171 research outputs found

    Coping: Landscapes of the Human Mind

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    The following novel excerpt and story investigate the ways in which people cope. These works look closely at the way experience affects perception, memory and thought. Characters in these works willingly misinterpret reality and view the world through a lens distorted by their experience. These variations carve pathways in the mind's landscape, restructuring the way the world is understood

    Brighton Beach -- An Interaction

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    Experiences of College Students in Addiction Recovery: A Critical Case Study

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the lived experiences of college students in addiction recovery. Critical ethnographic case study was used to challenge existing paradigms and educational practices regarding students in recovery. The lived experiences of this population are described to share their stories and work towards better policy solutions to the U.S. college drug epidemic

    Restoring Lake Urmia: Moving beyond a Uniform Lake Level (2-page Summary)

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    More than 5 million people live near Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran, one of the world\u27s largest hypersaline lakes. Over the past two decades, the lake has lost 95% of its volume, lake level has dropped more than 7 m, and lake restoration has gained widespread interest. The government seeks a uniform ecological target lake level of 1274.1 m above sea level to lower salinity below 240 gL-1 and recover brine shrimp (Artemia spp.) and flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus). We have synthesized over 40 years of available data, defined 8 ecosystem services for human health, water quality, ecology, recreation, and economy (Box 1), and related each service to lake levels with uncertainties (Box 2)

    Common skin infection due to Panton-Valentine leucocidin-producing Staphylococcus aureus strains in asylum seekers from Eritrea: a genome-based investigation of a suspected outbreak

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    Since late 2014, multiple cases of abscesses and boils due to methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) expressing the Panton-Valentine leucocidin (PVL) were observed in Eritrean asylum seekers in Lausanne, Switzerland. Strains isolated from infected Eritrean and non-Eritrean patients were compared by whole genome sequencing to determine whether these numerous cases result from an outbreak. The genome of S. aureus PVL-producing strains were sequenced and compared. Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients infected by PVL-producing strains were investigated. This work reports 15 cases of infections due to PVL-producing strains affecting mostly asylum seekers (n = 10), people working with refugees and/or exposed to Africans (n = 3). Most infections were due to closely related strains of CC152 (n = 8) and CC15 (n = 3), two distantly related (>34 000 core single nucleotide polymorphisms) clonal complexes. An epidemiological link between the 15 cases could be ruled out by whole genome sequencing (33 to 172 core single nucleotide polymorphisms between the different strains of a given complex). Altogether, these results reflect the probable high incidence of CC15 and CC152 PVL-producing strains in eastern Africa. Clinicians facing unusual skin infections in African refugees (or in any person returning from this region of high endemicity) should consider S. aureus PVL-producer before suspecting rare infections such as leishmaniasis or rickettsiosis. Clinicians should also remember that PVL are frequently expressed by MSSA in some regions of the world and that antibiotics that are efficient on toxin expression, such as clindamycin, represent the best therapeutic option