7 research outputs found

    Applied aspect of Shadchakras and its importance in Shaarir Vigyan

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    Shadchakras are having importance as per as Vedic background, it opines that it exist in mind. They are Muladhara residing at anal part, Svadistana near to genital part, Manipura is in Navel part, Anahata is at Hrudaya Pradesha, Vishudha is at root of neck, Agna Chakra is between eyebrows. After gaining a knowledge of these six Mandalas, one should enter Sukhamandala, drawing up Vayu and sending it upwards. He become one with Brahmanda, the macrosm, who practices thus control of Vayu. Vayu, Bindu, Chitta and Chakra should be mastered by him. There are three Nadis, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadis if these are purified they are ready for Kundali Jagarana. Here the process of Kundali Jagarana from Muladhara to Agna Chakra will make one to get rid of Trividhadhukha i.e. Adidaivika, Adhyatmika and Adibhoutika. The applied aspect of these Shatchakras are highlighted, each one of Chakra are awakened and the related organ diseases are cured and it has come to know that the understanding the significance of Shatchakra is beyond the mind. There is lot of importance has been explained about Shadchakra in Yoga Shastra and clinically as well as preventive aspects both have been highlighted. So Shadchakra plays importance role in the applied aspect of Shareera Vignana

    A randomized clinical trial in the management of Ardhavabhedaka to review the principle - “Nasa Hi Shiraso Dwaram”

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    Background: The purpose of Ayurveda as a medical system is to ensure a healthier and longer life to the humanity. Awareness about its holistic approach, its natural and mostly safe methods, and its potential for maintaining health is increasing globally. Ardhavabhedaka is a disease of Shiroroga, charecterised by pain in half side of Shira, Shankha, Akshi, Karna, Bru, Lalatavedana. It is a common clinical problem which occurs by episodic attacts of headache and associated symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light, sound, cold and head movements. Nasa is the gateway of Shira. The drug administered through nose as Nasya reaches the brain and eliminates only morbid Doshas responsible for producing the diseases of Urdhvajatrugatapradesha. The objectives were to study in detail about Nasa Hi Shirasodwaram, Gudadi Nasya in Ardhavabhedaka from Ayurvedic view and to evaluate the efficacy of Gudadi Nasya from Sharangadhara Samhita in management of Ardhavabhedaka. Methods: Total 30 subjects, having symptoms of Ardhavabhedaka were included. 30 subjects were assigned in a single group and all subjects were administered with Gudadi Nasya for 7 days 45 days follow up was done. Results were staticstically analysed before and after treatment by using unpaired ‘t’ test. Results: Among 30 subjects studied, 17 subjects showed marked relief, 11 subjects showed moderate relief and 02 subjects showed mild relief in the overall treatment

    Understanding of Covid-19 disease through Ayurveda

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    The outbreak of novel corona virus provides an opportunity to revisit the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda for its prevention. As there is a severity of novel corona virus is high in global level hence there is a high consciousness in society about healthy living and its prevention. A novel corona virus that emerged in late 2019 and resulting COVID-19 disease, which has been labeled a public health emergency of international concern by the WHO. Now a physician has to know about its prevention, diagnosis and management. As Ayurveda says, even-though the disease is affecting the whole world with its severity, one need not to be afraid of disease if physician is assured of proper medicaments for treatment. Considering this disease is mainly affecting respiratory system and further involves other systems also, which can be correlated with vitiation of Pranavaha Srotas and Rasavaha Srotas in its pathogenesis. So starting with Nidana, Purvaroopa, Roopa, Upasaya and Samprapti the whole COVID-19 disease can be analysed

    Understanding of COVID-19 in Ayurveda and its managing view

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    In the present era newly, unexplained diseases are emerging in the world with unknown pathology which has become challenging to all the physician, scientist and health agencies to deal with such disease to ensure the treatment. Now a physician has to know about its prevention, diagnosis and management. As Ayurveda says, even-though the disease is affecting the whole world with its severity, one need not be afraid of disease if physician is assured of proper medicaments for treatment. Considering this disease is mainly affecting respiratory system and further involves other systems also, which can be correlated with vitiation of Pranavaha Srotas and Rasavaha Srotas in its pathogenesis. So starting with Nidanaparivarjana, Samana and Sodhana is ideal for this condition. We all know that strong immunity is necessary to fight against any kind of foreign bodies or disease. Hence there is a need to approach in improving immunity through Ayurveda by giving Rasayana treatment

    Aahar Vidhi Vidhan Shastrokta Vivaran

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    Now a days lifestyle disorders are challenging issues in front of the world. It is all because of our changed lifestyle. Many researches were conducted already and many are going now to find the solution for the lifestyle disorders. And ultimately all researches results that change in dietary habits, following proper code and conduct for eating food is most effective treatment. And since from thousands of years, Ayurveda believes that Aahar itself is Mahabheshaj[1] for all the disease only when it is properly cooked and consumed according to rules. Proper maintenance of Jatharagni is also mainly depend on proper Aahar only.[2] Traditional way of eating and serving the food plays important role in treatment of these disorders

    Applied aspects of Yoga Darshana with special reference to Charaka Samhita

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    It is said that Ayurveda is itself a Darshana. Hence the ultimate aim of the Ayurveda is same as Darshana i.e. Moksha Prapti. Aachrya Charaka says that “Yogomoksha Pravartaka” it means Yoga is one of the important Marga for Moksha Prapti. The detail description of Yoga is given by Yoga Darshana. Ayurveda and Yoga Darshana will carry lots of similarity in their basic principles. There are many scattered references of applied aspects of Yoga Darshana in Charaka Samhita. The present study will give a glance on these scattered references

    Diet and inflammatory bowel disease: The Asian Working Group guidelines

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