14,617 research outputs found

    Destroying black holes with test bodies

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    If a black hole can accrete a body whose spin or charge would send the black hole parameters over the extremal limit, then a naked singularity would presumably form, in violation of the cosmic censorship conjecture. We review some previous results on testing cosmic censorship in this way using the test body approximation, focusing mostly on the case of neutral black holes. Under certain conditions a black hole can indeed be over-spun or over-charged in this approximation, hence radiative and self-force effects must be taken into account to further test cosmic censorship.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the First Mediterranean Conference on Classical and Quantum Gravity (talk given by T. P. S.). Summarizes the results of Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 141101 (2009), arXiv:0907.4146 [gr-qc] and considers further example

    Optimal low thrust escape viewed as a resonance phenomenon

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    Second order perturbation solution to modified optimal low thrust escape proble

    Human factors in design of passenger seats for commercial aircraft: A review

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    Seat comfort and safety research since the early part of the century is reviewed. The approach blends empirical and theoretical human factors and technical knowledge of seated humans under static and dynamic conditions experienced on commercial aircraft

    Expression and modulation of an NADPH oxidase in mammalian astrocytes

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    Amyloid β peptides generate oxidative stress in hippocampal astrocytes through a mechanism sensitive to inhibitors of the NADPH oxidase [diphenylene iodonium (DPI) and apocynin]. Seeking evidence for the expression and function of the enzyme in primary hippocampal astrocytes, we confirmed the expression of the subunits of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase by Western blot analysis and by immunofluorescence and coexpression with the astrocyte-specific marker glial fibrillary acidic protein both in cultures and in vivo. Functional assays using lucigenin luminescence, dihydroethidine, or dicarboxyfluorescein fluorescence to measure the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) demonstrated DPI and apocynin-sensitive ROS generation in response to the phorbol ester PMA and to raised [Ca2+]c after application of ionomycin or P2u receptor activation. Stimulation by PMA but not Ca2+ was inhibited by the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors staurosporine and hispidin. Responses were absent in transgenic mice lacking gp91phox. Expression of gp91phox and p67phox was increased in reactive astrocytes, which showed increased rates of both resting and stimulated ROS generation. NADPH oxidase activity was modulated by intracellular pH, suppressed by intracellular alkalinization, and enhanced by acidification. The protonophore carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone suppressed basal ROS generation but markedly increased PMA-stimulated ROS generation. This was independent of mitochondrial ROS production, because it was unaffected by mitochondrial depolarization with rotenone and oligomycin. Thus, the NADPH oxidase is expressed in astrocytes and is functional, activated by PKC and intracellular calcium, modulated by pHi, and upregulated by astrocyte activation. The astrocytic NADPH oxidase is likely to play important roles in CNS physiology and pathology

    Pressure on the Trigger Will Now Fire the Weapon: An Examination of how the Supreme Court, Congress, and Presidents Have Left the Legal Foundation for Executive Detention Akin to the World War II Era Internment of Japanese Americans Largely Intact

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    Contrary to Chief Justice Robert\u27s dicta, Trump v. Hawaii (2018) did not overrule Korematsu v. United States (1944) which upheld the exclusion of Japanese Americans from the West Coast during World War II. Korematsu and its related cases are still troublingly vital. Their expansive reading of the war powers justifying executive detention has been bolstered by the Court\u27s cases addressing detainees held at Guantanamo Bay. Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (2004), which sanctioned the detention of a U.S. citizen pursuant to the Authorization for the Use of Military Force, exposed a fundamental weakness in the Non-Detention Act, the principal statutory barrier to executive detention. Today, despite the appalling history of the World War II era internment of Japanese Americans, the authority of the President to employ preventive executive detention remains both remarkably intact and remarkably broad. That authority should be restrained by appropriate amendments to the Non-Detention Act

    Alien Registration- Jacobson, Walfred F. (Saint John Plantation, Aroostook County)

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    High-precision Measurements of Ionospheric TEC Gradients with the Very Large Array VHF System

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    We have used a relatively long, contiguous VHF observation of a bright cosmic radio source (Cygnus A) with the Very Large Array (VLA) to demonstrate the capability of this instrument to study the ionosphere. This interferometer, and others like it, can observe ionospheric total electron content (TEC) fluctuations on a much wider range of scales than is possible with many other instruments. We have shown that with a bright source, the VLA can measure differential TEC values between pairs of antennas (delta-TEC) with an precision of 0.0003 TECU. Here, we detail the data reduction and processing techniques used to achieve this level of precision. In addition, we demonstrate techniques for exploiting these high-precision delta-TEC measurements to compute the TEC gradient observed by the array as well as small-scale fluctuations within the TEC gradient surface. A companion paper details specialized spectral analysis techniques used to characterize the properties of wave-like fluctuations within this data.Comment: accepted for publication in Radio Scienc

    Hidden unity in the quantum description of matter

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    We introduce an algebraic framework for interacting quantum systems that enables studying complex phenomena, characterized by the coexistence and competition of various broken symmetry states of matter. The approach unveils the hidden unity behind seemingly unrelated physical phenomena, thus establishing exact connections between them. This leads to the fundamental concept of {\it universality} of physical phenomena, a general concept not restricted to the domain of critical behavior. Key to our framework is the concept of {\it languages} and the construction of {\it dictionaries} relating them.Comment: 10 pages 2 psfigures. Appeared in Recent Progress in Many-Body Theorie
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