60 research outputs found

    Workloads and strain process in Community Health Agents

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify the workloads present in the work activities of community health agents (CHAs) and the resulting strain processes. METHOD A descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional and quantitative study conducted with 137 CHAs. Data were collected through a questionnaire and interview guided by the health surveillance software called SIMOSTE (Health Monitoring System of Nursing Workers), following the ethical codes of the current law. RESULTS In total, were identified 140 workloads involved in 122 strain processes, represented by the occurrence of health problems of the CHAs. The mechanical (55.00%) and biological (16.43%) loads stood out. The most common strain processes were the external causes of morbidity and mortality (62.31%) and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (10.66%). CONCLUSION From the identified overloads, it became evident that all workloads are present in the work process of CHAs, highlighting the mechanical load, represented mainly by external causes of morbidity and mortality that are related to occupational accidents


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    We present a set of algorithms that recovers detailed building surface structures from multiple images taken under normal urban conditions, where severe occlusions and lighting variations occur and are difficult to be modeled effectively. An iterative weighted-average algorithm is designed to recover high-quality consensus texture of the wall facades. A generic algorithm is developed to extract the 2D microstructures. Depth is estimated and combined with 2D structures to obtain 3D structures, facilitating urban site model refinement and visualization.

    Emissionsminderung von energiebedingten klimarelevanten Spurengasen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Baden-Wuerttemberg Kurzfassung

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    Die Energieprobleme und die mit ihr eng verknuepften Belastungen von Umwelt und Natur sowie die Gefahren einer Veraenderung des Klimas sind angesichts einer weiter wachsenden Weltbevoelkerung zentrale Aspekte der globalen Problematik. Dabei steht in der oeffentlichen Diskussion ueber Umweltbelastungen seit geraumer Zeit das Risiko einer Klimaveraenderung im Vordergrund. Seit Beginn des industriellen Zeitalters haben die von Menschen verursachten Staub- und Abgasemissionen erheblich zugenommen. Heute sind Groessenordnungen erreicht worden, bei denen sich die Zusammensetzung der Erdatmosphaere bezueglich einiger Spurengase merklich veraendert. Diese Gase verursachen bei wachsender Konzentration den sogenannten anthropogenen Treibhauseffekt, der in erdgeschichtlich kurzen Zeitraeumen zu globaler Erwaermung fuehren und damit verheerende Folgen fuer das Klimasystem und die davon abhaengigen Oekosysteme haben kann. Die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe traegt wesentlich zum Anstieg der Konzentration des treibhausrelevanten Spurengases Kohlendioxid (CO_2) bei. So sind ca. 50% des anthropogenen Treibhauseffektes dem Bereich Energie einschliesslich Verkehr zuzuordnen, 80% dieses Anteils werden dabei durch Kohlendioxid verursacht. Mit dem vorliegenden Bericht wird deutlich gemacht, dass es unter Beachtung der Rueckwirkungen auf die volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung sowohl in Deutschland als auch in Baden-Wuerttemberg Moeglichkeiten der Emissionsminderung energiebedingter klimarelevanter Spurengase gibt, die es ermoeglichen, weitreichende Reduktionsziele oekonomievertraeglich zu erreichen. (orig./SR)Energy problems and the burdens for nature and environment that are closely related to them, as well as the hazards of climate change, are central aspects of the global environmental issue in view of the fact that the world population keeps growing. In public debate on environmental burdens, the risk of climate change has for some time been prominent. Since the beginning of the industrial age there has been a huge increase in particulates emissions and gaseous emissions due to human activities. At present, we have reached levels where the composition of the earth atmosphere regarding some trace gases is changing notably. At higher concentrations, these gases cause the ''man-made greenhouse effect'', which may result in global warming within relatively short periods of time in terms of natural history and might have devastating consequences for the climate system and the dependent ecosystems. Fossil fuel combustion contributes greatly to increasing the concentration of the greenhouse-relevant trace gase carbon dioxide. Thus, some 50 per cent of the anthropogenous greenhouse effect stems from the sector of energy including traffic; 80 per cent of it is caused by carbon dioxide. The report makes clear the following: even if one takes into account the repercussions on the economic development of both Germany and Baden-Wuerttemberg, there are ways of cutting down emissions of energy-related, climate-relevant trace gases, so that important reduction targets may be met without harm to the economy. (orig./SR)Available from TIB Hannover: RO 9712(21) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Einbindung des ECOLOG-Modells 'E"3Net' und Integration neuer methodischer Ansaetze in das IKARUS-Instrumentarium (ECOLOG II) Schlussbericht

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    Aim of the study: Aim of the research project 'The linking of the ECOLOG-model 'E"3Net' to the IKARUS instrument and the integration of new methodological approaches (ECOLOG II)' was the integration of different modeling approaches and tools for energy-economic analysis in one instrument. The results of this research project are based on the IKARUS and ECOLOG projects. IKARUS stands for 'Instruments for climate gas reduction strategies' and ECOLOG means 'Development of a linear optimization model to model regional energy systems applied to the example of Germany'. Method of approach: In ECOLOG II enhancements in the following areas were introduced: (1) Integration of E"3Net in the IKARUS instrument; (2) Introducing nonlinear modeling approaches in E"3Net; (3) Macro-economic extension of E"3Net; (4) Development and application of the multi sector energy economy model NEWAGE; (5) Development of a simulation model for energy systems analysis PlaNet; (6) Extension of the analytical features of NetWork. Scientific and technological success of the study: In the framework of the ECOLOG II research project, the following goals were achieved: linking the FIZ-Technology database of NetWork, connecting the FIZ-LP database with NetWork, transforming the IKARUS LP data into a case study for the energy systems optimization model E"3Net, developing an energy systems model with price-elastic demand (E"3Micro), developing an equilibrium model E"3Macro which combines a detailed technology description and a macro economic part, realizing a prototype of the general equilibrium model NEWAGE, in which a technology-oriented energy supply model was integrated into a general equilibrium model, realizing the simulation model PlaNet, developing the network designer and analyst (NDA), and testing these modules with case studies of the IKARUS project. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F98B1788+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman