623 research outputs found

    A self-limiting bank erosion mechanism? Inferring temporal variations in bank form and skin drag from high resolution topographic data

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    Fluvial bank erosion rates are often quantified by assuming that the erosion rate is a function of the excess (above a critical threshold) boundary shear stress applied by the flow. Research has shown that the form roughness induced by natural topographic bank features, such as slumps, spurs and embayments, is the dominant component of the spatially-averaged total shear stress, meaning that form roughness provides an important control on bank erosion rates. However, measuring the relative components of the total shear stress for a natural system is not straightforward. In this paper we employ the method of Kean and Smith (2006a,b) to partition the form and skin drag components of river bank roughness using a time series (2005-2011) of high-resolution topographic surveys of an eroding bank of the Cecina River in central Italy. This method approximates the form drag component of the roughness along a longitudinal bank profile as a series of user defined Gaussian curves. The extracted metrics are used in conjunction with an estimate of the outer region flow velocity to partition the form and skin drag components of the total boundary shear stress according to the Kean and Smith analytical solution. The relative magnitude of the form and skin shear stress at each survey date is analysed alongside DEMs of difference to reveal that intense episodes of erosion are followed by periods of quiescence. We show that this is due to the protection offered by increased form drag roughness following erosion. We conceptualise the dynamic feedbacks that exist between river discharge, bank erosion processes and bank form roughness, into a simple model of the self-limiting nature of river bank erosio

    Quantitative Comparison of Sinc-Approximating Kernels for Medical Image Interpolation

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    Abstract. Interpolation is required in many medical image processing operations. From sampling theory, it follows that the ideal interpolation kernel is the sinc function, which is of infinite extent. In the attempt to obtain practical and computationally efficient image processing al-gorithms, many sinc-approximating interpolation kernels have been de-vised. In this paper we present the results of a quantitative comparison of 84 different sinc-approximating kernels, with spatial extents ranging from 2 to 10 grid points in each dimension. The evaluation involves the application of geometrical transformations to medical images from dif-ferent modalities (CT, MR, and PET), using the different kernels. The results show very clearly that, of all kernels with a spatial extent of 2 grid points, the linear interpolation kernel performs best. Of all kernels with an extent of 4 grid points, the cubic convolution kernel is the best (28 %- 75 % reduction of the errors as compared to linear interpolation). Even better results (44 %- 95 % reduction) are obtained with kernels of larger extent, notably the Welch, Cosine, Lanczos, and Kaiser windowed sinc kernels. In general, the truncated sinc kernel is one of the worst performing kernels.

    Music benefits on postoperative distress and pain in pediatric day care surgery

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    Postoperative effect of music listening has not been established in pediatric age. Response on postoperative distress and pain in pediatric day care surgery has been evaluated. Forty-two children were enrolled. Patients were randomly assigned to the music-group (music intervention during awakening period) or the non-music group (standard postoperative care). Slow and fast classical music and pauses were recorded and played via ambient speakers. Heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, glucose and cortisol levels, faces pain scale and Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) Pain Scale were considered as indicators of response to stress and pain experience. Music during awakening induced lower increase of systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. The non-music group showed progressive increasing values of glycemia; in music-group the curve of glycemia presented a plateau pattern (P<0.001). Positive impact on reactions to pain was noted using the FLACC scale. Music improves cardiovascular parameters, stress-induced hyperglycemia. Amelioration on pain perception is more evident in older children. Positive effects seems to be achieved by the alternation of fast, slow rhythms and pauses even in pediatric age

    Obstetric outcomes in pregnant COVID-19 women: the imbalance of von Willebrand factor and ADAMTS13 axis

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    Background: Thrombotic microangiopathy has been invoked as one of the most important mechanisms of damage in COVID-19 patients. Protease ADAMTS13 is a marker of microangiopathy responsible for controlling von Willebrand multimers size. Von Willebrand factor/ADAMTS13 ratio has been found impaired in COVID-19 patients outside pregnancy. Methods: We prospectively investigated 90 pregnant women admitted to two tertiary academic hospitals in Italy with a laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Demographic, clinical information and routine laboratory data were collected at the hospital admission and until discharge. We investigated whether vonWillebrand /ADAMTS13 axis imbalance is a predictor of adverse outcomes. Logistic regression analysis, which controlled for potential confounders, was performed to evaluate the association between laboratory parameters and clinical outcomes. Results: Most women (55.6%) were parae, with median gestational age at admission of 39 weeks. At hospital admission, 63.3% were asymptomatic for COVID-19 and 24.4% showed more than one sign or symptom of infection. Nulliparae with group O showed Willebrand / ADA MTS-13 ratios significantly lower than non-O, whereas in multiparae this difference was not observed. Logistic regression showed that ratio von Willebrand to ADAMTS13 was significantly and independently associated with preterm delivery (OR 1.9, 95%CI 1.1–3.5). Conclusion: This study shows an imbalance of vonWillebrand /ADAMTS13 axis in pregnant women with COVID-19, leading to a significantly higher and independent risk of preterm delivery. Monitoring these biomarkers might support decision making process to manage and follow-up pregnancies in this setting

    VOC 202012/01 Variant Is Effectively Neutralized by Antibodies Produced by Patients Infected before Its Diffusion in Italy

