1,525 research outputs found

    Late evolution of cataclysmic variables: the loss of AM Her systems

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    The white dwarf in AM Her systems is strongly magnetic and keeps in synchronous rotation with the orbit by magnetic coupling to the secondary star. As the latter evolves through mass loss to a cool, degenerate brown dwarf it can no longer sustain its own magnetic field and coupling is lost. Angular momentum accreted then spins up the white dwarf and the system no longer appears as an AM Her system. Possible consequences are run-away mass transfer and mass ejection from the system. Some of the unusual cataclysmic variable systems at low orbital periods may be the outcome of this evolution.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of "Cataclysmic Variables", Symposium in Honour of Brian Warner, Oxford 1999, eds. P.Charles, A.King, O'Donoghue, to appea

    The relation between radio and X-ray luminosity of black hole binaries: affected by inner cool disks?

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    Observations of the black hole X-ray binaries GX 339-4 and V404 Cygni have brought evidence of a strong correlation between radio and X-ray emission during the hard spectral state; however, now more and more sources, the so-called `outliers', are found with a radio emission noticeably below the established `standard' relation. Several explanations have already been considered, but the existence of dual tracks is not yet fully understood. We suggest that in the hard spectral state re-condensation of gas from the corona into a cool, weak inner disk can provide additional soft photons for Comptonization, leading to a higher X-ray luminosity in combination with rather unchanged radio emission, which presumably traces the mass accretion rate. As an example, we determined how much additional luminosity due to photons from an underlying disk would be needed to explain the data from the representative outlier source H1743-322. From the comparison with calculations of Compton spectra with and without the photons from an underlying disk, we find that the required additional X-ray luminosity lies well in the range obtained from theoretical models of the accretion flow. The radio/X-ray luminosity relation resulting from Comptonization of additional photons from a weak, cool inner disk during the hard spectral state can explain the observations of the outlier sources, especially the data for H1743-322, the source with the most detailed observations. The existence or non-existence of weak inner disks on the two tracks might point to a difference in the magnetic fields of the companion stars. These could affect the effective viscosity and the thermal conductivity, hence also the re-condensation process.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in A &

    A cool disk in the Galactic Center?

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    We study the possibility of a cool disk existing in the Galactic Center in the framework of the disk-corona evaporation/condensation model. Assuming an inactive disk, a hot corona should form above the disk since there is a continuous supply of hot gas from stellar winds of the close-by massive stars. Whether the cool disk can survive depends on the mass exchange between the disk and corona. If the disk-corona interaction is dominated by evaporation and the rate is larger than the Bondi accretion rate in the Galactic Center, the disk will be depleted within a certain time period and no persistent disk will exist. On the other hand, if the interaction results in hot gas steadily condensing into the disk, an inactive cool disk might survive. For this case we further investigate the Bremsstrahlung radiation from the hot corona and compare it with the observed X-ray luminosity. Our model shows that, for standard viscosity in the corona (alpha=0.3), the mass evaporation rate is much higher than the Bondi accretion rate and the coronal density is much larger than that inferred from Chandra observations. An inactive disk can not survive such strong evaporation. For small viscosity (alpha<0.07) we find condensation solutions. But detailed computations show that in this case there is too much X-ray radiation from the corona to be in agreement with the observations. Therefore, we conclude that there should be no thin/inactive disk presently in the Galactic Center. However, we do not exclude that the alternative non-radiative model of Nayakshin (2004) might instead be realized in nature.Comment: 8 pages, including 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&