5,942 research outputs found

    top quark properties: prospects at ATLAS

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    The ATLAS experiment sensitivity, with an expected luminosity of 1 fb^-1, to the study of the top quark properties are presented. The measurements of the top charge, the spin and spin correlations, the SM decay (t -> bW) and rare top decays associated to flavour changing neutral currents (t -> qX, X=gamma,Z,g) are discussed

    Further progress in ion back-flow reduction with patterned gaseous hole-multipliers

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    A new idea on electrostatic deviation and capture of back-drifting avalanche-ions in cascaded gaseous hole-multipliers is presented. It involves a flipped reversed-bias Micro-Hole & Strip Plate (F-R-MHSP) element, the strips of which are facing the drift region of the multiplier. The ions, originating from successive multiplication stages, are efficiently deviated and captured by such electrode. Experimental results are provided comparing the ion-blocking capability of the F-R-MHSP to that of the reversed-bias Micro-Hole & Strip Plate (R-MHSP) and the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM). Best ion-blocking results in cascaded hole-multipliers were reached with a detector having the F-R-MHSP as the first multiplication element. A three-element F-R-MHSP/GEM/MHSP cascaded multiplier operated in atmospheric-pressure Ar/CH4 (95/5), at total gain of ~10^{5}, yielded ion back-flow fractions of 3*10^{-4} and 1.5*10^{-4}, at drift fields of 0.5 and 0.2 kV/cm, respectively. We describe the F-R-MHSP concept and the relevance of the obtained ion back-flow fractions to various applications; further ideas are also discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, published in JINS

    Implantação de um empreendimento agrícola no cerrado no Distrito Federal.

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    Contribuições da gestão de recursos humanos para a criatividade e inovação organizacional

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    Inovar é, hoje, um imperativo para as organizações. Desse modo, é importante promover a criatividade dos colaboradores e apoiar o processo que a transforma em inovação. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender como a Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) pode promover um ambiente de trabalho propício à criatividade, na perspectiva dos colaboradores. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo de caso exploratório em uma empresa portuguesa de médio porte da área das Tecnologias de Informação (TI). Recorreu-se a diferentes fontes de análise, como observação participante, documentos organizacionais e entrevistas. Os dados resultantes dessas fontes foram analisados e organizados com ajuda da template analysis. Os resultados revelaram que, para as chefias e colaborador entrevistados, a criatividade na organização pode ser promovida por meio da existência de suporte para as novas ideias, tolerância ao erro, autonomia, liberdade para que os colaboradores exerçam suas funções e debates para a partilha de ideias. A GRH pode criar condições, por meio das suas práticas (p. ex., formação, avaliação de desempenho, recrutamento e seleção), para a promoção da criatividade e inovação organizacional.Innovation is a key factor to organizations’ competitiveness. To achieve that, it is important to promote creativity among employees and support the transformational process from creativity to innovation. The main objective of this research was to understand how Human Resource Management (HRM) can promote a work environment favorable to creativity, from the perspective of the employees. A case study was carried out on a medium-sized Portuguese information technology (IT) enterprise. Various research techniques were used to collect data, including observation, document analysis, and interviews. Data were organized and analyzed using a template analysis. The results revealed that, for the respondents (managers and employee), creativity within the organization can be promoted by the existence of support for new ideas, error tolerance, autonomy, freedom for employees to perform their tasks, and discussions to share ideas. HRM can create conditions, through their practices (e.g., training, performance evaluation, recruitment, and selection), to promote organizational creativity and innovation

    Evaluation of the effect of complementary pollination on Actinidia deliciosa 'Hayward' in northwest Portugal

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    The objective of this research was to study the effect of complementary pollination on kiwifruit production and quality. For 3 years, complementary application of wet or dry pollen have been done at different stages of flower opening on vines in the Portuguese regions of Entre-Douro e Minho and Beira Litoral. Commercial production data were collected and fruit quality attributes were measured at harvest. Complementary pollination did not affect fruit soluble solids content or firmness in any year, and was beneficial for fruit size and commercial production in the third year only, showing that it is important in some conditions, when natural pollination is inadequate


