161 research outputs found

    Nitrogen input by bamboos in neotropical forest: a new perspective

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    Background Nitrogen (N) is an important macronutrient that controls the productivity of ecosystems and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is a major source of N in terrestrial systems, particularly tropical forests. Bamboo dominates theses forests, but our knowledge regarding the role of bamboo in ecosystem functioning remains in its infancy. We investigated the importance of a native bamboo species to the N cycle of a Neotropical forest. Methods We selected 100 sample units (100 m2 each) in a pristine montane Atlantic Forest, in Brazil. We counted all the clumps and live culms of Merostachys neesii bamboo and calculated the specific and total leaf area, as well as litter production and respective N content. Potential N input was estimated based on available data on BNF rates for the same bamboo species, whose N input was then contextualized using information on N cycling components in the study area. Results With 4,000 live culms ha−1, the native bamboo may contribute up to 11.7 kg N ha−1 during summer (January to March) and 19.6 kg N ha−1 in winter (July to September). When extrapolated for annual values, M. neesii could contribute more than 60 kg N ha−1y−1. Discussion The bamboo species’ contribution to N input may be due to its abundance (habitat availability for microbial colonization) and the composition of the free-living N fixer community on its leaves (demonstrated in previous studies). Although some N is lost during decomposition, this input could mitigate the N deficit in the Atlantic Forest studied by at least 27%. Our findings suggest that M. neesii closely regulates N input and may better explain the high diversity and carbon stocks in the area. This is the first time that a study has investigated BNF using free-living N fixers on the phyllosphere of bamboo

    Rhizopus arrhizus ucp1295 como fonte econômica para produção de biopolímeros funcionais quitina e quitosana utilizando substratos renováveis / Rhizopus arrhizus ucp1295 as economic source for production of functional biopolymers chitin and chitosan using renewable substrates

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    Neste trabalho foi investigada a produção de quitina e quitosana por Rhizopus arrhizus UCP 1295 isolado do solo da Caatinga do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, utilizando o efluente industrial de doces e milhocina como substratos de baixo custo, considerando a versatilidade de aplicação das biomoléculas. O micro-organismo foi cultivado em diferentes concentrações dos substratos efluente da indústria de doces e milhocina (CSL) em diferentes valores de pH, de acordo com um planejamento fatorial completo 23. Após 96 h de fermentação, a biomassa produzida foi liofilizada e submetida ao tratamento com álcali- ácido-. Os polissacarídeos extraídos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) na região do infravermelho. A maior produção de biomassa (14,11 g/L) foi obtida na condição 6 (8% de efluente industrial de doces, 5% de milhocina e pH 5), enquanto os maiores rendimentos de quitina (169,3 mg/g) e quitosana (239,1 mg/g) foram obtidos em meio contendo 4% de efluente da indústria de doces, sem milhocina, nas condições 3 (pH 7) e 1 (pH 5), respectivamente. A quitina apresentou grau de acetilação de 71,4% e a quitosana de 86,0%, de desacetilação, respectivamente. Além disso, foi demonstrado que o efluente industrial de balas e milhocina são substratos renováveis e alternativos na formulação de novos meios de produção de quitina e quitosana. A versatilidade das biomoléculas deve-se as suas propriedades bioquímicas únicas, como biocompatibilidade, biodegradabilidade, não toxicidade, capacidade de formar filmes e aplicações industriais promissoras

    Proteína C-reativa não é um marcador útil de infecção em unidade de terapia intensiva cirúrgica

