196 research outputs found

    Understanding socio-technological systems change through an indigenous community-based participatory framework

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    Moving toward a sustainable global society requires substantial change in both social and technological systems. This sustainability is dependent not only on addressing the environmental impacts of current social and technological systems, but also on addressing the social, economic and political harms that continue to be perpetuated through systematic forms of oppression and the exclusion of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities. To adequately identify and address these harms, we argue that scientists, practitioners, and communities need a transdis-ciplinary framework that integrates multiple types of knowledge, in particular, Indigenous and experiential knowledge. Indigenous knowledge systems embrace relationality and reciprocity rather than extraction and oppression, and experiential knowledge grounds transition priorities in lived experiences rather than expert assessments. Here, we demonstrate how an Indigenous, experiential, and community-based participatory framework for understanding and advancing socio-technolog-ical system transitions can facilitate the co-design and co-development of community-owned energy systems

    Identification and Characterization of Known Biallelic Mutations in the IFT27 (BBS19) Gene in a Novel Family With Bardet-Biedl Syndrome

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    Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS; MIM 209900) is a rare ciliopathy characterized by retinitis pigmentosa, postaxial polydactyly, obesity, hypogonadism, cognitive impairment and kidney dysfunction. Mutations in 22 BBS genes have been identified to cause the disease. We report a family with typical BBS features (retinitis pigmentosa, postaxial polydactyly, obesity, cognitive impairment, and atrioventricular septal defect) mutated in IFT27/BBS19. IFT27 is part of the Intraflagellar transport (IFT), a bidirectional mechanism allowing the protein motility within the cilia. Using whole exome sequencing, two compound heterozygous mutations were found in the proband (NM_006860.4:c.[104A > G];[349+1G > T], p.[Tyr35Cys];[?]) consistent with the expected autosomal recessive inheritance mode. These two mutations have already been reported but independently in other families and lacking either familial segregation or functional validation. This is the third report of IFT27 mutations in BBS patients confirming IFT27 as a BBS gene (BBS19). Mutations in IFT genes (IFT27, IFT172 and IFT74) confirm the IFT-pathway as a pathomechanism for BBS


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    Um dos grandes desafios de uma pesquisa científica é a de desenvolver um conhecimento sólido que possa fundamentar e nortear a elaboração de um estudo mais robusto. Assim, buscou-se realizar uma Revisão de Literatura (RL) nacional e internacional sobre os estudos já realizados que contemplassem a relação dos traços de personalidade e o desempenho acadêmico dos estudantes na graduação. A pesquisa define-se como qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória sendo destacado o caráter bidirecional da investigação: i. por meio de buscas no banco digital da Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD) do Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia; e, ii. na biblioteca virtual do portal de periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), na Comunidade Acadêmica Federada (CAFe). Na análise nacional, observou-se que a temática “Traços de Personalidade” não se encontrava no escopo geral de nenhuma das teses e, na busca internacional, observou-se apenas estudos iniciais de personalidade relacionados ao desempenho em nível superior. Isto posto, a literatura não é conclusiva sobre a influência dos traços de personalidade no desempenho acadêmico a nível superior, embora tenha-se ampliada a percepção da influência que possuem os traços de personalidade nos resultados acadêmicos dos estudantes

    A New SLC10A7 Homozygous Missense Mutation Responsible for a Milder Phenotype of Skeletal Dysplasia With Amelogenesis Imperfecta

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    International audienceAmelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a heterogeneous group of rare inherited diseases presenting with enamel defects. More than 30 genes have been reported to be involved in syndromic or non-syndromic AI and new genes are continuously discovered (Smith et al., 2017). Whole-exome sequencing was performed in a consanguineous family. The affected daughter presented with intra-uterine and postnatal growth retardation, skeletal dysplasia, macrocephaly, blue sclerae, and hypoplastic AI. We identified a homozygous missense mutation in exon 11 of SLC10A7 (NM_001300842.2: c.908C>T; p.Pro303Leu) segregating with the disease phenotype. We found that Slc10a7 transcripts were expressed in the epithelium of the developing mouse tooth, bones undergoing ossification, and in vertebrae. Our results revealed that SLC10A7 is overexpressed in patient fibroblasts. Patient cells display altered intracellular calcium localization suggesting that SLC10A7 regulates calcium trafficking. Mutations in this gene were previously reported to cause a similar syndromic phenotype, but with more severe skeletal defects (Ashikov et al., 2018;Dubail et al., 2018). Therefore, phenotypes resulting from a mutation in SLC10A7 can vary in severity. However, AI is the key feature indicative of SLC10A7 mutations in patients with skeletal dysplasia. Identifying this important phenotype will improve clinical diagnosis and patient management

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: spatially resolving the main sequence of star formation

