206 research outputs found

    Development of the keystroke dynamics recognition system

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    The paper is related to creating an algorithm for keystroke dynamics recognition and development of software, which is able to identify users according to their keystroke dynamics. Different characteristics of keystroke dynamics are considered. Probabilistic-statistical methods are compared with neural network algorithms for recognition. The algorithm for recognition was created and implemented. The software was tested with the help of some users. Their keystroke dynamics was analyzed in order to determine an efficiency of the created algorithm

    Development of the Keystroke Dynamics Recognition System

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    The paper is related to creating an algorithm for keystroke dynamics recognition and development of software, which is able to identify users according to their keystroke dynamics. Different characteristics of keystroke dynamics are considered. Probabilistic-statistical methods are compared with neural network algorithms for recognition. The algorithm for recognition was created and implemented. The software was tested with the help of some users. Their keystroke dynamics was analyzed in order to determine an efficiency of the created algorithm

    Effect of in Doping on the ZnO Powders Morphology and Microstructure Evolution of ZnO:In Ceramics as a Material for Scintillators

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    Transparent ZnO ceramics are of interest for use as material for high-efficiency fast scintillators. Doping ZnO ceramics in order to improve complex of their properties is a promising direction. In the present research, the role of indium in the ZnO nanopowders surface interactions and in the change of microstructures and photoluminescence (PL) characteristics of sintered cera-mics is considered. Undoped and 0.13 wt% In doped ZnO ceramics are obtained by hot pressing sintering. It has been found that indium leads to the transition of initially faceted ZnO particles to rounded, contributing to good sintering with formation of diffusion active grain boundaries (GBs). Unlike ZnO ceramics, ZnO:In ceramics microstructure is characterised by the trans-crystalline mode of fracture, faceted GBs with places of zig-zag forms and predominant distribution of In at the GBs. Such indium induced modifications of GBs promote removal of point defects and reduce PL parameter α = I def /I exc in comparison with the undoped ceramics. Results characterise ZnO:In cera-mics with improved GBs properties as a prospective material for scintillators.The present research has been supported by the Project ERANET RUS_ ST#2017-051(Latvia) and #18-52-76002 (Russia); Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Changes in the rehabilitation status of irrigated lands in the Volgograd Oblast during 2001–2018

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    A comparative assessment of the rehabilitation status of irrigated lands, which are located in different natural areas of the Volgograd Oblast, is presented for 2001–2018. It was found that during the specified period there were recorded significant changes in the condition of irrigated lands: the total irrigation area has dramatically decreased since 2001 (-31%), especially at local runoff (-44.5%), the groundwater level has decreased (the level >5 m remains on 78% of the area). Also on this background, the areas of secondary salinized soils were also decreased (-3.9%). The main problems at the present are: the presence of fallow lands and rain-fed lands initially cultivated for irrigation, the lack of drainage on the most of irrigation systems and significant areas of saline soils requiring rehabilitation. Differences in natural conditions have largely determined the current rehabilitation state of irrigated soils and the intensity of their changes. Thus, the largest areas of secondary saline soils are preserved on irrigation systems located on the initially highly saline, poorly drained soils of the Khvalyn clay plain (Pallasovka, Svetloyarsk irrigation systems). Reconstruction of a number of irrigation systems with areas of secondary saline soils gave a positive result, after which secondary saline soils on reclaimed lands were not detected (Large Volgograd, Tyazhin irrigation systems). Significant areas of saline soils can be found on irrigated lands in the distribution areas of natural saline soils and chestnut, light chestnut saline soils – in the south of the Volga Upland, in the area of the Northern Yergeni and on the Khvalyn clay plain (Gorodishуsche, Generalovskoye, Pallasovka, etc. irrigation systems). Inherent research on the Volga-Don irrigation system with the involvement of remote sensing data has shown that this system reflects the general features of the modern rehabilitation condition of irrigated lands of the Volgograd Oblast – fallow lands, lack of drainage, and widespread saline soils are specific for this area. The use of high-resolution multispectral satellite images (Landsat-8, Sentinel-2) for the purposes of detection of fallow and irrigated lands in the current season demonstrates the possibility of clarifying information on this category of land. The determination of the distribution of salinized and solonetzic soils on irrigated lands of the Volgograd Oblast by remote methods can be carried out indirectly, i. e. according to the state of vegetation: when areas of sparse vegetation cover are being identified on images, targeted routes for soil surveys and soil sampling are selected

    Analysis of information about the alkaline soil areas in Russia at the end of the XX and beginning of the XXI centuries

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    The definitions of “alkaline” and “alkaline-solonetzic soils” are given in the paper. The data on the alkaline soils distribution in the national Soil Fund and in Russian agricultural areas are represented based on the summary of materials from late XX and early XXI centuries. It is shown that the data provided in the State reports of 2016 and 2019, in the monograph “Global climate and soil cover of Russia” (2019) and in other reviewed sources do not always coincide and do not allow us to get a clear idea about the alkaline soils distribution throughout the territory of the country and within the agricultural lands. However, the most important issue is to become acquainted and evaluate methodological approaches, currently used to obtain information about the distribution and changes of alkaline and alkaline-solonetzic soils on the territory of certain regions of the country and Russia as a whole. The materials presented in the paper indicate that the data on the areas of alkaline and alkaline-solonetzic soils need to be clarified on the basis of state-of-the-art remote sensing methods and ground-based soil mapping. At the same time, it is necessary to develop and approve unified methodological approaches for consideration of alkaline and alkaline-solonetzic soils on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the areas of irrigated lands need to be independently monitored and separated from the total Soil Fund of agricultural land, as well as a separate calculation of fallow, alkaline and solonetzic soils on irrigated land


