71 research outputs found

    Una situación a-didáctica para el tratamiento de la variable aleatoria

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    Se presenta una tarea escolar para el proceso enseñanza y aprendizaje de una variable aleatoria, que fue diseñada desde la teoría didáctica. En un previo y posterior análisis de la tarea se puede concluir que, en relación con la construcción del conocimiento correspondiente a la variable aleatoria, desde su caracter functional ésta presenta algunas dificultades en la Escuela Secundaria, a la cual asisten los estudiantes de 15 a 16 años de edad. Además la identificación de una variable micro-didáctica; número de elementos que el espacio muestral poseee

    High-Pitched Notes during Vocal Contests Signal Genetic Diversity in Ocellated Antbirds

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    Animals use honest signals to assess the quality of competitors during aggressive interactions. Current theory predicts that honest signals should be costly to produce and thus reveal some aspects of the phenotypic or genetic quality of the sender. In songbirds, research indicates that biomechanical constraints make the production of some acoustic features costly. Furthermore, recent studies have found that vocal features are related to genetic diversity. We linked these two lines of research by evaluating if constrained acoustic features reveal male genetic diversity during aggressive interactions in ocellated antbirds (Phaenostictus mcleannani). We recorded the aggressive vocalizations of radiotagged males at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica, and found significant variation in the highest frequency produced among individuals. Moreover, we detected a negative relationship between the frequency of the highest pitched note and vocalization duration, suggesting that high pitched notes might constrain the duration of vocalizations through biomechanical and/or energetic limitations. When we experimentally exposed wild radiotagged males to simulated acoustic challenges, the birds increased the pitch of their vocalization. We also found that individuals with higher genetic diversity (as measured by zygosity across 9 microsatellite loci) produced notes of higher pitch during aggressive interactions. Overall, our results suggest that the ability to produce high pitched notes is an honest indicator of male genetic diversity in male-male aggressive interactions

    Concepciones de los docentes respecto a la representación gráfica de la función probabilidad

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo indagar el hecho didáctico que el docente no logra diferenciar entre la representación gráfico estadístico y gráfico cartesiano de la función probabilidad es un buen candidato a fenómeno didáctico. Bajo el paradigma cualitativo, con un enfoque descriptivo-interpretativo, se lleva a cabo un estudio exploratorio, para el cual se diseña como instrumento de recogida de datos, un cuestionario que aborda una situación extraída del texto de matemática de tercero medio (alumnos de 16-17 años) distribuido por el Ministerio de Educación de Chile. Las categorías de análisis emergen de elementos teóricos como función y gráfico de una relación, gráfico estadístico, función probabilidad, y comprensión gráfica. Los resultados evidencian una falta de claridad de los profesores sobre la función probabilidad, lo que nos indica la necesidad de reforzar en la formación de profesores, inicial y continua, la representación y diferenciación entre gráfico estadístico y cartesiano de la función probabilidad

    Concepciones de los docentes respecto a la representación gráfica de la función probabilidad

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo indagar si el hecho didáctico que el docente no logra diferenciar entre la representación gráfico estadístico y el gráfico cartesiano de la función probabilidad, es candidato a fenómeno didáctico. Arteaga (2011) evidencia que futuros docentes presentan dificultad en la construcción, lectura e interpretación de gráficos estadísticos elementales. La preparación de los docentes para enseñar gráficos estadísticos es un tema fundamental que ha sido olvidado desde la investigación y en la formación de maestros (Arteaga, Batanero y Cardeñoso, 2011). Por su parte, Friel, Curcio y Bright (2001) proponen que la comprensión gráfica está influenciada por cuatro factores: fines para los que se utilizan los gráficos, características de la tarea, disciplina y las características del lector

    Estudio cariológico en el pacul chileno Krameria cistoidea Hook. & Arn. (Krameriaceae)

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    The karyotype of the plant species Krameria cistoidea Hook. & Arn. was studied by assessing chromosome characters such as morphology, size, and C-banding pattern. The karyotype of K. cistoidea was composed only by metacentric chromosomes in the two populations studied. The haploid set length was 51.9±2.3 µm and the mean chromosome size was 8.68±0.78 µm. Some similarities in chromosome morphology and size can be observed among K. cistoidea and K. triandra, in addition to the chromosome number 2n=12 which is conserved within the genus. K. cistoidea exhibited a symmetric banding pattern with large C-bands in the telomeres of the short and long arms of all chromosomes, except the short arm of pair 1. The relative length of the C-bands was 23.5% of the total haploid set length. These cytological results on K. cistoidea are the first data on quantitative karyotype morphology and C-banding patterns in the genus Krameri

    High-mass star-forming cloud G0.38+0.04 in the Galactic center dust ridge contains H2CO and SiO masers

