187 research outputs found

    GIANO-TNG spectroscopy of red supergiants in the young star cluster RSGC3

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    The Scutum complex in the inner disk of the Galaxy has a number of young star clusters dominated by red supergiants that are heavily obscured by dust extinction and observable only at infrared wavelengths. These clusters are important tracers of the recent star formation and chemical enrichment history in the inner Galaxy. During the technical commissioning and as a first science verification of the GIANO spectrograph at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, we secured high-resolution (R=50,000) near-infrared spectra of five red supergiants in the young Scutum cluster RSGC3. Taking advantage of the full YJHK spectral coverage of GIANO in a single exposure, we were able to measure several tens of atomic and molecular lines that were suitable for determining chemical abundances. By means of spectral synthesis and line equivalent width measurements, we obtained abundances of Fe and iron-peak elements such as Ni, Cr, and Cu, alpha (O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti), other light elements (C, N, F, Na, Al, and Sc), and some s-process elements (Y, Sr). We found average half-solar iron abundances and solar-scaled [X/Fe] abundance patterns for most of the elements, consistent with a thin-disk chemistry. We found depletion of [C/Fe] and enhancement of [N/Fe], consistent with standard CN burning, and low 12C/13C abundance ratios (between 9 and 11), which require extra-mixing processes in the stellar interiors during the post-main sequence evolution. We also found local standard of rest V(LSR)=106 km/s and heliocentric V(HEL)=90 km/s radial velocities with a dispersion of 2.3 km/s. The inferred radial velocities, abundances, and abundance patterns of RSGC3 are very similar to those previously measured in the other two young clusters of the Scutum complex, RSGC1 and RSGC2, suggesting a common kinematics and chemistry within the Scutum complex

    Lines and continuum sky emission in the near infrared: observational constraints from deep high spectral resolution spectra with GIANO-TNG

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    Aims Determining the intensity of lines and continuum airglow emission in the H-band is important for the design of faint-object infrared spectrographs. Existing spectra at low/medium resolution cannot disentangle the true sky-continuum from instrumental effects (e.g. diffuse light in the wings of strong lines). We aim to obtain, for the first time, a high resolution infrared spectrum deep enough to set significant constraints on the continuum emission between the lines in the H-band. Methods During the second commissioning run of the GIANO high-resolution infrared spectrograph at La Palma Observatory, we pointed the instrument directly to the sky and obtained a deep spectrum that extends from 0.97 to 2.4 micron. Results The spectrum shows about 1500 emission lines, a factor of two more than in previous works. Of these, 80% are identified as OH transitions; half of these are from highly excited molecules (hot-OH component) that are not included in the OH airglow emission models normally used for astronomical applications. The other lines are attributable to O2 or unidentified. Several of the faint lines are in spectral regions that were previously believed to be free of line emission. The continuum in the H-band is marginally detected at a level of about 300 photons/m^2/s/arcsec^2/micron, equivalent to 20.1 AB-mag/arcsec^2. The observed spectrum and the list of observed sky-lines are published in electronic format. Conclusions Our measurements indicate that the sky continuum in the H-band could be even darker than previously believed. However, the myriad of airglow emission lines severely limits the spectral ranges where very low background can be effectively achieved with low/medium resolution spectrographs. We identify a few spectral bands that could still remain quite dark at the resolving power foreseen for VLT-MOONS (R ~6,600).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The TNG Near Infrared Camera Spectrometer

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    NICS (acronym for Near Infrared Camera Spectrometer) is the near-infrared cooled camera-spectrometer that has been developed by the Arcetri Infrared Group at the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, in collaboration with the CAISMI-CNR for the TNG (the Italian National Telescope Galileo at La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain). As NICS is in its scientific commissioning phase, we report its observing capabilities in the near-infrared bands at the TNG, along with the measured performance and the limiting magnitudes. We also describe some technical details of the project, such as cryogenics, mechanics, and the system which executes data acquisition and control, along with the related software.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, compiled with A&A macros. A&A in pres

