20 research outputs found
Antropoarchiczna krytyka prywatyzacji konfliktów zbrojnych – aspekty prawne
The purpose of this article is to assess the phenomenon of the privatisation of armed conflict from the perspective of the personal theory of New Global Law developed by Rafael Domingo. Since the 1990s there has appeared a tendency towards the decentralisation and delegation of the authority of the State to use force, both internally and internationally. At the turn of the twentieth century the traditional form of mercenary became outdated and inconvenient because of the existing prohibitions in international law. Private military companies introduced corporate standards into the market for military services. The article suggests that one of the main tasks of contemporary constitutional theory is the generalisation and reformulation of the concept of the constitution of the nation state in view of the need to work out a universal model of a world constitution. The author is interested in answers to questions such as: How does the globalisation of the law take place?, and also What is globalisation for? For this purpose the article refers to the ideas of Rafael Dominigo.Celem artykułu jest dokonanie oceny zjawiska prywatyzacji konfliktów zbrojnych z punktu widzenia teorii nowego prawa globalnego Rafaela Dominga, opartego na założeniach personalistycznych. Od lat dziewięćdziesiątych XX w. ujawniają się tendencje do decentralizacji i delegacji uprawnień państwa do użycia przemocy, zarówno w wymiarze wewnętrznym, jak i międzynarodowym. Na przełomie wieków typowe najemnictwo stało się formułą przestarzałą, niewygodną z punktu widzenia istniejących zakazów w prawie międzynarodowym. Najemnictwo przyjęło postać zinstytucjonalizowaną. Prywatne firmy wojskowe wprowadziły na rynek usług wojskowych standardy korporacyjne. Wielki kapitał pozwolił im poszerzyć zakres świadczonych usług. Artykuł wskazuje, że jednym z głównych zadań teorii konstytucyjnej w XXI w. jest uogólnienie i przeformułowanie pojęcia konstytucji państwa narodowego na potrzeby wypracowania modelu uniwersalnej konstytucji światowej. Autora interesuje odpowiedź na pytanie: Jak przebiega proces globalizacji prawa?, ale także: Czemu globalizacja prawa ma służyć?. W tym celu odwołuje się do antropoarchicznej koncepcji formy rządu dla ludzkości Rafaela Dominga. Wyjątkowość tej koncepcji, przy jednocześnie jej niedookreśloności, polega na nowatorskim pomyśle stworzeniu ładu, który pozwoliłby ogółowi stać się prawdziwym gospodarzem i posiadaczem Ziemi. Prywatne firmy wojskowe przyczyniają się do powstania nowego sektora globalnego bezpieczeństwa, który ulega jurydyzacji. W ocenie autora prawo tworzące się wokół prywatnych firm wojskowych może być uznane za transnarodową lex corrupta, czego głównym powodem jest zredukowanie osobowego wymiaru kontraktorów wojskowych
The Concept of Necessity. Some Remarks
The article aims to provide a general view of the concept of necessity (la.: necessitas) and its selected manifestations in the legal sphere (theory and practice).The author proves that at the most general level of considerations, the reaction to an emergency always fits in with a specific philosophy of law that conditions the processes of its creation, application and validity. The article mentions several variants of answers to the following fundamental questions: Can the law provide for any exceptions? Should the activity − which was to deal with a particular threat − always be grounded in positive law? If not, how should the acts outside the scope of this law be treated? These themes have been present in legal thought for centuries. Within individual areas of law, references to necessity and the state of necessity manifest themselves in different ways. Selected institutions of canon, criminal, constitutional and international law will be provided as examples and discussed later on. As part of a synthetic review of these cases, the similarities and differences in the perception of necessity (state of necessity) and the ways of integrating it into individual legal solutions are presented
Disclosure of Sensitive National Security Information during Civil Litigation in Poland and in the United States
The purpose of the article is to compare the American evidentiary rule of “state secrets privilege” with the Polish regulation of Article 248 § 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure. This issue, in particular, gains importance in the light of legal changes that occurred in the USA and most developed countries in the aftermath of the 11th September 2001 attacks and the so-called “war against terrorism”. The author presents the genesis and evolution of the privilege, the history of its application, as well as doubts which it has aroused in terms of civil rights. The American solutions make up a point of reference for the Polish regulations of the Code of Civil Procedure. A dogmatic analysis of Article 248 § 1 of the Code offers a broad platform for discussions about its compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, as well as, noted legal loopholes in the law of civil procedure, in connection with the protection of classified information. The author underlines the fact that, after the regime transformation in Poland, the right to information gained the status of a public subjective right, but it had a very little impact on the shape of the civil process. He points to the implications of the fact that Polish legislators departed from the principle of objective truth in the process, for the sake of the principle of formal truth, commonly accepted in Western legal culture