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    We have discovered a new H2CO (formaldehyde) 11,0−11,1 4.82966 GHz maser in Galactic center Cloud C, G0.38+0.04. At the time of acceptance, this is the eighth region to contain an H2CO maser detected in the Galaxy. Cloud C is one of only two sites of confirmed high-mass star formation along the Galactic center ridge, affirming that H2CO masers are exclusively associated with high-mass star formation. This discovery led us to search for other masers, among which we found new SiO vibrationally excited masers, making this the fourth star-forming region in the Galaxy to exhibit SiO maser emission. Cloud C is also a known source of CH3OH Class-II and OH maser emission. There are now two known regions that contain both SiO and H2CO masers in the CMZ, compared to two SiO and six H2CO in the Galactic disk, while there is a relative dearth of H2O and CH3OH Class-II masers in the CMZ. SiO and H2CO masers may be preferentially excited in the CMZ, perhaps because of higher gas-phase abundances from grain destruction and heating, or alternatively H2O and CH3OH maser formation may be suppressed in the CMZ. In any case, Cloud C is a new testing ground for understanding maser excitation conditions

    The Molecular Gas Environment in the 20 KMS−1 Cloud in the Central Molecular Zone

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    We recently reported a population of protostellar candidates in the 20 kms−1 cloud in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way, traced by H2O masers in gravitationally bound dense cores. In this paper, we report high-angular-resolution (_3′′) molecular line studies of the environment of star formation in this cloud. Maps of various molecular line transitions as well as the continuum at 1.3 mm are obtained using the Submillimeter Array. Five NH3 inversion lines and the 1.3 cm continuum are observed with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. The interferometric observations are complemented with single-dish data. We find that the CH3OH, SO, and HNCO lines, which are usually shock tracers, are better correlated spatially with the compact dust emission from dense cores among the detected lines. These lines also show enhancement in intensities with respect to SiO intensities toward the compact dust emission, suggesting the presence of slow shocks or hot cores in these regions. We find gas temperatures of &100 K at 0.1-pc scales based on RADEX modelling of the H2CO and NH3 lines. Although no strong correlations between temperatures and linewidths/H2O maser luminosities are found, in high-angular-resolution maps we notice several candidate shock heated regions offset from any dense cores, as well as signatures of localized heating by protostars in several dense cores. Our findings suggest that at 0.1-pc scales in this cloud star formation and strong turbulence may together affect the chemistry and temperature of the molecular gas

    Pitfalls in assessing stromal tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) in breast cancer

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    Stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) are important prognostic and predictive biomarkers in triple-negative (TNBC) and HER2-positive breast cancer. Incorporating sTILs into clinical practice necessitates reproducible assessment. Previously developed standardized scoring guidelines have been widely embraced by the clinical and research communities. We evaluated sources of variability in sTIL assessment by pathologists in three previous sTIL ring studies. We identify common challenges and evaluate impact of discrepancies on outcome estimates in early TNBC using a newly-developed prognostic tool. Discordant sTIL assessment is driven by heterogeneity in lymphocyte distribution. Additional factors include: technical slide-related issues; scoring outside the tumor boundary; tumors with minimal assessable stroma; including lymphocytes associated with other structures; and including other inflammatory cells. Small variations in sTIL assessment modestly alter risk estimation in early TNBC but have the potential to affect treatment selection if cutpoints are employed. Scoring and averaging multiple areas, as well as use of reference images, improve consistency of sTIL evaluation. Moreover, to assist in avoiding the pitfalls identified in this analysis, we developed an educational resource available at www.tilsinbreastcancer.org/pitfalls.Stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) are important prognostic and predictive biomarkers in triple-negative (TNBC) and HER2-positive breast cancer. Incorporating sTILs into clinical practice necessitates reproducible assessment. Previously developed standardized scoring guidelines have been widely embraced by the clinical and research communities. We evaluated sources of variability in sTIL assessment by pathologists in three previous sTIL ring studies. We identify common challenges and evaluate impact of discrepancies on outcome estimates in early TNBC using a newly-developed prognostic tool. Discordant sTIL assessment is driven by heterogeneity in lymphocyte distribution. Additional factors include: technical slide-related issues; scoring outside the tumor boundary; tumors with minimal assessable stroma; including lymphocytes associated with other structures; and including other inflammatory cells. Small variations in sTIL assessment modestly alter risk estimation in early TNBC but have the potential to affect treatment selection if cutpoints are employed. Scoring and averaging multiple areas, as well as use of reference images, improve consistency of sTIL evaluation. Moreover, to assist in avoiding the pitfalls identified in this analysis, we developed an educational resource available at www.tilsinbreastcancer.org/pitfalls.Peer reviewe

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements

    Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017

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    A double burden of malnutrition occurs when individuals, household members or communities experience both undernutrition and overweight. Here, we show geospatial estimates of overweight and wasting prevalence among children under 5 years of age in 105 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) from 2000 to 2017 and aggregate these to policy-relevant administrative units. Wasting decreased overall across LMICs between 2000 and 2017, from 8.4% (62.3 (55.1–70.8) million) to 6.4% (58.3 (47.6–70.7) million), but is predicted to remain above the World Health Organization’s Global Nutrition Target of <5% in over half of LMICs by 2025. Prevalence of overweight increased from 5.2% (30 (22.8–38.5) million) in 2000 to 6.0% (55.5 (44.8–67.9) million) children aged under 5 years in 2017. Areas most affected by double burden of malnutrition were located in Indonesia, Thailand, southeastern China, Botswana, Cameroon and central Nigeria. Our estimates provide a new perspective to researchers, policy makers and public health agencies in their efforts to address this global childhood syndemic