2,515 research outputs found

    Die Fluchterzählungen über Jesus aus außerkanonischen Schriften

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    Die Fluchterzählungen über Jesus aus außerkanonischen Schriften in Bezug auf Mt. 2, 13-23 In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird in vier Kapiteln untersucht, welche Abhängigkeit zwischen einer Reihe von spätantiken und mittelalterlichen Quellmaterialien der Fluchterzählung besteht. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt dabei auf dem Zusammenhang zwischen den Fluchtmaterialien und der Koptischen Kirchentradition. Im ersten Kapitel werden diejenigen Textquellen mit Inhaltsangaben und Handschriften vorgestellt, die „Flucht“-Material enthalten. Im zweiten Kapitel folgt zunächst eine Gesamtdarstellung der verschiedenen Episoden und anschließend eine Analyse der einzelnen Episoden in einer annähernd chronologischen Reihenfolge. Im dritten Kapitel wird die Herkunft und Beschaffenheit der individuellen Episoden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des biblischen Hintergrundes der kanonischen Evangelien untersucht. Das vierte Kapitel ist den Lokaltraditionen der christlich-ägyptischen Literatur, insbesondere dem Heiligenkalender (Synaxarium) der Koptischen Kirche, gewidmet. Abgeschlossen wird diese Arbeit mit einer ausführlichen Bibliographie.The following graduate thesis examines the relations between a series of late antique and medieval source materials about the Flight into Egypt in four chapters. It focuses especially on the connections between the flight materials and the Coptic Church Traditions. In the first chapter the text sources which contain “flight material” will be introduced with manuscripts and synopses. The second chapter depicts an overall view of the various episodes and subsequently an analysis of the individual episodes in an almost chronological order. In the third chapter the origin and composition of the individual episodes are being researched in special consideration of the biblical background of the Canonical Gospels. The fourth chapter concentrates on the local traditions of the Christian-Egyptian Literature particularly in regard to the Calendar of Saints (Synaxarium) of the Coptic Church. The thesis concludes with a detailed bibliography

    Doubly responsive polymersomes towards monosaccharides and temperature under physiologically relevant conditions

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    Organoboronic acid-containing polymers and block copolymers have recently attracted attention because of their ability to recognize important natural diol compounds such as saccharides and nucleotides under physiologically relevant conditions at neutral pH. In particular, polymers and block copolymers that are responsive toward multiple stimuli can be utilized to create smart delivery vehicles for use in applications in a complex environment. Here we report the monosaccharide-responsive polymers and block copolymers comprising styreneboroxole and oligo(ethylene glycol)-functionalized styrenes (OEG-STs) as repeating units. We have shown that homopolymers and copolymers of OEG-STs are thermally responsive by demonstrating that they possess the characteristic of tunable lower critical solution temperature (LCST) in water. When copolymerized with OEG-STs, styreneboroxole units function as a switch to change the solubility of the resulting polymers in aqueous solution by recognizing mono-saccharides via the formation of boronate ester. By introducing the minimum number of monosaccharide-responsive styreneboroxole units onto the thermally responsive OEG-ST backbone, we demonstrated the monosaccharide-responsive behavior of the resulting copolymers and their amphiphilic block copolymers in aqueous solution at physiologically relevant pH and temperature. A strategy based on doubly responsive block copolymers reported here could be utilized as new delivery vehicles for cargo molecules such as insulin, due to their ability to function in an in vivo environmentopen

    Long-term risks of complicated grief and insomnia in student survivors of the Sewol ferry disaster in South Korea: A four-year observational follow-up study

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    Background: The Sewol ferry disaster in April 2014 resulted in the drowning of 304 people. Of the 325 students on board, 250 died and 75 were rescued. The measure of stress caused by bereavement and sleep problems is common and can be a chronic health concern for disaster survivors. The aim of this study was to determine longitudinal predictive factors of complicated grief and insomnia among student survivors of the disaster. Methods: This study centered on 67 student survivors who were enrolled in the disaster registry after graduating from high school. The self-report data as presented by the participants were collected at baseline (27 months after the disaster, T1) and again at two years later (51 months after the disaster, T2). Thirty-one participants completed both T1 and T2 surveys. The noted predictive variables, in this case, were event-related rumination, coping strategy, social support, attachment, meaning in life, and adverse childhood experiences. The outcome variables were complicated grief and insomnia. Results: Dysfunctional coping (T1) was positively associated with complicated grief (T2) (coefficient = 0.070; p<0.001). Intrusive rumination (T1) (coefficient = -0.114; p<0.001), social support (T1) (coefficient = -0.031; p<0.001), and meaning in life – search (T1) (coefficient = -0.082; p<0.001) were negatively associated with insomnia (T2). In contrast, dysfunctional coping (T1) (coefficient = 0.041; p = 0.012), adverse childhood experiences (T1) (coefficient = 0.280; p = 0.007), and insomnia (T1) (coefficient = 0.166; p<0.001) were positively associated with insomnia (T2). Conclusions: Dysfunctional coping influenced how student survivors of the Sewol ferry disaster suffered from complicated grief and insomnia over time. In this case, the findings from the current study indicate that interventions that target coping strategies should be provided to improve the resolution of grief and sleep among survivors. [Ethiop.J. Health Dev. 2020;34(Special issue-3):97-106] Keywords: Sewol ferry disaster, student survivors, coping strategy, complicated grief, insomni