Legal pluralisms
“Legal pluralism” may denote various things in very various contexts. Its popularity in
contemporary socio-legal debate sometimes additionally impedes the accurate understanding.publishedVersio
Scales as a Symbol of Metaphysical Judgement – from Misterium Tremendum to Misterium Fascinosum. The Analysis of Selected Works of Netherlandish Masters of Painting
The aim of this article is to analyze the motif of scales in Netherlandish art from the 15th to the 17th century. The motif of scales was present in art from earliest times, but its role and function differed in various historical epochs – antique, the middle ages, and the modern age. The core part of the article is devoted to the symbolic relationship between scales and different aspects of justice. The first painting taken into consideration is Rogier van der Weyden’s Last Judgment (approx. 1445 to 1450), and the last one – Jan Vermeer’s Woman Holding a Balance (approx. 1662-1663). The article attempts to answer some crucial questions. What were the meanings attributed to scales during the two centuries examined? How did these meanings evolve, and was the interpretation of the symbol influenced by the ethos characteristic for particular periods and geographical spaces, as well as transient fashions, religious and political changes? The article presents paintings selected during the query into Netherlandish art, along with a discussion on their content and information about their creators. It analyzes the symbol of scales in the context of images created by the masters of Netherlandish painting and offers a synthesis of the observed changes in the perception of scales as a symbol during the period discussed
Wojna z terroryzmem a filozofia prawa. Uwagi na marginesie wydarzeń po 11 września 2001 r.
The article examines to what extend existing philosophy of law and especially natural law doctrine may be applied in the discourse on legitimization of a state fighting terrorism. Since the 9-11 attacks issues of extraordinary threats to public safety occur regularly in scientific discussions among ethics, sociologists, political scientists, security experts. This topic has also became visible in legal science, even in its most unworldly discipline which is philosophy of law. The article is intended to present general tendencies in legal discussions after 9-11 with special reference to aristotelic-tomistic tradition of understanding the notions of common good, the aim of a state and of law.The article examines to what extend existing philosophy of law and especially natural law doctrine may be applied in the discourse on legitimization of a state fighting terrorism. Since the 9-11 attacks issues of extraordinary threats to public safety occur regularly in scientific discussions among ethics, sociologists, political scientists, security experts. This topic has also became visible in legal science, even in its most unworldly discipline which is philosophy of law. The article is intended to present general tendencies in legal discussions after 9-11 with special reference to aristotelic-tomistic tradition of understanding the notions of common good, the aim of a state and of law
Freedom of Assembly in the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Limits of its Restraints in the Context of the Experiences of the Republic of Poland and the United States of America
The aim of the study is to illustrate the problem of freedom of assembly during the COVID-19 pandemic against the background of the experiences of the Republic of Poland and the United States of America. This freedom is provided for in the constitutions of both states, which implies that public authorities are obliged to implement it also in COVID-19 conditions. Hence, the question arises as to whether, and if so to what extent, public authorities in Poland and the United States (countries belonging to the United Nations and obliged to consider the standards of human rights protection resulting from international law) applied solutions realising freedom of assembly in the conditions of COVID-19. The authors try to determine the extent of the impact of legal measures applied by public authorities in both countries on the realisation of freedom of assembly and the public reaction produced by these measures. The choice of such a context for assessment was justified by differences in the legal culture of the countries being compared, the structure of the state, and the approach of both the public authorities and the society to freedom of assembly.Aleksandra Syryt - [email protected]ław Przywora - [email protected] Dobrzeniecki - [email protected] Syryt – PhD, habilitatus, Assistant Professor in law at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland. She is a Member of Croatian-Polish Scientifi c Network and Central European Professors’ Network. She is a lecturer at the National School of Public Administration in Poland. Her research focuses on the fi eld of constitutional law.Bogusław Przywora – University Professor, Head of the Department of Constitutional and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law and Economics, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, Poland. Head of the Legal Studies Laboratory. Holder of the Minister of Education and Science Award in 2021 in the category for signifi cant achievements in scientific activities.Karol Dobrzeniecki – University Professor at the Department of Theory