7 research outputs found

    Ankara bölgesinden toplanan bal arısı kovanı ürünlerinin antioksidan özelliklerinin ve toplam fenolik ve flavonoid içeriklerinin değerlendirilmesi

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    In this study, the total phenolic (TP) and total flavonoid (TF) profiles of multifloral honey, bee bread, bee pollen, and drone larvae (apilarnil), which are among the products of bee hives, were determined. In addition, the antioxidant activities of the aforementioned products were determined by 2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) assay, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay, and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay methods. Honey, bee bread, bee pollen, and apilarnil samples collected from 10 honey bee hives in the Ankara region were the material of the study. As a result of the analysis, TP content levels were found to be in the order of bee pollen > bee bread > honey > apilarnil, while TF contents were in the order of bee pollen > bee bread > apilarnil > honey. Considering the results of the DPPH, FRAP, and ABTS assays, the levels of activity were determined in the order of honey > bee pollen > bee bread > apilarnil. The highest antioxidant activity level determined in honey was concluded to be the result of synergistic antioxidant effects of other bioactive complex substances contained in honey. Therefore, we believe that bioactive complex substances that increase the antioxidant activity level of honey should be evaluated in future studies.Bu çalışmada, arı ürünleri olan multifloral bal, arı ekmeği, arı poleni ve erkek arı larvası (apilarnil)'in toplam fenolik (TP) ve toplam flavonoid (TF) profilleri ortaya konuldu. Bunun yanı sıra söz konusu örneklerin antioksidan aktiviteleri, 2,2′-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazolin)-6-sulfphonate (ABTS) testi ve ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) testi ve 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazy (DPPH) testi metotları kullanılarak belirlendi. Çalışmada materyalini Ankara yöresindeki 10 bal arısı kovanından toplanan bal, arı ekmeği, arı poleni ve apilarnil örnekleri oluşturdu. Yapılan analizlerin sonucunda bal arısı ürünlerinin toplam fenolik içerik düzeyine göre sıralaması arı poleni > arı ekmeği > bal > apilarnil olarak bulunurken, bal arısı ürünlerinin toplam flavonoid içeriği düzeyine göre sıralaması ise şu şekildedir: arı poleni > arı ekmeği > apilarnil > bal. Bal arısı kovan ürünlerinin DPPH, FRAP ve ABTS analizine göre sıralaması bal > arı poleni > arı ekmeği > apilarnil olarak belirlendi. Sonuç olarak balın en yüksek antioksidan aktivite düzeyi balın içerdiği diğer biyoaktif kompleks maddelerin sinerjistik antioksidan etkileri olarak değerlendirilmiştir ve bu nedenle balın antioksidan aktivite düzeyini artıran biyoaktif kompleks maddelerin ileriki çalışmalarda değerlendirilmesi gerektiği kanaatindeyiz

    Odgovor adipokina i srčanog troponina na eksperimentalno izazvanu disfunkciju štitne žlijezde brojlera

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    This study was conducted to investigate adipokine [Apelin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)] and cardiac troponin (cTnI) response that emerged after adding an essential oil mixture (EOM) (Eucalytus glabutus labii, Thymus vulgaris, Cymbopogon nardus, and Syzygium aromaticum) at different rates to the drinking water of broilers in which thyroid dysfunction (hypo- and hyperthyroidism) had been experimentally induced. In the present study, 150 1-day-old Ross-308 male broiler chicks were used. They were divided into five groups, each with 30 animals. The groups were designed to include five subgroups: control (C), hypothyroid, hypothyroid + 250 ppm EOM, hyperthyroid, and hyperthyroid + 250 ppm EOM, with six animals in each group. At the end of the experiment, Apelin, p-BDNF, cTnI, T3, T4, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were investigated in blood serum samples obtained by cervical dislocation from four randomly selected animals from each subgroup, making 100 animals in total. It was found that EOM administration resulted in a dose-dependent increase in p-BDNF and apelin levels, and a decrease in T4 levels in the experimentally induced hypo- and hyper-thyroidism groups, but did not affect T3 and cTnI levels. Conversely, an increase in TSH level was observed in the hypothyroidism groups, whereas a decrease was observed in groups with hyperthyroidism. This study is the first to examine adipokine (Apelin and BDNF) and cTnI response to EOM administration in thyroid dysfunction.Cilj rada bio je istražiti odgovor adipokina [apelin i moždani neurotrofni faktor (BDNF)] i srčanog troponina (cTnI) nakon dodavanja različitih omjera mješavine esencijalnih ulja (EOM) (Eucalytus glabutus labii, Thymus vulgaris, Cymbopogon nardus i Syzygium aromaticum) u vodu za piće brojlerima kojima je eksperimentalno izazvana disfunkcija štitnjače (hipotireoidizam i hipertireoidizam). U istraživanju je upotrijebljeno 150 jednodnevnih muških brojlera Ross-308. Podijeljeni su u pet skupina po 30 jedinki. Skupine su osmišljene tako da uključe i pet podskupina sa po šest brojlera: kontrolna skupina (C), hipotireoidna, hipotireoidna s 250 ppm mješavine esencijalnih ulja, hipertireoidna i hipertireoidna s 250 ppm mješavine esencijalnih ulja. Na kraju istraživanja u krvnom su serumu analizirane razine apelina, p-BDNF-a, cTnI-ja, T3, T4 i tireoidnog stimulacijskog hormona (TSH) koji su dobiveni cervikalnom dislokacijom od četiriju nasumično odabranih jedinki iz svake podskupine, što je činilo ukupno 100 životinja. Zapaženo je da je primjena EOM-a uzrokovala porast razina p-BDNF-a i apelina i smanjenje razine T4 u skupinama u kojima su eksperimentalno izazvani hipotireoidizam i hipertireoidizam, ali nije utjecala na razine T3 i cTnI-ija. Nasuprot tomu, u skupinama s hipotireoidizmom zabilježen je porast razine TSH-a, dok je smanjenje razine zabilježeno u skupinama s hipertireoidizmom. Ovo je prvo istraživanje odgovora adipokina (apelina i BDNF-a) i cTnI-ija na primjenu mješavine esencijalnih ulja kod brojlera s disfunkcijom štitne žlijezde

