1,002 research outputs found

    Generation of attenuation corrected images from lidar data

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    The interpretation of data generated by aerosol backscatter lidars is often facilitated by presentation of RHI and PPI images. These pictures are especially useful in studies of atmospheric boundary layer structure where convective elements, stratifications and aerosol laden plumes can be easily delineated. Procedures used at the University of Wisconsin to generate lidar images on a color enhanced raster scan display are described

    SilmÀt auki, suomen kielestÀ kiinnostunut!

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    Ville Eloranta ja Jaakko Leino: Sanaiset kansiot. Suomen kielen vaietut vaiheet. Gaudeamus,Helsinki 2017. 240 s

    Soviet industry and the Red Army under Stalin : a military-industrial complex?

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    The paper considers some of the views of the Stalin–era relationship between Soviet industry and the Red Army that are current in the literature, and disentangles some confusions of translation. The economic weight of the defence sector in the economic system is summarised in various aspects. The lessons of recent archival research are used as a basis for analysing the army–industry relationship under Stalin as a prisoners’ dilemma in which, despite the potential gains from mutual cooperation, each party faced a strong incentive to cheat on the other. It is concluded that the idea of a Soviet military–industrial complex is not strictly applicable to the Stalin period, but there may be greater justification for the Soviet Union after Stalin

    Dense packing on uniform lattices

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    We study the Hard Core Model on the graphs G{\rm {\bf \scriptstyle G}} obtained from Archimedean tilings i.e. configurations in {0,1}G\scriptstyle \{0,1\}^{{\rm {\bf G}}} with the nearest neighbor 1's forbidden. Our particular aim in choosing these graphs is to obtain insight to the geometry of the densest packings in a uniform discrete set-up. We establish density bounds, optimal configurations reaching them in all cases, and introduce a probabilistic cellular automaton that generates the legal configurations. Its rule involves a parameter which can be naturally characterized as packing pressure. It can have a critical value but from packing point of view just as interesting are the noncritical cases. These phenomena are related to the exponential size of the set of densest packings and more specifically whether these packings are maximally symmetric, simple laminated or essentially random packings.Comment: 18 page

    Ruusuinfektion potilasohje

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyömme tarkoituksena oli tehdĂ€ Savonlinnan keskussairaalan sisĂ€tautien osastolle 4A potilasohje ruusuinfektion sairastaneille asiakkaille. TĂ€mĂ€ potilasohje on tarkoitettu henkilökunnan kĂ€yttöön kotiutumisvaiheen suullisen ohjauksen tueksi sekĂ€ asiakkaalle keinoiksi ehkĂ€istĂ€ ruusuinfektion uusiutumista kotiolosuhteissa. Aiheen opinnĂ€ytetyöhömme saimme kyselemĂ€llĂ€ harjoittelupaikoiltamme, joissa olemme opintojemme aikana olleet Savonlinnan keskussairaalassa. Osastolta 4A puuttui kĂ€ytöstĂ€ oleva ruusutulehduksen potilasohje. OpinnĂ€ytetyömme teoriaosuus koostuu potilasohjauksesta, hyvĂ€n oppaan elementeistĂ€, ruusuinfektion lÀÀkkeellisestĂ€ ja lÀÀkkeettömĂ€stĂ€ hoidosta, ruusuinfektion tartuntamekanismeista ja ruusuinfektion syntymisen ehkĂ€isystĂ€. Työmme teoriaosuus keskittyy huomioimaan ruusuinfektion kohderyhmĂ€n sekĂ€ soveltamaan oppaaseen sille parhaiten soveltuvia ulkoasullisia ja sisĂ€llöllisiĂ€ elementtejĂ€. Työmme etenemisessĂ€ kĂ€ytimme tuotekehityksen prosessia, ja tuotteemme jÀÀdessĂ€ myös sĂ€hköiseen muotoon, on tilaavan tahomme mahdollisimman helppo sitĂ€ pĂ€ivittÀÀ tarpeen vaatiessa.The goal of our bachelor’s thesis was to provide a patient guide to Erysipelas for medical ward 4A in the central hospital of Savonlinna. This guide was made to provide concrete support for nurses to be used at the discharge of a patient who has had Erysipelas. It can also be used by the patients at home in order to prevent the disease from recurring. We got the theme for our bachelor’s thesis from the places where we have had practical training during the studies. We found out the need for a patient guide to Erysipelas in the medical ward 4A. So far they haven’t had any guide for the patients. This bachelor’s thesis includes the following parts: elements of guiding the patient, how to make a good patient guide, information about medical and non-medical treatment for Erysipelas, how the infections spread and how the patients can prevent Erysipelas from recurring. We tried to take the target group into account by using suitable layout and content elements. While creating this guide we used the product development process in order to make a good guide for the ward to use. We also provide this guide in electronic form so that the medical ward can update the guide if necessary

    Soviet industry and the red army under stalin : a military-industrial complex?

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    The paper considers some of the views of the Stalin–era relationship between Soviet industry and the Red Army that are current in the literature, and disentangles some confusions of translation. The economic weight of the defence sector in the economic system is summarized in various aspects. The lessons of recent archival research are used as a basis for analyzing the army–industry relationship under Stalin as a prisoners’ dilemma in which, despite the potential gains from mutual cooperation, each party faced a strong incentive to cheat on the other. It is concluded that the idea of a Soviet military–industrial complex is not strictly applicable to the Stalin period, but there may be greater justification for the Soviet Union after Stalin.

    Kuka hallitsee radioaaltoja? Radio vaikutus vuosien 1946 ja 1948 kansallisiin vaaleihin Argentiinassa

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    Our goal in this article is to examine what role radio played in the Argentinian elections of 1946 and 1948 – i.e., whether this medium helped Juan Domingo Perón secure his electoral victories. Through the evaluation of the preceding elections and the emergence of radio in Argentina, the analysis of the two elections will be conducted both qualitatively, via discussion of the political economy surrounding the elections; as well as quantitatively, through an examination of the determining factors of their respective outcomes. We argue that radio played a pivotal role in the elections, especially in 1946, since it provided an effective advertising and public opinion tool for Perón. Moreover, the nationalization of the radio networks in the same period helped to enable Perón’s control going forward, both among certain voting constituencies and certain regions.Peer reviewe

    "Joskus tuntuu, ettÀ tÀytyy puhua enkelten kieltÀ" : Sairaanhoitajien toteuttama potilasohjaus psoriaasia sairastaville potilaille

