447 research outputs found

    Behavioral ontogeny in larvae and early juveniles of the giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis) (Pisces: Carangidae)

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    Behavior of young (8−18 mm SL) giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis), a large coral-reef−associated predator, was observed in the laboratory and the ocean. Size was a better predictor of swimming speed and endurance than was age. Critical speed increased with size from 12 to 40 cm/s at 2.7 cm/s for each mm increase in size. Mean scaled critical speed was 19 body lengths/s and was not size related. Swimming speed in the ocean was 4 to 20 cm/s (about half of critical speed) and varied among areas, but within each area, it increased at 2 cm/s for each mm increase in size. Swimming endurance in the laboratory increased from 5 to 40 km at 5 km for each mm increase in size. Vertical distribution changed ontogenetically: larvae swam shallower, but more variably, and then deeper with growth. Two-thirds of individuals swam directionally with no ontogenetic increase in orientation precision. Larvae swam offshore off open coasts, but not in a bay. In situ observations of C. ignobilis feeding, interacting with pelagic animals, and reacting to reefs are reported. Manus

    Snow spectral albedo at Summit, Greenland: measurements and numerical simulations based on physical and chemical properties of the snowpack

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    The broadband albedo of surface snow is determined both by the near-surface profile of the physical and chemical properties of the snowpack and by the spectral and angular characteristics of the incident solar radiation. Simultaneous measurements of the physical and chemical properties of snow were carried out at Summit Camp, Greenland (72°36´ N, 38°25´ W, 3210 m a.s.l.) in May and June 2011, along with spectral albedo measurements. One of the main objectives of the field campaign was to test our ability to predict snow spectral albedo by comparing the measured albedo to the albedo calculated with a radiative transfer model, using measured snow physical and chemical properties. To achieve this goal, we made daily measurements of the snow spectral albedo in the range 350–2200 nm and recorded snow stratigraphic information down to roughly 80 cm. The snow specific surface area (SSA) was measured using the DUFISSS instrument (DUal Frequency Integrating Sphere for Snow SSA measurement, Gallet et al., 2009). Samples were also collected for chemical analyses including black carbon (BC) and dust, to evaluate the impact of light absorbing particulate matter in snow. This is one of the most comprehensive albedo-related data sets combining chemical analysis, snow physical properties and spectral albedo measurements obtained in a polar environment. The surface albedo was calculated from density, SSA, BC and dust profiles using the DISORT model (DIScrete Ordinate Radiative Transfer, Stamnes et al., 1988) and compared to the measured values. Results indicate that the energy absorbed by the snowpack through the whole spectrum considered can be inferred within 1.10%. This accuracy is only slightly better than that which can be obtained considering pure snow, meaning that the impact of impurities on the snow albedo is small at Summit. In the near infrared, minor deviations in albedo up to 0.014 can be due to the accuracy of radiation and SSA measurements and to the surface roughness, whereas deviations up to 0.05 can be explained by the spatial heterogeneity of the snowpack at small scales, the assumption of spherical snow grains made for DISORT simulations and the vertical resolution of measurements of surface layer physical properties. At 1430 and around 1800 nm the discrepancies are larger and independent of the snow properties; we propose that they are due to errors in the ice refractive index at these wavelengths. This work contributes to the development of physically based albedo schemes in detailed snowpack models, and to the improvement of retrieval algorithms for estimating snow properties from remote sensing data

    Three examples where the specific surface area of snow increased over time

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    Snow on the ground impacts climate through its high albedo and affects atmospheric composition through its ability to adsorb chemical compounds. The quantification of these effects requires the knowledge of the specific surface area (SSA) of snow and its rate of change. All relevant studies indicate that snow SSA decreases over time. Here, we report for the first time three cases where the SSA of snow increased over time. These are (1) the transformation of a melt-freeze crust into depth hoar, producing an increase in SSA from 3.4 to 8.8m2 kg−1. (2) The mobilization of surface snow by wind, which reduced the size of snow crystals by sublimation and fragmented them. This formed a surface snow layer with a SSA of 61m2 kg−1 from layers whose SSAs were originally 42 and 50m2 kg−1. (3) The sieving of blowing snow by a snow layer, which allowed the smallest crystals to penetrate into open spaces in the snow, leading to an SSA increase from 32 to 61m2 kg−1. We discuss that other mechanisms for SSA increase are possible. Overall, SSA increases are probably not rare. They lead to enhanced uptake of chemical compounds and to increases in snow albedo, and their inclusion in relevant chemical and climate models deserves consideration

    Introduction to the special issue on the 36th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC)

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    The 22 papers in this special issue were originally presented at the 2010 European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC). The conference was jointly organized with the European Solid-State Device Research Conference and held September 14-16 in Seville, Spain. Papers cover the traditional ESSCIRC topics of analog circuits, digital circuits, data converters, sensors and imagers, and communications and RF circuits. Energy harvesting and biomedical circuits were also within ESSCIRC 2010 topics and are represented in this issue

    Impact of intercepted and sub-canopy snow microstructure on snowpack response to rain-on-snow events under a boreal canopy

