6,568 research outputs found

    Connecting dispersion models and wall temperature prediction for laminar and turbulent flows in channels

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    In a former paper, Drouin et al. (2010) proposed a model for dispersion phenomena in heated channels that works for both laminar and turbulent regimes. This model, derived according to the double averaging procedure, leads to satisfactory predictions of mean temperature. In order to derive dispersion coefficients, the so called ‘‘closure problem’’ was solved, which gave us access to the temperature deviation at sub filter scale. We now propose to capitalize on this useful information in order to connect dispersion modeling to wall temperature prediction. As a first step, we use the temperature deviation modeling in order to connect wall to mean temperatures within the asymptotic limit of well established pipe flows. Since temperature in wall vicinity is mostly controlled by boundary conditions, it might evolve according to different time and length scales than averaged temperature. Hence, this asymptotic limit provides poor prediction of wall temperature when flow conditions encounter fast transients and stiff heat flux gradients. To overcome this limitation we derive a transport equation for temperature deviation. The resulting two-temperature model is then compared with fine scale simulations used as reference results. Wall temperature predictions are found to be in good agreement for various Prandtl and Reynolds numbers, from laminar to fully turbulent regimes and improvement with respect to classical models is noticeable

    Rotational spectrum of cis–cis HOONO

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    The pure rotational spectrum of cis-cis peroxynitrous acid, HOONO, has been observed. Over 220 transitions, sampling states up to J(')=67 and K-a(')=31, have been fitted with an rms uncertainty of 48.4 kHz. The experimentally determined rotational constants agree well with ab initio values for the cis-cis conformer, a five-membered ring formed by intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The small, positive inertial defect Delta=0.075667(60) amu A(2) and lack of any observable torsional splittings in the spectrum indicate that cis-cis HOONO exists in a well-defined planar structure at room temperature

    TermEval 2020 : shared task on automatic term extraction using the Annotated Corpora for term Extraction Research (ACTER) dataset

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    The TermEval 2020 shared task provided a platform for researchers to work on automatic term extraction (ATE) with the same dataset: the Annotated Corpora for Term Extraction Research (ACTER). The dataset covers three languages (English, French, and Dutch) and four domains, of which the domain of heart failure was kept as a held-out test set on which final f1-scores were calculated. The aim was to provide a large, transparent, qualitatively annotated, and diverse dataset to the ATE research community, with the goal of promoting comparative research and thus identifying strengths and weaknesses of various state-of-the-art methodologies. The results show a lot of variation between different systems and illustrate how some methodologies reach higher precision or recall, how different systems extract different types of terms, how some are exceptionally good at finding rare terms, or are less impacted by term length. The current contribution offers an overview of the shared task with a comparative evaluation, which complements the individual papers by all participants

    Rotational spectroscopy and dipole moment of cis-cis HOONO and DOONO

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    The rotational spectrum of cis-cis HOONO has been studied over a broad range of frequencies, 13–840 GHz, using pulsed beam Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy and room-temperature flow cell submillimeter spectroscopy. The rotational spectrum of the deuterated isotopomer, cis-cis DOONO, has been studied over a subset of this range, 84–640 GHz. Improved spectroscopic constants have been determined for HOONO, and the DOONO spectrum is analyzed for the first time. Weak-field Stark effect measurements in the region of 84–110 GHz have been employed to determine the molecular dipole moments of cis-cis HOONO [µa=0.542(8) D,µb=0.918(15) D,µ=1.07(2) D] and DOONO [µa=0.517(9) D,µb=0.930(15) D,µ=1.06(2) D]. The quadrupole coupling tensor in the principal inertial axis system for the 14N nucleus has been determined to be chiaa=1.4907(25) MHz,chibb=–4.5990(59) MHz,chiab=3.17(147) MHz, and chicc=3.1082(59) MHz. Coordinates of the H atom in the center-of-mass frame have been determined with use of the Kraitchman equations, |aH|=0.516 Å and |bH|=1.171 Å. The inertial defects of HOONO and DOONO are consistent with a planar equilibrium structure with significant out-of-plane H atom torsional motion. Comparisons of the present results are made to ab initio calculations

