530 research outputs found

    Rock the Cash-bah! How \u3cem\u3eAlston\u3c/em\u3e Presents a New Challenge to the Amateurism Justification and Ways the NCAA Can Modernize to Remain Afloat

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    During the last decade, antitrust litigation involving Division I athletes and the NCAA has resulted in changes to the NCAA’s rules, presenting a threat to amateurism. As athletes have voiced concerns about their likeness being used without permission in video games, the difficulty of balancing sports and academics, and going to bed hungry when millions of dollars in profits are being made off of them, the NCAA has allowed conferences and schools to provide student-athletes with stipends for cost of attendance expenses. However, even though the NCAA has modified its rules, athletes continue to ask for more, and courts have responded. Recent litigation has resulted in the expansion of athletes’ rights. In March 2019, U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilken declared that the NCAA and its major conferences are violating antitrust law by restricting the education related benefits athletes can receive. In May 2020, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld Judge Wilken’s decision that the NCAA cannot limit the non-cash education-related benefits available to athletes in Division I of the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS). This Comment will discuss how antitrust litigation has impacted amateurism. Parts III and IV will detail the Ninth Circuit’s decision in Alston, examine ways the NCAA can modernize to limit athlete exploitation, and discuss how the NCAA and student-athletes can benefit from these solutions

    Searching for Standards: Disclosure in the Municipal Securities Market

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    Prokrastinering, eller att mot bÀttre vetande skjuta upp nÄgot, Àr ett stort problem i samhÀllet i allmÀnhet och för studenter i synnerhet. I denna artikel beskriver vi en utbildningsmodul om prokrastinering som vi introducerat pÄ tvÄ civilingenjörsprogram pÄ KTH, varav denna rapport behandlar datateknikprogrammet dÀr 466 studenter deltog. UtvÀrderingen hade 100% svarsfrekvens, och visar att 95% av studenterna hade problem med prokrastinering varav 43% hade stora eller mycket stora problem. 88% ansÄg att prokrastinering var ett bra tema att ha med i utbildningen, och 57% ansÄg att momentet haft positiva effekter pÄ deras studievanor. Endast 7% ansÄg att momentet inte hade gett nÄgra mÀrkbara effekter pÄ studierna. DÄ modulen endast krÀver ca 8 timmars arbete frÄn studenternas sida anser vi att fördelarna Àr sÄ stora att denna eller en liknande modul borde ingÄ i samtliga utbildningsprogram.QC 20131216</p

    Development of the analog ASIC for multi-channel readout X-ray CCD camera

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    We report on the performance of an analog application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) developed aiming for the front-end electronics of the X-ray CCDcamera system onboard the next X-ray astronomical satellite, ASTRO-H. It has four identical channels that simultaneously process the CCD signals. Distinctive capability of analog-to-digital conversion enables us to construct a CCD camera body that outputs only digital signals. As the result of the front-end electronics test, it works properly with low input noise of =<30 uV at the pixel rate below 100 kHz. The power consumption is sufficiently low of about 150 mW/chip. The input signal range of 720 mV covers the effective energy range of the typical X-ray photon counting CCD (up to 20 keV). The integrated non-linearity is 0.2% that is similar as those of the conventional CCDs in orbit. We also performed a radiation tolerance test against the total ionizing dose (TID) effect and the single event effect. The irradiation test using 60Co and proton beam showed that the ASIC has the sufficient tolerance against TID up to 200 krad, which absolutely exceeds the expected amount of dose during the period of operating in a low-inclination low-earth orbit. The irradiation of Fe ions with the fluence of 5.2x10^8 Ion/cm2 resulted in no single event latchup (SEL), although there were some possible single event upsets. The threshold against SEL is higher than 1.68 MeV cm^2/mg, which is sufficiently high enough that the SEL event should not be one of major causes of instrument downtime in orbit.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    The Opinion - Vol. 13, No. 01

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    Originally published in print for Fuller Theological Seminary\u27s community from 1962 through 1977.https://digitalcommons.fuller.edu/fts-opinion/1145/thumbnail.jp

    The Opinion - Vol. 13, No. 02

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    Originally published in print for Fuller Theological Seminary\u27s community from 1962 through 1977.https://digitalcommons.fuller.edu/fts-opinion/1146/thumbnail.jp

    Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency Training in Surgical Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation.

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    Background: As no standardized curriculum exists for training cardiothoracic surgery residents in surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation there is potential for variation in operative technique, patient selection, and overall application. Thus we sought to assess the exposure of current residents in order to identify areas for improvement in their education. Methods: A survey was emailed to residents inquiring about their training experience in surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation. Residents were asked about case volume, procedural variety, and guideline-based clinical scenarios where they felt ablation would be appropriate. Residents were also queried about their abilities to perform various lesion sets and overall satisfaction with training. Results: The respondents performed a median of five cases during training with pulmonary vein isolation the most common lesion set. Seventy seven percent of residents are unable to independently perform a bi-atrial (Cox-Maze IV) lesion set. Residents are neutral regarding their satisfaction with training in surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation. Conclusions: The findings of low case volume, incomplete lesion set use, and lack of training satisfaction suggests residents are being insufficiently exposed to surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation. These findings should inform educators on the importance of a more thorough experience during training given the increasing prevalence of atrial fibrillation and the need for appropriate and durable surgical intervention