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    Potilasohjaus on keskeinen osa sairaanhoitajan työtĂ€. Hyvin toteutettu potilasohjaus edistÀÀ potilaan omahoitoisuutta ja siten parantaa potilaan elĂ€mĂ€n laatua. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ sairaanhoitajien toteuttamaa potilasohjausta psoriaasia sairastaville potilaille. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli siitĂ€ saadun tiedon hyödyntĂ€minen psoriaasia sairastavan potilaan potilasohjauksessa. TutkimustehtĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ oli kartoittaa sairaanhoitajien kokemuksia heidĂ€n toteuttamastaan potilasohjauksesta psoriaasia sairastaville potilaille. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu potilasohjauksesta ja psoriaasia kĂ€sittelevĂ€stĂ€ tietoperustasta. Potilasohjausta tarkastellaan prosessina, johon kuuluu potilasohjauksen tarpeen mÀÀrittely, potilasohjauksen tavoitteet, potilasohjausta tukevat tekijĂ€t, potilasohjausmenetelmĂ€t sekĂ€ potilasohjauksen arviointi. LisĂ€ksi teoreettisessa viitekehyksessĂ€ tarkastellaan potilaiden kokemuksia potilasohjauksesta. Psoriaasia kĂ€sittelevĂ€ssĂ€ osuudessa tarkastellaan psoriaasia sairautena sekĂ€ sen eri hoitomuotoja. Tutkimus tehtiin kvalitatiivisella eli laadullisella menetelmĂ€llĂ€. Tutkimuksen tekeminen aloitettiin kevÀÀllĂ€ 2013. Tutkimusaineisto kerĂ€ttiin teemahaastattelujen avulla helmikuussa 2014, teemahaastatteluihin valittiin osallistujat työkokemuksen ja työnkuvan perusteella. Tutkimukseen haastateltiin kolmea sairaanhoitajaa, jotka toteuttavat potilasohjausta psoriaasia sairastaville potilaille. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin maaliskuussa 2014, tutkimuksen analysointiin kĂ€ytettiin sekĂ€ deduktiivista ettĂ€ induktiivista sisĂ€llönanalyysiĂ€. Tutkimusraportti kirjoitettiin kevÀÀllĂ€ 2014. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella sairaanhoitajien toteuttama potilasohjaus psoriaasia sairastaville potilaille pyrkii sekĂ€ potilaan omahoitoisuuden ettĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€n laadun parantamiseen. Tutkimuksen mukaan sairaanhoitajat toteuttavat potilasohjausta psoriaasia sairastavan potilaan tarpeiden mukaan. Potilaille tehdystĂ€ kyselystĂ€ saadut vastaukset tukevat tutkimukseen osallistuneiden sairaanhoitajien kokemuksia toteuttamastaan potilasohjauksesta psoriaasia sairastaville potilaille.Patient education is a key part of the nurse's work. A well-implemented patient educa-tion can promote patient self-care and thus improve the patient's quality of life. The purpose of this study was to investigate how nurses carried out patient education with patients suffering from psoriasis. The aim was to the use the information obtained from psoriatic patients on patient education. The task of this study was to find out how the nurses experiences their implement patient education to patients who suffers’ psoriasis. The theoretical framework of this study consists of patient guidance and knowledge base for dealing with psoriasis. The patient is regarded as a process, which includes pa-tient education necessary for definition of the objectives of patient education, patient education support factors, patient education, and patient education methods for the evaluation. In addition, the theoretical framework examines patients' experiences of patient education. The section, which deals psoriasis, examines psoriasis as a disease and various treatments of it. The study was conducted as a qualitative method. The study was started in the spring of 2013. Research data was collected through theme-based interviews in February 2014, participants of the theme-based interviews were selected on the basis of work experi-ence and job description. For this research thee nurses were interviewed, they implement patient education to patients who suffers psoriasis. The data was analysed in March 2014, the analysis of the study was used deductive and inductive content analysis. Research report was written in the spring of 2014. The research material was carried out by the patient, the nurses in the control psoriasis in patients’ endeavours as well as the patient's self-care to improve their quality of life. The survey found that nurses take patient education in patients suffering from psoriasis the patient's needs. The patients of the questionnaire responses received in support of the nurses participating in the study take in the experience of patient guidance psoriasis in patients

    RyhmĂ€stĂ€ enemmĂ€n ¬– ryhmĂ€nohjauskoulutus. IkĂ€ihmisten voimavaralĂ€htöinen toimintakyvyn tukeminen