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    It is shown that in highly developed countries a balance models and general computable equilibrium models are used to predict the dynamics of labor and employment markets. It was noted that a holistic approach to forecasting the needs of the national economies in qualified personnel was developed abroad, based on the optimal combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The necessity of revealing and analyzing the factors determining the current and prospective demand and supply of labor in the digital economy is substantiated. The expediency of creating an early warning system in the Russian Federation that allows timely detection of trends in the dynamics of demand and supply of skilled labor in order to develop strategic forecasts of the labor market and the formation of an effective state employment policy is argued


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    The subject / topic: The subject of this article is very actual in the light of formation of post-industrial economy and need of improvement of methods, tools and mechanisms of management of economic subjects. The main reason for low efficiency of the industrial enterprises consists now that the developed stereotypes of managing and the applied methods of management don't conform to requirements of market economy. In article advantages of introduction of instruments of strategic management in activity of the industrial enterprises are considered.The purpose / objectives: The purpose of article is the analysis of the directions of improvement of strategic management of the industrial enterprise in modern economic conditions. Objectives of the article: To investigate differences of strategic management of the industrial enterprise from traditional, to analyse modern strategy of the industrial enterprises, to reveal their features and scopes.Methodology: A methodical basis of this article are comparative methods of the analysis.The Results: Difference of strategic management of the industrial enterprise from the traditional is investigated. Possibility of strategic development of the industrial companies only at systematic introduction of innovations is proved. Modern strategy of development of the industrial enterprises are analysed: modern strategy of development in retail networks of sales of mobile phones, outsourcing strategy, strategy of development of the company on the basis of a matrix «a growth / share of the market», strategy of fight for intellectual leadership, strategy of ecosystems of J. F. Moore; their features and scopes are revealed.Conclusions / significance: It is necessary to expand practical use of instruments of strategic management in activity of the industrial enterprises as they allow to increase management efficiency as a result of the accounting of opportunities and threats of environment and current state of the enterprise, its strong and weaknesses. Practical application of results of this work will allow to improve procedures of strategic management of the industrial enterprises taking into account current economic and social trends. Предмет / тема: Тема данной статьи весьма актуальна в свете формирования постиндустриальной экономики и необходимости совершенствования методов, инструментов и механизмов управления экономическими субъектами. Основная причина низкой эффективности промышленных предприятий в настоящее время состоит в том, что сложившиеся стереотипы хозяйствования и применяемые методы управления не соответствуют требованиям рыночной экономики. В статье рассматриваются преимущества внедрения инструментов стратегического управления в деятельность промышленных предприятий.Цель / задачи: Целью статьи является анализ направлений совершенствования стратегического управления промышленным предприятием в современных экономических условиях.Задачи статьи: исследовать отличия стратегического управления промышленным предприятием от традиционного, проанализировать современные стратегии промышленных предприятий, выявить их особенности и области применения.Методология: Методической основой данной статьи являются сравнительные методы анализа.Результаты: Исследовано отличие стратегического управления промышленным предприятием от традиционного. Обоснована возможность стратегического развития промышленных компаний только при систематическом внедрении нововведений. Проанализированы современные стратегии развития промышленных предприятий: современные стратегии развития в розничных сетях продаж мобильных телефонов, стратегия аутсорсинга, стратегия развития компании на основе матрицы «рост / доля рынка», стратегия борьбы за интеллектуальное лидерство, стратегия экосистем Дж.Ф. Мура; выявлены их особенности и области применения.Выводы / значимость: Необходимо расширить практическое использование инструментов стратегического управления в деятельности промышленных предприятий, так как они позволяют повысить эффективность управления в результате учета возможностей и угроз внешней среды и текущего состояния предприятия, его сильных и слабых сторон. Практическое применение результатов данной работы позволит совершенствовать процедуры стратегического управления промышленными предприятиями с учетом современных экономических и социальных тенденций.

    Managing iron and steel enterprises: study of innovative methods of industrial engineering (logistics approach)

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    Specifics of the logistics approach in managing an iron and steel enterprise is reviewed. Attention is focused on the logistics management issues; the areas of their solution are defined. The article proposes an economic mechanism for managing the logistics activities of iron and steel enterprises, including a set of consistent, mutually agreed management activities and measures that encompasses the cycle of assessing, analyzing and optimizing logistics activities and aims at achieving the performance goals. The mechanism is based on a system of methods, models and techniques and provides for the adjustment and control of deviations, thereby ensuring timely response to the deteriorating parameters of managing the logistics activities of an iron and steel enterprise