165 research outputs found

    Type-II surface brightness profiles in edge-on galaxies produced by flares

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    Previous numerical studies had apparently ruled out the possibility that flares in galaxy discs could give rise to the apparent breaks in their luminosity profiles when observed edge-on. However the studies have not, until now, analyzed this hypothesis systematically using realistic models for the disc, the flare, and the bulge. We revisit this theme by analyzing a series of models which sample a wide range of observationally based structural parameters for these three components. We have considered realistic distributions of bulge to disc ratios, morphological parameters of bulges and discs, vertical scale heights of discs and their radial gradients defining the flare for different morphological types and stellar mass bins, based on observations. The surface brightness profiles for the face-on and edge-on views of each model were simulated to find out whether the flared disc produces a Type-II break in the disc profile when observed edge-on, and if so under what conditions. Contrary to previous claims, we find that discs with realistic flares can produce significant breaks in discs when observed edge-on. Specifically a flare with the parameters of that of the Milky Way would produce a significant break of the disc at a Rbreak of ~8.6 kpc if observed edge-on. Central bulges have no significant effects on the results. These simulations show that flared discs can explain the existence of many Type-II breaks observed in edge-on galaxies, in a range of galaxies with low-to-intermediate break strength values of -0.25<S<-0.1.Comment: Published in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 5 pages, 5 figures. Language corrections by the journal included in this new versio

    Photometric scaling relations of antitruncated stellar discs in S0-Scd galaxies

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    It has been recently found that the characteristic photometric parameters of antitruncated discs in S0 galaxies follow tight scaling relations. We investigate if similar scaling relations are satisfied by galaxies of other morphological types. We have analysed the trends in several photometric planes relating the characteristic surface brightness and scalelengths of the breaks and the inner and outer discs of local antitruncated S0-Scd galaxies, using published data and fits performed to the surface brightness profiles of two samples of Type-III galaxies in the R and Spitzer 3.6 microns bands. We have performed linear fits to the correlations followed by different galaxy types in each plane, as well as several statistical tests to determine their significance. We have found that: 1) the antitruncated discs of all galaxy types from Sa to Scd obey tight scaling relations both in R and 3.6 microns, as observed in S0s; 2) the majority of these correlations are significant accounting for the numbers of the available data samples; 3) the trends are clearly linear when the characteristic scalelengths are plotted on a logarithmic scale; and 4) the correlations relating the characteristic surface brightnesses of the inner and outer discs and the breaks with the various characteristic scalelengths significantly improve when the latter are normalized to the optical radius of the galaxy. The results suggest that the scaling relations of Type-III discs are independent of the morphological type and the presence (or absence) of bars within the observational uncertainties of the available datasets, although larger and deeper samples are required to confirm this. The tight structural coupling implied by these scaling relations impose strong constraints on the mechanisms proposed for explaining the formation of antitruncated stellar discs in the galaxies across the whole Hubble Sequence (Abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 18 pages, 12 figures, 7 table

    Reconciling a significant hierarchical assembly of massive early-type galaxies at z<~1 with mass downsizing

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    Hierarchical models predict that massive early-type galaxies (mETGs) are the latest systems to be in place into the cosmic scenario (at z<~0.5), conflicting with the observational phenomenon of galaxy mass downsizing, which poses that the most massive galaxies have been in place earlier that their lower-mass counterparts (since z~0.7). We have developed a semi-analytical model to test the feasibility of the major-merger origin hypothesis for mETGs, just accounting for the effects on galaxy evolution of the major mergers strictly reported by observations. The most striking model prediction is that very few present-day mETGs have been really in place since z~1, because ~90% of the mETGs existing at z~1 are going to be involved in a major merger between z~1 and the present. Accounting for this, the model derives an assembly redshift for mETGs in good agreement with hierarchical expectations, reproducing observational mass downsizing trends at the same time.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of Symposium 2 of JENAM 2010, "Environment and the Formation of Galaxies: 30 years later", ed. I. Ferreras and A. Pasquali, Astrophysics & Space Science Proceedings, Springe

    Formation of S0 galaxies through mergers. Evolution in the Tully-Fisher relation since z∼1z\sim1

