104 research outputs found

    Evaluating the COVID-19 Pandemic Responses

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    When will the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia End?

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    On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization(WHO) declared 2019-nCOV to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), due to the significant increase in confirmed new cases in various countries.1 In Indonesia, the first confirmed COVID-19 case was a female who had a closed contact with the 24th confirmed case in Malaysia and the second case was the mother of the first case.2 As time goes by, the number of new cases has increased significantly, reaching 160.165 confirmed cases with 6,944 deaths by August 27, 2020.3 The time when the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia will end is not known, although some studies are attempting to predict this such as in articles, journals, newspapers, and other media

    Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Solar Radiation Exposure and COVID-19 Cases in Jakarta 2020

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    To date, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is still a threat to public health systems around the world. As of July 25, 2021, the numbers were still increasing in most countries, and the total confirmed cases reached 194,582,750 with 4,171,672 deaths (CFR 2.1%). In Indonesia, 3,166,505 cases were reported with 83,279 deaths (CFR 2.7%) in all provinces and dominated by cases from Jakarta. Therefore, this study aimed to find a correlation and the duration of solar radiation exposure spatially on the pattern of COVID-19 cases. An ecological design was used based on time and place with the integration of geographic information systems and statistical techniques. The correlation test results between solar radiation exposure and COVID-19 cases in Jakarta showed a significant relationship (p = 0.000) with a strong closeness and positive pattern (r = 0.666). Furthermore, the spatial map overlaying solar radiation exposure and COVID-19 cases showed urban villages with high radiation tend to increase in cases earlier than areas with moderate and low. The differences in geographical and temporal conditions are a concern for the Provincial Health Office. This can be a consideration in strengthening more specific prevention and control programs according to the risk level and characteristics of each region

    Hygiene and Sanitation Challenge for COVID-19 Prevention in Indonesia

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    The case of Covid-19 in Indonesia continues to increase, transmitted directly and indirectly. Hygiene and sanitation approaches are needed for prevention. the purpose of this review is to review how the transmission COVID-19, the challenges of Indonesia, and the policy of COVID-19 prevention with hygiene and sanitation approaches. The results show Indonesia's challenges namely urban area density, air pollution, and smokers, low hand washing habits, low access to clean water and drinking water, open defecation behavior, limited personal protective equipment. COVID-19 control policy with the hygiene sanitation approach is carried out with 4 factors namely personal protect equipment, health education, personal hygiene, and sanitation

    The Correlation Between Eating Utensils and Place of Sales in the Contamination of Escherichia Coli in Food Sold at Campus Food Stalls

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    Up to now, in general, the safety of food that is sold at any canteens in the campuses, the eating utensils are handled and the food stalls are managed are still uncertain. This research was aimed to understand the correlation between the eating utensils handling and the contamination of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in the food sold by the food vendors in the campus. The cross-sectional design research applied on the food stalls in the university campus in Depok with a total number of 173 consumers as respondents. The variables observed as independent variables were the sanitation of the eating utensils and the sanitation of the dining place. The examination method of the Most Probable Number (MPN) for E. coli was conducted to assess the food’s hygiene. The data analyzed using the chi-square test and followed by the logistic regression. The result showed that more than half of the food samples (59.54%) were contaminated by E. coli. The storage place of the eating utensils was most significantly correlated with the E. coli contamination of the served food with an OR=0.45 (0.21-0.87). Therefore, it is necessary to promote the awareness of this risk and reinforce supervision by the Health Authorities and by the management of the place of sales to provide guidance to the food vendors and to the consumers as well. Further research is recommended to observe the E. coli contamination through clean water, eating utensils, the hands of the consumers and the napkins used to wipe dry the eating utensils

    Pajanan NO2 Bulan Pertama dan Kedua Kehamilan terhadap Bayi dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah

