions between Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics and Lipids: a Multitechnique Approach

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    Probing drug/lipid interactions at the molecular level represents an important challenge in pharmaceutical research and membrane biophysics. Previous studies showed differences in accumulation and intracellular activity between two fluoroquinolones, ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin, that may actually result from their differential susceptibility to efflux by the ciprofloxacin transporter. In view of the critical role of lipids for the drug cellular uptake and differences observed for the two closely related fluoroquinolones, we investigated the interactions of these two antibiotics with lipids, using an array of complementary techniques. Moxifloxacin induced, to a greater extent than ciprofloxacin, an erosion of the DPPC domains in the DOPC fluid phase (atomic force microscopy) and a shift of the surface pressure-area isotherms of DOPC/DPPC/fluoroquinolone monolayer toward lower area per molecule (Langmuir studies). These effects are related to a lower propensity of moxifloxacin to be released from lipid to aqueous phase (determined by phase transfer studies and conformational analysis) and a marked decrease of all-trans conformation of acyl-lipid chains of DPPC (determined by ATR-FTIR) without increase of lipid disorder and change in the tilt between the normal and the germanium surface (also determined by ATR-FTIR). All together, differences of ciprofloxacin as compared to moxifloxacin in their interactions with lipids could explain differences in their cellular accumulation and susceptibility to efflux transporters

    Seguimiento de la sensibilidad antimicrobiana de microorganismos gramnegativos procedentes de infecciones intraabdominales y urinarias del estudio smart (España, 2016 y 2017)

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    Introducción. Las autoridades de Salud Pública recomiendan la vigilancia continua de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos. Se actualizan los datos del estudio SMART (Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends) en España. Material y métodos. Se analizaron los datos de sensibilidad antimicrobiana y la producción de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) en aislamientos obtenidos en el estudio SMART de infecciones intraabdominales (IIA) (n=1.429) y del tracto urinario (ITU) (n=937) durante 2016-2017 en 10 hospitales españoles. Resultados. Escherichia coli fue el microorganismo más frecuente (54,5% y 57,5%, respectivamente), seguido de Klebsiella spp. (18,4% y 25,4%) en IIA y en ITU. En Pseudomonas aeruginosa estas cifras fueron 9% y 6%, siendo más frecuente en la infección nosocomial. El 9,9% (IIA) y el 14% (ITU) del total de los aislados de E. coli, Klebsiella spp. y Proteus mirabilis producían BLEE, obteniéndose la tasa más alta en Klebsiella pneumoniae (34.5%) en ITU nosocomial. El mayor porcentaje de aislados con BLEE se observó en pacientes >60 años, tanto en IIA como en ITU. Como en años anteriores, amikacina (sensibilidad 96,3%-100%), ertapenem (84,2%-100%) e imipenem (70,3%-100%) fueron los antimicrobianos más activos en Enterobacterales. La sensibilidad a amoxicilina-ácido clavulánico, piperacilina-tazobactam y ciprofloxacino fue menor, en particular en los productores de BLEE. La sensibilidad a ertapenem (88,9%-100%) se mantuvo en E. coli con BLEE resistente a estos antimicrobianos, pero disminuyó (28,6%-100%) en aislados similares de K. pneumoniae. Conclusiones. La vigilancia continua de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos en el estudio SMART revela el mantenimiento de la frecuencia de aislados productores de BLEE en España, pero con mayor presencia en las ITUs que en las IIAs. Además, la sensibilidad a ertapenem fue alta en E. coli con independencia de la producción de BLEE, pero disminuyó en K. pneumoniae, sobre todo en los productores de BLEE. Introduction. Continuous antimicrobial resistance surveillance is recommended by Public Health authorities. We updated data from the SMART (Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends) surveillance study in Spain. Material and methods. The antimicrobial susceptibility data and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) production in isolates recovered from intra-abdominal (IAI) (n=1,429) and urinary tract (UTI) (n=937) infections during the 2016-2017 SMART study in 10 Spanish hospitals were analysed. Results. Escherichia coli was the most frequently microorganism isolated (48.3% and 53.7%) followed by Klebsiella spp. (11.5% and 21.9%) in IAIs and UTIs, respectively. Figures for Pseudomonas aeruginosa were 9.0% and 6.1%, being more frequently recovered from patients with nosocomial infections. Overall, 9.9% (IAI) and 14.0% (UTI) of E. coli, Klebsiella spp. and Proteus mirabilis isolates were ESBL-producers, being Klebsiella pneumoniae (34.5%) from UTI of nosocomial origin the most frequent. ESBL-producers were higher in patients >60 years in both IAIs and UTIs. As in previous years, amikacin (96.3%-100% susceptibility), ertapenem (84.2%-100%) and imipenem (70.3%-100%) were the most active antimicrobials tested among Enterobacterales species. The activity of amoxicillin-clavulanic, piperacillin-tazobactam, and ciprofloxacin susceptibility was lower, particularly among ESBL-producers. Ertapenem susceptibility (88.9%-100%) was retained in ESBL-E. coli isolates that were resistant to these antimicrobials but decreased (28.6%-100%) in similar isolates of K. pneumoniae. Conclusions. Continuous antimicrobial resistance surveillance from the SMART study reveals overall maintenance of ESBL-producers in Spain, although with higher presence in isolates from UTIs than from IAIs. Moreover, ertapenem activity was high in E. coli irrespective of ESBL production but decreased in K. pneumoniae, particularly among ESBL-producers

