165 research outputs found

    Electronic Locator of Vertical Interval Successions (ELVIS): The first large data-driven research project on musical style

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    The ELVIS project had three locally based teams (in Canada, at McGill, in Scotland, at Aberdeen, and in New England, USA, divided between MIT, the lead, and Yale), each of which focused on a different aspect of the overall research program: using computers to understand musical style. The central unifying concept of the ELVIS project was to study counterpoint: the way combinations of voices in polyphonic music (e.g. the soprano and bass voices in a hymn, or the viola and cello in a string quartet, as well as combinations of more than two voices) interact: i.e. what are the permissible vertical intervals (notes from two voices sounding at the same time) for a particular period, genre, or style. These vertical intervals, connected by melodic motions in individual voices, constitute Vertical Interval Successions. In more modern terms, this could be described as harmonic progressions of chords, but what made ELVIS particularly flexible was its ability to bridge the gap to earlier, contrapuntally-conceived music by using the diad (a two-note combination) rather than the triad (a combination of three notes in particular arrangements) as a basis (since triads and beyond may be expressed as sums of diads)

    A Fast Algorithm Finding the Shortest Reset Words

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    In this paper we present a new fast algorithm finding minimal reset words for finite synchronizing automata. The problem is know to be computationally hard, and our algorithm is exponential. Yet, it is faster than the algorithms used so far and it works well in practice. The main idea is to use a bidirectional BFS and radix (Patricia) tries to store and compare resulted subsets. We give both theoretical and practical arguments showing that the branching factor is reduced efficiently. As a practical test we perform an experimental study of the length of the shortest reset word for random automata with nn states and 2 input letters. We follow Skvorsov and Tipikin, who have performed such a study using a SAT solver and considering automata up to n=100n=100 states. With our algorithm we are able to consider much larger sample of automata with up to n=300n=300 states. In particular, we obtain a new more precise estimation of the expected length of the shortest reset word 2.5n5\approx 2.5\sqrt{n-5}.Comment: COCOON 2013. The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-38768-5_1

    Extraction of 2′-O-apiosyl-6′-O-crotonic acid-betanin from the ayrampo seed (Opuntia soehrensii) cuticle and its use as an emitting layer in an organic light-emitting diode

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    The molecule 2′-O-apiosyl-6′-O-crotonic acid-betanin (called Achkiy) was obtained after an ecofriendly and low-cost purification process of the extract from the ayrampo seed cuticle. Results from EDS give us an idea of the organic elements present in the ayrampo cuticle layer composed of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. Further characterization analysis of ayrampo extract by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry (FTIR) corroborated the presence of characteristic functional groups corresponding to carboxyl, carbonyls, hydroxyls and secondary amines. On the other hand, we have confirmed by absortion peak the glucose, apiosyl, crotonic acid and betanin at 227 nm, 276 nm, 291 nm and 534 nm bands respectively. Mass Spectrometry (MS) characterization was used finally to identify the electroactive Achkiy molecule. This molecule was tested in an Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) achieving a luminance of 4.8 Cd m2^{−2} when bias voltage of 16.5 V and a current of 34.1 mA was applied. In addition, the irradiance generated by the Achkiy layer reaches a value of ≈ 113.3 μW m2^{−2} emitting light with a λ ≈ 390.10 nm. These preliminary results report an interesting molecule extracted from a natural pigment wich emits light in the blue region

    Site-Directed Insertion: Decision Problems, Maximality and Minimality

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    Site-directed insertion is an overlapping insertion operation that can be viewed as analogous to the overlap assembly or chop operations that concatenate strings by overlapping a suffix and a prefix of the argument strings. We consider decision problems and language equations involving site-directed insertion. By relying on the tools provided by semantic shuffle on trajectories we show that one variable equations involving site-directed insertion and regular constants can be solved. We consider also maximal and minimal variants of the site-directed insertion operation

    Multi-orbital and density-induced tunneling of bosons in optical lattices

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    We show that multi-orbital and density-induced tunneling have a significant impact on the phase diagram of bosonic atoms in optical lattices. Off-site interactions lead to density-induced hopping, the so-called bond-charge interactions, which can be identified with an effective tunneling potential and can reach the same order of magnitude as conventional tunneling. In addition, interaction-induced higher-band processes also give rise to strongly modified tunneling, on-site and bond-charge interactions. We derive an extended occupation-dependent Hubbard model with multi-orbitally renormalized processes and compute the corresponding phase diagram. It substantially deviates from the single-band Bose-Hubbard model and predicts strong changes of the superfluid to Mott-insulator transition. In general, the presented beyond-Hubbard physics plays an essential role in bosonic lattice systems and has an observable influence on experiments with tunable interactions.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Diversity and activity of sugar transporters in nematode-induced root syncytia

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    The plant-parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii stimulates plant root cells to form syncytial feeding structures which synthesize all nutrients required for successful nematode development. Cellular re-arrangements and modified metabolism of the syncytia are accompanied by massive intra- and intercellular solute allocations. In this study the expression of all genes annotated as sugar transporters in the Arabidopsis Membrane Protein Library was investigated by Affymetrix gene chip analysis in young and fully developed syncytia compared with non-infected Arabidopsis thaliana roots. The expression of three highly up-regulated (STP12, MEX1, and GTP2) and three highly down-regulated genes (SFP1, STP7, and STP4) was analysed by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). The most up-regulated gene (STP12) was chosen for further in-depth studies using in situ RT-PCR and a nematode development assay with a T-DNA insertion line revealing a significant reduction of male nematode development. The specific role of STP12 expression in syncytia of male juveniles compared with those of female juveniles was further shown by qRT-PCR. In order to provide evidence for sugar transporter activity across the plasma membrane of syncytia, fluorescence-labelled glucose was used and membrane potential recordings following the application of several sugars were performed. Analyses of soluble sugar pools revealed a highly specific composition in syncytia. The presented work demonstrates that sugar transporters are specifically expressed and active in syncytia, indicating a profound role in inter- and intracelluar transport processes

