44 research outputs found

    Los peces (Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes) del Plioceno inferior de Gran Canaria y Fuerteventura (Islas Canarias, España)

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    Fossil fish teeth are contained in marine deposits dated at ca 4.8 Ma found on the islands of Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain). These islands, situated in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre, can be considered a mid-way stopover point between the Caribbean Sea, with the Central American Seaway about to close in this epoch, and the Mediterranean, in the first stage of its post-Messinian Gibraltar Seaway period. Accordingly, there existed extensive pantropical communication, particularly for nektonic animals capable of travelling large distances. In this paper, we present a number of fossil fishes, most of which are identified for the first time on the basis of their teeth: the Chondrichthyes species Carcharocles megalodon, Parotodus benedeni, Cosmopolitodus hastalis, Isurus oxyrinchus, Carcharias cf. acutissima, Carcharhinus cf. leucas, Carcharhinus cf. priscus, Galeocerdo cf. aduncus, and the Osteichthyes species Archosargus cinctus, Labrodon pavimentatum, and Diodon scillae. Coincidences are observed between these ichthyofauna and specimens found in the Azores Islands, the Pacific coast of America and the Mediterranean Sea.Los dientes fósiles de peces están contenidos en depósitos marinos datados en ca 4.8 Ma de las Islas de Gran Canaria y Fuerteventura (Islas Canarias, España). Estas islas, situadas en el Giro subtropical del Atlántico Norte, pueden considerarse una estación intermedia entre un Mar Caribe que estaba cercano al cierre del Paso de América Central, y el Mediterráneo en su primera etapa tras la apertura post-Mesiniense de Gibraltar. Ello permitía una comunicación pantropical para los animales del necton que eran capaces de desplazarse a grandes distancias. Se identifican por primera vez los peces Chondrichthyes Carcharocles megalodon, Parotodus benedeni, Cosmopolitodus hastalis, Isurus oxyrinchus, Carcharias cf. acutissima, Carcharhinus cf. leucas, Carcharhinus cf. priscus, Galeocerdo cf. aduncus y las species de Osteichthyes Archosargus cinctus, Labrodon pavimentatum y Diodon scillae. Se ha observado coincidencia entre los ejemplares canarios y los encontrados en las Islas Azores, las costas pacíficas de América y el mar Mediterráneo

    Mio-Pliocene crustaceans from the Canary Islands, Spain

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    There are few previous references to fossil crustaceans for the Neogene marine layers of the Canary Islands (Spain). The Mio-Pliocene marine sedimentary layers in the eastern islands (Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote) were previously characterised by the presence of numerous fossil fauna, mainly anthozoans and molluscs, which correspond to an equatorial-typepalaeoclimate, warmer than the present climate. This Mio-Pliocene transition dated between 9.3 and 4.1 Ma. In this paper, 12 fossil crustacean taxa are identified and classified, including decapods and barnacles: Balanus concavus Bronn, 1831, Balanus spongicola Brown, 1827, Balanus perforatus Bruguière, 1789, Chenolobia testudinaria Linnè, 1767, Tetraclita cf. rubescens Darwin, 1854, Callianassa matsoni Rathbun, 1935, Callianassa sp., Upogebia sp, Eriphia aff. verrucosa (Forskal, 1775) , Maja sp., Scylla michelini Milne-Edwards, 1861 and Ocypode sp. Some of these taxa mean new references for the Atlantic islands and the North African Atlantic and definitely enlarge the palaeographic distribution of Neogene crustaceans beyond the Mediterranean region, extending it to the North Atlantic. Particularly significant are the presence of Tetraclita cf. rubescens ,this being the first reported fossil occurrence of this barnacle outside the North America Pacific coasts, and Chenolobia testudinaria , indicating for the first time the existence of marine turtles in these islands during the Neogene. These results are coherent with previous research hypothesising the existence of a flow of surface water between the Pacific and Atlantic in the Mio-Pliocene transition (Central American Seaway, CAS) which explains the arrival of organisms, in larval stage, from Central America to the Canary Island

    The antiquity of the Sahara Desert: New evidence from the mineralogy and geochemistry of Pliocene paleosols on the Canary Islands, Spain

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    The Sahara is the largest warm desert in the world, but its age has been controversial, with estimates ranging from Miocene to Holocene. Mineralogical and geochemical data show that paleosols of Pliocene to mid- Pleistocene age on Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands have developed in part from inputs of dust from Africa. These paleosols contain quartz and mica, minerals that are abundant in African dust but are rare in the basaltic rocks that dominate the Canary Islands. Trace elements with minimal mobility, Sc, Cr, Hf, Th, and Ta as well as the rare earth elements, show that paleosols have compositions that are intermediate between those of local rocks and African-derived dust. Thus, results reported here and in a recently published study by others indicate that 9 paleosols record delivery of African dust to the Canary Islands between ~4.8–2.8 Ma, ~3.0–2.9 Ma, ~2.3–1.46 Ma, and ~0.4 Ma. A long-term paleosol record of African dust input agrees with deepsea records off the coast of western Africa that imply increased dust fluxes to the eastern Atlantic Ocean at ~4.6 Ma. It is concluded that the Sahara Desert has been in existence as an arid-region dust source, at least intermittently, for much of the Pliocene and continuing into the Pleistocene

    Extralimital Senegalese species during Marine Isotope Stages 5.5 and 11 in the Canary Islands (29° N): Sea surface temperature estimates