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and presents a global health emergency that needs urgent intervention. Viruses constantly change through mutation, and new variants of a virus are expected to occur over time. In the United Kingdom (UK), a new variant called B.1.1.7 has emerged with an unusually large number of mutations. The aim of this study is to evaluate the level of protection of sera from 12 patients infected and later healed in Apulia Region (Italy) with Covid-19 between March and November 2020, when the English variant was not circulating in this territory yet, against the new VOC 202012/01 variant by seroneutralization assay. The sera of patients had already been tested before, using a virus belonging to the lineage B.1 and showed an antibody neutralizing titer ranging between 1:160 and 1:320. All the 12 sera donors confirmed the same titers of neutralizing antibodies obtained with a strain belonging to the lineage B.1.1.7 (VOC 202012/01). These data indicate that antibodies produced in subjects infected with variants of Sars-CoV-2 strain before the appearance of the English one, seem to have a neutralizing power also against this variant

    ADHD and illegal conduct: a survey in Juvenile Justice Services in Puglia

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    Obiettivo. Obiettivo del nostro studio è stato quello di individuare possibili fattori psicopatologici correlati alla messa in atto di condotte antigiuridiche da parte di minori al loro primo reato, nonché eventuali altre variabili individuali, familiari, economiche e socioculturali correlate al fenomeno indagato. Materiali e metodi. È stato condotto uno studio longitudinale su minori della Regione Puglia (Distretto della Corte di Appello di Bari e Lecce) al loro primo reato. Lo studio ha comportato l’acquisizione di una serie di informazioni anagrafiche, familiari, scolastiche, comportamentali e cliniche dei minori arruolati lungo un arco di tempo di oltre un anno e seguiti in follow-up per 18 mesi. Per le sue finalità lo studio prevedeva l’utilizzo di due scale cliniche standardizzate (Youth Self-Report e Conners Adolescent Self Report Scale). Risultati. L’indagine ha fatto emergere alcune variabili psicologiche e psicopatologiche correlate alle condotte antisociali di minori al loro primo contatto con l’Autorità Giudiziaria, nonché altre familiari, sociali e scolastiche. Conclusioni. I risultati ottenuti confermano la necessità di una prevenzione primaria e secondaria su minori a rischio, attraverso interventi multidisciplinari, precoci, selettivi

    Common-path interferometric label-free protein sensing with resonant dielectric nanostructures

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    Research toward photonic biosensors for point-of-care applications and personalized medicine is driven by the need for high-sensitivity, low-cost, and reliable technology. Among the most sensitive modalities, interferometry offers particularly high performance, but typically lacks the required operational simplicity and robustness. Here, we introduce a common-path interferometric sensor based on guided-mode resonances to combine high performance with inherent stability. The sensor exploits the simultaneous excitation of two orthogonally polarized modes, and detects the relative phase change caused by biomolecular binding on the sensor surface. The wide dynamic range of the sensor, which is essential for fabrication and angle tolerance, as well as versatility, is controlled by integrating multiple, tuned structures in the field of view. This approach circumvents the trade-off between sensitivity and dynamic range, typical of other phase-sensitive modalities, without increasing complexity. Our sensor enables the challenging label-free detection of procalcitonin, a small protein (13 kDa) and biomarker for infection, at the clinically relevant concentration of 1 pg mL−1, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 35. This result indicates the utility for an exemplary application in antibiotic guidance, and opens possibilities for detecting further clinically or environmentally relevant small molecules with an intrinsically simple and robust sensing modality

    Atomic force microscopy based nanoassay: A new method to study \u3b1-Synuclein-dopamine bioaffinity interactions

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    Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs) are characterized by the lack of well-defined 3-D structure and show high conformational plasticity. For this reason, they are a strong challenge for the traditional characterization of structure, supramolecular assembly and biorecognition phenomena. We show here how the fine tuning of protein orientation on a surface turns useful in the reliable testing of biorecognition interactions of IDPs, in particular \u3b1-Synuclein. We exploited atomic force microscopy (AFM) for the selective, nanoscale confinement of \u3b1-Synuclein on gold to study the early stages of \u3b1-Synuclein aggregation and the effect of small molecules, like dopamine, on the aggregation process. Capitalizing on the high sensitivity of AFM topographic height measurements we determined, for the first time in the literature, the dissociation constant of dopamine-\u3b1-Synuclein adducts

    Wizard CD Plus and ProTaper Universal: analysis of apical transportation using new software

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    OBJECTIVE: This study has two aims: 1) to evaluate the apical transportation of the Wizard CD Plus and ProTaper Universal after preparation of simulated root canals; 2) to compare, with Adobe Photoshop, the ability of a new software (Regeemy) in superposing and subtracting images. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty five simulated root canals in acrylic-resin blocks (with 20º curvature) underwent cone beam computed tomography before and after preparation with the rotary systems (70 kVp, 4 mA, 10 s and with the 8×8 cm FoV selection). Canals were prepared up to F2 (ProTaper) and 24.04 (Wizard CD Plus) instruments and the working length was established to 15 mm. The tomographic images were imported into iCAT Vision software and CorelDraw for standardization. The superposition of pre- and post-instrumentation images from both systems was performed using Regeemy and Adobe Photoshop. The apical transportation was measured in millimetres using Image J. Five acrylic resin blocks were used to validate the superposition achieved by the software. Student's t-test for independent samples was used to evaluate the apical transportation achieved by the rotary systems using each software individually. Student's t-test for paired samples was used to compare the ability of each software in superposing and subtracting images from one rotary system per time. RESULTS: The values obtained with Regeemy and Adobe Photoshop were similar to rotary systems (P>0.05). ProTaper Universal and Wizard CD Plus promoted similar apical transportation regardless of the software used for image's superposition and subtraction (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: Wizard CD Plus and ProTaper Universal promoted little apical transportation. Regeemy consists in a feasible software to superpose and subtract images and appears to be an alternative to Adobe Photoshop
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