43 research outputs found

    Detecting Articles in a Digitized Finnish Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1929: Early Results Using the PIVAJ Software

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    This paper describes first large scale article detection and extraction efforts on the Finnish Digi newspaper material of the National Library of Finland (NLF) using data of one newspaper, Uusi Suometar 1869-1898 . The historical digital newspaper archive environment of the NLF is based on commercial docWorks software. The software is capable of article detection and extraction, but our material does not seem to behave well in the system in t his respect. Therefore, we have been in search of an alternative article segmentation system and have now focused our efforts on the PIVAJ machine learning based platform developed at the LITIS laborator y of University of Rouen Normandy. As training and evaluation data for PIVAJ we chose one newspaper, Uusi Suometar. We established a data set that contains 56 issues of the newspaper from years 1869 1898 with 4 pages each, i.e. 224 pages in total. Given the selected set of 56 issues, our first data annotation and experiment phase consisted of annotating a subset of 28 issues (112 pages) and conducting preliminary experiments. After the preliminary annotation and annotation of the first 28 issues accordingly. Subsequently, we annotated the remaining 28 issues . We then divided the annotated set in to training and evaluation set s of 168 and 56 pages. We trained PIVAJ successfully and evaluate d the results using the layout evaluation software developed by PRImA research laboratory of University of Salford. The results of our experiments show that PIVAJ achieves success rates of 67.9, 76.1, and 92.2 for the whole data set of 56 pages with three different evaluation scenarios introduced in [6]. On the whole, the results seem reasonable considering the varying layouts of the different issues of Uusi Suometar along the time scale of the data.Peer reviewe

    CFD-based Analysis & Correlation Development for a Novel Multi-furcating Heat Exchanger for High Temperature, High Pressure Applications

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    The thermal efficiency of indirectly heated power cycles such as supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) closed Brayton cycles are typically limited by their heat exchangers (HXs), which require high heat transfer effectiveness while operating for tens of thousands of hours under high temperature (\u3e800°C) and pressure (\u3e80 bar) conditions. Previous literature has shown that the use of nature-inspired furcating flow channels represents an exciting opportunity to improve HX thermal-hydraulic performance. In this paper, we analyze the novel multi-furcating HX manifold concept, that was previously shown experimentally to reduce HX volume and mass compared to a baseline oil cooler by 50% and 67%, respectively. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are utilized to analyze thermal-hydraulic performance and fluid flow development. CFD-based correlations of Nusselt number and friction factor are developed for performance prediction of a full, additively manufactured HX. The developed Nusselt number and friction factor correlations predict unit cell thermal-hydraulic performance within ±3% and ±5% for all simulated Reynolds numbers, respectively. The full HX would enable increased thermal efficiency of indirectly heated power cycles to reduce both energy consumption and emissions while also allowing opportunities in advanced aerospace applications

    A Study about the use of text mining in teleconsulting classification in the context of the TelehealthRS Project

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    This article presents a study on how text mining technology may contribute to build answers to teleconsultation made in the context of telehealth. In this scenario, one of the difficulties for the preparation of responses to consultations is related to the classification of questions initially posed by the applicant. In this research, we used Sobek mining tool to extract concepts from a number of previous requests and integrated it to a teleconsultation experimental environment. Then a study with 37 professionals from various regions of the country was carried out, professionals who answered two teleconsultation using the new system. Results showed that text mining can be helpful in locating relevant information to improve the answering process. The teleconsultants that participated in the research also considered that using previous requests and responses in teleconsultations may contribute to the continuing education process of health professionals

    Microchannel cooling for the LHCb VELO Upgrade I

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    The LHCb VELO Upgrade I, currently being installed for the 2022 start of LHC Run 3, uses silicon microchannel coolers with internally circulating bi-phase \cotwo for thermal control of hybrid pixel modules operating in vacuum. This is the largest scale application of this technology to date. Production of the microchannel coolers was completed in July 2019 and the assembly into cooling structures was completed in September 2021. This paper describes the R\&D path supporting the microchannel production and assembly and the motivation for the design choices. The microchannel coolers have excellent thermal peformance, low and uniform mass, no thermal expansion mismatch with the ASICs and are radiation hard. The fluidic and thermal performance is presented.Comment: 31 pages, 27 figure

    Assessment of child and adult users of the degree of orientation of Primary Healthcare in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    No 1Âș semestre de 2014, 6.675 usuĂĄrios adultos e cuidadores de crianças usuĂĄrias dos serviços de Atenção PrimĂĄria Ă  SaĂșde (APS) do Rio de Janeiro foram entrevistados por meio do Instrumento de Avaliação da APS, Primary Care Assessment Tool, o PCATool-Brasil. O objetivo era ter um panorama rigoroso, por meio da experiĂȘncia real dos usuĂĄrios, do grau de extensĂŁo dos atributos essenciais e derivados da APS para todas as Áreas de Planejamento (AP) da Secretaria Municipal de SaĂșde (SMS). A pesquisa teve um desenho de estudo transversal, com amostras aleatĂłrias independentes de usuĂĄrios (crianças e adultos) dos serviços e os resultados mensurados por escores dos atributos da APS. As unidades tipo A – Centros Municipais de SaĂșde e ClĂ­nicas da FamĂ­lia que possuem apenas Equipes de SaĂșde da FamĂ­lia - obtiveram desempenho superior quando comparadas Ă s unidades tipo B, na avaliação de adultos e crianças que utilizam os serviços de APS. Os escores dos atributos “acesso – primeiro contato/ acessibilidade”, “integralidade – serviços prestados”, “orientação comunitĂĄria” e “orientação familiar” ainda precisam obter melhor desempenho. Por outro lado, a “coordenação do cuidado” e “longitudinalidade” encontram-se em trajetĂłria de qualidade, pois invariavelmente obtiveram escores prĂłximos ou superiores a 6,0.In the first half of 2014, 6,675 adults and caregivers of children using Primary Care (PC) services in Rio de Janeiro were interviewed using the Primary Care Assessment Tool - PCATool- Brazil. The aim was to arrive at an accurate overview of the extent to which PC services in all of the Planning Areas (PA) of the Rio de Janeiro City Health Department (CHD) – Municipal Health Secretariat have the essential and derivative attributes. This was a cross-sectional study of random, independent samples of the service users (children and adults). Results were measured using the scores assigned to PC attributes. In the opinion of adults and children using PC services, Type A Units – Municipal Healthcare Centers and Family Clinics staffed only with Family Health Teams, performed better than Type B units. The scores for the attributes “first contact accessibility”, “comprehensive service – services provided”, “community orientation” and “family orientation” still need to be improved. On the other hand “coordinated care” and “continuity” are on their way to quality scores, being always rated at around 6.0 or even higher.Telemedicin