6,440 research outputs found

    Mechanical properties of carbynes investigated by ab initio total-energy calculations

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    As sp carbon chains (carbynes) are relatively rigid molecular objects, can we exploit them as construction elements in nanomechanics? To answer this question, we investigate their remarkable mechanical properties by ab-initio total-energy simulations. In particular, we evaluate their linear response to small longitudinal and bending deformations and their failure limits for longitudinal compression and elongation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Upper body balance control strategy during continuous 3D postural perturbation in young adults

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    We explored how changes in vision and perturbation frequency impacted upright postural control in healthy adults exposed to continuous multiaxial support-surface perturbation. Ten subjects were asked to maintain equilibrium in standing stance with eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC) during sinusoidal 3D rotations at 0.25 (L) and 0.50 Hz (H). We measured upper-body kinematics – head, trunk, and pelvis – and analyzed differences in horizontal displacements and roll, pitch, and yaw sways. The presence of vision significantly decreased upper-body displacements in the horizontal plane, especially at the head level, while in EC the head was the most unstable segment. H trials produced a greater segment stabilization compared to L ones in EO and EC. Analysis of sways showed that in EO participants stabilized their posture by reducing the variability of trunk angles; in H trials a sway decrease for the examined segments was observed in the yaw plane and, for the pelvis only, in the pitch plane. Our results suggest that, during continuous multiaxial perturbations, visual information induced: (i) in L condition, a continuous reconfiguration of multi-body-segments orientation to follow the perturbation; (ii) in H condition, a compensation for the ongoing perturbation. These findings were not confirmed in EC where the same strategy – that is, the use of the pelvis as a reference frame for the body balance was adopted both in L and H

    Experimental investigation of cyclic thermomechanical deformation in torsion

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    An investigation of thermomechanical testing and deformation behavior of tubular specimens under torsional loading is described. Experimental issues concerning test accuracy and control specific to thermomechanical loadings under a torsional regime are discussed. A series of shear strain-controlled tests involving the nickel-base superalloy Hastelloy X were performed with various temperature excursions and compared to similar thermomechanical uniaxial tests. The concept and use of second invariants of the deviatoric stress and strain tensors as a means of comparing uniaxial and torsional specimens is also briefly presented and discussed in light of previous thermomechanical tests conducted under uniaxial conditions

    New ATLAS9 And MARCS Model Atmosphere Grids for the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE)

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    We present a new grid of model photospheres for the SDSS-III/APOGEE survey of stellar populations of the Galaxy, calculated using the ATLAS9 and MARCS codes. New opacity distribution functions were generated to calculate ATLAS9 model photospheres. MARCS models were calculated based on opacity sampling techniques. The metallicity ([M/H]) spans from -5 to 1.5 for ATLAS and -2.5 to 0.5 for MARCS models. There are three main differences with respect to previous ATLAS9 model grids: a new corrected H2O linelist, a wide range of carbon ([C/M]) and alpha element [alpha/M] variations, and solar reference abundances from Asplund et al. 2005. The added range of varying carbon and alpha element abundances also extends the previously calculated MARCS model grids. Altogether 1980 chemical compositions were used for the ATLAS9 grid, and 175 for the MARCS grid. Over 808 thousand ATLAS9 models were computed spanning temperatures from 3500K to 30000K and log g from 0 to 5, where larger temperatures only have high gravities. The MARCS models span from 3500K to 5500K, and log g from 0 to 5. All model atmospheres are publically available online.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Two-dimensional performance of MIPAS observation modes in the upper-troposphere/lower-stratosphere

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    Abstract. In this paper we analyze the performance of the three MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding) observation modes that sound the Upper-Troposphere/Lower-Stratosphere (UT/LS) region. The two-dimensional (2-D) tomographic retrieval approach is assumed to derive the atmospheric field of geophysical parameters. For each observation mode we have calculated the 2-D distribution of the information load quantifier relative to the main MIPAS targets. The performance of the observation modes has been evaluated in terms of strength and spatial coverage of the information-load distribution along the full orbit. The indications of the information-load analysis has been validated with simulated retrievals based on the observational parameters of real orbits. In the simulation studies we have assessed the precision and the spatial (both horizontal and vertical) resolution of the retrieval products. The performance of the three observation modes has been compared for the MIPAS main products in both the UT/LS and the extended altitude range. This study shows that the two observation modes that were specifically designed for the UT/LS region are actually competitive with the third one, designed for the whole stratosphere, up to altitudes that far exceed the UT/LS. In the UT/LS the performance of the two specific observation modes is comparable even if the best performance in terms of horizontal resolution is provided by the observation mode that was excluded by the European Space Agency (ESA) from the current MIPAS duty cycle. This paper reports the first application of the information-load analysis and highlights the worthiness of this approach to make qualitative considerations about retrieval potential and selection of retrieval grid