    GIANO-TNG spectroscopy of red supergiants in the young star cluster RSGC2

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    The inner disk of the Galaxy has a number of young star clusters dominated by red supergiants that are heavily obscured by dust extinction and observable only at infrared wavelengths. These clusters are important tracers of the recent star formation and chemical enrichment history in the inner Galaxy. During the technical commissioning and as a first science verification of the GIANO spectrograph at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, we secured high-resolution (R~50,000) near-infrared spectra of three red supergiants in the young Scutum cluster RSGC2. Taking advantage of the full YJHK spectral coverage of GIANO in a single exposure, we were able to identify several tens of atomic and molecular lines suitable for chemical abundance determinations. By means of spectral synthesis and line equivalent width measurements, we obtained abundances of Fe and other iron-peak elements such as V, Cr, Ni, of alpha (O, Mg, Si, Ca and Ti) and other light elements (C, N, Na, Al, K, Sc), and of some s-process elements (Y, Sr). We found iron abundances between half and one third solar and solar-scaled [X/Fe] abundance patterns of iron-peak, alpha and most of the light elements, consistent with a thin-disk chemistry. We found a depletion of [C/Fe] and enhancement of [N/Fe], consistent with CN burning, and low 12C/13C abundance ratios (between 9 and 11), requiring extra-mixing processes in the stellar interiors during the post-main sequence evolution. Finally, we found a slight [Sr/Fe] enhancement and a slight [Y/Fe] depletion (by a factor of <=2), with respect to solar.Comment: Paper accepted on A&

    Finsler geodesics in the presence of a convex function and their applications

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    We obtain a result about the existence of only a finite number of geodesics between two fixed non-conjugate points in a Finsler manifold endowed with a convex function. We apply it to Randers and Zermelo metrics. As a by-product, we also get a result about the finiteness of the number of lightlike and timelike geodesics connecting an event to a line in a standard stationary spacetime.Comment: 16 pages, AMSLaTex. v2 is a minor revision: title changed, references updated, typos fixed; it matches the published version. This preprint and arXiv:math/0702323v3 [math.DG] substitute arXiv:math/0702323v2 [math.DG

    The fiber-fed preslit of GIANO at T.N.G

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    Giano is a Cryogenic Spectrograph located in T.N.G. (Spain) and commisioned in 2013. It works in the range 950-2500 nm with a resolving power of 50000. This instrument was designed and built for direct feeding from the telescope [2]. However, due to constraints imposed on the telescope interfacing during the pre-commissioning phase, it had to be positioned on the rotating building, far from the telescope focus. Therefore, a new interface to the telescope, based on IR-transmitting ZBLAN fibers with 85\mu m core, was developed.Originally designed to work directly at the f/11f/11 nasmyth focus of the telescope, in 2011 it has decided to use a fiber to feed it. The beam from the telescope is focused on a double fiber boundle by a Preslit Optical Bench attached to the Nasmith A interface of the telescope. This Optical Bench contains the fiber feeding system and other important features as a guiding system, a fiber viewer, a fiber feed calibration lamp and a nodding facility between the two fibers. The use of two fibers allow us to have in the echellogram two spectrograms side by side in the same acquisition: one of the star and the other of the sky or simultaneously to have the star and a calibration lamp. Before entering the cryostat the light from the fiber is collectd by a second Preslit Optical Bench attached directly to the Giano cryostat: on this bench the correct f-number to illuminate the cold stop is generated and on the same bench is placed an image slicer to increase the efficiency of the system.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figures, 3 tables. Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescope + Instrumentation 2014 (Ground-based and Airbone Instrumentation for Astronomy 5, 9147-360). To be published in Proceeding of SPIE Volume 914

    Impact of HCV Eradication on Lipid Metabolism in HIV/HCV Coinfected Patients: Data from ICONA and HepaICONA Foundation Cohort Study

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    Objectives: HCV shows complex interactions with lipid metabolism. Our aim was to examine total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) changes in HIV/HCV coinfected patients, after achieving sustained virological response (SVR), according to different HCV genotypes and specific antiretroviral use. Methods: HIV/HCV coinfected patients, enrolled in the ICONA and HepaICONA cohorts, who achieved DAA-driven SVR were included. Paired t-tests were used to examine whether the pre- and post-SVR laboratory value variations were significantly different from zero. ANCOVA regression models were employed to estimate the causal effect of SVR and of PI/r use on lipid changes. The interaction between the effect of eradication and HCV genotype was formally tested. Results: six hundred and ninety-nine HIV/HCV coinfected patients were enrolled. After HCV eradication, a significant improvement in liver function occurred, with a significant decrease in AST, ALT, GGT, and total plasmatic bilirubin. TC and LDL-C significantly increased by 21.4 mg/dL and 22.4 mg/dL, respectively (p < 0.001), after SVR, whereas there was no evidence for a change in HDL-C (p = 0.45) and triglycerides (p = 0.49). Notably, the TC and LDL-C increase was higher for participants who were receiving darunavir/ritonavir, and the TC showed a more pronounced increase among HCV genotype 3 patients (interaction-p value = 0.002). Conclusions: complex and rapid changes in TC and LDL-C levels, modulated by HCV genotype and PI/r-based ART combinations, occurred in HIV/HCV coinfected patients after SVR. Further studies are needed to evaluate the clinical impact of these changes on the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease