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    The presence of Harpa doris Röding, 1798 in marine deposits of the last interglacial period, ~130-120 ka (marine isotope stage or MIS 5.5) in the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura) enabled us to compare this occurrence with its present habitat in the Gulf of Guinea and the Cape Verde Islands, well to the south. This comparison leads to the conclusion that sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the waters around the Canary Islands during the last interglacial period were at least 3.3 °C higher than today. H. doris is found in association with the large gastropod Persististrombus latus (Gmelin, 1791) as well as the coral Siderastrea radians (Pallas, 1766). The presence of these extralimital southern,warm-water species in the Canary Islands during the last interglacial period also implies a northward expansion of plankton-feeding larvae in seawater with a high chlorophyll-a content. Such conditionswould require a shortening of the southern arm of the cool Canary Current that dominates the waters around the Canary Islands at present. Marine deposits dating to ~400 ka (MIS 11) are also found on the Canary Islands. In these deposits, the presence of Saccostrea cucullata (Born, 1778) allows a comparison with its present habitat in the Gulf of Guinea. In this analysis, we conclude that SSTs in waters around the Canary Islands during this major interglacial period were at least 4.2 °C higher than today. Middle Pleistocene fossils of S. cucullata have also been found in the western Mediterranean Sea and Morocco, as well as the Cape Verde Islands. If these deposits also date to MIS 11, SST warming could have been a regional phenomenon, including much of the eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

    Ingeniería Geológica en Terrenos Volcánicos. Métodos, Técnicas y Experiencias en las Islas Canarias

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    La presente obra es un compendio de conceptos, metodologías y técnicas útiles para acometer proyectos y obras en terrenos volcánicos desde el punto de vista de la ingeniería geológica y la geotecnia. El libro se presenta en tres partes diferenciadas. La primera es conceptual y metodológica, con capítulos que tratan sobre la clasificación de las rocas volcánicas con fines geotécnicos, la caracterización geomecánica, los problemas geotécnicos y constructivos asociados a los distintos materiales, y una guía metodológica para la redacción de informes geotécnicos para la edificación. La segunda parte aborda las aplicaciones a obras de ingeniería, incluyendo deslizamientos, obras subterráneas,infraestructuras marítimas y obras públicas. La tercera parte recoge capítulos dedicados a describir distintos casos prácticos de obras y proyectos en los que la problemática geotécnica en terrenos volcánicos ha tenido un papel relevante. Los capítulos han sido elaborados por técnicos y científicos de reconocido prestigio en el campo de la ingeniería geológica en terrenos volcánicos, que han plasmado en ellos sus conocimientos y experiencias en la materia.Los editores y autores de parte de los capítulos del libro, los Doctores Luis E. Hernández Gutiérrez (Geólogo) y Juan Carlos Santamarta Cerezal (Ingeniero de Montes, Civil y Minas), son los responsables del grupo de investigación INGENIA (Ingeniería Geológica, Innovación y Aguas). Su actividad investigadora comprende más de 200 publicaciones en el área de la ingeniería geológica, la geotecnia, medio ambiente y el aprovechamiento del agua en islas y terrenos volcánicos. En relación a la docencia han impartido y dirigido más de 90 seminarios y cursos de especialización a nivel nacional e internacional, incluyendo la organización de 4 congresos internacionales. Fueron premiados por la Universidad de La Laguna en los años 2012, 2013 y 2014 por su calidad docente e innovación universitaria, y son pioneros en los laboratorios virtuales para la enseñanza de la ingeniería. Participan activamente como profesores colaboradores e investigadores en varias universidades e instituciones españolas e internacionales. Todas sus publicaciones están disponibles en internet, con libre acceso. Ingeniería geológica en terrenos volcánicos, es una obra de gran interés para, consultores, técnicos de administraciones públicas, proyectistas y demás profesionales implicados en obras y proyectos de infraestructuras en terrenos volcánicos; también es útil para académicos y estudiantes de ingeniería o ciencias geológicas que quieran investigar o iniciarse en las singularidades que presentan los materiales volcánicos en la edificación o en la ingeniería civil y minera

    The antiquity of the Sahara Desert: New evidence from the mineralogy and geochemistry of Pliocene paleosols on the Canary Islands, Spain

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    The Sahara is the largest warm desert in the world, but its age has been controversial, with estimates ranging from Miocene to Holocene. Mineralogical and geochemical data show that paleosols of Pliocene to mid- Pleistocene age on Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands have developed in part from inputs of dust from Africa. These paleosols contain quartz and mica, minerals that are abundant in African dust but are rare in the basaltic rocks that dominate the Canary Islands. Trace elements with minimal mobility, Sc, Cr, Hf, Th, and Ta as well as the rare earth elements, show that paleosols have compositions that are intermediate between those of local rocks and African-derived dust. Thus, results reported here and in a recently published study by others indicate that 9 paleosols record delivery of African dust to the Canary Islands between ~4.8–2.8 Ma, ~3.0–2.9 Ma, ~2.3–1.46 Ma, and ~0.4 Ma. A long-term paleosol record of African dust input agrees with deepsea records off the coast of western Africa that imply increased dust fluxes to the eastern Atlantic Ocean at ~4.6 Ma. It is concluded that the Sahara Desert has been in existence as an arid-region dust source, at least intermittently, for much of the Pliocene and continuing into the Pleistocene