874 research outputs found


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    This article addresses a general criterion providing a zero duality gap for convex programs in the setting of the real locally convex spaces. The main theorem of our work is formulated only in terms of the constraints of the program, hence it holds true for any objective function fulfilling a very general qualification condition, implied for instance by standard qualification criteria of Moreau-Rockafellar or Attouch-Br ́ezis type. This result generalizes recent theorems by Champion, Ban & Song and Jeyakumar & Li

    When is a convex cone the cone of all the half-lines contained in a convex set?

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    International audienceIn this article we prove that every convex cone V of a real vector space X possessing an uncountable Hamel basis may be expressed as the cone of all the half-lines contained within some convex subset C of X (in other words, V is the infinity cone to C). This property does not hold for lower-dimensional vector spaces; more precisely, a convex cone V in a vector space X with a denumerable basis is the infinity cone to some convex subset of X if and only if V is the union of a countable ascending sequence of linearly closed cones, while a convex cone V in a finite-dimensional vector space X is the infinity cone to some convex subset of X if and only if V is linearly closed

    Orthogonality in locally convex spaces : two nonlinear generalizations of Neumann's lemma

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    In this note we prove a symmetric version of the Neumann lemma as well as a symmetric version of the Soderlind-Campanato lemma. We establish in this way two partial generalizations of the well-known Casazza-Christenses lemma. This work is related to the Birkhoff-James orthogonality and to the concept of near operators introduced by S. Campanato. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc

    Avaliando a Justiça Ambiental em grandes projetos hidrelétricos: o caso de São Luiz do Tapajós, no Brasil

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    Electricity supply in a sustainable manner is one of the greatest challenges for human society today. Hydropower is by far the most important renewable electricity technology, but equally far from uncontroversial. Indeed, it is situated at the crossroad of socio-environmentalism trends, as strongly promoted by some as opposed by other environmentalist arguments, organisations and movements. This paper suggests Environmental Justice as an alternative approach on how to incorporate sustainability into energy planning, particularly in hydropower projects. Whereas several methods have been developed to assess Environmental Justice in an urban context, little attention has been given to electricity projects so far. A qualitative method to assess hydropower projects regarding their performance in Environmental Justice is discussed and illustrated in the case of the large hydropower project São Luiz do Tapajós in the Brazilian Amazon. As will be shown, fundamental change is necessary in Brazil if energy planning in general and hydropower projects in particular are to meet the principles of Environmental Justice.O fornecimento de energia elétrica numa maneira sustentável se encontra entre os maiores desafios para a sociedade humana hoje em dia. Energia hidrelétrica é de longe a tecnologia de eletricidade renovável mais importante, porém igualmente longe de incontroversa. De fato, se encontra na encruzilhada de correntes socioambientais, tão fortemente promovido por uns quanto rejeitado por outros argumentos, organizações e movimentos ambientalistas. Este artigo sugere a Justiça Ambiental como abordagem alternativa para incorporar a sustentabilidade no planejamento energético, particularmente em projetos hidrelétricos. Enquanto vários métodos foram desenvolvidos para avaliar Justiça Ambiental no contexto urbano, pouca atenção foi dada a projetos elétricos até agora. Um método qualitativo para avaliar projetos hidrelétricos em relação ao seu desempenho em Justiça Ambiental é discutido e ilustrado no caso do projeto hidrelétrico São Luiz do Tapajós, na Amazônia brasileira. Como vai ser mostrado, mudanças fundamentais serão necessárias no Brasil para que o planejamento energético em geral e projetos hidrelétricos em específico cumpram os princípios de Justiça Ambiental

    Nonnulla de diabete mellito : dissertatio inauguralis medica

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    Temporal expression pattern of genes during the period of sex differentiation in human embryonic gonads

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    Abstract The precise timing and sequence of changes in expression of key genes and proteins during human sex-differentiation and onset of steroidogenesis was evaluated by whole-genome expression in 67 first trimester human embryonic and fetal ovaries and testis and confirmed by qPCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC). SRY/SOX9 expression initiated in testis around day 40 pc, followed by initiation of AMH and steroidogenic genes required for androgen production at day 53 pc. In ovaries, gene expression of RSPO1, LIN28, FOXL2, WNT2B, and ETV5, were significantly higher than in testis, whereas GLI1 was significantly higher in testis than ovaries. Gene expression was confirmed by IHC for GAGE, SOX9, AMH, CYP17A1, LIN28, WNT2B, ETV5 and GLI1. Gene expression was not associated with the maternal smoking habits. Collectively, a precise temporal determination of changes in expression of key genes involved in human sex-differentiation is defined, with identification of new genes of potential importance