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    We present the ∼800 star formation rate maps for the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field spectrograph (SAMI) Galaxy Survey based on H α emission maps, corrected for dust attenuation via the Balmer decrement, that are included in the SAMI Public Data Release 1. We mask out spaxels contaminated by non-stellar emission using the [O III]/H β, [N II]/H α, [S II]/H α, and [O I]/H α line ratios. Using these maps, we examine the global and resolved star-forming main sequences of SAMI galaxies as a function of morphology, environmental density, and stellar mass. Galaxies further below the star-forming main sequence are more likely to have flatter star formation profiles. Early-type galaxies split into two populations with similar stellar masses and central stellar mass surface densities. The main-sequence population has centrally concentrated star formation similar to late-type galaxies, while galaxies >3σ below the main sequence show significantly reduced star formation most strikingly in the nuclear regions. The split populations support a two-step quenching mechanism, wherein halo mass first cuts off the gas supply and remaining gas continues to form stars until the local stellar mass surface density can stabilize the reduced remaining fuel against further star formation. Across all morphologies, galaxies in denser environments show a decreased specific star formation rate from the outside in, supporting an environmental cause for quenching, such as ram-pressure stripping or galaxy interactions.Support for A.M.M. is provided by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through Hubble Fellowship grant #HST-HF2-51377 awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555. S.M.C. acknowledges the support of an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT100100457). S.B. acknowledges funding support from the Australian Research Council through a Future Fellowship (FT140101166). B.C. is the recipient of an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT120100660). C.F. gratefully acknowledges funding provided by the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects (grants DP150104329 and DP170100603). M.S.O. acknowledges the funding support from the Australian Research Council through a Future Fellowship (FT140100255). R.Mc.D. is the recipient of an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (project number FT150100333). N.S. acknowledges support of a University of Sydney Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. J.v.d.S. is funded under Bland-Hawthorn’s Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Fellowship (FL140100278)

    A New SLC10A7 Homozygous Missense Mutation Responsible for a Milder Phenotype of Skeletal Dysplasia With Amelogenesis Imperfecta

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    Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a heterogeneous group of rare inherited diseases presenting with enamel defects. More than 30 genes have been reported to be involved in syndromic or non-syndromic AI and new genes are continuously discovered (Smith et al., 2017). Whole-exome sequencing was performed in a consanguineous family. The affected daughter presented with intra-uterine and postnatal growth retardation, skeletal dysplasia, macrocephaly, blue sclerae, and hypoplastic AI. We identified a homozygous missense mutation in exon 11 of SLC10A7 (NM_001300842.2: c.908C>T; p.Pro303Leu) segregating with the disease phenotype. We found that Slc10a7 transcripts were expressed in the epithelium of the developing mouse tooth, bones undergoing ossification, and in vertebrae. Our results revealed that SLC10A7 is overexpressed in patient fibroblasts. Patient cells display altered intracellular calcium localization suggesting that SLC10A7 regulates calcium trafficking. Mutations in this gene were previously reported to cause a similar syndromic phenotype, but with more severe skeletal defects (Ashikov et al., 2018;Dubail et al., 2018). Therefore, phenotypes resulting from a mutation in SLC10A7 can vary in severity. However, AI is the key feature indicative of SLC10A7 mutations in patients with skeletal dysplasia. Identifying this important phenotype will improve clinical diagnosis and patient management

    Proteasome subunit variants cause neurosensory syndrome combining deafness and cataract due to proteotoxic stress

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    The ubiquitin–proteasome system degrades ubiquitin‐modified proteins to maintain protein homeostasis and to control signalling. Whole‐genome sequencing of patients with severe deafness and early‐onset cataracts as part of a neurological, sensorial and cutaneous novel syndrome identified a unique deep intronic homozygous variant in the PSMC3 gene, encoding the proteasome ATPase subunit Rpt5, which lead to the transcription of a cryptic exon. The proteasome content and activity in patient\u27s fibroblasts was however unaffected. Nevertheless, patient\u27s cells exhibited impaired protein homeostasis characterized by accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins suggesting severe proteotoxic stress. Indeed, the TCF11/Nrf1 transcriptional pathway allowing proteasome recovery after proteasome inhibition is permanently activated in the patient\u27s fibroblasts. Upon chemical proteasome inhibition, this pathway was however impaired in patient\u27s cells, which were unable to compensate for proteotoxic stress although a higher proteasome content and activity. Zebrafish modelling for knockout in PSMC3 remarkably reproduced the human phenotype with inner ear development anomalies as well as cataracts, suggesting that Rpt5 plays a major role in inner ear, lens and central nervous system development

    A Novel Mutation Involving the Initiation Codon of FGF3 in a Family Described with Complete Inner Ear Agenesis, Microtia and Major Microdontia (LAMM Syndrome)

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    LAMM syndrome (OMIM #610706) is a rare autosomal recessive syndrome characterized by the association of Michel aplasia, microdontia and malformation of the external ear. Different mutations in FGF3 gene were reported in several families presenting with this syndrome. Clinical features and genetic results observed in a family with LAMM syndrome are reported. The diagnosis of isolated Michel aplasia was initially made in this family composed of two affected children. Microtia and microdontia was recently evidenced in both patients suggesting the diagnosis of LAMM syndrome. New auditory and orodental iconography was performed permitting to describe the patients’ phenotype in depth and to report rare findings of LAMM syndrome. The sequencing of FGF3 gene identified a novel missense mutation (c.2T>G), substituting the first initiator methionine in arginine, in the fibroblast growth factor 3 (FGF3) at the homozygous state in both patients. LAMM syndrome was confirmed and appropriate genetic counseling performed

    Finger creases lend a hand in Kabuki syndrome.

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    International audienceKabuki syndrome (KS) is a rare syndrome associating malformations with intellectual deficiency and numerous visceral, orthopedic, endocrinological, immune and autoimmune complications. The early establishment of a diagnostic of KS leads to better care of the patients and therefore prevents complications such as perception deafness, severe complications of auto-immune diseases or obesity. However, the diagnosis of KS remains difficult because based on the appreciation of facial features combined with other highly variable features. We describe a novel sign, namely the attenuation and/or congenital absence of the IPD crease of the third and fourth fingers associated with limitation of flexion of the corresponding joints, which seems to be specific of KS and could help the clinician to diagnose KS