39 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Teknik Kultur in Vitro Untuk Konservasi Plasma Nutfah Ubi-ubian

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    Except for potato, sweet potato, taro, yam, andcassava, most of tuber crops are considered as underutilizedcrops. However, tuber crops are potential as alternativecarbohydrate sources, so they can be used as food reservesto face global climate change that affects food security incertain area throughout the world, including Indonesia.Having high diversity in tuber crops germplasm, Indonesiamust be able to conserve those germplasm to ensure theiravailability in the future. In the future, without ignoring allthe probable constraints, the prospect in utilization of in vitroculture technique will be higher for improvement ofconservation and management of genetic resources in theform of active and base collections. In this paper, strategy indeveloping in vitro collection of tuber crops germplasm, i.e.slow growth technique for medium term storage andcryopreservation technique for long term storage, isdiscussed including how to analyze genetic stability of thecollections. Several national and International researchcenters dealing with research and development of in vitroconservation technique are presented

    Kultur Antera untuk Mendukung Program Pemuliaan Tanaman Padi

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    The Objectives of rice breeding program in Indonesia is to obtain high yielding varieties, tolerant, resistant to abiotic and biotic stress and appropriate to planting system in specific area. To accelerate the obtainment of the varieties, a combination of conventional and no conventional breeding method can be used. One alternative procedure is anther culture. Doubled haploid lines can be obtained through cholchicine treatment or rattooning of haploid plants. Plants with high heterozygositas (F1 or F2) can be used as anther source to obtain genetic variability of doubled haploid plants. High degree of homozigousity can be obtained at the first (DHO) generation of doubled haploid plants, less than on year. Evaluation of agronomic characters follows m DHI and DH2 generations. Compared to conventional methods, the use of anther culture in rice breeding program has several advantages including efficiency of selection process, reduction of cost, time and labor. Effort to optimize anther culture method and its rize in rice breeding program in Indonesia is discussed

    Role of Polyamines in Inhibition of Ethylene Biosynthesis and Their Effects on Rice Anther Culture Development

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    The polyamines such as putrescine, spermidine, and spermine were reported to increase green plant regeneration in rice anther culture. Low response of anther culture of rice sub-species indica may be improved with the addition of putrescine in the culture media. Four experiments were conducted to study the role of polyamines in inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis and their effects on rice anther culture development. Anthers of two subspecies of rice, indica (IR64, Krowal, Jatiluhur) and japonica (Taipei 309) were cultured onto media supplemented with putrescine (N6P) and without putrescine (N6). Youngpanicles containing the anthers at mid-to-late nucleate microspores were cold pretreated at 5 + 2°C and incubated in the dark for 8 days before the anthers were cultured. Resultsshowed that medium without putrescine produced an earlier senescence of indica rice anther than that of japonica. The addition of 10-3 M putrescine into the culture media inhibited ethylene biosynthesis as anther senescence delayed, increased the three polyamines contents, and decreased the ACC content as well as ACC oxydase activity in anther-derived calli. In the anther and anther-derived calli of subspecies indica, the totalpolyamines content was lower (10.14 nM g-1 anther and 8.48 nM g-1 calli) than that of subspecies japonica (12.61 nM g-1 anther and 10.16 nM g-1 calli), whereas the ethylene production was higher (32.31 nM g-1 anther and 2.48 nM g-1 calli) than the japonica (31.68 nM g-1 anther and 1.76 nM g-1 calli). This study suggests that application of 10-3 M putrescine in anther culture of rice subspecies indica improves androgenesis by inhibitingearly senescence of cultured anthers and enhancing embryo or callus formation from microspores

    Kultur Antera Untuk Percepatan Perakitan Varietas Padi Di Indonesia

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    Rice is a staplefood crop in Indonesia, while the need is increasing due tohigh rice consumption as well as population increase. Theproblems can be solved through increase of national riceproduction. Productivity of lowland and upland should beincreased intensively and other potential dry area outsideJava and Bali Islands should be considered for extending thearea of production. Recently, high yielding variety such assemi dwarf variety, hybrid rice, and new plant type of ricewere being developed by Indonesian breeders. However,new method is needed to complement conventionalbreeding method in order to accelerate rice breeding.Anther culture is one of in vitro culture techniques that canbe used to accelerate the obtainment of pure lines throughdoubled-haploids (DHs) regenerated at first generation ofculture for less than one year. Thus, application of antherculture in conventional breeding will increase the efficiencyof selection process as well as reducing the cost for labour,land and breeder's time. The obtainment of green plantletsderived from anther culture of indica rice subspecies hasbeen improved by the addition of 1 mM putrescine intoinduction and regeneration media. Recently, several uplandrice lines tolerant to abiotic stresses (i.e. low light intensityand aluminum toxicity) and biotic stresses (i.e. leaf andneck blast), several lowland rice/paddy lines tolerant tobiotic stresses (i.e. bacterial leaf blight and blast), andseveral hybrid parental lines (i.e. male sterile, maintainerand restorer) were obtained in 2-3 years from several ricebreeding program involving anther culture. However,potential use anther culture to provide unique geneticmaterial for mapping populations for use in functionalgenomics and molecular breeding has not been explored.The results indicated that anther culture is a feasibletechnology that can be used for accelerating rice breedingprogram in Indonesia

    Characterization of Doubled Haploid Derived From Anther Culture for New Type Upland Rice

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    Anther culture is one of tissue culture methods which can be applied to plant breeding programs in order to accelerate the process of obtaining pure lines. The successful development of rice varieties is highly dependent on genetic diversity and desirable traits. To obtain the genetic variability of doubled haploid lines through anther culture techniques, anther F1 or F2 were used as explants sources. The objectives of the study were to select and characterize doubled haploid lines of upland rice having the characters of new plant type, and to study the genetic variability and agronomic characters of tested doubled haploid lines. A total of 58 doubled haploid lines, and four parental lines i.e. Fatmawati, SGJT-28, SGJT-36, and Way Rarem were used in this study. The experiment used completely randomized design with three replications. Results showed that the characters of the doubled haploid lines vary considerably. Selection of the character i.e. number of productive tillers, number of fi lled grain per panicle, and percentage of empty grain was more effective to be selected because they were well correlated to weight of grain per hill, possessed high heritability values, and have wide genetic variability. Based on productive tillers number, number of fi lled grains per panicle, fertility, weight of 1,000 grains, and weight of grains per hill, the lines of P3-26, P3-27, P3-28, P4-45, P5-50, P6-103, P6-105, P3-120, P3-134, P3-135, P3-150, P3-158, P3-248, P3-249, P6-271, P6-272, P6-274, P6-276, and P6-295 were potential for further selection for new type of upland rice