694 research outputs found

    Pathology of acute and subchronic nitrate poisening in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L)

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    The pathology of nitrate poisoning by forest fertilizers to reindeer was studied. The post mortem picture differed with substance, dose and time of exposure. Animals that died from acute ammonium nitrate intoxication had lesions similar to those found in acute ammonium and nitrate poisoning in sheep and cattle, without developing methaemoglobinemia. The animal that died from acute sodium nitrate poisoning probably died from acute collapse of the blood pressure without developing methaemoglobinemia and without any significant post mortem lesions. Animals dead of subchronic sodium nitrate poisoning all developed methaemoglobinemia. Animals dead within 24 hours only revealed subserous haemorrhages in the pleura and haemorrhages in musculus longissimus costarum and musculus longissimus dorsi. Similar pleural and muscular haemorrhages were also found in animals that died 60 - 200 hours after exposure but in these animals were also found what is considered common lesions in connection with nitrate/nitrite posoning; i.e. discolorated and poorly clotted blood, cardiac hamorrhages etc. The constant finding of these pleural and muscular haemorrhages may indicate almost pathognomonic lesions, in reindeer, in connection with nitrate poisoning of subchronic and chronic nature. The two animals that died from voluntarily drinking ammonium-nitrate dissolved in water developed lesions indicative of a combined effect of ammonium and nitrate poisoning. Patologin vid akut och subkronisk nitratforgiftning hos ren (Rangifer tarandus L) Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Patologin vid nitratforgiftning, orsakad av skogsgodselmedel, hos ren har undersokts. Obduktionsbilden varierade med godselmedel, dosering och exponeringstid. Djuren som dog av akut ammoniumnitratforgiftning uppvisade likartade forandringar som ses vid akut ammonium-och nitratforgiftning hos får och notkreatur. Inget av djuren utvecklade methaemoglobinemi. Det djur som dog av akut natriumnitratforgiftning dog troligen av en akut blodtryckskollaps utan att utveckla methaemoglobinemi. Djur vilka dog av subkronisk natriumnitratforgiftning utvecklade alla methaemoglobinemi. Djuren som dog inom 24 timmar uppvisade enbart subserosa Modningar i pleura och blodningar i musculus longissimus costarum och musculus longissimus dorsi. Liknande blodningar i pleura och samma muskler sigs också hos djur som dog 60 - 200 timmar efter exposition. Hos dessa djur sågs emellertid också forhindringar som anses vanliga i samband med nitrat/nitritforgiftning såsom, missfårgat dåligt koagulerat blod, blodningar i hjårtat etc. Det genomgående fyndet av dessa blodningar i pleura och dorsala rygg- brostmuskler, hos ren, i samband med nitratforgiftning av subkronisk eller kronisk karaktår, ar en indikation på synbarligen patognomoniska forandringar. De två djur som dog efter att frivilligt ha druckit ammoniumnitrat lost i vatten utvecklade forandringar tydande pi en kombinerad effekt av ammonium- och nitratforgiftning. Poron (Rangifer tarandus L) åkillisen subkroonisen nitraattimyrkytyksen patologia. Abstract in Finnsih / Yhteenveto: Tutkittiin metsånlannoitteiden aiheuttaman nitraattimyrkytyksen patologiaa poroissa. Ruumiinavau-skuva vaihteli lannoitteesta, annostuksesta ja altistamisajasta riippuen. Akilliseen ammoniumnitraattimyrkytykseen kuolleissa elaimisså muutokset olivat samankaltaisia kuin lampaiden ja nautojen akillisessa ammonium ja nitraattimyrkytyksessa. Yhteenkaån elåimeen ei kehittynyt methemoglobinemiaa. Eras akilliseen natriumnitraattimyrkytykseen kuollut elain menehtyi luultavasti akilliseen verenpainekollapsiin ilman methemoglobinemian kehittymista. Kaikkiin subkrooniseen natriumnitraattimyrkytykseen kuolleisiin elåimiin kehittyi methemoglobinemia. Kahden-kymmenenneljån tunnin sisalla kuolleissa elaimisså ilmeni ainoastaan rintakalvonalaisia verenvuotoja sekå verenvuotoja Musculus longissimus costarumissa ja M. longissimus dorsissa. Samankaltaisia verenvuotoja rintakalvossa ja samoissa lihaksissa nåhtiin myos niisså elaimisså, jotka kuolivat 60 - 200 tuntia altistamisen jålkeen. Nåisså elaimisså havaittiin kuitenkin myos nitraatti/nitriittimyrkytyksen yhteydesså tavallisina pidettåviå muutoksia kuten våriltåån muuttunut ja huonosti hyytynyt veri, verenvuotoja sydåmesså jne. Porojen subkroonisessa tai kroonisess nitraattimyrkytyksesså såånnollisenå loydoksenå tavatut verenvuodot rintakalvossa ja ylemmåsså selkårintalihaksistossa viittaavat siihen, ettå muutokset ilmeisesti ovat tålle myrkytykselle ominaisia. Niihin kahteen elaimeen, jotka kuolivat juotuaan vapaaehtoisesti veteen liuotettua ammoniumnitraattia, kehittyi ammonium - ja nitraattimyrkytyksen yhteisvaikutukseen viittaavia muutoksia