    Low Cohomogeneity and Polar Actions on Exceptional Compact Lie Groups

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    We study isometric Lie group actions on the compact exceptional groups E6, E7, E8, F4 and G2 endowed with a biinvariant metric. We classify polar actions on these groups. We determine all isometric actions of cohomogeneity less than three on E6, E7, F4 and all isometric actions of cohomogeneity less than 20 on E8. Moreover we determine the principal isotropy algebras for all isometric actions on G2.Comment: 27 pages; introduction rewritten; references updated; final version; to appear in Transformation Group

    Renal involvement in HCV related cirrhosis evidenced as glomerular and tubular derangement

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    Introduction and Aims: The relation between HCV infection and glomerular damage is well recognized, with evidences of negative impact on renal function. HCV replication in renal tubular cells on kidney biopsies has been reported but very limited data are available on HCV-mediated tubular damage. The aim of the study was to assess the presence of renal involvement (RI), glomerular or tubular, in patients with HCV cirrhosis. Methods: 98 patients with HCV cirrhosis Child Pugh-A were consecutively enrolled. Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was estimated with CKD-EPI 2009 equation. Urinary albumin/creatinine (ACR) and alpha1microglobulin/creatinine (a1MCR) ratios were calculated. Glomerular involvement was defined based on ACR&gt;20μg/mg, tubular involvement based on a1MCR&gt;14μg/mg plus fractional sodium excretion (FeNa)&gt;1%. Urine concentration of Liver-type Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (L-FABP) and Kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) were examined in morning midstream urine samples (ELISA) and the values normalized to urine creatinine concentration as expression of tubular derangement. Results: eGFR was ≥60 mL/min/1.73 m2 in 92 patients (93.8%) and between 45-59 mL/min/1.73 m2 in 6 patients (6.1%). Glomerular involvement was found in 19 patients (19.4%), tubular involvement in 31 patients (31.6%) and these co-occurred in 10 patients ( p=0.034). Patients with glomerular or tubular involvement, or both, considered as patients with RI, showed significantly lower eGFR values ( p=0.005) (Tab 1). A ROC curve was drafted and a cut point of 90 ml/min predicted RI (AUC: 0.700; sensitivity 63%, specificity 75%). Patients with RI were older, had higher ACR and a1MCR levels and exhibited a higher KDIGO stage (Tab 1). No association was found between RI and: HCV-RNA levels, liver stiffness and liver function tests. L-FABP and KIM-1 levels were significantly higher in patients with RI. Conclusions: Tubular and/or glomerular involvement is quite frequent in HCV cirrhotic patients, despite a normal eGFR. The evidence of tubular involvement suggests an alternative localization of HCV as renal disease

    Impact of HCV eradication on lipid metabolism in HIV/HCV coinfected patients: Data from ICONA and hepaICONA foundation cohort study

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    Objectives: HCV shows complex interactions with lipid metabolism. Our aim was to examine total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) changes in HIV/HCV coinfected patients, after achieving sustained virological response (SVR), according to different HCV genotypes and specific antiretroviral use. Methods: HIV/HCV coinfected patients, enrolled in the ICONA and HepaICONA cohorts, who achieved DAA-driven SVR were included. Paired t-tests were used to examine whether the pre-and post-SVR laboratory value variations were significantly different from zero. ANCOVA regression models were employed to estimate the causal effect of SVR and of PI/r use on lipid changes. The interaction between the effect of eradication and HCV genotype was formally tested. Results: six hundred and ninety-nine HIV/HCV coinfected patients were enrolled. After HCV eradication, a significant improvement in liver function occurred, with a significant decrease in AST, ALT, GGT, and total plasmatic bilirubin. TC and LDL-C significantly increased by 21.4 mg/dL and 22.4 mg/dL, respectively (p &lt; 0.001), after SVR, whereas there was no evidence for a change in HDL-C (p = 0.45) and triglycerides (p = 0.49). Notably, the TC and LDL-C increase was higher for participants who were receiving darunavir/ritonavir, and the TC showed a more pronounced increase among HCV genotype 3 patients (interaction-p value = 0.002). Conclusions: complex and rapid changes in TC and LDL-C levels, modulated by HCV genotype and PI/r-based ART combinations, occurred in HIV/HCV coinfected patients after SVR. Further studies are needed to evaluate the clinical impact of these changes on the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease
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