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    EnnaltaehkĂ€isevĂ€ vanhustyö on osa vanhuspalveluiden kuntouttavaa työtĂ€. Kuntouttavalla vanhustyöllĂ€ on suuri merkitys ikĂ€ihmisten toimintakyvyn tukemisessa ja yllĂ€pitĂ€misessĂ€. Laissa ikÀÀntyneen vĂ€estön toimintakyvyn tukemisesta sekĂ€ iĂ€kkĂ€iden sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluista todetaan, ettĂ€ palvelut on toteu-tettava niin, ettĂ€ ne tukevat iĂ€kkÀÀn henkilön hyvinvointia, terveyttĂ€, toimintakykyĂ€, itsenĂ€istĂ€ suoriu-tumista ja osallisuutta. TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena oli KiiskinmĂ€en pĂ€ivĂ€keskuksen henkilökunnan ryhmĂ€nohjaustaitojen vahvistaminen. Ajatuksena oli tuoda lisÀÀ laatua ja voimavaralĂ€htöisyyttĂ€ KiiskinmĂ€en pĂ€ivĂ€keskuksen ryhmĂ€toimintoihin. OpinnĂ€ytetyön toimeksiantaja oli Mikkelin kaupungin sosiaali- ja terveystoimen kotihoidon vanhuspalvelut. OpinnĂ€ytetyö oli Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun ja Kymenlaakson ammat-tikorkeakoulun yhteinen projekti. OpinnĂ€ytetyö toteutettiin toiminnallisena. Toiminnallisen opinnĂ€ytetyön prosessiin kuului yhtenĂ€ osana ryhmĂ€nohjauskoulutuksen suunnitteleminen ja toteuttaminen KiiskinmĂ€en pĂ€ivĂ€keskuksen henkilökun-nalle. Koulutus sisĂ€lsi neljĂ€ aihekokonaisuutta ryhmĂ€nohjauksen eri puoliin liittyen. LisĂ€ksi toiminnalli-sen opinnĂ€ytetyön prosessiin kuului henkilökunnan omat ohjausharjoitukset vertaisarviointeineen ja yhteinen palautekeskustelu. KerĂ€simme palautetta henkilökunnalta koko prosessin ajan. Haastattelimme myös pĂ€ivĂ€keskuksen asiakkaita. Toiminnallisessa opinnĂ€ytetyöprosessissa nousi esiin seuraavia asioita ryhmĂ€nohjaukseen liittyen: ryh-mĂ€koko on oltava riittĂ€vĂ€n pieni, ryhmĂ€n etukĂ€teissuunnittelu on hyvin tĂ€rkeÀÀ, kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€n tilan on oltava ryhmĂ€lle sopiva ja ohjaajan ÀÀni on oltava kuuluva ja selkeĂ€. Ohjaajan on huomioitava ikĂ€ihmisten ryhmĂ€n erityispiirteet. Suhtautuminen ryhmĂ€nohjaukseen osoittautui asennekysymykseksi: osa henkilö-kunnasta koki ryhmĂ€nohjauksen irralliseksi omasta työstÀÀn, osa omaa työtĂ€ rikastuttavana. Osa henki-lökunnasta koki saaneensa lisÀÀ valmiuksia ja rohkeutta ryhmĂ€nohjaukseen liittyen. Kannustava vertais-tuki henkilökunnan kesken koettiin tĂ€rkeĂ€ksi.Preventative eldercare is part of rehabilitative work with the elderly. Rehabilititative work with the elderly holds a significant role in supporting and maintaining one’s performance. It is said in the law that that the services must be performed in such a way that the services support the wellbeing, health, performance, independence performance and involvement of the elderly. The aim of this thesis was to strengthen the group leading skills of the employees of KiiskinmĂ€ki day centre. The idea was to bring more quality and assets to group functions of KiiskinmĂ€ki day centre. This thesis was assigned by the elder work services of the social and health care in the City of Mikkeli. This thesis is a shared project between Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences and Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences. This thesis was executed as an operational thesis. The process of operational thesis included planning and ececuting of group leading training for the employees of KiiskinmĂ€ki day centre. The training included four different aspects of group leading. The operational process also included the group leading practices of the employees, peer reviews and a common feedback conversation. We collected feedback from the employees throughout the thesis process. We also interviewed the clients of KiiskinmĂ€ki day centre. The operational thesis process showed many results about group leading. The group size has to be small enough. Planning the group in advance is very important. The space used in group activity has to be suit-able for the group. The voice of the group leader has to be audible and clear. The group leader has to take into consideration the characteristics of the group of the elderly. The reactions towards group leading turned out to be a matter of attitude: part of the employees considered group leading disconnected from their own work, part of them considered it enriching their work. Part of the employees felt they received more readiness and courage to group leading in the future. Supportive peer support was considered essential

