17 research outputs found

    Investigation of EMIC wave scattering as the cause for the BARREL 17 January 2013 relativistic electron precipitation event: A quantitative comparison of simulation with observations

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    Abstract Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves were observed at multiple observatory locations for several hours on 17 January 2013. During the wave activity period, a duskside relativistic electron precipitation (REP) event was observed by one of the Balloon Array for Radiation belt Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) balloons and was magnetically mapped close to Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) 13. We simulate the relativistic electron pitch angle diffusion caused by gyroresonant interactions with EMIC waves using wave and particle data measured by multiple instruments on board GOES 13 and the Van Allen Probes. We show that the count rate, the energy distribution, and the time variation of the simulated precipitation all agree very well with the balloon observations, suggesting that EMIC wave scattering was likely the cause for the precipitation event. The event reported here is the first balloon REP event with closely conjugate EMIC wave observations, and our study employs the most detailed quantitative analysis on the link of EMIC waves with observed REP to date. Key PointsQuantitative analysis of the first balloon REP with closely conjugate EMIC wavesOur simulation suggests EMIC waves to be a viable cause for the REP eventThe adopted model is proved to be applicable to simulating the REP event

    Arase Observation of the Source Region of Auroral Arcs and Diffuse Auroras in the Inner Magnetosphere

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    Auroral arcs and diffuse auroras are common phenomena at high latitudes, though characteristics of their source plasma and fields have not been well understood. We report the first observation of fields and particles including their pitch‐angle distributions in the source region of auroral arcs and diffuse auroras, using data from the Arase satellite at L ~ 6.0–6.5. The auroral arcs appeared and expanded both poleward and equatorward at local midnight from ~0308 UT on 11 September 2018 at Nain (magnetic latitude: 66°), Canada, during the expansion phase of a substorm, while diffuse auroras covered the whole sky after 0348 UT. The top part of auroral arcs was characterized by purple/blue emissions. Bidirectional field‐aligned electrons with structured energy‐time spectra were observed in the source region of auroral arcs, while source electrons became isotropic and less structured in the diffuse auroral region afterwards. We suggest that structured bidirectional electrons at energies below a few keV were caused by upward field‐aligned potential differences (upward electric field along geomagnetic field) reaching high altitudes (~30,000 km) above Arase. The bidirectional electrons above a few keV were probably caused by Fermi acceleration associated with the observed field dipolarization. Strong electric‐field fluctuations and earthward Poynting flux were observed at the arc crossing and are probably also caused by the field dipolarization. The ions showed time‐pitch‐angle dispersion caused by mirror reflection. These results indicate a clear contrast between auroral arcs and diffuse auroras in terms of source plasma and fields and generation mechanisms of auroral arcs in the inner magnetosphere

    SECS Analysis of Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada

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    Large changes of the magnetic field associated with magnetic perturbation events (MPEs) with amplitudes |Î B| of hundreds of nT and 5- 10 min duration have been frequently observed within a few hours of midnight. This study compares the statistical location of nighttime MPEs with |dB/dt| - „ 6 nT/s within the auroral current system observed during 2015 and 2017 at two stations, Cape Dorset and Kuujjuarapik, in Eastern Canada. Maps of the two dimensional nightside auroral current system were derived using the Spherical Elementary Current Systems (SECS) technique. Analyses were produced at each station for all events, and for premidnight and postmidnight subsets. We examine four MPE intervals in detail, two accompanied by auroral images, and show the varying associations between MPEs and overhead ionospheric current systems including electrojets and the field- aligned like currents. We find 225 of 279 MPEs occurred within the westward electrojet and only 3 within the eastward electrojet. For the premidnight MPEs 100 of 230 events occurred within the Harang current system while many of the remainder occurred within either the downward region 1 current system or the upward region 2 current system. Many of the 49 postmidnight MPEs occurred in either the downward region 1 (11 events) or upward region 2 current system (27 events). These result suggest that the source of MPEs in the premidnight sector is somewhere between the inner to mid plasma sheet and the source for the MPEs in the postmidnight sector is somewhere between the inner magnetosphere and the inner plasma sheet.Key PointsMagnetic perturbation events most frequently occur within a westward electrojetPremidnight MPEs commonly occur within the Harang current system and Postmidnight MPEs commonly occur within the region 2 upward currentsMagnetic perturbation events with all sky image data display a sudden brightening and distortion of auroral arcsPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/171034/1/jgra56825.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/171034/2/jgra56825_am.pd

    Superposed Epoch Analysis of Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada

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    Rapid changes of magnetic fields associated with nighttime magnetic perturbation events (MPEs) with amplitudes |ΔB| of hundreds of nT and 5–10 min duration can induce geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) that can harm technological systems. Here we present superposed epoch analyses of large nighttime MPEs (|dB/dt| ≄ 6 nT/s) observed during 2015 and 2017 at five stations in Arctic Canada ranging from 64.7° to 75.2° in corrected geomagnetic latitude (MLAT) as functions of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), solar wind dynamic pressure, density, and velocity, and the SML, SMU, and SYM/H geomagnetic activity indices. Analyses were produced for premidnight and postmidnight events and for three ranges of time after the most recent substorm onset: (a) 0–30 min, (b) 30–60 min, and (c) >60 min. Of the solar wind and IMF parameters studied, only the IMF Bz component showed any consistent temporal variations prior to MPEs: a 1–2 h wide 1–3 nT negative minimum at all stations beginning ∌30–80 min before premidnight MPEs, and minima that were less consistent but often deeper before postmidnight MPEs. Median, 25th, and 75th percentile SuperMAG auroral indices SML (SMU) showed drops (rises) before pre‐ and post‐midnight type A MPEs, but most of the MPEs in categories B and C did not coincide with large‐scale peaks in ionospheric electrojets. Median SYM/H indices were flat near −30 nT for premidnight events and showed no consistent temporal association with any MPE events. More disturbed values of IMF Bz, Psw, Nsw, SML, SMU, and SYM/H appeared postmidnight than premidnight.Key PointsSuperposed epoch analyses of 2 years of >6 nT/s magnetic perturbation events (MPEs) from 5 high latitude Arctic stations are presentedOf the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) parameters studied, only IMF Bz showed any consistent pattern: a drop and rise prior to MPE occurrenceMost of the MPEs that occurred more than 30 min after a substorm onset did not coincide with peaks in the westward electrojetPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169302/1/jgra56680.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169302/2/jgra56680_am.pd

    Geomagnetic Disturbances that Cause GICs

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    Nearly all studies of impulsive geomagnetic disturbances (GMDs, also known as magnetic perturbation events MPEs) that can produce dangerous geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) have used data from the northern hemisphere. In this study we investigated GMD occurrences during the first 6 months of 2016 at four magnetically conjugate high latitude station pairs using data from the Greenland West Coast magnetometer chain and from Antarctic stations in the conjugate AAL-PIP magnetometer chain. Events for statistical analysis and four case studies were selected from Greenland/AAL-PIP data by detecting the presence of >6 nT/s derivatives of any component of the magnetic field at any of the station pairs. For case studies, these chains were supplemented by data from the BAS-LPM chain in Antarctica as well as Pangnirtung and South Pole in order to extend longitudinal coverage to the west. Amplitude comparisons between hemispheres showed a) a seasonal dependence (larger in the winter hemisphere), and b) a dependence on the sign of the By component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): GMDs were larger in the north (south) when IMF By was > 0 (< 0). A majority of events occurred nearly simultaneously (to within ± 3 min) independent of the sign of By as long as |By| ≀ 2 |Bz|. As has been found in earlier studies, IMF Bz was < 0 prior to most events. When IMF data from Geotail, Themis-B, and/or Themis C in the near-Earth solar wind were used to supplement the time-shifted OMNI IMF data, the consistency of these IMF orientations was improved

    Investigating the Relationship between IPDPs and Pi1B Waves

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    IPDPs (intervals of pulsations with diminishing periods) are a subset of EMIC waves. Pi1Bs (pulsations irregular 1Hz bursts) are ULF waves closely correlated with substorm onset. Prior research has indicated there may be a relationship between the two, but this relationship has not yet been fully fleshed out. In this presentation, we investigate the relationship between evening sector IPDPs and Pi1B. To do so we utilize searchcoil magnetometer, fluxgate magnetometer, riometer, and imaging riometer data from a collection of Antarctic ground stations (Halley Research Station, Neumayer, Maitri, Syowa, and Mawson) that span 10 degrees in CGM latitude, 4 hours in MLT, and L shells 4 through 9. We also utilize magnetometer data from satellites in conjunction including SWARM, which reveals a local unidentified ULF signature equatorward of the ground instrumentation (more work is required to fully understand this). From the ground instrumentation, we observe Pi1B in the late evening MLT region crossing over into the early dawn region, and IPDPs in the early evening MLT region. Despite the 4 hour range in MLT, we observe these events near simultaneously with only a ~15 minute delay between the start of the Pi1B and the start of the IPDP. We observe correlated cosmic noise absorption (CNA) that occurs simultaneously with and encompasses the full duration of these events. The ULF activity we observe aligns well with what we expect from previous work done on the subject-- IPDPs appear at lower geomagnetic latitudes (60-65 degrees) than Pi bursts, which are more prominent at ~70 degrees-- but the CNA we observe has less precedence in prior research. In this presentation, we describe our observations in detail as well as possible mechanisms that might link the Pi1B and IPDP waves, as well as the CNA

    Theory and observation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron triggered emissions in the magnetosphere

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    International audience[1] We develop a nonlinear wave growth theory of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) triggered emissions observed in the inner magnetosphere. We first derive the basic wave equations from Maxwell's equations and the momentum equations for the electrons and ions. We then obtain equations that describe the nonlinear dynamics of resonant protons interacting with an EMIC wave. The frequency sweep rate of the wave plays an important role in forming the resonant current that controls the wave growth. Assuming an optimum condition for the maximum growth rate as an absolute instability at the magnetic equator and a self‐sustaining growth condition for the wave propagating from the magnetic equator, we obtain a set of ordinary differential equations that describe the nonlinear evolution of a rising tone emission generated at the magnetic equator. Using the physical parameters inferred from the wave, particle, and magnetic field data measured by the Cluster spacecraft, we determine the dispersion relation for the EMIC waves. Integrating the differential equations numerically, we obtain a solution for the time variation of the amplitude and frequency of a rising tone emission at the equator. Assuming saturation of the wave amplitude, as is found in the observations, we find good agreement between the numerical solutions and the wave spectrum of the EMIC triggered emissions