12 research outputs found

    Evaluación del potencial de Inhibición Biológica de la Nitrificación (IBN) de la pastura tropical Megathyrsus maximus con miras a reducir emisiones de óxido nitroso en sistemas agropecuarios

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el potencial IBN de un panel de diversidad de 133 accesiones de M. maximus en condiciones de invernadero

    Root exudate fingerprint of Brachiaria humidicola reveals vanillin as a novel and effective nitrification inhibitor

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    Introduction: Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI) is defined as the plant-mediated control of soil nitrification via the release of nitrification inhibitors. BNI of Brachiaria humidicola (syn. Urochloa humidicola) has been mainly attributed to root-exuded fusicoccane-type diterpenes, e.g., 3-epi-brachialactone. We hypothesized, however, that BNI of B. humidicola is caused by an assemblage of bioactive secondary metabolites.Methods:B. humidicola root exudates were collected hydroponically, and metabolites were isolated by semi-preparative HPLC. Chemical structures were elucidated by HRMS as well as 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. Nitrification inhibiting potential of isolated metabolites was evaluated by a Nitrosomonas europaea based bioassay.Results and discussion: Besides previously described brachialactone isomers and derivatives, five phenol and cinnamic acid derivatives were identified in the root exudates of B. humidicola: 2-hydroxy-3-(hydroxymethyl)benzaldehyde, vanillin, umbelliferone and both trans- and cis-2,6-dimethoxycinnamic acid. Notably, vanillin revealed a substantially higher nitrification inhibiting activity than 3-epi-brachialactone (ED50 ∼ 12.5 μg·ml−1, ED80 ∼ 20 μg·ml−1), identifying this phenolic aldehyde as novel nitrification inhibitor (NI). Furthermore, vanillin exudation rates were in the same range as 3-epi-brachialactone (1–4 μg·h−1·g−1 root DM), suggesting a substantial contribution to the overall inhibitory activity of B. humidicola root exudates. In relation to the verification of the encountered effects within soils and considering the exclusion of any detrimental impact on the soil microbiome, the biosynthetic pathway of vanillin via the precursor phenylalanine and the intermediates p-coumaric acid/ferulic acid (precursors of further phenolic NI) might constitute a promising BNI breeding target. This applies not only to Brachiaria spp., but also to crops in general, owing to the highly conserved nature of these metabolites

    Impact of "Biological Nitrification Inhibition"on N recovery efficiency, N leaching and N2O emissions using the example of brachiaria humidicola

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    以线粒体Cyt b基因为分子标记,对雅鲁藏布江下游墨脱江段及察隅河的墨脱裂腹鱼进行遗传多样性及种群历史动态分析。结果显示,167尾墨脱裂腹鱼样本共检测到21个单倍型,呈现较高的单倍型多样性(h=0.768)和较低的核苷酸多样性(&pi;=0.00167)。基于单倍型构建的分子系统发育树及Network网络关系图表明,所有来自墨脱江段及察隅河的单倍型不能按照地理分布各自聚类,而是相互混杂聚在一起。不同地理种群间的遗传分化指数(F_(ST))为-0.014&mdash;0.771,其中金珠藏布(JZZB)与其他种群呈现出高度分化(F_(ST): 0.372&mdash;0.771)。分子方差分析(AMOVA)显示当JZZB种群为一组,剩余6个种群为一组时,组间遗传差异最大,表明JZZB种群与其他种群具有显著分化。相反,虽然察隅河与墨脱江段的地理距离较远,但是察隅河与墨脱江段其他种群之间(除了JZZB)的F_(ST)为0.093&mdash;0.169,仅显示中等分化水平,表明察隅河种群与雅鲁藏布江种群尚有少量的基因交流。中性检验、错配分析及BSP(Bayesian skyline plot)分析显示,雅鲁藏布江下游墨脱江段及察隅河的墨脱裂腹鱼种群在末次间冰期(0&mdash;0.137 Ma)发生过种群扩张现象。</p

    Inter-microbial competition for N and plant NO3− uptake rather than BNI determines soil net nitrification under intensively managed Brachiaria humidicola