    Two-point discrimination values vary depending on test site, sex and test modality in the orofacial region: a preliminary study

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    The two-point discrimination (TPD) test is one of the most commonly used neurosensory tests to assess mechanoperception in the clinical settings. While there have been numerous studies of functional sensibility of the hand using TPD test, there have been relatively not enough reports on TPD in the orofacial region. Objective The aims of the present study were to determine the normal values of TPD in the six trigeminal sites (the forehead, cheek, mentum, upper lip, lower lip, and the tongue tip) and to investigate the effect of the site, sex, and test modality on the TPD perception. Material and Methods Forty healthy volunteers consisting of age-matched men (20) and women (20) with a mean age of 27.1 years were recruited. One examiner performed the TPD test using a simple hand-operated device, i.e., by drawing compass with a blunt or sharp-pointed tip. The static TPD with a blunt-pointed tip (STPDB), moving TPD with a blunt-pointed tip (MTPDB), and static TPD with a sharp-pointed tip (STPDS) were measured. The predictors were the site, sex, and test modality, and the outcome variable was the TPD value. Three-way ANOVA was used for statistics. Results The analysis showed a significant effect of the site, sex and test modality on the TPD values. Significant differences between the test sites were observed with the descending order from the forehead and cheek>;mentum>;upper lip and lower lip>;tongue tip and index finger. Women showed lower TPD values than those of men. The STPDS measurements were consistently lower than those of the STPDB and MTPDB. Conclusions The normal values of TPD in this study suggest that the cheek and forehead were less sensitive than other regions evaluated and women were more sensitive than men. The STPDS was the most sensitive test modality

    AMP-activated protein kinase as a key molecular link between metabolism and clockwork

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    Circadian clocks regulate behavioral, physiological and biochemical processes in a day/night cycle. Circadian oscillators have an essential role in the coordination of physiological processes with the cyclic changes in the physical environment. Such mammalian circadian clocks composed of the positive components (BMAL1 and CLOCK) and the negative components (CRY and PERIOD (PER)) are regulated by a negative transcriptional feedback loop in which PER is rate-limiting for feedback inhibition. In addition, posttranslational modification of these components is critical for setting or resetting the circadian oscillation. Circadian regulation of metabolism is mediated through reciprocal signaling between the clock and metabolic regulatory networks. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the brain and peripheral tissue is a crucial cellular energy sensor that has a role in metabolic control. AMPK-mediated phosphorylation of CRY and Casein kinases I regulates the negative feedback control of circadian clock by proteolytic degradation. AMPK can also modulate the circadian rhythms through nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide- dependent regulation of silent information regulator 1. Growing evidence elucidates the AMPK-mediated controls of circadian clock in metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. In this review, we summarize the current comprehension of AMPK-mediated regulation of the circadian rhythms. This will provide insight into understanding how their components regulate the metabolism. © 2013 KSBMB.1

    Palmitate reduces starvation-induced ER stress by inhibiting ER-phagy in hypothalamic cells

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    Palmitate is a saturated fatty acid that is well known to induce endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and autophagy. A high-fat diet increases the palmitate level in the hypothalamus, the main region of the brain regulating energy metabolism. Interestingly, hypothalamic palmitate level is also increased under starvation, urging the study to distinguish the effects of elevated hypothalamic palmitate level under different nutrient conditions. Herein, we show that ER-phagy (ER-targeted selective autophagy) is required for progress of ER stress and that palmitate decreases ER stress by inhibiting ER-phagy in hypothalamic cells under starvation. Palmitate inhibited starvation-induced ER-phagy by increasing the level of B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) protein, which inhibits autophagy initiation. These findings suggest that, unlike the induction of ER stress under nutrient-rich conditions, palmitate protects hypothalamic cells from starvation-induced stress by inhibiting ER-phagy. © 2021, The Author(s).1

    A leadership competency model of science and technology parks: the case of Chungbuk Techno Park in Korea

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    Given their significant regional economic benefits, science and technology parks (STPs) have attracted continuous academic attention. To understand the predictors of performance of STPs, this study focuses on the critical impacts of leaders and develops a leadership competency model specialized for public STP leaders. The competency model identifies the qualities and conditions of an effective leader of public STPs, emphasizing management skills, bottom-up approach, and boundary spanning skills. To provide empirical support, this study adopts the case study approach and performs a behavior event interview with one of the most successful leaders of public STPs in Korea