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    (Abridged version) We explore whether a scenario that combines an origin by mergers at z∼z\sim1.8-1.5 with a subsequent passive evolution of the resulting S0 remnants since z∼z \sim0.8-1 is compatible with observational data of S0s in the Tully-Fisher relation (TFR). We studied a set of major and minor merger experiments from the GalMer database that generate massive S0 remnants. We analysed the location of these remnants in the photometric and stellar TFRs assuming that they correspond to z∼0.8z\sim0.8 galaxies. We then estimated their evolution in these planes over the last 7 Gyr. The results were compared with data of real S0s and spirals at different redshifts. We also tested how the use of Vcirc or Vrot,max affects the results. We found that just after ∼\sim1-2 Gyr of coalescence, major mergers generate S0 remnants that are outliers of the local photometric and stellar TFRs at z∼0.8z\sim0.8. After ∼\sim4-7 Gyr of passive evolution in isolation, the S0 remnants move towards the local TFR, although the initial scatter among them persists. This scatter is sensitive to the indicator used for the rotation velocity: Vcirc values yield a lower scatter than when Vrot,max values are considered instead. In the planes involving Vrot,max, a clear segregation of the S0 remnants in terms of the spin-orbit coupling of the model is observed, in which the remnants of retrograde encounters overlap with local S0s hosting counter-rotating discs. The location of the S0 remnants at z∼0z\sim 0 agrees well with the observed distribution of local S0 galaxies in the σ0\sigma_0-MKM_K, Vcirc-σ0\sigma_0 and Vrot,max-σ0\sigma_0 planes. Thus, massive S0 galaxies may have been formed through major mergers that occurred at high redshift and have later evolved towards the local TFR through passive evolution in relative isolation, a mechanism that would also contribute to the scatter observed in this relation.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    A minor-merger origin for inner disks and rings in early-type galaxies

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    Nuclear disks and rings are frequent galaxy substructures, for a wide range of morphological types (from S0 to Sc). We have investigated the possible minor-merger origin of inner disks and rings in spiral galaxies through collisionless N-body simulations. The models confirm that minor mergers can drive the formation of thin, kinematically-cold structures in the center of galaxies out of satellite material, without requiring the previous formation of a bar. Satellite core particles tend to be deposited in circular orbits in the central potential, due to the strong circularization experienced by the satellite orbit through dynamical friction. The material of the satellite core reaches the remnant center if satellites are dense or massive, building up a thin inner disk; whereas it is fully disrupted before reaching the center in the case of low-mass satellites, creating an inner ring instead.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the conference "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", held in Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009, ed. V. Debattista and C. C. Popescu, AIP Conf. Ser., in pres

    Evolution along the sequence of S0 Hubble types induced by dry minor mergers. II - Bulge-disk coupling in the photometric relations through merger-induced internal secular evolution

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    Galaxy mergers are considered as questionable mechanisms for the evolution of lenticular galaxies (S0's), on the basis that even minor ones induce structural changes that are difficult to reconcile with the strong bulge-disk coupling observed in the photometric scaling relations of S0's. We check if the evolution induced onto S0's by dry intermediate and minor mergers can reproduce their photometric scaling relations, analysing the bulge-disk decompositions of the merger simulations presented in Eliche-Moral et al. (2012). The mergers induce an evolution in the photometric planes compatible with the data of S0's, even in those ones indicating a strong bulge-disk coupling. The mergers drive the formation of the observed photometric relation in some cases, whereas they induce a slight dispersion compatible with data in others. Therefore, this evolutionary mechanism tends to preserve these scaling relations. In those photometric planes where the morphological types segregate, the mergers always induce evolution towards the region populated by S0's. The structural coupling of the bulge and the disk is preserved or reinforced because the mergers trigger internal secular processes in the primary disk that induce significant bulge growth, even although these models do not induce bars. Intermediate and minor mergers can thus be considered as plausible mechanisms for the evolution of S0's attending to their photometric scaling relations, as they can preserve and even strengthen any pre-existing structural bulge-disk coupling, triggering significant internal secular evolution (even in the absence of bars or dissipational effects). This means that it may be difficult to isolate the effects of pure internal secular evolution from those of the merger-driven one in present-day early-type disks (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 13 pages, 8 figures. Definitive version after proofs. Added references and corrected typo
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