11 research outputs found

    Symplectic and Semiclassical Aspects of the Schl\"afli Identity

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    The Schl\"afli identity, which is important in Regge calculus and loop quantum gravity, is examined from a symplectic and semiclassical standpoint in the special case of flat, 3-dimensional space. In this case a proof is given, based on symplectic geometry. A series of symplectic and Lagrangian manifolds related to the Schl\"afli identity, including several versions of a Lagrangian manifold of tetrahedra, are discussed. Semiclassical interpretations of the various steps are provided. Possible generalizations to 3-dimensional spaces of constant (nonzero) curvature, involving Poisson-Lie groups and q-deformed spin networks, are discussed.Comment: 40 pages, 8 figure

    Nonlinear Polarization Transfer and Control of Two Laser Beams Overlapping in a Uniform Nonlinear Medium

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    A scheme for polarization control using two laser beams in a non-linear optical medium is studied using both co- and counter-propagating beam geometries. In particular, we show that under certain conditions it is possible for two laser beams to exchange their polarization states. A model accounting for a more realistic, 2D propagation geometry is presented. The 2D model produces drastically different results (compared to the 1D propagation geometry), creating difficulties for implementing polarization control in a realistic setting. A proposal for overcoming these difficulties by reducing the non-linear optical medium to a thin slab is presented

    Photochemically-induced acousto-optics in gases

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    Acousto-optics consists of launching acoustic waves in a medium (usually a crystal) in order to modulate its refractive index and create a tunable optical grating. In this article, we present the theoretical basis of a new scheme to generate acousto-optics in a gas, where the acoustic waves are initiated by the localized absorption (and thus gas heating) of spatially-modulated UV light, as was demonstrated in Y. Michine and H. Yoneda, Commun. Phys. 3, 24 (2020). We identify the chemical reactions initiated by the absorption of UV light via the photodissociation of ozone molecules present in the gas, and calculate the resulting temperature increase in the gas as a function of space and time. Solving the Euler fluid equations shows that the modulated, isochoric heating initiates a mixed acoustic/entropy wave in the gas, whose high-amplitude density (and thus refractive index) modulation can be used to manipulate a high-power laser. We calculate that diffraction efficiencies near 100 percent can be obtained using only a few millimeters of gas containing a few percent ozone fraction at room temperature, with UV fluences of less than 100 mJ/cm2, consistent with the experimental measurements by Michine and Yoneda. Gases have optics damage thresholds two to three times beyond those of solids; these optical elements should therefore be able to manipulate kJ-class lasers. Our analysis suggest possible ways to optimize the diffraction efficiency by changing the buffer gas composition