427 research outputs found

    CC Bootis: QSO, Not Variable Halo Giant

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    The poorly-studied, faint (18<m_pg<19.5) variable star CC Bootis has been noted in the literature as a candidate for a halo red giant. It proves instead to be a quasi-stellar object of redshift z=0.172, and is detected as an X-ray source by ROSAT. In addition to its odd heritage, CC Boo exhibits unusually high amplitude optical variability for an optically-selected QSO.Comment: 6 pages including 1 table and 2 figures; Accepted for publication in Pub. Astr. Soc. Pacific, Vol 109, June 199

    Complex Velocity Fields in the Shell of T Pyxidis

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    We present spatially-resolved, moderate-resolution spectrophotometry of the recurrent nova T Pyx and a portion of the surrounding shell. The spectrum extracted from a strip of width 10'' centered on the star shows well-known, strong emission lines typical of old novae, plus a prominent, unfamiliar emission line at 6590 Angstroms. This line, and a weaker companion at 6540 Angstroms which we also detect, have been previously reported by Shahbaz et al., and attributed to Doppler-shifted H alpha emission from a collimated jet emerging from T Pyx. We demonstrate that these lines are instead due to [NII] 6548, 6584 from a complex velocity field in the surrounding nebula. The comments of past workers concerning the great strength of HeII 4686 in T Pyx itself are also reiterated.Comment: 8 pages including 2 figures; Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    An Ultraviolet-Excess Optical Candidate for the Luminous Globular Cluster X-ray Source in NGC1851

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    The intense, bursting X-ray source in the globular cluster NGC 1851 was one of the first cluster sources discovered, but has remained optically unidentified for 25 years. We report here on results from Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 multicolor images in NGC 1851. Our high spatial resolution images resolve ~200 objects in the 3'' radius Einstein X-ray error circle, 40 times as many as in previous ground-based work. A color-magnitude diagram of the cluster clearly reveals a markedly UV-excess object with B~21, (U-B) ~ -0.9 only 2'' from the X-ray position. The UV-excess candidate is 0.12'' distant from a second, unremarkable star that is 0.5 mag brighter in B; thus ground-based studies of this field are probably impractical. Three other UV-excess objects are also present among the ~16,000 objects in the surveyed region of the cluster, leaving a ~5% probability that a UV-excess object has fallen in the X-ray error circle by chance. No variability of the candidate is seen in these data, although a more complete study is required. If this object is in fact the counterpart of the X-ray source, previous inferences that some globular cluster X-ray sources are optically subluminous with respect to low-mass X-ray binaries in the field are now strengthened.Comment: 13 pages including 1 table and 3 figures in AASTeX 4.0; To appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, volume 472 (1996 December 1). Preprint with full-resolution figures available at http://www.astro.washington.edu/deutsch/pubs/pubs.htm

    Empirical Uncertainty Estimators for Astrometry from Digital Databases

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    In order to understand the positional uncertainties of arbitrary objects in several of the current major databases containing astrometric information, a sample of extragalactic radio sources with precise positions in the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) is compared with the available positions of their optical counterparts. The discrepancies between the radio and various optical positions are used to derive empirical uncertainty estimators for the USNO-A2.0, USNO-A1.0, Guide Star Selection System (GSSS) images, and the first and second Digitized Sky Surveys (DSS-I and DSS-II). In addition, an estimate of the uncertainty when the USNO-A2.0 catalog is transferred to different image data is provided. These optical astrometric frame uncertainties can in some cases be the dominant error term when cross-identifying sources at different wavelengths.Comment: 12 pages including 2 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, October 1999. Values in Table 1 for DSS I corrected 99-07-1

    Time-Resolved Ultraviolet Observations of the Globular Cluster X-ray Source in NGC 6624: The Shortest Known Period Binary System

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    Using the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we have obtained the first time-resolved spectra of the King et al. ultraviolet-bright counterpart to the 11-minute binary X-ray source in the core of the globular cluster NGC 6624. This object cannot be readily observed in the visible, even from HST, due to a much brighter star superposed <0.1'' distant. Our FOS data show a highly statistically significant UV flux modulation with a period of 11.46+-0.04 min, very similar to the 685 sec period of the known X-ray modulation, definitively confirming the association between the King et al. UV counterpart and the intense X-ray source. The UV amplitude is very large compared with the observed X-ray oscillations: X-ray variations are generally reported as 2-3% peak-to-peak, whereas our data show an amplitude of about 16% in the 126-251 nm range. A model for the system by Arons & King predicts periodic UV fluctuations in this shortest-known period binary system, due to the cyclically changing aspect of the X-ray heated face of the secondary star (perhaps a very low mass helium degenerate). However, prior to our observations, this predicted modulation has not been detected. Employing the Arons & King formalism, which invokes a number of different physical assumptions, we infer a system orbital inclination 35deg<i<50 deg. Amongst the three best-studied UV/optical counterparts to the intense globular cluster X-ray sources, two are now thought to consist of exotic double-degenerate ultrashort period binary systems.Comment: 10 pages including 2 figures in Latex (AASTeX 4.0). Accepted for publication in vol. 482 (1997 June 10 issue) of The Astrophysical Journal (Letters

