4,217 research outputs found

    Nucleon electromagnetic structure: past, present, and future

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    We present the experimental status of electromagnetic hadron form factors. New and surprising results, based on polarization measurements, have been recently obtained for the electric proton and neutron form factors. In particular, the electric and magnetic distributions inside the proton appear not to be the same, in disagreement with results extracted from the unpolarized cross section, using the Rosenbluth separation. The new findings have given rise to a large number of papers and different speculations, as they question directly the models of nucleon structure and the reaction mechanism itself (based on 1γ1\gamma-exchange), with a possible revision of the calculation of radiative corrections, two-photon contribution etc. New data in time-like region are also available, through annihilation reactions. A large interest in this field arises, due also to the possibility of new measurements in polarized electron nucleon elastic scattering at JLab, and also in the time-like region, at Frascati and at the future FAIR international facility.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to be included in a special issue of Nuovo Cimento

    Charge asymmetry and symmetry properties

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    Applying general symmetry properties of electromagnetic interaction, information from electron proton elastic scattering data can be related to charge asymmetry in the annihilation channels e++e−↔pˉ+pe^++e^-\leftrightarrow \bar p + p and to the ratio of the cross section of elastic electron and positron scattering on the proton. A compared analysis of the existing data allows to draw conclusions on the reaction mechanism.Comment: Contribution to XIII Workshop On High Energy Spin Physics (DSPIN), Dubna, Russia September 1 - 5, 2009 8 pages 3 figure

    Periodic interference structures in the time-like proton form factor

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    An intriguing and elusive feature of the timelike hadron form factor is the possible presence of an imaginary part associated to rescattering processes. We find evidence of that in the recent and precise data on the proton timelike form factor measured by the BABAR collaboration. By plotting these data as a function of the 3-momentum of the relative motion of the final proton and antiproton, a systematic sinusoidal modulation is highlighted in the near-threshold region. Our analysis attributes this pattern to rescattering processes at a relative distance of 0.7-1.5 fm between the centers of the forming hadrons. This distance implies a large fraction of inelastic processes in pˉp\bar{p}p interactions, and a large imaginary part in the related e+e−→pˉpe^+e^- \rightarrow \bar{p}p reaction because of unitarity.Comment: 5 pages 3 figures - Discussion modified. To appear in Phys Rev Letter

    Recent results on hadron form factors

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    We discuss the recent data on the electric proton form factor, obtained at JLab, which show a spectacular deviation from the commonly assumed dipole behavior. We discuss the implication of these results on the deuteron structure and on the neutron electric form factor: at relatively large Q2Q^2 a revision of the deuteron models may be required, and the neutron electric form factor might become even larger than the proton electric form factor.Comment: 17 pages 4 figures Contribution to the Int. Workshop on Relativistic Nuclear Physics from hundreds of MeV to TeV, Varna, Bulgaria, 10-16 September 2001. Replacement of Fig. 1 and relative tex

    Polarization Phenomena in Hadronic and Nuclear Processes in Threshold Regime

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    The threshold region for processes of hadronic and nuclear interactions is very interesting for a theoretical as well as an experimental point of view. In this region one can apply different physical methods, starting from classical current algebra methods - for processes invloving soft pions, through effective Lagrangian approaches - or perturbative chiral symmetry theory (ChPT). The essential simplification of the spin structure of matrix elements for threshold regime results in better understanding of the underlying mechanisms and allows the analysis of polarization phenomena. A dedicated formalism is developed here for a wide class of processes including even such complicated processes as production of pseudoscalar and vector mesons in nucleon-nucleon collisions. Many interesting physical problems are discussed: hidden strangeness of nucleons and OZI-violation, ηN\eta N -and ωN\omega N interactions in S-state, the determination of P-parity of strange particles. Special attention is devoted to the analysis of the spin structure and polarization phenomena for nuclear processes with light nuclei which have important applications in fundamental astrophysics and in nuclear fusion.Comment: Review article, 83 pages 9 fig
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