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    Brachiaria humidicola (syn. Urochloa humidicola) has been acknowledged to control soil nitrification through release of nitrification inhibitors (NI), a phenomenon conceptualized as biological nitrification inhibition (BNI). Liming and N fertilization as features of agricultural intensification may suppress BNI performance, due to a decrease in NI exudation, increased NH3 availability and promotion of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) over archaea (AOA). A 2-year three-factorial pot trial was conducted to investigate the influence of soil pH and soil microbial background (ratio of archaea to bacteria) on BNI performance of B. humidicola. The study verified the capacity of B. humidicola to reduce net nitrification rates by 50 to 85% compared to the non-planted control, irrespective of soil pH and microbial background. The reduction of net nitrification, however, was largely dependent on microbial N immobilization and efficient plant N uptake. A reduction of gross nitrification could not be confirmed for the AOA dominated soil, but possibly contributed to reduced net nitrification rates in the AOB-dominated soil. However, this putative reduction of gross nitrification was attributed to plant-facilitated inter-microbial competition between bacterial heterotrophs and nitrifiers rather than BNI. It was concluded that BNI may play a dominant role in extensive B. humidicola pasture systems, while N immobilization and efficient plant N uptake may display the dominant factors controlling net nitrification rates under intensively managed B. humidicola

    Rhizosphere pH and cation‐anion balance determine the exudation of nitrification inhibitor 3‐epi‐brachialactone suggesting release via secondary transport

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    Biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) of Brachiaria humidicola has been attributed to nitrification-inhibiting fusicoccanes, most prominently 3-epi-brachialactone. However, its release mechanism from B. humidicola roots remains elusive. Two hydroponic experiments were performed to investigate the role of rhizosphere pH and nutritional N form in regulating 3-epi-brachialactone release by B. humidicola and verify the underlying release pathway. Low rhizosphere pH and NH4 + nutrition promoted 3-epi-brachialactone exudation. However, the substitution of NH4 + by K+ revealed that the NH4 + effect was not founded in a direct physiological response to the N form but was related to the cation-anion balance during nutrient uptake. Release of 3-epi-brachialactone correlated with the transmembrane proton gradient ΔpH and NH4 + uptake (R2 = 0.92 for high ~6.8 and R2 = 0.84 for low ~4.2 trap solution pH). This corroborated the release of 3-epi-brachialactone through secondary transport, with the proton motive force (ΔP) defining transport rates across the plasma membrane. It was concluded that 3-epi-brachialactone release cannot be conceptualized as a regulated response to soil pH or NH4 + availability, but merely as the result of associated changes in ΔP

    Biological nitrification inhibition activity in a soil-grown biparental population of the forage grass, Brachiaria humidicola

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    Aim: Utilization of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) strategy can reduce nitrogen losses in agricultural systems. This study is aimed at characterizing BNI activity in a plant-soil system using a biparental hybrid population of Brachiaria humidicola (Bh), a forage grass with high BNI potential but of low nutritional quality. Methods: Soil nitrification rates and BNI potential in root-tissue were analyzed in a hybrid population (117), obtained from two contrasting Bh parents, namely CIAT 26146 and CIAT 16888, with low and high BNI activity, respectively. Observed BNI activity was validated by measuring archaeal (AOA) and bacterial (AOB) nitrifier abundance in the rhizosphere soil of parents and contrasting hybrids. Comparisons of the BNI potential of four forage grasses were conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using nitrification rates to measure BNI activity under field and pot grown conditions. Results: High BNI activity was the phenotype most commonly observed in the hybrid population (72%). BNI activity showed a similar tendency for genotypes grown in pots and in the field. A reduction in AOA abundance was found for contrasting hybrids with low nitrification rates and high BNI potential. Conclusion: Bh hybrids with high levels of BNI activity were identified. Our results demonstrate that the microcosm incubation and the in vitro bioassay may be used as complementary methods for effectively assessing BNI activity. The full expression of BNI potential of Bh genotypes grown in the soil (i.e. low nitrification rates) requires up to one year to develop, after planting

    How soil carbon accounting can improve to support investment- oriented actions promoting soil carbon storage

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    Key messages ◼ The financial community needs a standardized, low-cost, fit-for-purpose approach to soil organic carbon (SOC) accounting that encourages investment and adapts to the climate market. ◼ To encourage investments, an accounting system should provide “value for money,” align with global goals and support co-benefits, while safeguarding reputational risks. ◼ Building a sequenced approach to improve accounting accuracy requires planning to reduce uncertainties of the accounting systems overtime. ◼ Developing low-cost SOC accounting requires i) focusing on a few high-quality direct measurements (opposed to multiple low-quality measurements), ii) reducing the uncertainty of models, and iii) enhancing capability to easily incorporate farm-level activity data. ◼ Moving to hybrid measurement approaches (a mix of direct measurements with modeling and remote sensing) seems to be the most cost-effective pathway to achieve low-cost SOC accounting systems