    A Search for the Optical Counterpart of the Luminous X-ray Source in NGC 6652

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    We examine images of the field of X1832-330, the luminous (Lx ~ 10^36 erg/s) X-ray burst source near the center of the globular cluster NGC 6652, in order to identify the optical counterpart for further study. U and B ground-based images allow us to set a limit M_B > 3.5 for the counterpart at the time of those observations, provided that the color is (U-B)_0 ~ -1, similar to the sources known in other clusters. Archival Hubble Space Telescope observations survey most but not all of the 1 sigma X-ray error circle, and allow us to set limits M_B > 5.9 and M_B > 5.2 in the WF/PC and WFPC2 regions, respectively. In the WF/PC images we do weakly detect a faint object with UV-excess, but it is located 11.7'' from the ROSAT X-ray position. This considerable (2.3 sigma) discrepancy in position suggests that this candidate be treated with caution, but it remains the only reasonable one advanced thus far. We measure for this star m_439 = 20.2 +- 0.2, (m_336 - m_439) = -0.5 +- 0.2, and estimate M_B = 5.5, (U-B)_0 = -0.9, similar to other known optical counterparts. If this candidate is not the identification, our limits imply that the true counterpart, not yet identified, is probably the optically-faintest cluster source yet known, or alternatively that it did not show significant UV excess at the time of these observations. Finally, we assess the outlook for the identification of the remaining luminous globular cluster X-ray sources.Comment: 15 pages including 5 figures and no tables. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal; to appear in Volume 116, September 1998. A preprint with full resolution figures may be downloaded from http://www.astro.washington.edu/deutsch/pubs

    Innate immune receptor NOD2 mediates LGR5+ intestinal stem cell protection against ROS cytotoxicity via mitophagy stimulation

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    International audienceThe nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 2 (NOD2) agonist muramyl dipeptide (MDP), a peptidoglycan motif common to all bacteria, supports leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 5 (LGR5)+ intestinal stem cell (ISC) survival through NOD2 activation upon an otherwise lethal oxidative stress-mediated signal. However, the underlying protective mechanisms remain unknown. Here, using irradiation as stressor and primarily murine-derived intestinal organoids as a model system, we show that MDP induced a significant reduction of total and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) within ISCs, which was associated with mitophagy induction. ATG16L1 knockout (KO) and NOD2 KO organoids did not benefit from the MDP-induced cytoprotection. We confirmed the MDP-dependent induction of ISC mitophagy upon stress in vivo. These findings elucidate the NOD2-mediated mechanism of cytoprotection involving the clearance of the lethal excess of ROS molecules through mitophagy, triggered by the coordinated activation of NOD2 and ATG16L1 by a nuclear factor ÎşB (NF-ÎşB)-independent pathway

    The Meinunger "Nicht Rote" Objects

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    Four high-latitude slow variable stars have been noted by Meinunger (1972) as "nicht rote" ("not red") objects and thus curious. We have previously reported (Margon & Deutsch 1997) that one of these objects, CC Boo, is in fact a QSO. Here we present observations demonstrating that the remaining three are also highly variable active galactic nuclei. The most interesting object of the four is perhaps S 10765 (= NGP9 F324-0276706), which proves to be a resolved galaxy at z=0.063. Despite the rapid and large reported variability amplitude (~1.6 mag), the spectrum is that of a perfectly normal galaxy, with no emission lines or evident nonthermal continuum. We also present new spectroscopic and photometric observations for AR CVn, suggested by Meinunger to be an RR Lyrae star despite its very faint magnitude (=19.4). The object is indeed one of the most distant RR Lyrae stars known, at a galactocentric distance of ~40 kpc.Comment: Accepted for publication in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 111, January 1999; 14 pages including 4 figures and 1 tabl

    Ultracompact X-ray Binaries in Globular Clusters: Variability of the Optical Counterpart of X1832-330 in NGC 6652

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    Evidence is emerging that the luminous X-ray sources in the cores of globular clusters may often consist of, or perhaps even as a class be dominated by, ultracompact (P < 1 hr) binary stars. To the two such systems already known, in NGC 6624 and NGC 6712, we now add evidence for two more. We detect large amplitude variability in the candidate optical counterpart for the X-ray source in the core of NGC 6652. Although the available observations are relatively brief, the existing Hubble Space Telescope data indicate a strong 43.6 min periodic modulation of the visible flux of semi-amplitude 30%. Further, although the orbital period of the source in NGC 1851 is not yet explicitly measured, we demonstrate that previous correlations of optical luminosity with X-ray luminosity and accretion disk size, strengthened by recent data, strongly imply that the period of that system is also less than 1 hr. Thus currently there is evidence that 4 of the 7 globular cluster X-ray sources with constrained periods are ultracompact, a fraction far greater than that found in X-ray binaries the field.Comment: 10 pages including 2 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter
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