    Investigation of activated Al-pillared clay efficiency in vegetable oil purification

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    This paper represents a contribution to the applicability of natural clays and their derivates as adsorbents in the process of purification of vegetable oil. Investigation of textural properties of raw and purified clay samples reveals that during acid activation and Al-pillaring, BET and micropore surface area increases significantly. However, bleaching capacity of clay and its derivates is not determined by using sample surface area, but rather sample total pore volume. Surface area, especially micropore surface area contributes to removal of smaller molecules. This was confirmed by successful elimination of moisture and volatile materials by samples with an appropriate micropore structure. Used samples of clay and its derivates do not significantly influence acid and peroxide values of raw sunflower oil during its treatment

    Angiotensin II Receptor Subtypes and Cardiac Function

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    All the components of the renin-angiotensin system have been identified in the heart including the angiotensin II receptor subtypes AT1 and AT2 In the normal human heart, there is a decreasing receptor density from the right atrium to the left ventricle. In right atrial membranes prepared from pathological hearts, the percentage of AT1 receptor decreases with the severity of cardiac dysfunction whereas that of AT2 receptor increases. Treatment of hypertrophic rats with AT1 receptor antagonists inhibits cardiac hypertrophy and reverses the increase receptor density, indicating involvement of this Ang II receptor subtype. The role of the AT2 receptor is still largely unknown but it may be involved in cell growth and proliferation. The cloning of both AT1 and AT2 receptors as well as the availability of potent and selective antagonists will help us to understand better the functional role of Angiotensin II in cardiovascular disorder

    Selective loss of myelin-associated glycoprotein from myelin correlates with anti-MAG antibody titre in demyelinating paraproteinaemic polyneuropathy

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    Summary The IgM monoclonal autoantibodies of patients with demyelinating paraproteinaemic polyneuropathy recognize a carbohydrate structure present on both myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) and protein zero (Po). These autoantibodies are sufficient to cause the disease but the mechanism of demyelination remains unclear. We have analysed nerve biopsies from eight patients with polyneuropathy and anti-MAG antibodies by quantitative immunohistochemistry and find a concordant pattern of reduced expression of myelin markers with the loss of myelinated fibres. We report here novel features of this disease, in particular a selective lack of detectable MAG in a large proportion of myelinated fibres containing Po, myelin basic protein (MBP) and periaxin. There is also an inverse correlation of the distribution of MAG in peripheral never myelin with the serum anti-MAG antibody titres but no correlation of these titres with the loss of myelinated fibres. Double immunofluorescence staining of paraproteinaemic polyneuropathy (PPN) nerves shows anti-MAG IgM deposited on the periphery of myelinated fibres associated with or lacking MAG staining. These data suggest that the binding of anti-MAG antibodies to MAG and/or other myelin component(s) results in MAG downregulation and may have an essential role in the molecular mechanisms leading to demyelination and partial regeneration in this diseas

    Prospective Assessment of Sex-Related Differences in Symptom Status and Health Perception Among Patients With Atrial Fibrillation.

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    We prospectively assessed sex-specific differences in health perception, overall symptom status, and specific symptoms in a large cohort of patients with atrial fibrillation. We performed a prospective multicenter observational cohort study of 1553 patients with atrial fibrillation. Patients completed questionnaires about personal characteristics, comorbidities, and symptoms on a yearly basis. Mean age was 70±11 years among women and 67±12 years among men. Health perception on a visual analogue scale ranging from 0 to 100 (with higher scores indicating better health perception) was significantly lower in women than in men (70 [interquartile range: 50-80] versus 75 [interquartile range: 60-85]; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@29592a5d <0.0001). More women than men had any symptoms (85.0% versus 68.3%; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@7ac0b4e4 <0.0001), palpitations (65.2% versus 44.4%; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@41229466 <0.0001), dizziness (25.6% versus 13.5%; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@61871784 <0.0001), dyspnea (35.7% versus 21.8%; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@16cc22b <0.0001), and fatigue (25.3% versus 19.1%; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@7ef43176 =0.006). At 1-year follow-up, symptoms decreased in both sexes but remained more frequent in women (49.1% versus 32.6%, javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@2b200b6a <0.0001). In multivariable adjusted longitudinal regression models, female sex remained an independent predictor for lower health perception (ß=-4.8; 95% CI, -6.5 to -3.1; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@72c212bd <0.0001), any symptoms (odds ratio [OR]: 2.6; 95% CI, 2.1-3.4; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@15d8fb54 <0.0001), palpitations (OR: 2.6; 95% CI, 2.1-3.2; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@4af80718 <0.0001), dizziness (OR: 2.9; 95% CI, 2.1-3.9; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@61282e76 <0.0001), dyspnea (OR: 2.1; 95% CI, 1.6-2.8; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@31d9f14 <0.0001), fatigue (OR: 1.6; 95% CI, 1.2-2.2; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@51cdd678 =0.0008), and chest pain (OR: 1.8; 95% CI, 1.3-2.6; javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@5b87db9e =0.001). Women with atrial fibrillation have a substantially higher symptom burden and lower health perception than men. These relationships persisted after multivariable adjustment and during prospective follow-up

    Equal pay as a moving target: International perspectives on forty-years of addressing the gender pay gap

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    This paper provides an overview of the key factors impacting upon the gender pay gap in the UK, Europe and Australia. Forty years after the implementation of the first equal pay legislation, the pay gap remains a key aspect of the inequalities women face in the labour market. While the overall pay gap has tended to fall in many countries over the past forty years, it has not closed; in some countries it has been stubbornly resistant, or has even widened. In reviewing the collection of papers that make up this special issue we identify four broad themes with which to group the contributions and draw out the explanations for diverse trends: theoretical and conceptual debates; legal developments and their impacts; wage setting institutions and changing employer demands; and newly emerging pay inequalities between and within educational and ethnic groups. Across the four themes we underline how the trends in the gender pay gap capture the dynamism of inequalities, as the market power of different groups and stakeholders changes over times. Three key dimensions emerge from the papers to provide a framework for future research and policy discourse: the relationship between litigation and bargaining strategies; the interaction between wage-setting institutions and new organisational practices; and the increasing and range of diversity or equality strands competing for equal treatment. We conclude that progress towards closing the gender pay gap will not be easy, will require a collective effort of various actors, and will not be quick