10 research outputs found


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    Negli anni tra fine \u27800 e inizio \u27900 l\u27attivazione nelle province dell\u27Austria di istituti per il promovimento delle piccole industrie e di cattedre ambulanti per l\u27aggiornamento professionale di capi d\u27 arte e lavoranti allineava questo specifico settore dell\u27ordinamento austriaco a quello più avanzato della Germania, peraltro tradizionale modello per i governanti di Vienna. L\u27 Istria si avvantaggiò tardivamente delle possibilità offerte dalle nuove disposizioni e nell\u27attuarle ebbe come punto di riferimento Trieste, a cui si unì per costituire nel 1904 un comune istituto per il promovimento delle piccole industrie e organizzare corsi d\u27istruzione professionale.U sklopu toliko neprezaljene i mitizirane efikasnosti administracije i funkcionalnosti javnih ustanova Habsbur~ke Monarhije, isticu se neke poznate licnosti industrijskog uredenja, te onog ~kolskog, Ciji je utjecaj na pokrajinoskoj razini malo proucavan, pogotovo u lstri, iako nije manjkala bogata i detaljna arhivska dokumentacija. To se posebno odnosi na institute za promidzbu malih industrija, te na pomicne katedre obrazovanja za profesionalno usavr~avanje, stvorena u raznim pokrajinama Monarhije veé u zadnjim godinama 19. st., nastojanjima Ministarstva trgovine (kompetentnog za to podrucje, dok i sto nije potpalo pod nadzor novonastalog Ministarstva za javne radove 1908. god.). Istarski Sabor u Porecu i Trgovacka Komora za Istru u Rovinju zajednicki su donijeli odluku s istoimenim institucijama iz Trsta o stvaranju jednog zajednickog instituta, u cilju promicanja malih industrija, koji je slijedeée godine organizirao pokretne tecaje profesionalnog usavr~avanja za strucne kadrove i radnike u istarskim gradiéima, kao i u glavnom gradu regije. Druge funkcije kojima je bio zaduzen ovaj institut sastojale su se od dodjele kredita i strojeva poduzeéima, te konsorcijima poduzeéa; od pomoéi prilikom osnivanja takvih poduzeéa i udruzenja; od pokretanja ureda besplatnog tehnickog savjetovanja i pokretne biblioteke, kao potpore samim profesionalnim tecajevima; od postavljanja izlozba radova ucenika u privredi i strojeva korisnih lokalnoj produkciji. Ali posebno se zeljelo svratiti paznju na ~ iroku zastupljenost pokretnih tecajeva usavr~avanja koji u Istri organizirani pocev~i od 1909. god. u uskoj vezi s Drzavnom obrtnickom ~kolom iz Trsta, odakle je morao biti i najveéi broj nastavnika. Kako bi ponudili prikaz ustrojstva industrijskog obrazovanja morali smo krenuti sa 80-tim godinama pro~log stoljeéa s namjerom da odredimo moguéi pravac prema kojem éemo usmjeriti odredenija i daljnja istrazivanja

    THU-117-Evaluation of risk factors associated with failure to a first-line NS5A-containing regimen in HCV-infected patients naive to direct acting antivirals: Particular focus on natural resistance

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    Background and aims: This study aimed to evaluate the presence of natural resistance-associated- substitutions (RASs) and other pre-treatment risk-factors for failure in a large group of HCV-infected patients (pts) naive to direct-acting-antivirals (DAA) with an available outcome after their first-line NS5A inhibitor-containing regimen in Italy. Method: RASs in NS3/NS5A/NS5B (N = 1685/1497/1175) were analysed in 1947 DAA-naïve pts. Of them, 705 had an available outcome after a first-line NS5A-containing regimen recommended by the 2016/18 guidelines, with a baseline (BL) NS5A-test. HCV Sanger-sequencing was performed by home-made protocols. Potential differences between the sustained-virological-response (SVR) and virological-failure (VF) group were evaluated by Fisher’s exact test. A multivariable logistic-regression analysis was performed to define risk-factors associated to treatment-response. Results: Overall, 579/1947 (29.7%) pts showed at least one natural RASs, particularly NS5A-RAS was observed in 18.9% of pts. 705 pts (GT1a/b/g[200/214/1]-GT2a/c[84]-3a[141]-4a/d[65]) had an available outcome (656 with a SVR and 49 with a VF) after the following recommended NS5A- containing regimen: daclatasvir (DCV)/ledipasvir (LDV)/velpatasvir (VEL)+sofosbuvir (SOF)±ribavirin (RBV) (N = 125/130/161), 3D/2D (paritaprevir/ritonavir+ombitasvir ± dasabuvir)±RBV (N = 125/44), grazoprevir (GZR)+elbasvir (EBR)±RBV (N = 70), glecaprevir+pibrentasvir (G/P) (N = 50). By analysing retrospectively the BL samples, a higher prevalence of natural NS5A-RASs was observed before treatment in DAA-failures (18/49, 36.7%) vs SVR-pts (94/656, 14.3%; P < 0.001). Notably, ≥ 2 risk factors for failure were more frequently observed at BL among pts who experienced a VF to a DAA treatment (37/49, 75.5%) compared to those achieving SVR (295/656, 45.0%, P < 0.001). By multivariable logistic-regression high HCV-RNA, natural RAS, cirrhosis, previous IFN-failure were negatively associated with SVR (see figure). Interestingly, all 32 GT1-3 pts treated with G/P achieved SVR, with the exception of 1 GT3, who had a breakthrough and had at BL the NS5A RAS A30K and HCV-RNA > 800.000 IU/ml. All others were without (or only 1) risk-factor: notably none of them showed BL RASs regimen-related. Conclusion: The presence of specific pre-treatment risk-factor, such as RAS regimen-related, BL HCV-RNA > 800.000 IU/ml, cirrhosis and previous IFN-failure were associated with virological failure for some specific regimens and GTs