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: C-reactive protein (CRP) is commonly used as a marker for inflammatory states and for early identification of infection. This study aimed to investigate CRP as a marker for infection in patients with postoperative septic shock. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective, single-center study, developed in a surgical intensive care unit at Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. METHODS: This study evaluated 54 patients in the postoperative period, of whom 29 had septic shock (SS group) and 25 had systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS group). All of the patients were monitored over a seven-day period using the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score and daily CRP and lactate measurements. RESULTS: The daily CRP measurements did not differ between the groups. There was no correlation between CRP and lactate levels and the SOFA score in the groups. We observed that the plasma CRP concentrations were high in almost all of the patients. The patients presented an inflammatory state postoperatively in response to surgical aggression. This could explain the elevated CRP measurements, regardless of whether the patient was infected or not. CONCLUSIONS: This study did not show any correlation between CRP and infection among patients with SIRS and septic shock during the early postoperative period.CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A proteína C reativa (PCR) é muito usada como marcador de estados inflamatórios e na identificação precoce de infecção. Este estudo teve como proposta investigar a PCR como marcadora de infecção em pacientes em choque séptico no período pós-operatório. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo prospectivo, monocêntrico, desenvolvido numa unidade de terapia intensiva pós-operatória do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 54 pacientes no pós-operatório, sendo 29 deles com choque séptico (grupo SS) e 25 com síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica (grupo SI). Todos os pacientes foram acompanhados durante sete dias pelo escore SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) e com dosagens diárias de PCR e lactato. RESULTADOS: As dosagens de PCR não diferiram entre os grupos. Não foi observada correlação entre dosagem de PCR e lactato ou escore SOFA nos grupos estudados. Observamos que as concentrações plasmáticas de PCR estavam elevadas em quase todos os pacientes avaliados. Os pacientes no pós-operatório apresentam estado inflamatório em resposta à agressão cirúrgica, sendo este fato capaz de explicar as dosagens de PCR elevadas, independentemente de o paciente estar ou não infectado. CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo não evidenciou correlação entre PCR e infecção nos pacientes com síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica e choque séptico no período pós-operatório precoce

    Cytogenetic analysis of Rhinella jimi (Stevaux, 2002) (Anura, Bufonidae) from northeastern Brazil

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    In this work we analyzed the karyotype of Rhinella jimi (Stevaux, 2002) (Anura, Bufonidae) from Picos (Piauí) in Northeastern Brazil. The chromosomes were examined using classical cytogenetic approaches (Giemsa, C-banding, and Ag-NOR staining). This species has 2n = 22 chromosomes, all metacentric or submetacentric. Heterochromatic segments were visualized at the centromeric region and the nucleolus organizer regions (NOR) were restricted to terminal regions of the short arms in pair 7. There was no evidence of heteromorphic sex chromosomes. The chromosomal analysis of R. jimi allowed us to identify a karyotype that is similar to many other species of Rhinella, in which the diploid number remains unchanged and without evidences of structural rearrangements.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Self- and peer assessment may not be an accurate measure of PBL tutorial process

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Universidade Cidade de São Paulo adopted a problem-based learning (PBL) strategy as the predominant method for teaching and learning medicine. Self-, peer- and tutor marks of the educational process are taken into account as part of the final grade, which also includes assessment of content. This study compared the different perspectives (and grades) of evaluators during tutorials with first year medical students, from 2004 to 2007 (n = 349), from seven semesters.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The tutorial evaluation method was comprised of the students' self assessment (SA) (10%), tutor assessment (TA) (80%) and peer assessment (PA) (10%) to calculate a final educational process grade for each tutorial. We compared these three grades from each tutorial for seven semesters using ANOVA and a post hoc test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 349 students participated with 199 (57%) women and 150 (42%) men. The SA and PA scores were consistently greater than the TA scores. Moreover, the SA and PA groups did not show statistical difference in any semester evaluated, while both differed from tutor assessment in all semesters (Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn's test). The Spearman rank order showed significant (p < 0.0001) and positive correlation for the SA and PA groups (r = 0.806); this was not observed when we compared TA with PA (r = 0.456) or TA with SA (r = 0.376).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Peer- and self-assessment marks might be reliable but not valid for PBL tutorial process, especially if these assessments are used for summative assessment, composing the final grade. This article suggests reconsideration of the use of summative assessment for self-evaluation in PBL tutorials.</p