42 research outputs found

    Purinergic signaling microenvironments: An introduction

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    The common theme of this introductory article and the minireviews that follow in this special issue is the concept of microenvironments within tissues and surrounding cells that would be ideal signaling venues for a biologically active purinergic ligand. Collectively, the editors/authors and the other contributing authors agree that nucleotides and nucleosides would be most potent within a confined system. A talented cadre of purinergics has been solicited to discuss purinergic signaling in his or her favorite microenvironment within a given organ or tissue. We are gratified by the large number of original articles that also have successfully navigated the peer review process and are part of this special issue. These concepts are not simply purinergic, but the idea of maximal potency in a tissue microenvironment and surrounding specialized cells within a tissue pertains to any autacoid or paracrine agonist

    Extracellular zinc and ATP-gated P2X receptor calcium entry channels: New zinc receptors as physiological sensors and therapeutic targets

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    In this review, we focus on two attributes of P2X receptor channel function, one essential and one novel. First, we propose that P2X receptors are extracellular sensors as well as receptors and ion channels. In particular, the large extracellular domain (that comprises 70% of the molecular mass of the receptor channel protein) lends itself to be a cellular sensor. Moreover, its exquisite sensitivity to extracellular pH, ionic strength, and multiple ligands evokes the function of a sensor. Second, we propose that P2X receptors are extracellular zinc receptors as well as receptors for nucleotides. We provide novel data in multiple publications and illustrative data in this invited review to suggest that zinc triggers ATP-independent activation of P2X receptor channel function. In this light, P2X receptors are the cellular site of integration between autocrine and paracrine zinc signaling and autocrine and paracrine purinergic signaling. P2X receptors may sense changes in these ligands as well as in extracellular pH and ionic strength and transduce these sensations via calcium and/or sodium entry and changes in membrane potential

    Loss of apical monocilia on collecting duct principal cells impairs ATP secretion across the apical cell surface and ATP-dependent and flow-induced calcium signals

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    Renal epithelial cells release ATP constitutively under basal conditions and release higher quantities of purine nucleotide in response to stimuli. ATP filtered at the glomerulus, secreted by epithelial cells along the nephron, and released serosally by macula densa cells for feedback signaling to afferent arterioles within the glomerulus has important physiological signaling roles within kidneys. In autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) mice and humans, collecting duct epithelial cells lack an apical central cilium or express dysfunctional proteins within that monocilium. Collecting duct principal cells derived from an Oak Ridge polycystic kidney (orpkTg737) mouse model of ARPKD lack a well-formed apical central cilium, thought to be a sensory organelle. We compared these cells grown as polarized cell monolayers on permeable supports to the same cells where the apical monocilium was genetically rescued with the wild-type Tg737 gene that encodes Polaris, a protein essential to cilia formation. Constitutive ATP release under basal conditions was low and not different in mutant versus rescued monolayers. However, genetically rescued principal cell monolayers released ATP three- to fivefold more robustly in response to ionomycin. Principal cell monolayers with fully formed apical monocilia responded three- to fivefold greater to hypotonicity than mutant monolayers lacking monocilia. In support of the idea that monocilia are sensory organelles, intentionally harsh pipetting of medium directly onto the center of the monolayer induced ATP release in genetically rescued monolayers that possessed apical monocilia. Mechanical stimulation was much less effective, however, on mutant orpk collecting duct principal cell monolayers that lacked apical central monocilia. Our data also show that an increase in cytosolic free Ca2+ primes the ATP pool that is released in response to mechanical stimuli. It also appears that hypotonic cell swelling and mechanical pipetting stimuli trigger release of a common ATP pool. Cilium-competent monolayers responded to flow with an increase in cell Ca2+ derived from both extracellular and intracellular stores. This flow-induced Ca2+ signal was less robust in cilium-deficient monolayers. Flow-induced Ca2+ signals in both preparations were attenuated by extracellular gadolinium and by extracellular apyrase, an ATPase/ADPase. Taken together, these data suggest that apical monocilia are sensory organelles and that their presence in the apical membrane facilitates the formation of a mature ATP secretion apparatus responsive to chemical, osmotic, and mechanical stimuli. The cilium and autocrine ATP signaling appear to work in concert to control cell Ca2+. Loss of a cilium-dedicated autocrine purinergic signaling system may be a critical underlying etiology for ARPKD and may lead to disinhibition and/or upregulation of multiple sodium (Na+) absorptive mechanisms and a resultant severe hypertensive phenotype in ARPKD and, possibly, other diseases

    Small-molecule allosteric activators of PDE4 long form cyclic AMP phosphodiesterases

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    Cyclic AMP (cAMP) phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) enzymes degrade cAMP and underpin the compartmentalization of cAMP signaling through their targeting to particular protein complexes and intracellular locales. We describe the discovery and characterization of a small-molecule compound that allosterically activates PDE4 long isoforms. This PDE4-specific activator displays reversible, noncompetitive kinetics of activation (increased Vmax with unchanged Km), phenocopies the ability of protein kinase A (PKA) to activate PDE4 long isoforms endogenously, and requires a dimeric enzyme assembly, as adopted by long, but not by short (monomeric), PDE4 isoforms. Abnormally elevated levels of cAMP provide a critical driver of the underpinning molecular pathology of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) by promoting cyst formation that, ultimately, culminates in renal failure. Using both animal and human cell models of ADPKD, including ADPKD patient-derived primary cell cultures, we demonstrate that treatment with the prototypical PDE4 activator compound lowers intracellular cAMP levels, restrains cAMP-mediated signaling events, and profoundly inhibits cyst formation. PDE4 activator compounds thus have potential as therapeutics for treating disease driven by elevated cAMP signaling as well as providing a tool for evaluating the action of long PDE4 isoforms in regulating cAMP-mediated cellular processes

    Large pore formation uniquely associated with P2X

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    Compelling “metabolomic” biomarkers may signal PKD pathogenesis

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    Extracellular ATP-mediated propagation of Ca

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