of Law and State, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland. Member of the Digitization Council to the Minister of Digitization from 2016 to 2018. Arbitrator of the Court of Arbitration for Internet Domains at the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications in Warsaw.Aleksandra Syryt: Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, PolandBogusław Przywora: Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, PolandKarol Dobrzeniecki: Nicolaus Copernicus University, PolandAbu El-Haj T., Defining peaceably. Policing the line between constitutionally protected protest and unlawful assembly, ‘Missouri Law Review’ 2015, vol. 80.Abu El-Haj T., The neglected right of assembly, ‘University of California Law Review’ 2009, vol. 56.Balicki R. and Jabłoński M. (eds.), Wolność zgromadzeń, Wrocław 2018.Banaszak B., Komentarz do art. 92, (in:) Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Komentarz. Wyd. 2, Warsaw 2012.Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej RPO: https://bip.brpo.gov.pl/pl/content/koronawirus-rpo-do-wsacalkowity-zakaz-zgromadzen-niekonstytucyjny.Blackman J., The Irrepressible Myth of Jacobson v. Massachusetts (17 August 2021),’Buffalo Law Review’ 2021, vol. 70, no. 113, https://ssrn.com/abstract=3906452.Checklist United Nations Human Rights. Office of the High Commissioner – FoAA during public health emergencies: https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/FAssociation/Checklist.pdf.Czarny P. and Naleziński B., Wolność zgromadzeń, Warsaw 1998.de Silva Santistéban F. and Wysokinska A., La liberté de réunion à l’épreuve de la Constitution, ‘Le Petit Juriste’ 3.03.2014, https://www.lepetitjuriste.fr/la-liberte-de-reunion-a-lepreuve-de-la-constitution/.Dobrzeniecki K., Prawo wobec sytuacji nadzwyczajnej. Między legalizmem a koniecznością, Toruń 2018.Dobrzeniecki K. and Przywora B. (eds.), Ograniczenie praw i wolności w okresie pandemii COVID-19 na tle porównawczym. Pierwsze doświadczenia, Warsaw 2021.Dobrzeniecki K. and Przywora B., Legal basis for introducing restrictions on human rights and freedoms during the first wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic, ‘Review of European and Comparative Law’ 2021, no. 46 (3).du Vall K. and Tomasiewicz M., Zdrowie publiczne jako przesłanka ograniczenia działalności gospodarczej w świetle Konstytucji RP, (in:) J. Glumińska-Pawlic and B. Przywora (eds.), Swoboda
działalności gospodarczej. Próba oceny polskich regulacji prawych, Warsaw 2021.Duffy-Meunier A. and Perroud Th ., La liberté de manifestation dans l’espace public en droit comparé, ‘Thinking about Federalism(s)’ 2017, no. 17, ‘Jus Politicum’.Eichler J. and Sonkar S., Challenging absolute executive powers in times of corona: re-examining constitutional courts and the collective right to public contestation as instruments of institutional control, ‘Review of economics & political science’ 2021, vol. 6, no. 1.El-Haj T., Defining peaceably. Policing the line between constitutionally protected protest and unlawful assembly, ‘Missouri Law Review’ 2015, vol. 80.Florczak-Wątor M., Komentarz do art. 57, (in:) P. Tuleja (ed.), Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Komentarz, wyd. II, LEX/el. 2021.Florczak-Wątor M., Niekonstytucyjność ograniczeń praw i wolności jednostki wprowadzonych w związku z epidemią COVID-19 jako przesłanka odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej
państwa, ‘Państwo i Prawo’ 2020, no. 12.GOV.PL https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/podstawa-prawna.Gutierrez P., Wolność zgromadzeń w ujęciu porównawczym na tle orzeczenia Sądu Najwyższego Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki: United States v. Grace z 1983 r., (in:) M. Jabłoński (ed.), Identyfikacja granic wolności i praw jednostki. Prawnoporównawcza analiza tożsamego przypadku pod kątem praktyki stosowania prawa amerykańskiego i polskiego, Wrocław 2016.Hudson Jr. D.L., COVID-19 Emergency Measures And The First Amendment, (in:) TheFire.ORG: https://www.thefi re.org/first-amendment-library/special-collections/COVID-19-emergencymeasures-and-the-first-amendment/.Hudson Jr. D.L., Freedom of Assembly Overview, 29.10.2002 (in:) Freedom Forum Institute: https://www.freedomforuminstitute.org/first-amendment-center/topics/freedom-of-assembly/freedom-of-assembly-overview/.Inazu J. and Neuborne B., Right to Assemble and Petition. Common Interpretation, (in:) Interactive Constitution: https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/interpretation/amendment-i/interps/267.Informacja o działalności Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich w roku 2020, https://bip.brpo.gov.pl/sites/default/files/Informacja_RPO_za_2020.pdf.Jaskiernia J. and Spryszak K. (eds.), System ochrony praw człowieka w Europie w czasie wyzwań pandemicznych, Toruń 2022.Kalinowska M. and Syryt A., Ograniczenia praw i wolności w okresie pandemii COVID-19 w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki, (in:) K. Dobrzeniecki and B. Przywora (eds.), Ograniczenie praw
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Philosophy of Law in the Arctic
This is rather the first book with a title Philosophy of Law in the Arctic in the literature. This philosophy of law is a very wide and cross-disciplinary area of research: between law, philosophy, anthropology, history, cultural ecology or environmental studies. I have no doubts that we have done such kind of philosophy in the academia so far, not using this term, but keeping up with the concept, the idea.