    Heteroreceptor complexes formed by dopamine D1, histamine H3 and N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptors as targets to prevent neuronal death in Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder causing progressive memory loss and cognitive dysfunction. Anti-AD strategies targeting cell receptors consider them as isolated units. However, many cell surface receptors cooperate and physically contact each other forming complexes having different biochemical properties than individual receptors. We here report the discovery of dopamine D , histamine H , and N-methylD-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor heteromers in heterologous systems and in rodent brain cortex. Heteromers were detected by coimmunoprecipitation and in situ proximity ligation assays (PLA) in the rat cortex where H receptor agonists, via negative cross-talk, and H receptor antagonists, via cross-antagonism, decreased D receptor agonist signaling determined by ERK1/2 or Akt phosphorylation and counteracted D receptormediated excitotoxic cell death. Both D and H receptor antagonists also counteracted NMDA toxicity suggesting a complex interaction between NMDA receptors and D -H receptor heteromer function. Likely due to heteromerization, H receptors act as allosteric regulator for D and NMDA receptors. By bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET), we demonstrated that D or H receptors form heteromers with NR1A/NR2B NMDA receptor subunits. D -H -NMDA receptor complexes were confirmed by BRET combined with fluorescence complementation. The endogenous expression of complexes in mouse cortex was determined by PLA and similar expression was observed in wild-type and APP/PS1 mice. Consistent with allosteric receptor-receptor interactions within the complex, H receptor antagonists reduced NMDA or D receptor-mediated excitotoxic cell death in cortical organotypic cultures. Moreover, H receptor antagonists reverted the toxicity induced by ß -amyloid peptide. Thus, histamine H receptors in D -H -NMDA heteroreceptor complexes arise as promising targets to prevent neurodegeneration

    Dual Effect of Beta-Amyloid on α7 and α4β2 Nicotinic Receptors Controlling the Release of Glutamate, Aspartate and GABA in Rat Hippocampus

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    BACKGROUND: We previously showed that beta-amyloid (Aβ), a peptide considered as relevant to Alzheimer's Disease, is able to act as a neuromodulator affecting neurotransmitter release in absence of evident sign of neurotoxicity in two different rat brain areas. In this paper we focused on the hippocampus, a brain area which is sensitive to Alzheimer's Disease pathology, evaluating the effect of Aβ (at different concentrations) on the neurotransmitter release stimulated by the activation of pre-synaptic cholinergic nicotinic receptors (nAChRs, α4β2 and α7 subtypes). Particularly, we focused on some neurotransmitters that are usually involved in learning and memory: glutamate, aspartate and GABA. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: WE USED A DUAL APPROACH: in vivo experiments (microdialysis technique on freely moving rats) in parallel to in vitro experiments (isolated nerve endings derived from rat hippocampus). Both in vivo and in vitro the administration of nicotine stimulated an overflow of aspartate, glutamate and GABA. This effect was greatly inhibited by the highest concentrations of Aβ considered (10 µM in vivo and 100 nM in vitro). In vivo administration of 100 nM Aβ (the lowest concentration considered) potentiated the GABA overflow evoked by nicotine. All these effects were specific for Aβ and for nicotinic secretory stimuli. The in vitro administration of either choline or 5-Iodo-A-85380 dihydrochloride (α7 and α4β2 nAChRs selective agonists, respectively) elicited the hippocampal release of aspartate, glutamate, and GABA. High Aβ concentrations (100 nM) inhibited the overflow of all three neurotransmitters evoked by both choline and 5-Iodo-A-85380 dihydrochloride. On the contrary, low Aβ concentrations (1 nM and 100 pM) selectively acted on α7 subtypes potentiating the choline-induced release of both aspartate and glutamate, but not the one of GABA. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results reinforce the concept that Aβ has relevant neuromodulatory effects, which may span from facilitation to inhibition of stimulated release depending upon the concentration used

    Untreated severe dental decay: a neglected determinant of low Body Mass Index in 12-year-old Filipino children

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    Contains fulltext : 98500.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Dental decay is the most common childhood disease worldwide and most of the decay remains untreated. In the Philippines caries levels are among the highest in the South East Asian region. Elementary school children suffer from high prevalence of stunting and underweight.The present study aimed to investigate the association between untreated dental decay and Body Mass Index (BMI) among 12-year-old Filipino children. METHODS: Data collection was part of the National Oral Health Survey, a representative cross-sectional study of 1951 11-13-year-old school children using a modified, stratified cluster sampling design based on population classifications of the Philippine National Statistics Office. Caries was scored according to WHO criteria (1997) and odontogenic infections using the PUFA index. Anthropometric measures were performed by trained nurses. Some socio-economic determinants were included as potential confounding factors. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of caries (DMFT + dmft > 0) was 82.3% (95%CI; 80.6%-84.0%). The overall prevalence of odontogenic infections due to caries (PUFA + pufa > 0) was 55.7% (95% CI; 53.5%-57.9%) The BMI of 27.1% (95%CI; 25.1%-29.1%) of children was below normal, 1% (95%CI; 0.5%-1.4%) had a BMI above normal. The regression coefficient between BMI and caries was highly significant (p 0) as compared to those without odontogenic infections had an increased risk of a below normal BMI (OR: 1.47; 95% CI: 1.19-1.80). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first-ever representative survey showing a significant association between caries and BMI and particularly between odontogenic infections and below normal BMI. An expanded model of hypothesised associations is presented that includes progressed forms of dental decay as a significant, yet largely neglected determinant of poor child development