    Impact of the M184V resistance mutation on virological efficacy and durability of lamivudine-based dual antiretroviral regimens as maintenance therapy in individuals with suppressed HIV-1 RNA: A cohort study

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    Background. Dual therapy (DT) with boosted protease inhibitors (bPIs) plus lamivudine has been shown to be superior to bPI monotherapy in virologically suppressed patients despite previous selection of the lamivudine resistance M184V mutation. We compared the virological efficacy of lamivudine-based DT in patients with and without a history of M184V detection. Methods. We retrospectively analyzed patients with HIV-RNA ≤50 copies/mL switching to DT with at least 1 previous resistance genotype in the ARCA database. Time to virological failure (VF; HIV-RNA ≥200 copies/mL or 2 consecutive HIV-RNA >50 copies/mL) and to treatment discontinuation (TD) was analyzed by survival analysis. Results. Four hundred thirty-six patients switching to lamivudine plus bPIs (70%) or integrase inhibitors (30%) were included. Patients with M184V (n = 87) were older, had lower nadir CD4+ cell count, longer duration of antiretroviral therapy and of virologic suppression, and higher rate of hepatitis C virus infection compared with patients without M184V. The 3-year probability of remaining free from VF was 91.9% (95% confidence interval [CI], 86.6-97.2) without M184V and 87.8% (95% CI, 78.4-97.2) with M184V (P = .323). The time to TD did not differ between groups. Multivariate analysis adjusting for baseline variables differing between groups also did not detect M184V as being associated with VF or TD; however, the 3-year probability of remaining free of viral blips (isolated HIV-RNA 51-199 copies/mL) was 79.8% (95% CI, 67.8%-91.8%) with M184V vs 90.1% (95% CI, 84.0%-96.2%) without M184V (P = .016). Conclusions. Previous selection of M184V did not increase the risk of VF or TD with lamivudine-based DT but was associated with a higher probability of viral blips

    Frequent NS5A and multiclass resistance in almost all HCV genotypes at DAA failures: What are the chances for second-line regimens?

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    Frequent NS5A and multiclass resistance in almost all HCV genotypes at DAA failures: What are the chances for second-line regimens?

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    Prevalence of Single and Multiple Natural NS3, NS5A and NS5B Resistance-Associated Substitutions in Hepatitis C Virus Genotypes 1-4 in Italy

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    Natural resistance-associated substitutions (RASs) are reported with highly variable prevalence across different HCV genotypes (GTs). Frequency of natural RASs in a large Italian real-life cohort of patients infected with the 4 main HCV-GTs was investigated. NS3, NS5A and NS5B sequences were analysed in 1445 HCV-infected DAA-naïve patients. Sanger-sequencing was performed by home-made protocols on 464 GT1a, 585 GT1b, 92 GT2c, 199 GT3a, 16 GT4a and 99 GT4d samples. Overall, 20.7% (301/1455) of patients showed natural RASs, and the prevalence of multiclass-resistance was 7.3% (29/372 patients analysed). NS3-RASs were particularly common in GT1a and GT1b (45.2-10.8%, respectively), mainly due to 80K presence in GT1a (17%). Almost all GTs showed high prevalence of NS5A-RASs (range: 10.2-45.4%), and especially of 93H (5.1%). NS5A-RASs with fold-change >100x were detected in 6.8% GT1a (30H/R-31M-93C/H), 10.3% GT1b (31V-93H), 28.4% GT2c (28C-31M-93H), 8.5% GT3a (30K-93H), 45.5% GT4a (28M-30R-93H) and 3.8% GT4d (28V-30S-93H). Sofosbuvir RAS 282T was never detected, while the 159F and 316N RASs were found in GT1b (13.4-19.1%, respectively). Natural RASs are common in Italian patients infected with HCV-GTs 1-4. High prevalence of clinically-relevant RASs (such as Y93H) supports the appropriateness of HCV resistance-test to properly guide DAA-based therapy

    The role of baseline HIV-1 RNA, drug resistance, and regimen type as determinants of response to first-line antiretroviral therapy

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    The factors influencing virological response to first-line combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) in an Italian cohort of HIV-1-infected patients were examined. Eligible patients were those enrolled in a national prospective observational cohort (Antiretroviral Resistance Cohort Analysis), starting first-line cART between 2001 and 2011 and who had at least one follow-up of HIV-1 RNA. The primary endpoint was virological success, defined as the first viral load 100,000 copies/ml, virologic success was only associated with the use of integrase inhibitors in the first cART regimen. Independent predictors of immunological success were baseline CD4+ cell count and wGSS <3. High baseline HIV-1 RNA, predicted activity of the first-line regimen based on genotypic resistance testing, gender, and use of new agents were found to predict time to achieve virological success. The type of initial nucleoside analog backbone was not found to predict virological response

    Prevalence of acquired resistance mutations in a large cohort of perinatally infected HIV-1 patients

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    Detection of drug resistance mutations at low plasma HIV-1 RNA load in a European multicentre cohort study

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    Guidelines indicate a plasma HIV-1 RNA load of 500-1000 copies/mL as the minimal threshold for antiretroviral drug resistance testing. Resistance testing at lower viral load levels may be useful to guide timely treatment switches, although data on the clinical utility of this remain limited. We report here the influence of viral load levels on the probability of detecting drug resistance mutations (DRMs) and other mutations by routine genotypic testing in a large multicentre European cohort, with a focus on tests performed at a viral load <1000 copies/mL