The book is a result of research conducted by many members of the Sub-group of Philosophy of Law in the Arctic (the University of the Arctic). This team seems a very interdisciplinary academic group. Our cooperation bears fruit.
The aim of the book is to define and systematise Arctic legal philosophy problems. In this book, there are five thematic parts. Each part consists of two-five short articles (we can call them also chapters or papers). These are the sixteen short articles all together. Each article consists of between six and fourteen pages. So going further, what we see in the book then is, in fact, a set of both theoretical and practical papers. The topics of these papers (chapters) are different as the authors are different while representing a wide-ranging scope of academic disciplines or specialisations. Each paper is followed by a relevant bibliography, which might be helpful for other scholars interested in the field. The seventeen writers come from such countries as Finland (4), Norway (1), Canada (3), Poland (3), Japan (2), Austria (1), Ireland (1), and England (2). Some of them have Arctic indigenous roots (3). In the end of the book, there is a very original attachment - the map of Arctic Canada.https://digitalcommons.schulichlaw.dal.ca/faculty_books/1052/thumbnail.jp
Pluralizm prawny. Tradycja, transformacje, wyzwania, 510 s.
Książka poświęcone tradycji, współczesności i prognozowanej przyszłości zjawiska pluralizmu prawnego. Fenomen ten został w ukazany z różnych punktów
widzenia - towarzyszących mu prądów ideowych, uwarunkowań politycznych, ekonomicznych, a także zmieniającego się technicznego
otoczenia życia społeczeństw, szczególnie nowych systemów masowej, horyzontalnej i wertykalnej komunikacji
„Według własnego uznania, dla dobra publicznego, poza nakazami prawa…” Ślady Lockeańskiej koncepcji prerogatywy w kulturze politycznej USA
The article refers to the class of situations in which abandoning the principle of legalism occurred in connection with the threat to the basic interests of a society and a state. The political history of the United States provides numerous examples of this kind of events. During international armed conflicts involving the US, civil wars or revolutions, the political leaders of this modern constitutional state have often decided to breach the law in order to overcome the danger threatening „the life of the nation”. One of the explanations for this state of affairs was the fact that the constitution of 1787, as distinguished from many other contemporary national constitutions, did not contain detailed solutions for the times of crisis. The activity of American presidents in the area of national security was grounded on expanding interpretations of their competences defined in the Basic Law. One of the theoretical grounds for president’s emergency power doctrine was the theory of prerogative elaborated by John Locke in the late 17th century. The article seeks to provide answer to the following paradox. Why did Locke, despite his involvement in developing the idea of the rule of law, also accept exercising extralegal prerogative powers in cases of emergency? The English philosopher defined the prerogative as „the power to act according to discretion, for the public good, without the prescription of the law, and sometimes even against it”. The idea of extralegal powers has become a recurring motif in the history of the United States’ liberal political culture. Proponents of this vision were convicted that uncertainty, contingency and an unforeseen cases are an inherent features of social and political life, which in many cases elude legal regulation. Recently, the renaissance of Locke’s theory of prerogative has taken place in connection with the war on terrorism, in form of an extralegal measures doctrine