3 research outputs found

    Management of Vipadika (Palmoplantar Psoriasis) with Ayurveda - A Case Study

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    Vipadika is explained under the context of Kshudra Kushta. The symptoms are correlated with palmoplantar psoriasis. Vatakaphadosha predominantly involved in this disease. It is characterized by Panipadasphutana and Teevravedana. Here is a case of 8 year old child with history of cracks in foot with pealing and discoloration, pain, itching and occasional bleeding since 3 years. Patient was treated with Vatakaphahara treatment with Sneha and Sweda and Veshtana Chikitsa for 1 week and Shamana Oushadis for 15 days. Patient had good relief in symptoms

    Urdhwagata Amlapitta – A Case Study

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    Amlapitta, a gastrointestinal tract (GIT) disorder, has acquired majority of the causative factors like improper diet and habits, stress, spicy irritant food, oily foods, bakery products, etc., A single clinical trial with pre test, follow up and post test assessment was done with drug, Triphala Churna advised twice daily after food for a month and also lifestyle including Ahara, Vihara and Achara was advised. By the present study it can be concluded that Triphala Churna and lifestyle modification helps in controlling and is a safe and effective treatment for Urdhwagata Amlapitta

    Effect of Phaltrikadi Kwatha in the management of Pandu in Children - An Open Clinical Trial

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    Background: Pandu (Anemia) is one of the commonest and most prevalent diseases in Pediatric population in India. Drugs available in the market used for treating Anemia (Pandu) have untoward effects like constipation, non-palatability, intolerance, loss of appetite etc. It is today’s need to safely treat the Pandu (Anemia) in children with herbal preparations which are mentioned in many Ayurvedic Classics which are economical and safe. So Phalatrikadi Kwatha a formulation mentioned to be useful in the management of Pandu Roga was used in the present study. Aim and Objectives: Primary: To evaluate the efficacy of Phalatrikadi Kwatha in Pandu in children. Secondary: To evaluate the Efficacy of Phalatrikadi Kwatha in different Prakruti in Pandu in children. Methodology: This study was an interventional open labelled clinical trial and conducted on 30 diagnosed Patients of Pandu for a period of 30 days. Follow up was done on 10th, 20th, 30th days of study on the basis of subjective criteria and Hb% before treatment and after treatment. Results: Symptoms of Anemia and Hb% level were statistically analysed for any change before treatment, after treatment and during the follow up. Statistically significant changes (p<0.05) were observed in subjective (Dourbalyata, Aruchi) and objective (Hb%) parameters of Pandu Rogi. No significant difference was observed in different specific Dosha dominant Prakruti. Conclusion: Phalatrikadi Kwatha was found effective in the treatment of Pandu in children, thus showing significant results with respect to symptoms like Dourbalyata, Aruchi and increase in Hb%