    Feel4Diabetes healthy diet score: Development and evaluation of clinical validity

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    Background: The aim of this paper is to present the development of the Feel4Diabetes Healthy Diet Score and to evaluate its clinical validity. Methods: Study population consisted of 3268 adults (63% women) from high diabetes risk families living in 6 European countries. Participants filled in questionnaires at baseline and after 1 year, reflecting the dietary goals of the Feel4Diabetes intervention. Based on these questions the Healthy Diet Score was constructed, consisting of the following components: breakfast, vegetables, fruit and berries, sugary drinks, whole-grain cereals, nuts and seeds, low-fat dairy products, oils and fats, red meat, sweet snacks, salty snacks, and family meals. Maximum score for each component was set based on its estimated relative importance regarding T2DM risk, higher score indicating better quality of diet. Clinical measurements included height, weight, waist circumference, heart rate, blood pressure, and fasting blood sampling, with analyses of glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides. Analysis of (co) variance was used to compare the Healthy Diet Score and its components between countries and sexes using baseline data, and to test differences in clinical characteristics between score categories, adjusted for age, sex and country. Pearson''s correlations were used to study the association between changes from baseline to year 1 in the Healthy Diet Score and clinical markers. To estimate reproducibility, Pearson''s correlations were studied between baseline and 1 year score, within the control group only. Results: The mean total score was 52.8 ± 12.8 among women and 46.6 ± 12.8 among men (p < 0.001). The total score and its components differed between countries. The change in the Healthy Diet Score was significantly correlated with changes in BMI, waist circumference, and total and LDL cholesterol. The Healthy Diet Score as well as its components at baseline were significantly correlated with the values at year 1, in the control group participants. Conclusion: The Feel4Diabetes Healthy Diet Score is a reproducible method to capture the dietary information collected with the Feel4Diabetes questionnaire and measure the level of and changes in the adherence to the dietary goals of the intervention. It gives a simple parameter that associates with clinical risk factors in a meaningful manner

    Mapping categories of gypseous lands in Mexico and Spain using Landsat imagery

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    29 Pag., 3 Tabl., 3 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01401963Remote sensing is a powerful tool for thematic mapping, but its use for the discrimination of different kinds of soils has been scarce and the results variable. We demonstrate the usefulness of Landsat ETM+ images to discriminate gypseous lands in two contrasting regions, Cedral, Mexico, and Bujaraloz, Spain. We also discuss the contribution of the infra-red bands, and found the bands of mid and thermal infra-red to be the more useful. A supervised classification of Landsat ETM+ images enabled us to discriminate land covers related to gypseous lands in Cedral, and to locate gypsum lithologies in Bujaraloz. The thermal infra-red band does not substantially improve the classification in Bujaraloz, but it does in Cedral, being best in the wet season, when the differences of temperatures among classes are relevant.A grant-loan of CONACYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Mexico) funded the PhD studies of first author. Funds AGL2006-01283 and PR2007-0453 from the Spanish Government helped to the completion of this article.Peer reviewe