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    The variation in running velocity over a 100 m dash has been studied extensively in the last decade. Very few studies, however, have dealt with the changes in technique occurring between the second acceleration (from the normal sprinting position of run the maximal velocity until is reached), maximal velocity and deceleration phases. The purpose of this study was to quantify the touch-down (TO) and take-off (TO) angles in a 100 m sprint run, before, during and after the maximal velocity phase. Ten sprinters were filmed during these phases using a high-speed video camera operating at 250 Hz in a 100 m dash. The results of this study suggest that the Trunk Angle at TO influenced the TO angle. Furthermore, the horizontal distance between the centre of gravity and the Foot at TO, is an important technical characteristic influencing the stride length and the stride rate which provoke the running velocity variation

    Pimenta-do-reino: formação de mudas.

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    Sedimentary heterogeneity and petrophysical characterization of Barremian tsunami and barrier island/inlet deposits: The Aliaga outcrop as a reservoir analogue (Galve sub-basin, eastern Spain)

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    The present study examined two sandstone deposits in the Aliaga outcrop as a reservoir analogue over a distance of 200-m-long and attempted to establish a correlation between sand facies and the petrophysical properties of the sandstones in order to investigate the reservoir heterogeneity. The Aliaga reservoir analogue represents the upper part of Camarillas Fm., deposited during the Barremian synrift phase of the Galve sub-basin (Iberian Basin, Spain). It is characterized by a transitional sedimentary interval from sandy-dominant deposits to carbonate-dominant deposits, which were deposited under the same palaeoenvironmental conditions (in relation to systems of back-barrier sedimentation). The description of the Aliaga outcrop provided here consists of lithological descriptions of two sandstone deposits: a tsunami and a barrier island/inlet, at both mesoscopic (decimetres to tens of metres) and microscopic scales (millimetres to centimetres). Both deposits recognized at the basin scale were described in terms of sand grain size, sand sorting and cementation; further cores were drilled along outcrop to collect samples for porosity and permeability measurements. Both sandstone reservoirs are the result of different sedimentary processes that determined facies characteristics, as the different petrophysical properties observed in these deposits. Consequently, the sedimentary process controls the heterogeneity of the sandstones facies and thus, the sand heterogeneity controls the distribution of the petrophysical properties. The classification of sand facies in terms of sand sorting seems to be more appropriate for describing sand heterogeneity; accordingly, petrophysical parameters in both deposits were also influenced by sand sorting. The sand facies and petrophysics heterogeneity of the described deposits can be hierarchically ordered. First-order heterogeneity is related to the basin scale, second-order heterogeneity is related to genesis and the conditions of sediment deposition, and third-order heterogeneity is related to synsedimentary faults and/or post-sedimentation events.This research is a contribution to the project: Análisis de Cuencas Sedimentarias Continentales, of the Gobierno de Aragón, the Análisis de Cuencas Sedimentarias Group of the UCM-CAM, and the projects CGL2011-23717 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government and FEDER) and UZ2015-CIE-10 (University of Zaragoza). Additional financial support was provided by a Cnpq (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Tecnologico, Brasil) Research Grant (200147/2011-0) and an IAS Schema 1st session 2014 Postgraduate Grant to F. Veloso.Peer reviewe

    Pressure effect in the X-ray intrinsic position resolution in noble gases and mixtures

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    A study of the gas pressure effect in the position resolution of an interacting X- or gamma-ray photon in a gas medium is performed. The intrinsic position resolution for pure noble gases (Argon and Xenon) and their mixtures with CO2 and CH4 were calculated for several gas pressures (1-10bar) and for photon energies between 5.4 and 60.0 keV, being possible to establish a linear match between the intrinsic position resolution and the inverse of the gas pressure in that energy range. In order to evaluate the quality of the method here described, a comparison between the available experimental data and the calculated one in this work, is done and discussed. In the majority of the cases, a strong agreement is observed