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    Pajanan pencemar udara selama kehamilan berhubungan dengan bayi berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR). Untuk menghubungkan konsentrasi NO2 dalam udara ambien, telah dilakukan studi ekologi di Jakarta. Konsentrasi NO2 didapat dari data monitoring BPLHD DKI Jakarta 2009 – 2011, sedangkan kasus-kasus bayi BBLR diperoleh dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Data dianalisis dengan Anova, uji korelasi, dan regresi linier dan berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi NO2 dalam bulan pertama dan kedua kehamilan berhubungan bermakna dengan BBLR (masing-masing dengan R = 0,464, nilai p = 0,0001 dan R = 0,243, nilai p = 0,013). Regresi linier berganda menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi NO2 dapat meramalkan 25% kasus BBLR (R = 0,5; R2 = 0,25; nilai p = 0,0001). Variabel yang paling memengaruhi BBLR adalah pajanan terhadap NO2 pada bulan pertama gestasi (B = 259). Disimpulkan, pajanan NO2 pada bulan pertama dan kedua kehamilan dan tempat wilayah tinggal berhubungan dengan BBLR, dengan pajanan NO2 pada bulan pertama kehamilan merupakan faktor utama BBLR.It has been known that exposure to air pollutant during pregnancy was associated with low birth weight. To correlate NO2 concentration in ambient air with baby with low birth weight (LBW), an ecological study has been carried in Jakarta. NO2 concentration was obtained from 2009 – 2011 monitoring data (Jakarta BPLHD), while low birth weight data were obtained from Jakarta Provincial Health Office. Anova, correlation, linear and multiple linear regressions were employed to analyze NO2 concentration with LBW. It showed that NO2 concentrations during first and second month of pregnancy were significantly correlated with the LBW (R = 0.464, p value = 0.0001 and R = 0.243, p value = 0.013). Multiple linear regression showed that the concentration of NO2 in the first and second month of pregnancy can predict 25% of LBW cases (R = 0.5, R2 = 0.25; p value = 0.0001). The most influence variable on LBW is exposure to NO2 in the first month of gestation (B = 259). It is concluded that exposure to NO2 in the first and second month of pregnancy and city of residence correlated with the LBW, with NO2 exposure in the first month of pregnancy was the most influencing factor of the LBW

    Faktor Dominan yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Malaria di Perdesaan

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    Malaria outbreak in the period of 1998-2003 was occurred in 15 province including 84 endemic villages with number of cases of 27 000 and deaths of 368. Big cattles such as cow, horse and buffalo have been known as cattle barrier for malaria, while others have not been investigated yet. The objective of this research was to know the dominant factor related to cattle which influenced malaria in village area. The secondary data from ‘Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2007” had been used in this research with total population of 618593 who lived in village area and was analyzed using logistic regression test. Cattle as independent variable was divided into four categories, they were poultry (chicken, bird, and duck), big cattle (cow, horse and buffalo), medium cattle (pig, sheep, and goat), and small cattle (cat, dog, and rabbit). The most dominant factor for protection of malaria was medium cattle (pig, sheep, and, goat) as protective with Odds Ratio of 0.52 (0.50-0.54). The other cattle had Odds Ratios less than 2, although they had p value < 0.05. The medium cattle was the dominant factor influenced malaria in village area, while others did not have effect

    Measuring E. Coli on Ketoprak and Gado-gado Sold at Campus University of Indonesia, Depok

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    Escherichia coli&nbsp;(E. coli) bacteria was measured from ketoprak and gado-gado which sold in food retailer in the area of University of&nbsp;Indonesia. The research was conducted to know the level of contamination of E. coli bacteria in two type of food that&nbsp;easily find in the food retailer in the area of the University of Indonesia. The Total Plate Count (TPC) method was&nbsp;applied to measure the level of the E. coli bacteria from each type of the food, which are gado-gado and ketoprak, from&nbsp;local registered cafeteria in each faculty, stationary and not stationary, using carriage or moveable unregistered food&nbsp;retailer around the University. The measurement was performed for the plate, spun and the sanitation water used by the&nbsp;retailers. Questioners were also used to collect information about the knowledge and practice, in related to the personal&nbsp;and environmental hygiene, along with observation to the observe the way the retailer to prepare, make and serve the&nbsp;food to the customers, and also to clean and store the utensils. The seventyfour retailers around the University were&nbsp;surveyed and observed. The result showed that the educational level of the respondents quite high, they were mostly&nbsp;graduated from Senior high school, sanitation facility were poor, the food server mostly had little knowledge and&nbsp;practice on healthy and good sanitation, since preparation to serving the food to the costumers and also clean the&nbsp;utensils. E. coli bacteria found above the healthy level from almost to the food retailer around the University, it found&nbsp;from the food, the utensils such as plates and spun, and also in the water used for cleaning the utensils. The research&nbsp;suggests a periodic microbiology monitoring for foods and drinks sale in the campus, to assure the quality of food that&nbsp;served for the civitas accademica for maintaining health. Is also need to develop a good sanitation facility used by the&nbsp;food retailers in the campus

    Personal Hygiene and Sanitation in Cafeterias at University X in Depok, Indonesia

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    The study aimed to identify personal hygiene and sanitation practices among 99 food handlers working in the cafeterias at University X. This was a cross-sectional study. The research was conducted between April and July 2016 in a university in Depok, Indonesia. There are 16 cafeterias at the university. Purposive sampling methodsapplied. The population of this research was the food handlers in the university’s cafeterias. The laboratory test that detected the number of worm eggs/gram in participants’ feces was applied to determine the worm infection. Information on the participants’ personal hygiene and the sanitation of the cafeteria facilities was collected through interviews and observation. The results showed that four participants had intestinal parasitic worm infections.A personal hygiene assessment found that 83% of participants did not have appropriatehygiene, and95% of the cafeterias had inadequate sanitation of faclities. Certification, medical checkups for food handlers, and regular training insafe food handling practices should be considered. Keywords: Worm, intestinal parasite, feces, personal hygiene, sanitatio