    Theoretical Models for Classical Cepheids: IV. Mean Magnitudes and Colors and the Evaluation of Distance, Reddening and Metallicity

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    We discuss the metallicity effect on the theoretical visual and near-infrared PL and PLC relations of classical Cepheids, as based on nonlinear, nonlocal and time--dependent convective pulsating models at varying chemical composition. In view of the two usual methods of averaging (magnitude-weighted and intensity-weighted) observed magnitudes and colors over the full pulsation cycle, we briefly discuss the differences between static and mean quantities. We show that the behavior of the synthetic mean magnitudes and colors fully reproduces the observed trend of Galactic Cepheids, supporting the validity of the model predictions. In the second part of the paper we show how the estimate of the mean reddening and true distance modulus of a galaxy from Cepheid VK photometry depend on the adopted metal content, in the sense that larger metallicities drive the host galaxy to lower extinctions and distances. Conversely, self-consistent estimates of the Cepheid mean reddening, distance and metallicity may be derived if three-filter data are taken into account. By applying the theoretical PL and PLC relations to available BVK data of Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds we eventually obtain Z \sim 0.008, E(B-V) \sim 0.02 mag, DM \sim 18.63 mag for LMC and Z \sim 0.004, E(B-V) \sim 0.01 mag., DM \sim 19.16 mag. for SMC. The discrepancy between such reddenings and the current values based on BVI data is briefly discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 11 postscript figures, accepted for publication on Ap

    Pili Annulati Coincident with Alopecia Areata, Autoimmune Thyroid Disease, and Primary IgA Deficiency: Case report and Considerations on the Literature

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    Pili annulati is a rare autosomal dominant hair disorder clinically characterized by a pattern of alternating bright and dark bands of the hair, the bright bands appearing dark if observed by transmitted light. This pattern is due to the periodic occurrence of air-filled cavities along the hair cortex which scatter and reflect the light while precluding its transmission. A susceptibility region, including a possibly responsible Frizzled gene, has been mapped to the telomeric region of chromosome 12q, although a specific mutation has not been identified. The condition has sometimes been observed in concurrence with alopecia areata, and in this paper we report a case in whom the concomitant severe alopecia areata was associated with autoimmune thyroid disease and primary IgA deficiency \u2013 a quadruple complex which, to our knowledge, has never been previously described. The occurrence of multiple immune disorders in the same patient affected by pili annulati could represent a key to understanding the high prevalence of alopecia areata in this condition. Specifically, in individuals predisposed to autoimmune disease, the molecular alterations that cause the anatomical changes of pili annulati could prompt the immune response against the hair root that underlies alopecia areata

    A multi-layer edge-on single photon counting silicon microstrip detector for innovative techniques in diagnostic radiology

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    A three-layer detector prototype, obtained by stacking three edge-on single photon counting silicon microstrip detectors, has been developed and widely tested. This was done in the framework of the Synchrotron Radiation for Medical Physics/Frontier Radiology (SYRMEP/FRONTRAD) collaboration activities, whose aim is to improve the quality of mammographic examinations operating both on the source and on the detector side. The active surface of the device has been fully characterized making use of an edge-scanning technique and of a well-collimated laminar synchrotron radiation beam. The obtained data (interlayer distances, channel correspondence, etc.) have then been used to combine information coming from each detector layer, without causing any loss in spatial and contrast resolution of the device. Contrast and spatial resolution have also been separately evaluated for each detector layer. Moreover, imaging techniques (phase contrast, refraction, and scatter imaging), resulting in an increased visibility of low absorbing details, have been implemented, and their effectiveness has been tested on a biological sample. Finally, the possibility of simultaneously acquiring different kind of images with the different detector layers is discussed. This would result in maximizing the information extracted from the sample, while at the same time the high absorption efficiency of the detector device would allow a low dose delivery
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