    Contribution à la synthèse de lois de pilotage et de guidage pour les minidrones

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    Les applications mettant en oeuvre les minidrones ont connu un développement très rapide ces dernières années. Ces applications concernent pour beaucoup l'amélioration de notre cadre de vie et principalement de notre sécurité face à des aléas naturels pour lesquels de nouveaux moyens de surveillance ont besoin d'être mis au point. La plupart des missions confiées aux minidrones supposent la réalisation de trajectoires soit planifiées à l'avance, soit définies au fur et à mesure que de nouvelles informations sont disponibles. La qualité du suivi de trajectoire a d'importantes conséquences pour le succès de ces missions. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de contribuer à la synthèse de lois de pilotage/guidage pour les minidrones présentant des performances améliorées sur un domaine de vol étendu et sur une panoplie de missions diversifiées. Ainsi les minidrones sont ici appréhendés comme des systèmes fortement non linéaires, très souvent naturellement instables, aux paramètres physiques partiellement connus et susceptibles d'être soumis à de fortes perturbations. Les travaux de cette thèse portent donc sur la synthèse de lois de commande non linéaire (commande non linéaire inverse, commande différentiellement plate, commande par \emph{Backstepping}) intégrant, dans le cadre de la commande adaptative, des processus d'apprentissage en ligne. Le principal cas d'étude considéré dans cette thèse est celui du guidage d'un minidrone de type quadrirotor qui présente des caractéristiques opérationnelles particulièrement intéressantes : atterrissage et décollage verticaux, capacité de vol stationnaire, grande manoeuvrabilité même à basse vitesse. Ainsi la dynamique de son vol a été modélisée et les propriétés mathématiques du modèle retenu ont été exploitées pour mettre au point la structure de commande dont les performances ont été évaluées par simulation sur une multitude de trajectoires de guidage.In recent years there has been a rapid growth in the application of miniature UAVs to monitoring our environment. The majority of this monitoring is for either ecological reasons or to provide improved security during times of natural disaster. A miniature UAV entrusted with a mission must follow either a pre-planned or a real-time defined trajectory. The ability of such a UAV to track the desired trajectory closely is critical. The main focus of this work is to contribute to the synthesis of guidance/piloting control laws which provide enhanced performance over an enlarged flight domain and mission set. From a control viewpoint, miniature UAVs represent often unstable, highly nonlinear dynamic systems, whose physical parameters are usually only partially known. They are also subject to strong atmospheric perturbations which provides further complications. In this respect, the work of this dissertation focuses on the synthesis of nonlinear control laws (feedback linearization, differentially flat control, backstepping) and their enhancement using adaptive control theory. The main case study of this dissertation is that of a quadrotor helicopter, a type of vehicle with an interesting flight envelope including: vertical takeoff and landing, stationary flight and, most importantly, manoeuvrability even at low speed. The flight dynamics of the vehicle have been modeled and the parameters of the model analysed in order to develop a control structure, the performance of which has been assessed using a number of simulations

    Élaboration d’un modèle de simulation des niveaux d’inondation à partir d’un SIG et application à un site : rivière Saint-François à Sherbrooke

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    Afin de mieux identifier spatialement les zones les plus à risques pour les populations riveraines et les infrastructures lors de fortes crues, un projet visant l’élaboration et l’application d’un modèle de simulation des niveaux d’inondation à partir d’un Système d’information géographique (SIG) a été mis en place. Ce modèle de simulation intègre, à partir d’un SIG, des données de débits et de niveaux et un modèle numérique d’élévation (MNE) de haute précision, rendant possible la simulation ainsi que la visualisation des différents niveaux atteints par la rivière Saint-François. Les résultats du modèle sont présentés visuellement sous forme de cartes permettant d’observer et d’identifier les limites des nappes d’eau lors des crues ou inondations majeures.A Geographic Information System (GIS)-based project consisting of designing and applying a simulation model of flood levels was set up in order better spatially identify the areas most at risk for riverside populations and to infrastructure during important floods. This simulation model uses flows and levels data, within a GIS, and a highly precise digital elevation model (DEM), to create a simulation and a visualization of different levels reached by the Saint-François River. Results obtained from this model are presented visually in the form of maps to observe and identify the limits regarding bodies of water during high flows or major floods

    La pensée politique de Jean Jaurès

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