248 research outputs found

    Do telomeres influence pace-of-life-strategies in response to environmental conditions over a lifetime and between generations?

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this recordEuropean Union Horizon 2020Estonian Research Counci

    Northward advection of Atlantic water in the eastern Nordic Seas over the last 3000 yr

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    Three marine sediment cores distributed along the Norwegian (MD95-2011), Barents Sea (JM09-KA11-GC), and Svalbard (HH11-134-BC) continental margins have been investigated in order to reconstruct changes in the poleward flow of Atlantic waters (AW) and in the nature of upper surface water masses within the eastern Nordic Seas over the last 3000 yr. These reconstructions are based on a limited set of coccolith proxies: the abundance ratio between Emiliania huxleyi and Coccolithus pelagicus, an index of Atlantic vs. Polar/Arctic surface water masses; and Gephyrocapsa muellerae, a drifted coccolith species from the temperate North Atlantic, whose abundance changes are related to variations in the strength of the North Atlantic Current. The entire investigated area, from 66 to 77 N, was affected by an overall increase in AWflow from 3000 cal yr BP (before present) to the present. The long-term modulation of westerlies’ strength and location, which are essentially driven by the dominant mode of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), is thought to explain the observed dynamics of poleward AW flow. The same mechanism also reconciles the recorded opposite zonal shifts in the location of the Arctic front between the area off western Norway and the western Barents Sea–eastern Fram Strait region. The Little Ice Age (LIA) was governed by deteriorating conditions, with Arctic/Polar waters dominating in the surface off western Svalbard and western Barents Sea, possibly associated with both severe sea ice conditions and a strongly reduced AW strength. A sudden short pulse of resumed high WSC (West Spitsbergen Current) flow interrupted this cold spell in eastern Fram Strait from 330 to 410 cal yr BP. Our dataset not only confirms the high amplitude warming of surface waters at the turn of the 19th century off western Svalbard, it also shows that such a warming was primarily induced by an excess flow of AW which stands as unprecedented over the last 3000 yr

    Recent sedimentation of organic matter along the SE Atlantic Margin : A key for understanding deep offshore petroleum source rocks.

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    Classical views for the deposition of organic-rich sediments in deep-sea environments invoke two principal types of oceanographic and sedimentologic settings. The first is confined basins in which stratified oxygen depleted waters lead to anoxic preservation of organic matter in the water column and in underlying sediments (Demaison and Moore, 1980). The second is an open ocean setting where the episodic mass transfers due to slope sediment instability lead to the rapid burial of outer-shelf and upper slope-derived organic matter and its consequent preservation due to limited oxic or anoxic degradation (Stow, 1987). Other studies have shown, however, that organic matter in modern deep-sea sediments may occur in high amounts where oxygen is not significantly depleted (Pedersen and Calvert, 1990). Recent studies have demonstrated that highly biological productive areas, such as the upwelling zones associated to the Benguela Current in S-E Atlantic, may deliver sufficient quantity of organic material to (1) outbalance the degradative capacity of the water column and (2) sustain the formation of organic-rich sediments even in deep and oxygenated conditions (Bertrand et al., 2003). It appears that the S-E Atlantic margins provide a good example for revisiting the sedimentology of organic matter in deep water environments in the frame of the GDR Marges Continentales. This may have important implications for a better understanding of the distribution of ancient source rocks in deep offshore petroleum systems (Huc et al., 2001; Bertrand et al., 2003)

    Novel Methodologies for Providing In Situ Data to HAB Early Warning Systems in the European Atlantic Area: The PRIMROSE Experience

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) cause harm to human health or hinder sustainable use of the marine environment in Blue Economy sectors. HABs are temporally and spatially variable and hence their mitigation is closely linked to effective early warning. The European Union (EU) Interreg Atlantic Area project “PRIMROSE”, Predicting Risk and Impact of Harmful Events on the Aquaculture Sector, was focused on the joint development of HAB early warning systems in different regions along the European Atlantic Area. Advancement of the existing HAB forecasting systems requires development of forecasting tools, improvements in data flow and processing, but also additional data inputs to assess the distribution of HAB species, especially in areas away from national monitoring stations, usually located near aquaculture sites. In this contribution, we review different novel technologies for acquiring HAB data and report on the experience gained in several novel local data collection exercises performed during the project. Demonstrations include the deployment of autonomous imaging flow cytometry (IFC) sensors near two aquaculture areas: a mooring in the Daoulas estuary in the Bay of Brest and pumping from a bay in the Shetland Islands to an inland IFC; and several drone deployments, both of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and of Autonomous Surface vehicles (ASVs). Additionally, we have reviewed sampling approaches potentially relevant for HAB early warning including protocols for opportunistic water sampling by coastguard agencies. Experiences in the determination of marine biotoxins in non-traditional vectors and how they could complement standard routine HAB monitoring are also considered.En prens

    The Gift of Future Time: Islamic Welfare and Entrepreneurship in 21st century Indonesia

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    The attainment of religiously informed and socially responsible wealth is a desire widespread in the metropolises of Java, Indonesia, especially amongst the pious middle classes. This article aims at an understanding of the emergence and effects of an early 21st century desire for pious entrepreneurial success, by focusing on the practices people consistently and regularly undertake in order to actualise this. It claims that the religiously informed desire for entrepreneurial success is permeated by a mode of temporality that privileges the future at the expense of the past and the present. This temporal orientation has important consequences for subject-making, as it forces the subjectivities created to take a distinctively asymptotic form, resulting in the production of self-differing subjects; that is, subjects in which past, present and future actualisations lack coincidence and complete convergence

    Enteral versus parenteral early nutrition in ventilated adults with shock: a randomised, controlled, multicentre, open-label, parallel-group study (NUTRIREA-2)

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    BACKGROUND: Whether the route of early feeding affects outcomes of patients with severe critical illnesses is controversial. We hypothesised that outcomes were better with early first-line enteral nutrition than with early first-line parenteral nutrition. METHODS: In this randomised, controlled, multicentre, open-label, parallel-group study (NUTRIREA-2 trial) done at 44 French intensive-care units (ICUs), adults (18 years or older) receiving invasive mechanical ventilation and vasopressor support for shock were randomly assigned (1:1) to either parenteral nutrition or enteral nutrition, both targeting normocaloric goals (20-25 kcal/kg per day), within 24 h after intubation. Randomisation was stratified by centre using permutation blocks of variable sizes. Given that route of nutrition cannot be masked, blinding of the physicians and nurses was not feasible. Patients receiving parenteral nutrition could be switched to enteral nutrition after at least 72 h in the event of shock resolution (no vasopressor support for 24 consecutive hours and arterial lactate <2 mmol/L). The primary endpoint was mortality on day 28 after randomisation in the intention-to-treat-population. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01802099. FINDINGS: After the second interim analysis, the independent Data Safety and Monitoring Board deemed that completing patient enrolment was unlikely to significantly change the results of the trial and recommended stopping patient recruitment. Between March 22, 2013, and June 30, 2015, 2410 patients were enrolled and randomly assigned; 1202 to the enteral group and 1208 to the parenteral group. By day 28, 443 (37%) of 1202 patients in the enteral group and 422 (35%) of 1208 patients in the parenteral group had died (absolute difference estimate 2·0%; [95% CI -1·9 to 5·8]; p=0·33). Cumulative incidence of patients with ICU-acquired infections did not differ between the enteral group (173 [14%]) and the parenteral group (194 [16%]; hazard ratio [HR] 0·89 [95% CI 0·72-1·09]; p=0·25). Compared with the parenteral group, the enteral group had higher cumulative incidences of patients with vomiting (406 [34%] vs 246 [20%]; HR 1·89 [1·62-2·20]; p<0·0001), diarrhoea (432 [36%] vs 393 [33%]; 1·20 [1·05-1·37]; p=0·009), bowel ischaemia (19 [2%] vs five [<1%]; 3·84 [1·43-10·3]; p=0·007), and acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (11 [1%] vs three [<1%]; 3·7 [1·03-13·2; p=0·04). INTERPRETATION: In critically ill adults with shock, early isocaloric enteral nutrition did not reduce mortality or the risk of secondary infections but was associated with a greater risk of digestive complications compared with early isocaloric parenteral nutrition. FUNDING: La Roche-sur-Yon Departmental Hospital and French Ministry of Health

    Effect of Restricted Preen-Gland Access on Maternal Self Maintenance and Reproductive Investment in Mallards

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    As egg production and offspring care are costly, females should invest resources adaptively into their eggs to optimize current offspring quality and their own lifetime reproductive success. Parasite infections can influence maternal investment decisions due to their multiple negative physiological effects. The act of preening--applying oils with anti-microbial properties to feathers--is thought to be a means by which birds combat pathogens and parasites, but little is known of how preening during the reproductive period (and its expected disease-protecting effects) influences maternal investment decisions at the level of the egg.Here, we experimentally prevented female mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) from accessing their preen gland during breeding and monitored female immunoresponsiveness (e.g., plasma lysozyme concentration) as well as some egg traits linked to offspring quality (e.g., egg mass, yolk carotenoid content, and albumen lysozyme levels). Females with no access to their preen gland showed an increase in plasma lysozyme level compared to control, normally preening females. In addition, preen-gland-restricted females laid significantly lighter eggs and deposited higher carotenoid concentrations in the yolk compared to control females. Albumen lysozyme activity did not differ significantly between eggs laid by females with or without preen gland access.Our results establish a new link between an important avian self-maintenance behaviour and aspects of maternal health and reproduction. We suggest that higher yolk carotenoid levels in eggs laid by preen-gland-restricted females may serve to boost health of offspring that would hatch in a comparatively microbe-rich environment