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    Rain-on-snow events can cause severe flooding in snow-dominated regions. These are expected to become more frequent in the future as climate change shifts the precipitation from snowfall to rainfall. However, little is known about how winter rainfall interacts with an evergreen canopy and affects the underlying snowpack. In this study, we document 5 years of rain-on-snow events and snowpack observations at two boreal forested sites of eastern Canada. Our observations show that rain-on-snow events over a boreal canopy lead to the formation of melt–freeze layers as rainwater refreezes at the surface of the sub-canopy snowpack. They also generate frozen percolation channels, suggesting that preferential flow is favoured in the sub-canopy snowpack during rain-on-snow events. We then used the multi-layer snow model SNOWPACK to simulate the sub-canopy snowpack at both sites. Although SNOWPACK performs reasonably well in reproducing snow height (RMSE = 17.3 cm), snow surface temperature (RMSE = 1.0 °C), and density profiles (agreement score = 0.79), its performance declines when it comes to simulating snowpack stratigraphy, as it fails to reproduce many of the observed melt–freeze layers. To correct for this, we implemented a densification function of the intercepted snow in the canopy module of SNOWPACK. This new feature allows the model to reproduce 33 % more of the observed melt–freeze layers that are induced by rain-on-snow events. This new model development also delays and reduces the snowpack runoff. In fact, it triggers the unloading of dense snow layers with small rounded grains, which in turn produces fine-over-coarse transitions that limit percolation and favour refreezing. Our results suggest that the boreal vegetation modulates the sub-canopy snowpack structure and runoff from rain-on-snow events. Overall, this study highlights the need for canopy snow property measurements to improve hydrological models in forested snow-covered regions.</p

    Current and Emerging Pharmacotherapies for the Treatment of Relapsed Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a very aggressive cancer with poor outcome if left untreated, but it is also one of the most chemotherapy responsive cancers. Overall it has a very poor prognosis especially if it is chemotherapy resistant to first line treatment. Second line chemotherapy has not been very beneficial in SCLC as opposed to breast cancer and lymphoma. In the last few years topotecan is the only drug that has been approved by the food and drug administration (FDA) for the second line treatment of SCLC but in Japan another drug, amrubicin is approved. There are many combinations of different chemotherapies available in moderate to high intensity, in this difficult to treat patient to overcome the chemo resistance, but many of these studies are small or phase II trials. In this article we have reviewed single agent and multidrug regimens that were studied in both chemo sensitive and refractory setting, including the most recent clinical trials

    MOF-mediated synthesis of supported Fe-doped Pd nanoparticles under mild conditions for magnetically recoverable catalysis

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    Metal-organic framework (MOF)-driven synthesis is considered as a promising alternative for the development of new catalytic materials with well-designed active sites. This synthetic approach is used here to gradually transform a new bimetallic MOF, with Pd and Fe as the metal components, by the in situ generation of aniline under mild conditions. This methodology results in a compositionally homogeneous nanocomposite formed by Fe-doped Pd nanoparticles that, in turn, are supported on iron oxide-doped carbon. The nanocomposite has been fully characterized by several techniques such as IR and Raman spectroscopy, TEM, XPS, and XAS. The performance of this nanocomposite as an heterogeneous catalyst for hydrogenation of nitroarenes and nitrobenzene coupling with benzaldehyde has been evaluated, proving it to be an efficient and reusable catalyst

    Surprisingly small HONO emissions from snow surfaces at Browning Pass, Antarctica

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    Measured Fluxes of nitrous acid at Browning Pass, Antarctica were very low, despite conditions that are generally understood as favorable for HONO emissions, including: acidic snow surfaces, an abundance of NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> anions in the snow surface, and abundant UV light for NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> photolysis. Photochemical modeling suggests noon time HONO fluxes of 5&ndash;10 nmol m<sup>-2</sup> h<sup>-1</sup>; the measured fluxes, however, were close to zero throughout the campaign. The location and state of NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> in snow is crucial to its reactivity. The analysis of soluble mineral ions in snow reveals that the NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> ion is probably present in aged snows as NaNO<sub>3</sub>. This is peculiar to our study site, and we suggest that this may affect the photochemical reactivity of NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>, by preventing the release of products, or providing a reactive medium for newly formed HONO. In fresh snow, the NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> ion is probably present as dissolved or adsorbed HNO<sub>3</sub> and yet, no HONO emissions were observed. We speculate that HONO formation from NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> photolysis may involve electron transfer reactions of NO<sub>2</sub> from photosensitized organics and that fresh snows at our site had insufficient concentrations of adequate organic compounds to favor this reaction

    Assessment of the psychosocial and economic impact according to sex in non-small cell lung cancer patients: an exploratory longitudinal study

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    Background: Little is known about the impact of sex on lung cancer patients from the psychological, economic and social perspectives. This study was designed to explore the psychosocial and economic impact according to sex of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) in patients and caregivers. Methods: Exploratory study of two cohorts of patients starting first-line treatment for mNSCLC. The following questionnaires were administered at baseline, 4 months later and following the first and second disease progression: APGAR, relationship impact scale, DUKE-UNC scale, economic impact in patients and caregiver, and Zarit scale. It was planned to include 1250 patients to get an 80% possibility of detecting as significant (p < 0.05) effect sizes less than 0.19 between men and women. Univariate comparisons were made between the tests applied to men and women. Overall survival was estimated with Kaplan–Meier method. Cox analyses were done to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% CI. Results: 333 patients were included. Most families reported to continue being functional despite the lung cancer diagnosis. Regardless of sex, they did not perceive changes in their partner relationship. Most patients felt their social support was normal. Roughly 25% of people reported a worsening in their economic situation, without remarkable differences by sex. Statistically significant differences were found between both groups regarding the caregiver’s relationship to the patient (more parents were the caregiver in females than in males, p < 0.0001) and the caregiver’s employment situation (more employed caregivers in females) (p < 0.0001). Most caregivers of both sexes considered that taking care of their relative did not pose a significant burden. Conclusions: This study provides a preliminary insight into sex-related characteristics in the management of advanced NSCLC and its impact on the emotional, social and economic burden of patients and their caregivers, and recall the high priority of researching in cancer from a sex perspective. Nevertheless, due to the low recruitment rate and the relevant loss of patients during the follow-up, it was difficult to find differences by sex. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02336061. Ethics committee: Comité Ético de Investigación Clínica del Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Spain. Reference number: HCB/2014/0705