    "Kun se on niin pienest kiinni" : Viriketoimintaa ikÀihmisille vapaaehtoisvoimin

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena on vapaaehtoistyön kehittĂ€minen Pappilanlammen palvelukeskuksessa Ulvilassa. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi luotiin työkalu, jota Pappilanlammen palvelukeskuksen henkilökunta ja siellĂ€ toimivat vapaaehtoiset voivat halutessaan hyödyntÀÀ ikĂ€ihmisten pĂ€ivĂ€keskustoiminnassa. OpinnĂ€ytetyönĂ€ toteutettiin virikeopas "Viriketuokioita vuoden jokaiselle kuukaudelle". Se sisĂ€ltÀÀ valmiiksi suunniteltuja toteutuksia kuukauden viriketuokioksi ja siitĂ€ pyrittiin tekemÀÀn mahdollisimman selkeĂ€ ja helppokĂ€yttöinen. Kahden viriketuokion toimivuutta testattiin kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€keskuksen asiakkaiden kanssa. Kumpaankin testituokioon osallistui noin 20 asiakasta. Testituokioiden perusteella havaittiin, ettĂ€ ohjaajalta vaaditaan ohjaustilanteessa kuuluvaa ÀÀntĂ€ ja selkeÀÀ artikulointia. Ohjaajan tulee myös perehtyĂ€ etukĂ€teen viriketuokion materiaaliin ja liikunnallisissa tuokioissa liikkeiden oikeanlaiseen suorittamiseen tulee kiinnittÀÀ huomiota. Viriketuokiot pyrittiin suunnittelemaan siten, ettĂ€ ne voi toteuttaa ryhmĂ€ssĂ€, jossa ihmiset ovat toimintakyvyltÀÀn eri tasoilla. Suunnittelussa otettiin huomioon, ettĂ€ viriketuokion voi ohjata myös ei-ammattilainen. Teoreettista taustaa viriketuokioihin haettiin muistelutyöstĂ€, liikunnan merkityksestĂ€ ikĂ€ihmisille, kulttuuritoiminnasta ja hengellisyydestĂ€. NĂ€mĂ€ nĂ€kökulmat kĂ€sitellÀÀn opinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ laajasti. OpinnĂ€ytetyönĂ€ syntynyt virikeopas on työkalu, jota ryhmĂ€n ohjaajan on helppo hyödyntÀÀ. Se toimii myös kannustimena esimerkiksi ryhmĂ€nohjaustaitojaan harjoitteleville opiskelijoille. OpinnĂ€ytetyön kirjallisessa osuudessa pohditaan vapaaehtoisuutta ja vapaaehtoisena toimimista. Kuka tahansa voi aloittaa vapaaehtoistoiminnan ja jokainen lĂ€htee toimintaan omien voimavarojensa mukaan. PerimmĂ€inen vapaaehtoisena toimimisen syy on usein halu ja tahto tehdĂ€ hyvÀÀ. VapaaehtoistyötĂ€ tehdÀÀn monissa eri paikoissa ja erityisesti urheiluseurat ja pienet yhdistykset toimivat pitkĂ€lti vapaaehtoisten voimin. Vapaaehtoistyön voi mieltÀÀ monella tavalla ja siihen vaikuttavat pÀÀasiassa ihmisen omat lĂ€htökohdat ja arvomaailma. Vapaaehtoistoiminta lisÀÀntyy koko ajan. Sen vuoksi vapaaehtoistoiminnalle olisi hyvĂ€ mÀÀritellĂ€ rajoja ja ehtoja, joiden puitteissa toimia.The aim of this study was to develop voluntary work at Pappilanlampi retirement home in Ulvila. A guide of recreational activities was created to be used in Pappilanlampi retirement home. The guide was named Recreational Moments for Every Month of the Year and it can be used by both professionals and volunteers. The guide consists of thoroughly planned recreational moments. The aim was to make it as clear and easy to use as possible. Two of the recreational moments were tested in practice. About 20 customers participated in both the moments. The moments were evaluated, which showed that the group leaders must pay close attention to the way they speak and also to their articulation. It is also helpful to study the contents of the recreational moment and especially pay attention to the correct performance of different exercises. The recreational moments were planned so that they can be executed in a group of people with different functional abilities. Also the fact that the group leader might be a non-professional was taken into account. Reminiscing, the importance of exercise for the elderly, cultural aspects and spirituality formed the theoretical background. The recreational guide is a tool that especially a volunteer can easily use. It is also a helpful tool for students practicing their group managing skills. Anyone can start to work as a volunteer. How much time people give to voluntary work is entirely up to them and their own resources. Most often the basic reason is the need to give and do something good for others. Voluntary work appears in many different connections and especially small societies are run by volunteers. Voluntary work is a broad concept. How it is understood is mainly based on a person’s own values. The amount of voluntary work grows constantly and therefore it would be important to define boundaries and conditions within which to operate