    Osteopontin Concentration in Prostates Fractions: A Novel Marker of Sperm Quality in Dogs

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    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the sperm quality and the osteopontin (OPN) concentration in the prostates of Malakli shepherd dogs. Ejaculates were collected once by digital manipulation from 39 male dogs aged between 2 and 4 years and older. The first and third fractions of the ejaculate were centrifuged at 5000× g for 30 min, and supernatants were stored at −80 °C for further analysis of OPN using a double-antibody sandwich method (SEA899CA, Cloude-Clone Corp, Houston, TX, USA). Meanwhile, the second fractions were evaluated for sperm motility, concentration, viability, and rate of abnormal spermatozoa (head, acrosome, midpiece and tail abnormalities). The average concentration of OPN was 8.7 ± 5.2 ng/mL, and it differed significantly between the 1st 10.4 ± 5.3 ng/mL and 3rd 7.4 ± 5 ng/mL fractions. According to ROC (receiver operating characteristic curve) analysis, the OPN concentration had a better diagnostic ability for sperm motility (p p < 0.05). Additionally, the OPN concentration was negatively correlated with poor sperm morphology and motility. In conclusion, the OPN concentration in prostate-derived secretions may be a possible marker of sperm quality in dogs. Further research could explore the involvement of OPN in sperm motility during cryopreservation and in vivo fertility

    The Effect of Tocopherol-α on the Cell Viability in Caco-2 Cell Line

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    Tocopherols, the major forms of vitamin E, are a family of fat-soluble phenolic compounds. Each tocopherol contains a chromanol ring system and a phytyl chain containing 16 carbons. Tocopherols, as effective antioxidants, have been proposed to protect against carcinogenesis. Colon carsinoma cell line were treated with tocopherol-α (0, 3.12, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200 uM). Cell viability and migration were examined. Cell viability was determined MTT assay and cell migration was determined by wound healing assay. Caco-2 cells were treated with for 24 h, 48 h and 72 h incubation. There is a significant decrease was observed at 50, 100 and 200 µM for 48 h and 72 h incubation on cell viability in the MTT assay. Wound healing method observed decrease on migration at 12, 5, 25 and 50 µM in 24 h. These results suggest that tocopherol-α have promising antiproliferative effect on cell viability for research on cancer

    The Antiproliferative Effect of Alpha Tocopherol in F98 Cell Culture

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    Alpha tocopherol is the most common and biologically active form of Vitamin E. The aim of this study was to evaulate the possible antiproliferative effect of alpha tocopherol on F-98 Glioblastoma cells. F-98 glioblastoma cell line was seeded at a density of 50.000/mL per well in 96 well plates in 100 µL medium DMEM. Cells treated with Alpha tocopherol (200,100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.2, 3.3 µM) for 24 h, 48 h and 72 h incubation. Measurement of Alpha tocopherol treated and control groups’ cell proliferation performed with MTT assay and Wound Healing assay was employed to show migration capacity. MTT Assay data shown are there was significant change in cell viability in 24 h, 48 h and 72 h. However significant decrease was observed at 50, 100 and 200 µM. In the present study, antiproliferative effect of alpha tocopherol was observed via wound healing assay. Our results here show that Alpha Tocopherol maybe a possible avenue for brain cancer treatment